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Mercedes Avon

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Everything posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. I do feel sad about your hack. Your community is great - the players that is. I own a lot of your products and I have supported your businesses through my businesses for years. I own your buoys and have paid out tens of thousands of lindens to your fishers over the years I used them. I do sincerely hope the culprit is caught and your database is secure, and it never happens again. With that said, I have been IM'ing you for over a week. You answered the first one by passing me a notecard talking about your hack and in which you compared your hacking to the attack on Pearl Harbor. My expensive pole does not work. Some poles do not work at all, and I do not know if it is due to the hacking and some stuff still left over from that or from a paid name change. And I can not get you to answer my IMs and speak to me about it, so we can get it sorted. I was told by your CSR that maybe the paid name change broke it. It worked for months after I changed names (yes, I lost my rank/stats but I was ok with that), but suddenly doesn't work at all. I was sent a blog post stating I may need to pay you to fix it. I can not even get you to answer, so I know where or when to pay this fee to get it fixed. You ignore me. I do not IM you from this account, because this is my business account - one of a few I have. If you privately IM me here, I can give you the name of the avie with the issue, and you can do one of many things. 1 - you can super ban me from your lands because I made you mad which is your right. 2 - Ignore me in this message and do nothing because you think all is well, and I believe I am making things up. 3 - Message me privately, get more info and investigate a potential issue you may not have been fully aware of.
  2. If that is truth, I am sorry that happened to you. You do seem to have a lot of blackmailers and hackers which is concerning. Why do you think you attract those types? What about the other things I mentioned?
  3. I read over this and a lot of things came immediately to mind. First, I think what you need to focus on is the SL businesses you currently run. You need to shore up those before you can truly be a boom to other people. You should work on your database so your users, who have afforded you quite a successful SL endeavor, are not getting ripped off. Furthermore, you should stop writing walls of text in the forum and answer the notecards and IMs from your users who are unhappy that their very expensive products do not function anymore. You should spend time putting a disclaimer on your Marketplace listings and your vendors in-world warning new users that your product is outdated and may not function properly in conjunction with some of Linden Lab's new features like paid last names. Your database was hacked back in November, correct? You should ensure that doesn't happen again and develop a planned backup that doesn't leave your user's accounts empty of all the lindens they deposited into your buoys and earned on their poles through your fishing game - which you kept while claiming you had no way of knowing how many lindens belonged to whom. You should learn to be more humble and not liken the hack you had (which I am sorry to hear happened to you and your users) to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. I found that super offensive, and I am sure other people did too. I looked over your social media accounts you've recently been heavily promoting. What I saw was a man who spends a lot of time looking down female avie's shirts, taking pictures of their under cleavage and filming their butts and posting it like it's funny. It's not. A quick google search of your SL name and your SL business brings up not so good things. I am sure you will see this as bullying. I see it as constructive criticism. What you are promoting here sounds lovely on paper, and I am sure you could learn a few good things from other creative minds and people, but I am not sure that you would take anything and learn from it, because you see all critique as attacks and do not value other people's time, money, opinions or their support through the purchase and use of your products.
  4. Maybe this is still so. I am curious now and will have to test it with some friends or an alt.
  5. I wanted to go back to the name change thing. I just realized that changing your name would never work because if the person was ever on your friend list, they will still have your calling card even if you unfriended them. They can then see your new name from that card so changing it would be pointless.
  6. Years ago, when I was new I had a situation much like the OP describes. I was certain then that this man had a HUD or some device to track me with. It turned out he had a female alt he friended me with. I had no idea this person was him and that is how he knew when I was online and often where I was. This man harassing the OP sounds like a jerk and I wouldn't take anything a jerk says as gospel.
  7. I would probably do a rebake, and say thanks for the advice. If they kept on after that, I would mute and continue on my way much like you did.
  8. I am releasing this OL stilt. It is partially on land and partially over water. You can use a smaller boat. It's on a wide waterway with a decent view and someone may like it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Palmetto Shores/57/217/26
  9. Yes, they are still selling all their products, both on the Marketplace and in-world. No. They are not warning anyone. It is still for sale. I am sorry I didn't make this clear. I was trying not to have a laser focus on this one creator but determine if this was a grid wide issues I should be concerned about. With that said, I do hear what you are saying. I am a creator and have been for a decade. Do you know how daunting it was to take my entire store and turn it into appliers for every mesh body on the grid? I also owned a skin store and had to do the same. It is a lot of work. I get it. 100%. I almost quit many times back then. However, if I wanted to stay relevant and still continue to sell I had to roll with the new normal. And when mesh was released, that was the beginning of the end for me because, at the time, I did not know how to mesh. Can you imagine if we still had prim and sculpt sofas, beds and the like? These stores had to learn to build with third party and sometimes expensive software or go out of business. I closed up shop and blamed no one and accepted that times were changing. It took me years to learn to mesh and come back around to creating again. Linden Lab shouldn't hold back advancements, so I can still make money off their service with my outdated products.
  10. If a new mesh body comes out on the scene, I do not ask creators to update my clothing to work with it. The clothing I have doesn't stop functioning. The new mesh body is not a LL release and creators do not have to support the product of other creators. And I am not a scripter. So let me ask this of those who may know? Why would a product break if it is using scripts with my username versus my UUID? Wouldn't it recognize my new name as a new account and work from there? And if that is not the case, like Paul said, couldn't this creator just pass me a new copy? Linden Lab gives users an avenue to create and make income. I am having a hard time pointing a finger at Linden Lab for improving their product or for giving their user base something they have demanded for years. If you are going to feed off the success of Second Life, using their service as an avenue to make yourself income, then be prepared to make adjustments as the platform evolves, because if it doesn't evolve, it will die out and then no one will be making income off it.
  11. I can't say for sure because I just had a discussion in another thread about name changes. Some might ask for a UUID to track and some may ask for the username. And when you say tracker, do you mean an online tracker?
  12. When I put it on, it appeared in the button left-hand corner of my screen. Is it possible it went off-screen for you? Maybe try wearing it, and then right click on it in your inventory and choosing edit to see where it is on your screen. You may have to pull it back into view. If after that you can then see it, touch something in Fancy Decor you want to buy and it will appear on your card and a button will show saying "Buy Now" or something like that. Press that and viola! I hope this helps! Have fun shopping!
  13. This exactly! I haven't seen anyone come to this thread with an example of a product that doesn't function for them anymore since their name change. That was what I was most concerned about. Thankfully, this does not seem like a grid wide issues for almost everyone who has bought a last name. That tells me a what I wanted to know. And of course, no creator has to do anything. They can charge left and right for every little thing if they want to, and it's their right. They can make their own rules and I can take or leave them. In this situation I choose to leave them.
  14. Haha! It is ok. I have moved on and decided not to pay to fix it and go enjoy myself somewhere else 🙂 Thanks for trying to help!
  15. The product is no transfer and no-copy. I am not sure that I want to say publicly what the product is because it would be pretty easy to figure out then who I was talking about. I did not really want to name or shame. I wanted to know if this was a common issue with other server hosted products before deciding whether I would pay for the update or not.
  16. If last names was breaking things all across the grid I would agree, but I am not seeing that and that is why I came in here to inquire on other's experiences. I didn't want to have a knee-jerk reaction without asking around. I do see why creators would be frustrated. Likewise, I have been frustrated myself over the years. I get it and I sympathize on that level. However, the last name thing was something that was told to the SL public for a long time before it was released. Creators had plenty of time to update their products to work with the avie's unique UUID and prepare for the new normal. To continue to charge 14,000L for something they know will break the second someone buys a last name is bad business.
  17. Has anyone who paid LL for the premium name change have issues with products, redeliveries, games, server accts, breedables etc. after the paid name change? When the paid last names were released, I paid to give my alt a proper last name (who I use socially while I use this acct primarily to work). It was seamless it seemed. I had not had any issues until this week when something I bought stopped working (and it was expensive). I contacted the creator who sent me to their CSR who then sent me back to the creator after sending me a blog post stating that I had to pay the creator $1,000 to 2,000L (depending on how busy he was) to restore use to my product which likely failed due to my name change. The fee is for the time and effort it takes for him to update my account on their server etc. I am now wondering if I will regret the last name choice (which was not cheap either).
  18. Pure luck, yes. And that looks like a superb spot. Good luck on your house hunt!
  19. Yay! Thank you! I was able to buy JUST the fireplace at their in-world store. 8LI and 200L. Thank you 🙂
  20. I just did a contemporary home on my parcel (off of Belli) and I love this. I need to pick your brain and ask you where you found the kitchen and fireplace. I like them both a lot!
  21. I went over and took a peeked. I think the stilts along the edge of the log area are dreamy. The location of those stilts are my liking. That area is very pretty.
  22. I think that view is lovely!
  23. My close friend has a newly rolled house on the edge of where they are putting in new sims. She is going to be disappointed, but I suppose we all should realize new sims would emerge. Now I am wondering if I am safe where I am or if I will log in to new neighbors. I am on Fiddle Cay.
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