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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. if you are like me and dont happen to have a LM to Moss and Mink handy, here is an slurl to get you to the store: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moss n Mink/195/130/28
  2. hey folks, lets not pick on Phil. He is not a Belli resident and actually started this thread so that he could learn how to be compliant with Belli rules. I have trouble seeing his point of view cuz I dont see the need for security systems in Belli. But there are people who feel the need for them, and Phil was trying to be belli-compliant or he wouldnt have started this thread. We dont want to put a bad taste in his mouth and make him feel less motivated to be belli compliant.
  3. @Innula .. can you set up two? one that trips if the person accidentally steps into the parcel and one that only activates if the person actually enters the house? That would provide an interesting statistic
  4. The picture makes it look like the orange tabby is keeping an eye on the black cat, ready to scratch him (or is it her?) into submission if s/he gets out of line. btw, which one is Ziggy and which is Rex? (My RL dog is named Rex and he seems to get along well with cats.)
  5. Oh is is a playful thread. Sales from my hair store help offset the cost of the extra premium accounts. But it *really* is hard to get down below 4. I am sure that if finances forced me, I could make the cut. But without anyth8ing actually pressing me, that is hard to do.
  6. Here we are 6 months later and I never reached my goal of 2 homes. In fact I had gotten back up to 6 and just recently got myself back down to 4. In all fairness, a new release (Ranches) came out, so that made it harder. My new goal is to try not to go above 4.
  7. Matthieu raises a good point. I dont know if this is true for sakura, but for newbrooke it seems that substantially more than half of the "desirable" water bordering locations are 512s. I had a 512 newbrooke by the lake surrounding the community center for over a year because of the nice location, but finally gave it up because the house was too sparsely decorated for my tastes... a person is very limited on what they can decorate with the smaller LI allowance of a 512 home.
  8. I still find it a bit confusing why many people feel the need for security orbs. I have never once used a security orb in any of my linden homes and I have only had problems maybe three or four times ever. In those few instances, I just banned the offender manually.
  9. I am not at all surprised that the Chalets are not doing well. There are a few really nice spots but your "average" spot is kinda mundane. That also holds for the Newbrooke. But I am surprised that they Sakura did not appeal to more people as they have lots of water and stunningly beautiful landscaping.
  10. I went to Muniick to get their 60L washer and dryer, and discovered they are having a 60% off sale through Aug 13. I ended up buying way more than just the washer and dryer at these great prices http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port Lux/123/63/3401
  11. oh, did not know that. The goal was to get the word out about an easy way to understand the avatar. I dont normally post on this forum, I mostly post on the land ones.
  12. I wanted to update the link, because I have since published another blog (this one on the female senra avatar Jamie). Since it is no longer the first article in the blog, here is a direct link to that article: https://lastditch.typepad.com/belli_parade_of_homes/2023/08/how-to-be-inspired-without-actually-copying.html
  13. I wrote a blog with a simplified "how to" for the new female Senra avatar. Normally I blog landscaping and furnishings, focusing on Bellisseria. But I wanted to document a simple how-to on the new mesh avatars while they are still brand new. I thought I would share the link here... I hope you enjoy or find it useful.... https://lastditch.typepad.com/belli_parade_of_homes/2023/08/unraveling-the-senra-jamie-female-avatar.html
  14. PoH Decorator Tips for 07.01.23 – How To Be Inspired https://tinyurl.com/BPoHomes This article talks about how to get inspired by someone’s interior design and use their basic layout. It explains how to add your own style and flair to make a unique build that is not a copy of the one that inspired you.
  15. No wonder you loose things (but that is good for us because if we help you find it, you give us goodies)
  16. I am not so sure about that. Some of my friends had upped more than one account to try and roll a house they liked. I believe a lot of other people did that as well. Now the "month" is drawing to a close on those temporary Premium Plus accounts. I suspect that they will be choosing their favorite spot and giving up their other nice locations to downgrade thosetemporary PP alts. I suspect a few spots will come up each day over then next few days. So keep checking the LP.
  17. Do you always talk about yourself in third person? is that a mole thing or a mini thing?? All kidding aside, nice of you to make trading cards for us to find. Thank you.
  18. At this very moment, the ranch homes are all taken and there are not any on the Land Page. However, it would not surprise me if LL were to release some more Ranches in the not-distant future. When that happens, you may want to try to nab one. In my case back on July 7 (before submitting a ticket to request a specific house was allowed) I rolled my first ranch. By my 5th roll of the day I had landed a keeper that I expect to be in for a long time to come. A lot of the ranch homes are nice and it is not hard to roll something worth keeping.
  19. Great video and I got inspired by his livingroom setup and used the layout to design my own livingroom. However as of late this morning, please ignore the Utube comment that says "If you want to visit this house to check out the decor or premium plus area, my friend Isabelle has opened it up for a few weeks :)" and gives an SLURL. It was there this morning but the demo house was cleared, abandoned and has a new owner a of 11 AM SLT today. I discovered this when I logged on in the front yard as I had been there last night taking a picture when I logged off. Thank you again to Isabrelle who opened her ranch home as a demo for all to visit and to Bsoul who made the video and to Persephone Emerald who posted it on the forum and made us aware of it. As far a I know the utube video will continue to be available for a long time and only the inworld build has gone away.
  20. I have a new blog... in addition to Parade of Homes review, I also have been invited to write for a blog named gatherandnestSL. Here is my first article.. hope you like it: Taking A Look at Ranch Homes – Gather & Nest (gatherandnestsl.com) (and for those who like old fashioned direct address links, that equate to: https://gatherandnestsl.com/2023/07/taking-a-look-at-ranch-homes/ )
  21. Actually there are some landlords that will allow you to deed your 2048 premium plus allowance to their rental land group and get a larger prim allowance. A friend of mine owns a store with that arrangement.. she gets more LI allowance for her rental than she would get with a 2048 mainland parcel. So no, it is not limited to mainland and/or Bellisseria. You can use your 2048 allowance however you want. But as far as I can tell, the only options are 1) bellisseria 2048 lot, 2) mainland 2048 lot, 3) combination of bellisseria and mainland to add up to 2048 sqM, 4) deedling land to a group.
  22. in my opinion, you will either pay rent to a landlord or you will pay tier to LL.. land is not free no matter what you do, unless you are lucky enough to have a friend who owns (or rents) land and invites you to live with them. Which is better? well that depends on what you want with your place, and how much you trust your landlord (if you are a renter). Some landlords have been around for ages and you can pretty much feel safe that if you rent from them, your rental will be there for you long-term without changes to the rental agreement. There is one type of home I will always prefer to rent over owning... that is a campsite (or cabin) in the mountains of a large multi-acre scenic park (such as Mount Campion national forest). This is a place that allows me to hike along scenic trails for region after region and feel like I am in a beautiful RL national forest, but with no danger of forest fires. There are many scenic nature and nautical builds around that offer nice rentals. I could never afford to have that much SL land to build my own. The one I rent at (Mount Campion) is so beautifully decorated. National parks is just one example of special huge builds where you can rent your own little piece of Heaven. For that type of location, I think Renting is always preferable to owning. Then there is Bellisseria. In my opinion, even though LL calls it "Owning" a linden home, I think of it as "Renting." Why? because 1) you can only own it as long as you pay a monthly or annual fee to LL, 2) you dont actually buy the property, you randomly select it from available lots, 3) you can leave it easily at any time and select another lot. Also, there is a covenant which, while mildly restrictive, protects the look of the area. And the Bellisseria continent is HUGE, giving you the ability to roam for really long walks/rides though neighborhoods of whichever theme you have chosen. I have more than one Belli Home and love them. Then there is actually owning your own SL property. It can be a parcel on Mainland or it can be your own private region. It is not free of course. You have to purchase the initial property and then pay monthly Tier on it. But it is yours. You can use it however you want (as long as you don't violate SL TOS) -- and no one take tell you what to do or take it away from you. You dont have to worry that the Landlord will go out of business. Payments are done with RL money so you dont have to worry about purchasing Lindens to pay your tier, and they are set up to happen automatically so you dont even have to think about it. You can be absent for a couple of months and be assured that (as long as the automatic payments continue) it will be there for you just the way you left it. I own a parcel along the beautiful Sea of Fables in Sansara. I totally love the location and dont see myself moving anytime this century. I like owning it outright so that I can depend on it being there long term. So to answer your question about about "which is better? Renting or owning" I would have to say that it depends on what you want with that property. Sometimes renting is better and sometimes owning is better.
  23. in case you had trouble finding it (like I did) here is the group link: secondlife:///app/group/d584cda4-e074-af58-a4a2-184088b2f57d/about
  24. you dont have to use any of your rolls before you can use the conscierge service to request a specific location. The rolls are totally independent of that. However, they do restrict the number of times you can request a location per month. I think it is only once per month that you can land a residence that way, but I am not sure of the exact number. Generally when I request a place, I plan to stay there for a long time so I never really paid attention to the limit on requests.
  25. I tripped cross and bought most of the items in the bedroom set long before this sale. I always get complements on the bed when people visit my house. It is a very pretty set. I did not buy the dressing screen. Since that is on sale now for 1/2 off I will go grab it.
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