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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. When you block teleporting to your land, it blocks other people, not the land owner. Today is a "restart" day, where several regions are restarted by LL. Perhaps your access issues are related to that and not to the land setting. Try again in a little while.
  2. actually it is very simply. As a premium member, you get a 1024 land allowance that you can use on mainland if you dont get a bellisseria home. You were paying $7.00 USD, which is the price for an additional 1024 sqM parcel.. giving you an allowance of 2048 sqM. If you change your monthly fee to $22, then instead of 1024 sqM paid land, you now get 4096 sqM land that you have paid for plus the additional 1024 sqM you get as a Premium member (assuming you did not claim a belli home). That means that for $22 you get 4096+1024 or 5120 SqM of mainland you can buy. To summarize.. pay $7.00 a month and you get 2048 sqM mainland allowance. Pay $22 a month and you get 5120 sqM mainland allowance. However, here is the catch. If you raise your tier to $22, you are now paying for the 5120 land allowance whether you use it or NOT. In other words, if you keep using only 2048 sqM, you are still gonna be charged the $22 monthly fee in addition to your premium fee. The fee is not based on how much land you actually use, but how how much land you are paying for permission to use.
  3. your mainland place is lovely fay. Laurel took me over to see it before you did this post. I love the way you have landscaped it.
  4. I believe one of the keystones of Bellisseria is that it is non-commercial and that people cannot buy/sell anything (including the homes themselves) from Bellisseria based locations.
  5. And this type of thing (eyesores ruining nearby nice builds) is why a lot of people don't like mainland and prefer Bellisseria or private regions. There are no rules to prevent this from happening and some people either are unaware of how their "build" effects neighbors or just dont care.
  6. LL is a business. They create SL not just for our pleasure, but also to pay the bills. That means that some things in it cannot be free. Land used to cost a lot more than it does now, but other things (like buying Lindens) were a LOT less expensive. When the price of one thing goes down, the price of something else must go up. Personally I dont think I want to see them lower the tier structure cuz other things I depend on will get more expensive to compensate.
  7. I think this is the link Abnor meant to give: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BelliHub/123/230/22
  8. Finally! a new Parade of Homes article for you!! this one is about giving your belli home a makeover so that it feels like a new place to live/enjoy. PoH Decorator Tips for 05.19.2023 – Give Your House a “Makeover” Part 1 https://lastditch.typepad.com/belli_parade_of_homes/
  9. yes but with area search you an do so in a few keystrokes.. search for all objects "owned by" and select all once found, then blacklist all the selected ones.
  10. I have land on Sansara near sea of fables. I havent seen much by way of newly abandoned land over there.
  11. 1. Check your inventory->objects and your lost and found after a relog to see if they showed up there. Sometimes nolopy items magically return to inventory. 2. Contact the seller of the breedables and see if they can restore the lost items for you. I know kittycats can be restored cuz they keep a database... so maybe your breedables can be as well.
  12. Thanks for the info on Kazza ByTheSea sale. I bought 13 pieces that I had not gotten during the individual sales... Buying them was much easier than unpacking them and getting the unpacked product into the correct inventory folders so that I will be able to actually use them when I need them. ATM I have 4 unpacked and 9 more to go... gonna be busy on this for about another hour or so.
  13. Not bothering folks flying above your property for the 10 or 15 seconds as they continue on their route is another way to end (or should I say never start) drama. There is more than 1 way to avoid drama here You can take your option -- it is afterall your land and your decision. But I prefer my approach for my property.
  14. I am kind of the opposite. My mainland is open for anyone to visit and i dont mind guests at all. I dont use orbs or banlines on mainland... That being said, I have only had offensive people 5 or 6 times in the past 15 years. When I get one, I just eject and ban. Most people in sl are nice. Most pilots that happen to fly over my place are not at all interested in looking around or trying to find if I am dressed or not.... mostly they are just trying to get from point A to point B and dont really notice me or my landscaping/furnishings.
  15. I would probably use something like this if it were not expensive. However I doubt I would be willing to pay $L 2000 or more
  16. I am pretty sure that wont happen. Patch has stated clearly that any given account can only have 1 linden home .... I dont see that changing
  17. if the group owns the land, LL doesnt care how the sqM allowance is donated to group. Both of you can donate half of what the group uses and LL is happy. SL wont let you donate more than you are allowed and SL doesnt really care how you spend your tier allowance - your own land, group land, waste it and leave it unused. I use multiple premium alts to pay for my group owned land and have done so for a long time
  18. This TM Creation plant arrangement is quite nice. I needed to fill a larger area and so I unlinked and duplicated a few of the plants and it turned out nice. When I linked them all, it was only 10 LI and almost twice as large of an area.
  19. @Elora Lunasea Awww I am disappointed you did not like my asian bench from Seaside. It was the first piece of furniture I ever made.
  20. As far as I can tell, the new coastline is all homesteads, so I doubt any linden homes will be placed on them.
  21. I think that BelliDemo is brilliant -- it is so nice to have a place we can send people when they want to know what a given theme looks like. About a week or so ago, a new premium account owner moved into the oldstyle linden home instead of Belli. That was because she had only seen the Trads, and found them too small. For her viewer, the camera angle frequent moved outside of the house and she saw the exterior walls while trying to move around the house's interior. She found it unusable for her needs. So she assumed all Belli homes were like that and did not want to live in Bellisseria. I invited her over to see my Newbrooke, which worked fine for her camera angle. So she ended up trading in her Meadowbrooke (sp?) for a Newbrooke and moving to Bellisseria. If this place had existed last week, she could have used it to find the belli house style that was "perfect" for her. A lot of people are going to find this demo area very useful. I would not be surprised if we see some new premium account holders from these demos. Well Done, Abnor Mole and Linden Lab!
  22. well with a little persistance, you can land one. I know that people do abandon them near daily or at least every 2 or 3 days, but they are also nabbed quickly. So your best bet is to check back often.. multiple times per day.
  23. As far as I know, the DJs are (and have been) allowed to put out tip jars at community centers, but not at parties held at private residences.
  24. I was wondering if you could please help a friend of mine. She had a tragic RL thing happen to her family that will keep her from working on her store for a while. She makes some really cute stuff at reasonable prices, like this 2 or 4 LI bench with cute animations for only 185L. (2 LI without the floral garland, 4 with it). She was struggling to get her store off the ground and profitable.. but with this RL setback she wont be able to work on it for a while. Could you please come take a look at her shop and see if there is anything you like... and if so, buy it. Thanks much! her shop is: The Mustard Seed http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wakeley/168/115/2101
  25. Thanks for letting us know about this deal. A word to those planning to purchase it.. I originally could not find it by the landing area and using area search found it deep in the store for 250$L. But there is a 25 LT stand by the entry that was very slow rezzing in for me. I finally found it and got it for the 25L price.
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