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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Would you stop idly making plans for OTHER PEOPLE'S SIMS? Ask them to put the railroad through YOUR rentals, please. We already had "above the road." It was a hideous blight on the view and the builder refused to move it despite me giving/renting him land on Slosser for another branch of his RR. Awful. I can't find a picture of it now, but it was damned stupid. How many of you in this thread own more than 512 or 4096 of land? Raise your hand. How many of you *support railroads actually on your land*, raise your hand.
  2. Enough room if my land is seized, right. You're just incredible.
  3. Yeah, that's our sim. We were not asked about this.
  4. This map lets me know just how out of touch with reality you are -- and just how abusive you are of other people who OWN LAND in the way of your dreams. You would outrageously route a railroad over a corner of a pond "just because it needs to come through". Though people live here, they own land here, and they enjoy the pond and activities and don't need a railroad in their face. Outrageous, this planning for big socialist Soviet-style projects with other people's land. Your "former WARR" route is completely wrong. It never went on that route -- and no train ever should go on that route. It hugged the road and went along the roadside and did not come down near the pond -- it had the huge highrise above the pond on one parcel. Linden Lab SOLD this land and it is now MY LAND. Other parcels are now OTHER PEOPLE's LAND. Your plan is to reduce the size of the already-narrow cobblestone road. But real people in cars and on horses uses this road. Why should they no longer fit their vehicles? I have three tenants in Grote, one with an RV and two with cars that like to drive along this road. What, now they can't fit? I see Michael Linden -- at the screeching behest of forums-dwellers -- decided to start this project right in my face. I am drawing my own conclusions from that.
  5. Because it's not a public service? The public did not ask for it. A few train fans did. This idea that there is this vast public that loves railroads is all out of touch with reality. Or that there people just bursting to buy land next to railroads. o The Mainland is a fraction of SL -- there are something like 5,000 user sims and 5,000 Governor Mainland sims, whereas there are some 25,000 private islands o The main use of the railroads is by these unmanned vehicles. They are a HUGE nuisance to landowners. They blight the view, lag the sim, and pile up in crashes. You need to drop your notions of playing railroad here with other people's land and views. Buy some private islands and build them there.
  6. Baloney. That's your subjective opinion. Pros: o a tiny cabal of Linden fanboyz and rail fanboyz who don't own land get to take over the Mainland via rail o some railroad content makers get to profit o a very, very few ordinary residents who enjoy trains get to ride now and then (which they can ALREADY do on the SLRR and other resident rails -- I own the land under one of those resident rails). Cons: o Yet another railroad blights the view o Property values are reduced o Unmanned vehicles increase and lag sims and crash up in piles o These unmanned vehicles also blight the view especially because they are out of context, i.e. boats on the railroad, jets on the road, cars on the water. This habit of a very few deciding what "the public interest" is in Second Life merely because they rule the forums or have the ear of the Lindens is a very, very old story in Second Life. But the people who own land and pay tier and pay the Lindens' bills should be consulted, not the hobo yakkers on the forums.
  7. "Re-routing it somewhere else" means building an ugly high-rise bridge. I've explained this to you now 4 times and you're still not getting it and think I'm the problem. There are a lot of other people on these sims besides me.
  8. Who is it that "needs" the WARR? Who do you represent? How many of you are there? What land do you own? Is this the usual thing in SL where a bunch of hobos with time on their hands and the ear of the Lindens get what they want? Are there content-seller interests here? What's up?
  9. No. It's not "inarguable". The Lindens SOLD BIG CHUNKS OF IT, which is the BIGGEST argument against it. Railroads are not used as much as roads. Not by a long shot. There is a lot of romanticism and big content creator ego attached to railroads in SL, but the reality is -- as someone who has long own properties at multiple railroad locations -- only unmanned vehicles use them for the most part. Not real people. I myself occasionally ride them and find no one; and while I have a free train available at one location, people use it on a resident-built railroad there, not on the SLRR near a parcel I have at another location. Funny, that. The scourge of Second Life routes is now gone, but there are still lesser scourges who keep sending unmanned vehicles on roads and rails, heedless of whether the vehicle even "fits" the route they are on, i.e. buses go on the water, boats go on the rails. It's hugely annoying and drives away REAL usage. The Lindens need to eliminate this completely.
  10. Who are you to make plans for the view of other people's land? The Lindens generally make good builds that don't blight the view. The same can't be said for residents.
  11. My thoughts are this: I'm a big fan of railroads and have always supported them but some of them are ugly and destroy property value, then I don't support them. I supported the WARR, sold land to its builders, rented land to them so that they could have thoroughfare, and for my trouble, they built this hugely ugly high-rise rail by the pond on Grote, obliterating the view of the skyline and pond for years. There was no reason for this except "just because". For the sake of giving a fleeting view of a nice pond to the once-a-week passengers, we had to have our view ruined forever 24/7. Then WARR abandoned his land due to RL issues and Linden seized it. Except then LL sold the chunk of it that was in Juanita. It went up on the auction to our horror, and someone bought it and flipped it, so that I had to pay a major price to "buy back my view" again, which had been relieved of WARR at least for some time. Then, the Lindens refused to sell the land in Grote adjacent to this land in Juanita, and just left it fallow. I asked now and then if they changed their mind, and asked what the plan was to now link up WARR, should they revive it. Now all of a sudden I learn accidentally not from the Lindens but from a short-lived and belligerent tenant and Linden fanboy who first rented my land, then asked if I would sell it for the railroad station then refunded in fury when I said I wasn't happy with WARR and they didn't seem to grasp that this was *my land* they were making plans for. I do wonder what the plan is, and I've written to Michael Linden. Hopefully it will be kept low. But what, I'm supposed to give up a park I've had now for a year for which I paid a bundle?  Michael could narrow the already-narrow cobblestone road and build along the shoulder, or make some sort of ugly highrise bridge agagin to cross over to abandoned land that could be used. Frankly, if I have to chose between an ugly high-rise bridge again and ceding my land by swapping it for equivalent abandoned land, that might work, but then I'd want to be left with a chunk for my overlook park. Even if they solve the problem with my land, they'll have to deal with the person who bought land they ALSO sold in Sikkima -- or build another ugly high rise again.
  12. Because they have another priority, which is making a new world called Sansar. Google it if you haven't followed it.
  13. That route is being pursued but since they are unlikely to tell, I'm asking the general public if they know.
  14. I agree. I sometimes have people who grief me this way by sending me their own cheap products which is a loss for them if I then sell them. Stupid. And there does not seem to be away to block sends like this. There used to be a way to control automatic receipt of items but it seems to be gone from the menu as a choice now.
  15. I am wondering what creators have to pay to get booths at all the famous events like The Arcade, Crossroads, Gacha Garden, Lost & Found -- there are tons of them. These events ARE the economy now and probably outsell Marketplace and inworld stores for many creators. Hundreds of people pulling the lever on gacha machines often $2,500 per session (20 x 50) or nearly $10 US, especially if they can get an extra reward for doing so -- this ads up to windfalls fast. So the venue owners or committees or creators or whatever must charge. As I've never seen reference to this anywhere in calls for participation, it must be a deep secret, so I thought I'd ask.
  16. Desert waterfront home and arbor -- yes, it's Second Life, you can combine these things! Cosy adobe home and peaceful refuge. $450/350 prims -- management prims do not count on your count. Or ask to remove if you would prefer to build. Skybox and pets ok. If you need furniture for this style, one-time fee of $25 for all items up to your prim limit  Teleport to Furness You can boat from here to the Hidden Lakes and use our docks and land preserve sites in nearby sims. IM Prokofy Neva
  17. This is a great set! The Geek Girl from the gatcha For $100/50 you can have a fully furnished interactive room in our Bed & Breakfast home, with a private attached skybox that you can have locked to your name and those of your friends. Travel to Hite B&B Room 8    Also at this location Room 4 is available with Japanese and modern decor. Teleport to Room 4 at Hite B&B  The skybox is Scarlett Creatives' Rakkhaus 
  18. Summer is not offer, there's still plenty of days left to getaway to a beautiful, relaxing campsite. In fact, you can stay longer and make it your home if you like. Grote Campgrounds have sites for $1/prim, and management prims of cabins, tents, campfires etc do not count on your prim count. If you like, you can ask to have the mgt prims removed and place your own. Self-join group, refund any time. Pets welcome. 4 wks 10% discount. Teleport to Grote Camp Site  Teleport to Grote Camp Site  Teleport to Camp Site #15 $50/50 
  19. It means exactly what it says. Once there was a discrepancy between the key I gave as "my key" and Chic's key said to be "my key" it would be obvious. But at any point the inquiring mind could say, "How did you get your avatar key? Is it in fact your avatar key?"
  20. A reminder that the avatar key is "not public" on the regular SL Viewer despite the fact that sure, you can get it with vendors, scripts etc and it is necessary for financial transactions and such. Again, please read this. Chic Aeon said "I got your key from your profile up top". She must be using the descendant of the Emerald Viewer, Firestorm. When I click on "Me" and then "Profile" using the SL viewer, I sometims get a Linden backend of test links after I wait for a long while. If I right click on myself and choose "My Profile" I get the actual "My Profile" page that does not have any avatar key on it, nor does it for other people. To be sure, as you attempt to pull up these names from Google search, part of the avatar key flashes by but ultimately is not displayed. BTW after I've used right-click/select then the pulldown "me" and "profile" goes back to working properly, then stops when I log on again. Oh well. I do not see any place on the SL viewer with the immediate menu where the key is displayed as distinct from being obtainable with scripts. I do not see anything on the advanced menus, no.
  21. You might benefit from reading this post about how avatar keys "aren't secret" but as in RL, it's good to ask permission to use them. http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2009/12/the-key-to-avatar-keys.html
  22. OK the script that I have called "touch for key" must be for an object key although it seems to generate the same key in every prim which is why I thought it was the avatar key. Who the hell knows. I found another way more complicated script to get the avatar key here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Find_Avatar_Key This script gives me the key that Chic is using: 02da98ac-3e2e-4e8f-bedc-d0e2a1c670b4 Note the form seems the same: 9e89e99c-2106-e811-e105-4c45e4d66cf so nobody caught that. I also see that if you put the prim with the "touch for key" script back in inventoy, then touch it, you get a new key, with is a property of all networked notecard givers etc. So this must be an object key not avatar key.
  23. Actually, no, Chic, it didn't work when all I pasted was my own avatar key, which I got from an old "name2key" script. You presumably got my avatar key from the descendent of the Emerald browser which scrapes data : ) Yes I know that the avatar key is "available" and "can be gotten" and that I publicized my own avatar key : ) I have a different view about this (actually, the same view most people have about RL but shed in SL). In any event, there's an important thing you've added to my key, these letters: 02da And you have a DIFFERENT key! A copy of your script is attached so you can see how they are added in the script. Did I drop something when pasting in my key? Yes, *here* on the forums I dropped a number, but inworld I had faithfully pasted it. Did I somehow not paste my entire avatar key? No, because this is the answer I get from the "touch for key" script: 9e89e99c-2106-e811-e105-4c45e4d66cfb It's different than the avatar key you got. Yet in order for the script to have said "Prokofy is offline" it must have had SOME relevance. Did LL change the way keys are generated in the last 10 years? You can see THAT script below too, pretty basic, and I don't think it has anything wrong with it. But notice that my avatar key is DIFFERENT. Or "how did you just know" to add the 02da? default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llOwnerSay( "My key is " + (string)llGetKey() ); }} key uuid= "02da98ac-3e2e-4e8f-bedc-d0e2a1c670b4";string name="Prokofy Neva";key request;default{ on_rez(integer times) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(10); } timer() { request = llRequestAgentData(uuid, DATA_ONLINE); } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if (requested == request) { if (data == "1") {llSetText(name+" is now online.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} else {llSetText(name+" is now offline.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} } }}
  24. Yes, I know how to put my key in between quotation marks. I know how to put my name in between quotation marks, too. Yes, reset is clicked -- and even the edit menu reset is used. Yes, I waited five minutes because of what Qi said about how it could be slow in scanning. And...it still says "Prokofy Neva is offline" although I'm online. key uuid= "8bfe96db-7e41-871e-0d8d-c79017aea063";string name="Prokofy Neva";key request;default{ on_rez(integer times) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(10); } timer() { request = llRequestAgentData(uuid, DATA_ONLINE); } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if (requested == request) { if (data == "1") {llSetText(name+" is now online.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} else {llSetText(name+" is now offline.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} } }}
  25. key uuid= ""; string name=""; key request; default { on_rez(integer times) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(10); } timer() { request = llRequestAgentData(uuid, DATA_ONLINE); } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if (requested == request) { if (data == "1") {llSetText(name+" is now online.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} else {llSetText(name+" is now offline.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} } } }Perhaps someone can tell me what is wrong with this script, it doesn't work. It cost $600 on the MP but was actually made by a different scripter than the seller and is all perms. What I was looking for was a script that showed my online status NOT JUST FOR ME IN MY OBJECT, but for ANYONE who got an object I made and transferred to them. There are a ton of "status online" scripts out there and I have a ton and that is NOT what I need. I have that. I need a transferable script that can go in my prim I made and distribute to others so that when they rez it out, they can see my online status. What's wrong with this script is that it says "Prokofy Neva is offline" not only to me, but to anyone else I give the object to, even if I am online. Yes, I put my avatar key in it and reset the script. The maker promises this: "For ANY avatar indicator-text and color change Just set their name&key at top of script But something is wrong if it shows offline for me (which is perhaps how such scripts work even when working) but for anybody getting the object. And is that the issue? It shouldn't be, if it is all perms.
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