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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Have your own store with your own name, landing, and music next to St. Paul's Cathedral, in the SL Destinations Picks. $150/150 prims. Teleport to St. Paul's.  Self-join group, so no waiting for absentee landlord while you set up your vendors. Store ad included in the price of rent -- you get change description powers in the group after you pay and contact manager, so you can write your own ad and put in landing. Refund any time for small cancellation fee. General content only, please. Also available here is a church yard for $300/300 prims -- use as store or home on ground or sky. Teleport to Grace Church Yard IM Prokofy Neva
  2.  Here's a great bed & breakfast room on Hector Lake with teleporter attached to Post's skybox with Bazar's Toronto bedroom and other nice pieces from the latest events. $150/100 prims Teleport to B&B  You get 100 prims of your own to decorate and management prims do not count. Or you can ask to have them removed for $25 and have the box set to $200/150. You have your own private room and the use of the bottom floor of the house to relax with friends. Then you teleport to a locked skybox. Boating and chill spaces on the lake.  Here's another B&B in beach style which has a lot of nice touches -- table with beers from around the world, and sharks you can pose on. Hang out on the dock and use the living room and grounds as well. Pets welcome.   Then teleport upstairs to a sky box with more cool features.  $100/50 prims. Teleport to Hite B&B. Self-join group, refund any time. You get ban, media, change description etc. powers in the group. IM Prokofy Neva
  3. Yikes, this gatcha rare from dust bunny is a whopping 258 prims!! But now you can live in it and not have those prims count, and have 200 prims of your own to add for furniture or an additional skybox. Teleport to Hector Lake  If you don't want this house but want to live on the lakeside, you can ask to remove it for a $25 fee and place your own in theme (rustic, cabin, tent, etc). IM Prokofy Neva. You can also ask to reset the box to $350/250 prims. Also on Hector lake is a camp for $100/100 prims. Teleport to Hector Camp    Also another little camp for $50/50 Teleport to Hector Camp  You need an SL Vacation! 4 weeks advance for 10% discount Self-join group, refund any time. You get ban, deed media, terraform, change parcel description as group powers. Pets, skyboxes welcome.
  4. These are great! Here's Soy's Abandoned Warehouse. RENTED  Teleport to Hector $650/500 prims The buildings takes up 173 prims, leaving you with 327. Here's Soy's Minimal Needs House RENTED   Teleport to Hector $550/400 prims - you have 282 for your use as the house takes up 118. You can ask to have the houses removed and place your own if you prefer and pay at the same rate for more prims. This area also has some camping spots for $50/50 or $100/100 -- great place for a little vaction! Then there's Soy's Sea Shanty RARE in the Lakeside gatcha: RENTED   Two locations with this house. Teleport to Carlisle Then finally there's hive's shack gatcha RARE - $200/125 prims for your use.  This is in the Old World sim of Mocha right next to the famous Mocha Cathedral. Teleport to Mocha Here is Soy's Shanty Boat in Mocha - $150/100 prims, mgt prims don't count.  Teleport to Mocha Also for a one-time fee of $25 you can ask to add anything from a shoutcast radio to more tables, beds, bars, hot tubs etc. prims allowing.
  5. No, but I know tenants who are aggressively obdurate and ignorant who pretend that their ignorance of Firestorm isn't the issue but somebody's rental land or procedure is. Imagine! I think publicity is always the best weapon in our closed society but unfortunately not on the forums!
  6. Amazing that you got that suggestion through to execution via the JIRA. Something for the annals of SL history! And great boon to those of us around the Great Wall.
  7. Linden Lab does not get involved in user-to-user transactions or disputes, read the TOS. There used to be escrow services in the land market in SL but they all seem to have gone out of business, the risk is high. You might find some large rentals agent who would perform this service for you. Basically, if you don't have the cash to buy the land you won't have the cash to pay the tier month after month so don't buy it. There are plenty of nice sailing places in SL without being right in the Blake Sea.
  8. That simply isn't true. Try putting out 50 rentomatics or 50 horses on your sim and you may find a difference in performance that has nothing to do with "the work put on our machines."
  9. Anyone who would like to IM me inworld about this issue and these claims is welcome to do so. One of the biggest forms o f lag on rental sims is a very popular rentomatic that uses up a lot of script power. And another very common cause of lag is the obsession of some tenants with counting prims with scripts which adds to lag -- because their landlords can be ferocious about kicking them and their prims if they go even one over. Get rid of this obsession and these scripts and you will have a lot less lag.
  10. Hi, I have hotel rooms for $50/50 prims at multiple locations; I also have camp sites for $50/50 or $100/100, I also have a few skyboxes on sale for that amount. Check out my latest listings at my office linked below or IM me inworld.
  11. Linden Lab will not get involved in user disputes or user-to-user commercial transactions, which is a plus in that it gives us a semi-free market and a minus as you have to do a lot of caveat-emptor sort of homework. I am very seasoned in this obviously as a rentals agent but even I have gotten burned on purchases sometimes due to clever tricks. I always take off "volume" on any land for sale as people can use various sculpties or other things to make it look like you are purchasing "land" that is prettier than it really is, or "land" that is water. I also turn on property owners view to see if the seller has put little "donuts" into the property that shows they've retained ownership, which they may then try to extort me to buy or put up an ad or something ugly until I beg to buy. And so on. So basically the "we need" part is not something that can be (or should be) delivered by Linden Lab and it could only be delivered by a free media and open real estate registration and consumer review web site that some third party would have to operate.
  12. I have studied this issue for 12 years intensively and never found a happy answer. If Linden Lab would manufacture (or offer) a computer designed explicitly to play SL well, I (and many others) would buy it, even if it cost more. I wish they'd do this. Currently, the way it works, the people who make Second Life have their own hand-built rigs with parts from New Egg and such and they endlessly tweak and adapt and don't realize what it is like for us norms to try to find some machine that can play SL. The average computer available at Best Buy simply can't play SL. This, despite the fact that there are blazing game rigs that play things like Final Fantasy or WoW beautifully. But as anyone who spends any time at all on this subject rapidly discovers, blazing game rigs are irrelevant to the problems of playing dynamically updating SL across different servers with user generated content. When my latest computer crashed really finally after only about 2.5 years of use (that's how long they usually last) I studied this issue extensively. I ended up buying a $399 HP and then grafting on to it a more expensive NVidea GeForce GTX 970 ($325). I selected this card because it had the last amount of complaints on forums and because certain very opinionated and talkative forums' regs claimed this card worked at least a year ago. Nothing works perfectly and this isn't even the best solution *but it was what was available at Best Buy". I live in NYC which ought to be the world capital for computer purchases but after very long experience with all the various outlets I have found that none of them have the computers or even the graphic cards off the shelf, only Best Buy has a relatively cheap maintenance program with their "Geek Squad" and no, I'm not going to get a hand-built ever again, that just doesn't work for all kinds of reasons unless you yourself are a computer programmer and a technician. What was involved? Well, first I had to turn over the cheapie HP and expenso graphics card to the Geek Squad to graft it in. But after several days they then told me I needed a different power supply and fan or otherwise it wouldn't work and would burn out. So there goes another $60 for that. Then I picked it up, brought it home, and it didn't work. There were cable problems (buy another one for $20), switch problems who knows. More tweaking and a lost week, then I got it home again. I was forced to accept Windows 10 which comes put on it by force, there is no other choice unless you pay money. Fortunately, SL more or less works better with Windows 10 now. To no one's surprise, SL crashed constantly. Yes, I updated the drivers. I finally found a YouTube that also showed how to set the drivers for max performance, maybe not recommended but finally SL worked. To be sure, this expensive (for me and most people) card is last year's card, and not the ne plus ultra that the New Egg crowd would order, but here we all are. SL more or less works, crashing perhaps once per hour.
  13. In one sense, anyone who is living on the Mainland is living in a commune whether they want to or not! This can be...interesting. There are some very old communities in Second Life of furries and elves and Gor that have had these collective experiments for years. But you have to fit into the lifestyle/belief system and not everyone wants that level of RP. I know there's a hippie commune or two of some sort but I'm not sure how rigid it is, despite claims of hippie-ness. There was an educational community called Chilbo that worked well for awhile but I'm not sure it exists anymore. One thing that is very hard to do is get people to keep contributing tier month after month in a group. This almost always ends in tears. That's my experience. One person shoulders the load despite it being "a commune." I guess it's like many things in life, if people don't already come together on their own naturally for a shared purpose, it's hard to make them come together. So you know all that and I would have to say -- try to start something and see who shows up.
  14. Next you'll be telling me that it's a choice to believe in a deity or not. That's not a choice, it's anuncontrolled perception. It's how you see and believe. I have no faith but I believe in things. This is how totalitarianism gets started, claiming a monopoly on the truth and claiming that matters that really are choices in fact are "scientifically" not at all. Fortunately, few -- even furries -- are going to join a campaign to get LL to force BDMS sims to allow furries on to them. Or any combination of any type of avatar.
  15. Linden Lab is a private company and is not bound by laws on discrimination of certain types that a government entity might have to comply with. Anti-discrimination as a civil right and civic value doesn't trump freedom of speech and freedom of association. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also promotes the concept that you can't use one right to cancel out another. Rights exist in a balance for that reason and that's why courts adjudicate tem. As for your demand to "point to RL law" -- here it is. Hopefully, you can reason by analogy. No, furries are not a protected class and there isn't any law protecting classes. There is equal rights, but equal rights doesn't trump everything, including other exercises of the First Amendment. US Supreme Court precedent cases back up the idea that private clubs get to decide whom they want to have in their organizations -- it's called "freedom of association" which is a civil right enshrined in the constitution under the First Amendment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_Scouts_of_America_v._Dale That's why they could rule that the Boy Scouts are not required to have gays as members and could ban them. That goes against civic culture for many people but it's the law. It's another matter that through public campaigns and boycotts various groups compelled the Boy Scouts to change their policy. But they couldn't use *government coercion* to do so and *that matters*. The now theoretical (but applicable) Boy Scouts ruling doesn't mean that an employer could ban LGBT as increasingly these are viewed as equal rights issues. But that's a separate matter for having the government mandate what a club or association can do. The Lindens aren't constitutional law experts but they are techno-libertarians, so their attitude has always been that you can do what you want on your sim. And if you want to ban child avatars, furries, BDSM or anything you like, you're entitled to do so. In fact, imposing some "openness" and forcing private sim owners to do something politically correct only lessons freedom and human rights. Any category of persons banned from someone else's sim can of course buy and operate their own sim, or go to a public sandbox or other public Linden location like a welcome area. It's a world of plurality, not enforced political correctness. No court in the land will ever rule that the government should force this private company to do something -- there are precedents for that as well, such as in the 2009 case of Estavillo v. Sony, when a user sued the PS3 gaming network for expelling him on free-speech grounds. The judge said the network “does not serve a substantial portion of a municipality's functions, but rather serves solely as a forum for people to interact subject to specific contractual terms." And that's just it. You have a "contract of adhesion" as one judge described the SL TOS but so what? That's the case with most Silicon Valley social artifacts. Once you sign a TOS, you abide by it and can't expect to sue your way into changing what a private company has decided. I personally have my rentals open to any group of people -- whether furries or elves or BDSM, a "lifestyle" I personally condemn vigorously as itself a violation of human rights. That's because I think markets have to be open and as long as any one of these categories of people obey the rules of the lease and don't bother other tenants, what they do in the privacy of their home shouldn't matter. If BDSM practitioners appear with whips and chains in public commons and make others uncomfortable, however, I'd ask them to leave because they don't get to impose their "lifestyle" RP on others. I don't apply this concept of open doors to child avatars, however, for the simple reason that in 12 years of rentals, I have found the overwhelming number of cases of child avatars to be practicing "ageplay" and usually lying about it, or griefing in various ways and bothering elders. So the high coincidence of cases of trouble and the child avatar have made me explicitly ban them from some areas mainly because they drive others away. As with everything else in SL, if you don't like somebody's rules, you are free to go elsewhere and make your own.
  16. As explained, the number isn't a "tax" per se, but the reflection of the worth of the Linden dollar inworld against the real-life US dollar. But it's actually helpful to think of it as a tax going up, because that's what it is -- a loss of your revenue and currency value dictated by government policies you can't control or even find out about. The answers you are getting here are completely ridiculous, as it is insane to claim there is a free "market" in currency here, as there are in real-life countries such as the UK -- where the pound just dropped like a stone after the Brexit vote. In fact, this currency "market" is as controlled or more controlled as the Russian ruble or more like the manat in Turkmenistan, a former Soviet republic little changed from the Soviet-era (except to become more poor as it becomes gas rich). The fact is, the Lindens "print rubles" i.e. they sell Linden dollars into the market by an account called Supply Linden. They do this in fact to keep the currency rate "stable". Any currency that has "government" manipulation to that excent to keep it "the same" rate is obviously not a market responding to real signals. Except, despite the efforts to stabilize this script, it is rapidly devaluing -- in fact it is worse today than it has been in weeks, during the last round of crisis that people thought was "over" when it fell in value by 10 points, i.e. went up 10 points. It's now only possibly to sell instantly at the rate of 259 -- 11 more points than 2 months ago. Why is this happening? No one knows as Linden Lab doesn't tell us, but some speculation has centered around people with Lindens inworld cashing them out to buy an offer made some months ago called a "buy-down" of sims to be "grandfathered" and lower tier. The offer costs $600. But as I've have strenuously and repeatedly pointed out, only 1,000 or so islands were downgraded to this GF status, so that's only $600,000 US which exited SL in fact BEFORE the LindEx began to fall -- and that's only IF everyone who bought that deal used Lindens and not real dollars, which is really unlikely. There just aren't enough people taking the risk of buying down GF islands to result in this drop. And now there can't possibly be that many. It's just not a valid explanation. Another explanation is that some big island empire has failed and is cashing out millions -- billions -- of Lindens. Yet another explanation is some big content business closing, and we know a very large one that had a large stream of revenue that quit recently for reasons not explained. The actions by giant players in this tiny "market" cause big ripples and many little guys then give up or pause. Sometimes these reasons are just related to peoples' real lives. But more likely than not they are related to the fact that LL is creating Project Sansar, a different and allegedly better virtual world, separate from this one with items not transferable between them, and that creates a sense in people that this existing SL may drain out of people and content and value. And that's a reasonable assumption, as there are many precedents, such as There and The Sims Online that drained out and closed as their populations migrated to Second Life. It's human nature. No one is listening to music on Sony Walkman's today.
  17. All great ideas because security orbs are the most obnoxious things in SL. You are an avatar in a virtual world, stop being so terrified of other avatars. If you don't want anyone to see you, uncheck "avatars can see me" and be done with it. I don't allow security orbs on the ground in my rentals, only in the sky.
  18. Hi, As I noted in my original post: I plugged in the UUID of my own texture into places in the script where it seemed required, one or both. I already did what you have done. And that's why I turned to the forums -- it didn't work. The template texture I made obliterates the other textures, and they don't shine through. I did make them with the magic wand in Paint so that they have clear texture in the middle. But something is wrong.
  19. This script below was made by Foolish Frost years ago to enable you to have a one-prim only picture "frame" that then displayed pictures. So if you pop it into a prim, you will see an iron and wood template of a frame he made display on one face, and then if you put textures into the prim, you will see them display one by one. But what I can't figure out is how to replace his frame texture with my own wooden one. I plugged in the UUID of my own texture into places in the script where it seemed required, one or both. But while it pops it in, then I can't get the other textures I put in the prim to display. So something is wrong but I don't know what. **** float time = 30.0; integer DISPLAY_ON_SIDE = 5; //Change this to change where the image will be displayed integer current_texture = 0; //Current texture number in inventory being displayed (picture mode) key BLANK = "5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f"; //Blank texture - Used when there are no textures to display in Picture mode pictures() //Change mode to Picture Viewer { //Change prim to Light material while coloring face 0 black to prevent light-lag generation. vector height = llGetScale(); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,DISPLAY_ON_SIDE,PRIM_SHINY_NONE,PRIM_BUMP_NONE,PRIM_COLOR,DISPLAY_ON_SIDE,<0,0,0>,1.0,PRIM_MATERIAL,PRIM_MATERIAL_LIGHT]); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_BOX, PRIM_HOLE_SQUARE, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 0.90, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, PRIM_SIZE, <height.x, height.x * 0.020, height.x * 0.720>]); llSetColor(<0,0,0>,ALL_SIDES); llSetColor(<1,1,1>,3); llSetColor(<1,1,1>,5); llSetTexture(BLANK,ALL_SIDES); llSetTexture("3cb3fc81-b4dc-25c4-59e8-4be619d1fff6",3); llScaleTexture(1, 1, ALL_SIDES); llScaleTexture(-4.400, 1.200, DISPLAY_ON_SIDE); llOffsetTexture(0.0, 0.0, ALL_SIDES); llOffsetTexture(-0.705, 0.000, DISPLAY_ON_SIDE); //Initilize variables current_texture = 0; //Set to first texture if available integer check = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if(check > 0) display_texture(check); else { llSetObjectDesc("No pictures found."); llSetTexture(BLANK,DISPLAY_ON_SIDE); } } display_texture(integer check) //Display texture and set name in description (picture mode) { //"Check" holds the number of textures in contents. The function uses "current_texture" to display. string name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE,current_texture); //llSay(0,(string)llGetInventoryKey(name)); llSetTexture(name,DISPLAY_ON_SIDE); llSetObjectDesc("Showing picture: "+name+" ("+(string)(current_texture+1)+"/"+(string)check+")"); } next() //Change to next texture (picture mode) { //This function is used twice - by the menu and timer. Therefor, it is a dedicated function. current_texture++; integer check = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if(check == 0) { llSetTexture(BLANK,DISPLAY_ON_SIDE); current_texture = 0; llSetObjectDesc("No pictures found."); return; } if(check == current_texture) current_texture = 0; display_texture(check); return; } default { state_entry() { pictures(); llSetTimerEvent(time); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } timer() { next(); //Next picture llSetTimerEvent(time); } }
  20. Tuliptree is one of the oldest little communities in SL on the Mainland (since 2004) and it is next to some railroad fans so you can ride the Linden and resident rails. This community has Payment Information on File required -- it is the only community like this in Ravenglass Rentals for those that want to be free of day-old alts, especially personal stalkers.  The land is flat for building and sized uniformly to 512s and 1024s. But taking advantage of group land, you get more prims per parcel, so there are options of $150/150 prims to $300/$300 prims.    Use our house or bring your own. Great for newbies, but all ages accepted. Pets and skyboxes welcome. Mature sim. Self-join Group. Refund any time for $25 fee which is returned if you move to another one of our rentals. 4 weeks discount 10%. Teleport to Tuliptree
  21. That seems like a good price. You can put the dome on the land but it may not quite fit. Check the land's dimensions (use a prime board or land ruler, IM me for a free one if you can't figure it out) to see if it will fit Turnip's domes, which are large (different sizes but not sure 1024 fits). Putting a dome like that in the sky is just a kindess to your neighbours as it is kind of an eyesore otherwise. You'll also get more privacy up higher although you can always uncheck "avatars can see me" on the land menu to become invisible. 500 m or higher keeps you out of the view. Putting a house inside that dome is a nice thing. Turnip also has various add-ons you can buy separately like seasons, different skies etc and they are worth it to change up the look. Inverse has some nice ones like Puerto Rico (but that would only fit 2048 I think) but some of them are kind of high prim (on the cheaper ones). Skyboxe makers I have found to be good and low prim for what they are (some higher than you may want on a 1024) Barnesworth Anubis, Theosophy, dust bunny, Corsair, unKindness, Schultz Brothers, Stockholm & Lima Look on the Marketplace and set your price and prims
  22. I think you mean how do you find the dimensions to your plot. 4096s can have different dimensions. So you have to put down a board and measure its sides to see what you have, to see if a house will fit. If you want a free land ruler or measuring board, IM me inworld.
  23. You don't have to go to the Blake Sea to sail! The Old World Sansaria continent (yes, it was named that back in 2004!) has 7 open Linden water sims you can sale with many beautiful sights. Cub Water Club Two spaces left $850/714 prims, rare highly-terraformable land, can make hills or underwater grotto. RENTED  Teleport to Cub And... $1100/4096/937 prims waterfront and roadside RENTED  Teleport to Cub Free Tibet $300/300 prims (or ask to set to $500/400 if you want more prims) Asian home, lockable/tintable, 3 storeys, on the water. Get the use of a spa, meditation room, game room, marketplace (20 free prims to place) - and visit the monastery nearby.  Teleport to Free Tibet $600/500 (or ask to reset to $300/300) Teleport to Free Tibet Asian home, large porch over the waterfront, 2 storeys, lockable/tintable Shoutcast radio with hundreds of stations included. Pets welcome, put in a skybox or we can put in one for you if you like. Also check out Sutherland Dam Basin $900/700 prims waterfront in unique dam basin - outlet to several dozen Linden sea sims, fascinating Linden builds. Check out the Sutherland Dam Club!  Teleport to Sutherland Dam 
  24. Medhue, I understand where your deep, dark suspicions are coming from, but it doesn't make sense for Linden Lab to be behind this. Yes, we know they have Supply Linden. But Supply Linden does not make much cash dollars from selling Lindens, as far as we've been told about this system in the past (maybe it has changed). Supply Linden either simply writes ("prints") new Linden dollars into the system to be sold, in order to keep the LindEx stable, and takes in those dollar payments OR he deletes X amount out of the money supply and sells them -- we don't know which. Is all selling conversion to dollars? Or is some of it burning? We just don't know. For Linden to try to make real cash off these printed sales doesn't make sense precisely because it devalues their own currency too far, and then prevents cashouts or starts runs on the bank. Neither of these is in LL's interest. What they have made from the LindEx they tell us is barely enough to cover its costs -- remember it's a system that needs constantly maintenance, adjusting, and monitoring for fraud and money-laundering. @polysail You don't know any more than anyone else what the cause is. Perhaps its those who used to speculate having to stop but then, that was never some huge number of people anyway. The round trip in fees is such that the margins are small and few people with any significant amount of money would want to make it *this way*. There's never been any sizeable number of people "playing the LindEx" because it's risky and not rewarding. You'd be better off playing the ruble. To be sure, there might be some wannabees who get a thrill out of crashing the currency of a "country" but then they've got their own currency to get out too, you know? I'm also singularly unimpressed with your airy notion that you can just jack your Caspervendor up 10-15% to cover "whatever" and not worry. Content creators can do that. Land and home rentals agents cannot do that. It's a big rise when people already are in a buyer's market where many agents are making offerings below their tier costs just to get something in the door. It's not a solution for everyone and to take the attitude that you'll fix it for yourself and others be screwed ultimately will harm you, too. There is no "natural" level for the LindEx. It is an artificial machine created as a prop to a fantasy world, to make people feel as if they have a thousand dollars in their hand. Real dollar prices have never been an option for a lot of reasons. The real market (free exchange of GOM and other currency exchanges outside of SL that are now killed off) long ago set the rate of $4.00 to 1000 Lindens, which has fallen to $3.80 or even $3.70 for many years. This idea that it was "once" something lower and therefore "that's ok now" is false because it has never, ever dropped THIS FAST in the history of SL. What's more likely than one conscious evil source behind the wire at the Lab, or one conscious evil source in world is a cascade of different factors. Only the Lindens can make a reasonable assessments of this, unfortunately. So they need to be asked to explain this and be transparent. They need to put in measures to stop it, whether it's shutting down supply Linden, making the deadline for the end of the buydown come sooner, halting Linden denominated auctions, whatever it is that they need to do. But act they must. The idea that it is the buydown, for the 10th time, makes no sense. We're told Tyche has estimated 1000 buydown sims now grandfathered. That's $600,000 US in fees that supposedly "came out of inworld hording". I don't believe that's possible in so many cases, knowing the actuality of the land business. And even if true, that would have then happened ALREADY and had its effect ALREADY, which would be frankly not such a big deal -- $600,000 is large, but not a killer. What we had yesterday was $1.2 million US dollars trying to leave -- I'm afraid to look today. That's no buydown, that's a stampede of small businesses or maybe even a few giant ones. Again, we don't know. And instead of speculating and blaming categories of residents for doing this wittingly or unwittingly, we need to demand that the one power that knows and can act -- Linden Lab - do something.
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