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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Yeah, I got it. You don't have to be a scripter to get it. Derp. That's why I asked the forums here since the words do not appear in the script, derp. Now, if they are a function of the config card, that is part of the script's functioning. You can't have a script like this without a notecard. So to act as if the notecard is from some other realm instead of something working in tandem with the script just seems strange. No, my basic question was "what needs to be changed in this script to make it get rid of this number problem"? You jammed on the literalism and lesser point that "the words aren't in the script". You then insisted that "the problem" was the notecard. You then gave a solution which involved...changing the script. LOL. So the script was at issue, in any normal and non-literalist /particularist sense. It's like the old joke: P: I’m heading to the store. Any requests? S: Pick up a loaf a bread. If they have eggs, get a dozen. P: OK. An hour later, Programmer returns home with a dozen loaves of bread. S: Why’d you buy a dozen loaves of bread? P: They had eggs! Nobody cares about loaves of bread as a condition of the presence of eggs. They just want a dozen eggs, is all.
  2. Qie, creators get to the FREEDOM to set the permissions THEY WANT TO. That's life in the big city. This demand that creators "must" make something copyable or moddable or transferable is for their birds. They don't have to do anything they don't want. I don't like it went an object isn't on "mod" and I avoid buying things without mod sometimes. But I don't insist that these authors change their wishes. That's what Penny is doing, as she always is. She is never content just to make her own world, her own rules, on her own sim. She always agitates to globalize it to everyone else which is just plain wrong.
  3. I didn't hear her say that. And even if she isn't inciting violation of both the mechanics of SL and the TOS, it's still copyleftist aggression to demand that people make items copyable that they would prefer to sell in one instance. The end.
  4. They aren't transfer tho. And Penny's grand vision means it would have to be copyable AND transferable.
  5. There aren't "a lot" of people who sell copyable furnituire, no, that's false. Most of those who do are providing models for builders and they have LICENSES prohibiting distribution of copyable versions.
  6. No, it's not coming from some other script. There is only one script in the rental box. Yes, I realize you can't see those words on this script. That's why I'm asking this question. I will send you the all perms set of materials including this script that enables you to test it as a rental box. Then you will see this behavior. And no, the rest of the stuff has no scripts in it. Your notion that I have "picked up freebie scripts" is just based on ignorance. This is a perfectly good script that was originally created as a proprietary script by Hank Ramos, then opened when he went out of business. Since then, about 4 or 5 scripters have methodically worked on improving and updating it. I've even paid some of them. I'm no fan of open source scripting and the open source culture at all, but there are good reasons to stay away from the huge monopolists in the rental scripting business in SL. This script has been upgraded and corrected numerous times which is why it is on 1.7 and not 1.0. It's great that it's "not LSL's fault" but the reality is, these components have to work together and your fellow scripters simply overlooked this problem because they are not grounded in USE. So the lessons is don't make assumptions and don't think scripts are perfect entities because they are in the hands of coders; only use by normal people can make them function in the real world. You've given me what I need here which is NOT A CHANGE TO THE CARD which didn't work. But a CHANGE TO THE SCRIPT! Imagine!
  7. I offer tenants a program whereby they can pay a one-time fee of $25 and get anything in my inventory up to their prim limit rezzed on their rental for the duration of the rental. Only a small percentage of people make use of this program because most people not only want the fun of shopping and decorating themselves, they want control over the item so as to move it or get rid of it easily. This can be done with "share" in a group but given how griefers go for this feature as their chief means of griefing often, even by blocking known griefers from groups, you can't really control the damage. Even so, it's possible to do in controlled situations. Most landlords aren't going to rez out the same thing over and over again because it looks bad and Orwellian in many cases. They will want houses to look different, and if furnishing interiors, will want those different too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with selling copyable furniture that is not transferable. That is the norm, and only a minority of ideological copyleftists oppose this.
  8. Nonsense. The age-old bias where scripters and gamers -- the geek squad -- get to protect their creations, contents, livelihood, notably because scripts are server side and harder to copy (inside SL) but... Creators using prims and textures don't get that protection and are viewed as "lesser" and are supposed to allow the copyleftists to gut their value and livelihood. Why? It's illogical, unfair and merely reflecting the Internet agenda in general which isn't in the public interest. And please don't talk to me about technical exigencies and "science". For years, we were told that you "can't" protect textures and prims "because analogue hole" and copyability. iTunes "couldn't" or "shouldn't" encode its digital contect because it will "only be copied inevitably". Of course, now that the crypto kids have insisted on having invincible code on their phones, email, communications, etc. that law-enforcement cannot access, the real question to ask is why code gets to be used on their anarchy to protect "privacy," and yet that same ability of invincible coding can't be used to protest content. Hello! Even Cory Doctorow grasped this new inherent contradiction that has appeared in his whole indefensible world view. No one needs "endless space" for their homes. This is just a total fiction. I find that 90% of people do not use the prims they are alloted and are paying for, especially as more and more items become mesh. This "holodeck" fascination is something that a certain minority culture loves in SL, but it is not the norm. People like stability and familiarity and actually aren't interested in changing their scene every hour or every day, even when you give them that ability. Those that go into rentals with those features, that are stacked up regardless of parceling to 4096 m in the air don't use that capacity to change. Nobody is being "cheated" here in the current system; the notion that consumers are "cheated" if creators get to protect their copyright, make their work valued, and earn a livelihood is entirely fictional and misplaced. This viewpoint should get the strongest possible pushback from creators who should point out the obvious, glaring flaw in an argument that says scripters and gamers kept to lock up their stuff to prevent theft, but nobody else does.
  9. Funny how having just one more experience on the auction -- now you have 2 -- using the tips people learn as they get into it -- makes you flip your views 180 degrees. I agree with my former tenant's tips here! You should never go on the auction while sad, hungry, etc. -- like you shouldn't go shopping in real life LOL. Have your wits about you, decide what you want to pay, and WAIT to bid. Don't show early interest because sometimes that can flush out land barons who think there is a reason they may not have seen to pay more for land. They don't visit every single plot they buy. Make sure YOU visit and check everything up and down -- see Rufferta's tips for buying land. Take off "volume" and "water" to see if there are any griefer parcels hidden among what you think is your parcel. Check neighbours' claim dates to see if they are stable. Put your draw distance to 300 plus and see what you will actually have to live with for a view. Watch the green dots to see if you missed a club in the air with 40 avatars who will mean you can't even come home to your own home you pay tier for. Etc. Also, when visiting land, don't land right on the parcel, showing interest. Cam in from a road or something. Or visit when it seems no one will be there but you never know when the baron will TP in and then jack up. And there's another thing you can do, although risky. If you want a land really badly, say, it's next to your existing property, IM some of the frequent buyers on the auction and ask them if they would mind refraining from this one because you are an end user with adjacent property. Some of them are nice enough to oblige.
  10. It's not true that "no matter what someone bids" they will be outbid. I'm not a frequent user of the auction, but I will bid perhaps 6 times a year. I'm often outbid but that's because I don't want to pay over $2/ or $3/ per meter. I have gotten nice auction pieces for $1 and nice for $4.5 that were worth it and could recoup their value in rentals or sales. Tier in fact DOES wait for the seller to get their price. That's what you fail to understand. Landlords buy in bulk so their tier rates are less than the premium account buyer's tier. The tier they pay is 0.013 x prims. That's $12 US per month for a 4096 plot, whereas a premium account holder pays $25. If he's selling this land for let's say $40,000 because it is waterfront or even flat roadside at $7 or $8 a meter, he could clear US $148 from the sale, and pay for even *a year of tier* ($144) and still make a profit -- not a very big one, but given that he has thousands of such parcels, it may be worth it. Wait only six months, and make US $76 in profit. And so on. A free market is where a willing seller meets a willing buyer. Our market is not totally free for a number of reasons, starting with the fact that we don't have the rule of law and a free media, required for a free market not to become oligarchy. But it's free enough. A willing buyer will buy that fellow's land likely in the six months it would take for him to make a handsome profit.
  11. It's a free market, more or less, although with important gaps (like lack of a deeds registry and transparency about who wins the auction). You have had one experience and it's not one to judge the system by. I have bought land on the auction many times, and have had your experience, but also have had the experience of buying waterfront property for $1/m because no one cared. Usually a land baron who is in the land selling business will have a margin. He isn't going to recklessly jack up an auction because the costs are too high for him given the time period over which he might sell it. What he bid though is normal for waterfront, say. You don't say what the type of land is, but meadow flat is like $1-3 and waterfront is going to be $4-8 these days or more in Zindra. You have to hunt for bargains like real life. The landlord has no incentive to go under what HE paid on the auction. The tier for that size of a parcel is low enough that he can afford to put a high price and wait months on end for it to sell, as the tier he will have paid, and the purchase price, will still be less than what he makes from the final sell. This is why huge swathes of Zindra are for sale at outrageous prices. If you can get road frontage, then get it. Believe me, it is ALL OVER and for $1.3 or less in some places. Sorry but I won't join you in boycotting people in the market for no reason. I'm happy to call boycotts when I have evidence of unscrupulous, gouging, bad behavior or even TOS violation. I don't see it here. The guy paid a normal price and you bid low. He set at a normal price and you don't want to pay that. So find a bargain, there's 5000 plus sims to chose from. If the land barons really gouged as you claim, it would be easier to get a boycott going. But they don't. So many sites don't even get bid on! or they go for below market. To be sure, there are certain areas like Zindra where this is not the case, but I leave it to those who care about that continent or own there or want to buy there to do what they need to do.
  12. The root of the problem here is that you took what is actually a rental and perceived it as a "sale". Island "sales" of land are precarious because at any time, that island owner can stop paying tier and then dump you, and your "owned land" will disappear into the void. There is much less chance of that happening when you buy from Linden Lab directly. And if you rent rather than buy, and suddenly the rental agent disappears, you might then lose only a week of rent or whatever you paid in advance, not the purchase price of land. This whole "rent of island land" is a long-standing controversy and deception and LL just doesn't want to address it because they want original island buyers to increase and they can only do this with the "sell land" option because many people want their own group on land and to be able to control it more. But of course, they could do that on the Mainland, even paying Linden Lab a higher cost than a rental, and the rumors of blight and griefing are overblown these days. Large stretches of the Mainland are simply empty and abandoned and you might have an entire sim to yourself with one parcel owned only. And you can rent in group rentals such as I and others have and have most of the group powers you need to manage your land anyway. As for content not selling, that seems normal to me. All landlords will put out landscaping, trees, rocks etc, some of which might go on "your land" but not count on your prim count. A lot of that stuff is non-transferable. While you can sell parcels with "objects on parcel for sale," they have to be transferable to start with. So the landlord has done nothing wrong given the exigencies of the system. It's a good thing that Linden Lab does not intervene in disputes because that would imply that they'd have to maintain a court system with judges and bailiffs and that is too costly and ultimately stupid. Caveat emptor is always the rule in SL.
  13. //Rental Script v1.5.3 //by Hank Ramos //08/18/2015, Rex Cronon(added 1h,6h...48h intervals) // 08/27/2015, Rex Cronon(no more duplicate reminders?) //08/29/2015, Rex Cronon(timestamp) //Options vector rentalOffset = <0,0,10>; float updateInterval = 60.0; //seconds string infoNotecard = "Rent This Space Info"; //Variables string tierName; float rentalCost; float discountTime; integer primCount; integer rentalVolume; float refundFee; key renterID; string renterName; float rentalTime; integer listenQueryID; vector initPos; vector initScale; integer count; integer lineCount; key readKey; string rentalGrade; integer primAllotment; //Constants float ONE_WEEK = 604800.0; float _48_HOURS = 172800.0;//2*24*3600 float _36_HOURS=129600.0;//36*3600 float _24_HOURS = 86400.0;//24*3600 float _12_HOURS=43200.0;//12*3600 float _6_HOURS=21600.0;//6*3600 float _1_HOUR = 3600.0;//60*60 float DISCOUNT_PERCENT = 10.0; dispString(string value) { llSetText(value, <1,1,1>, 1); } sendReminder(string message) { llInstantMessage(renterID, "Current date and time: "+llGetTimestamp()+"\n"+"Your lease located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") will expire " + message); } saveData() { list saveData; vector storageVector; saveData += renterID; saveData += renterName; saveData += llRound(rentalTime); storageVector = initPos * 1000; saveData += "<" + (string)llRound(storageVector.x) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.y) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.z) + ">"; storageVector = initScale * 1000; saveData += "<" + (string)llRound(storageVector.x) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.y) + "," + (string)llRound(storageVector.z) + ">"; saveData += llRound(discountTime); llSetObjectDesc(llDumpList2String(saveData, "|")); } string getTimeString(integer time) { integer days; integer hours; integer minutes; integer seconds; days = llRound(time / 86400); time = time % 86400; hours = (time / 3600); time = time % 3600; minutes = time / 60; time = time % 60; seconds = time; return (string)days + " days, " + (string)hours + " hours, " + (string)minutes + " minutes"; // + ":" + (string)seconds; } integer setupDialogListen() { integer chatChannel = (integer)llFrand(2000000); llListenRemove(listenQueryID); listenQueryID = llListen(chatChannel, "", NULL_KEY, ""); return chatChannel; } updateTimeDisp() { dispString("Leased by: " + renterName + "\nTime Remaining: " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime))); } dispData() { llSay(0, "========================"); llSay(0, "Rental Space Information"); llSay(0, "========================"); llSay(0, "This space is currently leased by " + renterName); llSay(0, "The current rental price is L$" + (string)((integer)rentalCost) + " per week."); llSay(0, "This space will be open for lease in " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + "."); llSay(0, "Memory Free: " + (string)llGetFreeMemory()); } default { state_entry() { state initialize; } } state initialize { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(300); llOwnerSay("Waiting to obtain Debit Permissions."); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } run_time_permissions(integer permissions) { //Only wait for payment if the owner agreed to pay out money if (permissions & PERMISSION_DEBIT) { state loadSettings; } } on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } timer() { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer x; for (x = 0; x < total_number; x += 1) { if (llDetectedKey(x) == llGetOwner()) { llResetScript(); } } llSay(0, "Waiting to obtain Debit Permissions from Owner."); } state_exit() { llSetTimerEvent(0); llSay(0, "Initialized."); } } state loadSettings { state_entry() { integer found = FALSE; integer x; count = 0; lineCount = 0; list savedList = llCSV2List(llGetObjectDesc()); if (llGetListLength(savedList) == 4) { rentalGrade = llList2String(savedList, 0); } else { rentalGrade = llGetObjectDesc(); } for (x = 0; x < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); x += 1) { if (llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, x) == "Settings") { found = TRUE; } } if (found) { llOwnerSay("Reading Settings Notecard..."); readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount); } else { llOwnerSay("Settings Notecard Not Found."); llResetScript(); } } dataserver(key requested, string data) { integer integerData; float floatData; if (requested == readKey) { if (data != EOF) { if ((llSubStringIndex(data, "#") != 0) && (data != "") && (data != " ")) { integerData = (integer)data; floatData = (float)data; if (count == 0) { tierName = data; } else if (count == 1) { if (integerData >= 0) { rentalCost = integerData; } else { rentalCost = 0; } } else if (count == 2) { if (integerData >= 1) { primCount = integerData; } else { primCount = 1; } } else if (count == 3) { if (integerData >= 16) { rentalVolume = integerData; } else { rentalVolume = 16; } } else if (count == 4) { if (integerData >= 0) { refundFee = integerData; } else { refundFee = 0; } } else if (count == 5) { rentalOffset = (vector)data; } else if (count == 6) { infoNotecard = data; } count += 1; } lineCount += 1; readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount); } else { llOwnerSay("==============="); llOwnerSay("Settings Loaded"); llOwnerSay("==============="); llOwnerSay("Space Name: " + tierName); llOwnerSay("Rental Cost: L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost)); llOwnerSay("Prim Count: " + (string)primCount); llOwnerSay("Space Volume: " + (string)rentalVolume + " sqm"); llOwnerSay("Refund Fee: L$" + (string)refundFee); llOwnerSay("==============="); llOwnerSay("Ready for Service!"); list savedList = llParseString2List(llGetObjectDesc(), ["|"], []); if (llGetListLength(savedList) == 6) { renterID = llList2Key(savedList, 01); renterName = llList2String(savedList, 1); rentalTime = llList2Integer(savedList, 2); initPos = (vector)llList2String(savedList, 3) / 1000; initScale = (vector)llList2String(savedList, 4) / 1000; discountTime = llList2Integer(savedList, 5); state rented; } else { renterID = NULL_KEY; renterName = "Nobody"; rentalTime = 0; initPos = llGetPos(); initScale = llGetScale(); discountTime = 0; state idle; } } } } } state idle { state_entry() { llSetObjectDesc(""); llSetTexture("rentthisspace", ALL_SIDES); llSetScale(initScale); llSetPos(initPos); integer fourweekdiscount = (integer)(((float)rentalCost * 4.0) * (DISCOUNT_PERCENT / 100.0)); integer fourweekrentalprice = (integer)(((float)rentalCost * 4.0) - fourweekdiscount); llSetPayPrice((integer)rentalCost, [ (integer)(rentalCost * 1.0), (integer)(rentalCost * 2.0), (integer)(rentalCost * 3.0), (integer)fourweekrentalprice]); llSetTimerEvent(updateInterval); dispString(tierName + "\nLease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week.\n" + (string)rentalVolume + " sq meters\n" + (string)primCount + " prims\nPay this Sign to begin your lease."); } moving_end() { initPos = llGetPos(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_SCALE) { initScale = llGetScale(); } } touch_start(integer num_detected) { integer x; integer chatChannel; for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1) { if (llDetectedKey(x) == llGetOwner()) { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Owner Options. Select one of the options below...", ["Info", "Reset"], setupDialogListen()); return; } } llSay(0, "Lease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week. " + (string)rentalVolume + " sq meters. " + (string)primCount + " prims. Pay this Sign to begin your lease."); for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1) { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(x), infoNotecard); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "Reset") { llResetScript(); } else if (message == "Info") { llListenRemove(listenQueryID); dispData(); llSay(0, "Lease this space for L$" + (string)llRound(rentalCost) + " per week. " + (string)rentalVolume + " sq meters. " + (string)primCount + " prims. Pay this Sign to begin your lease."); llGiveInventory(id, infoNotecard); } } money(key id, integer amount) { if (amount >= rentalCost) { renterID = id; renterName = llKey2Name(renterID); integer fourweekdiscount = (integer)(((float)rentalCost * 4.0) * (DISCOUNT_PERCENT / 100.0)); integer fourweekrentalprice = (integer)(((float)rentalCost * 4.0) - fourweekdiscount); if (fourweekrentalprice == amount) { rentalTime = ONE_WEEK * (rentalCost * 4) / rentalCost; discountTime = rentalTime; } else { rentalTime = ONE_WEEK * amount / rentalCost; discountTime = 0; } saveData(); llSay(0, "Thank you " + renterName + " for leasing! Your lease will expire in " + getTimeString((integer)rentalTime) + "."); state rented; } else { llSay(0, "This space costs L$" + (string)rentalCost + " to rent. Refunding paid balance."); llGiveMoney(id, amount); } } } state rented { state_entry() { llSetTexture("infosign", ALL_SIDES); llSetScale(<0.5, 0.5, 0.5>); llSetPos(initPos + rentalOffset); updateTimeDisp(); llResetTime(); llSetTimerEvent(updateInterval); } touch_start(integer num_detected) { integer x; key detectedKey; for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1) { detectedKey = llDetectedKey(x); if (detectedKey == llGetOwner()) { llDialog(detectedKey, "Lease Options. Select one of the options below...", ["Refund Time", "Info", "Release", "Reset"], setupDialogListen()); } else if (detectedKey == renterID) { llDialog(detectedKey, "Lease Options. Select one of the options below...", ["Refund Time", "Info"], setupDialogListen()); } else { dispData(); llGiveInventory(detectedKey, infoNotecard); } } } money(key id, integer amount) { if ((id == renterID)||(id == llGetOwner())) { float addTime; integer fourweekdiscount = (integer)(((float)rentalCost * 4.0) * (DISCOUNT_PERCENT / 100.0)); integer fourweekrentalprice = (integer)(((float)rentalCost * 4.0) - fourweekdiscount); if (fourweekrentalprice == amount) { addTime = ONE_WEEK * (rentalCost * 4) / rentalCost; discountTime += addTime; } else addTime = ONE_WEEK * amount / rentalCost; rentalTime += addTime; llInstantMessage(id, "Adding " + getTimeString(llRound(addTime)) + " to your lease. Lease Time is Now: " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + "."); saveData(); updateTimeDisp(); } else { llInstantMessage(id, "Refunding Money..."); llGiveMoney(id, amount); llInstantMessage(id, "This space is currently leased by " + renterName + ". This space will be open for lease in " + getTimeString(llRound(rentalTime)) + "."); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { integer refundAmount; llListenRemove(listenQueryID); if (message == "Info") { dispData(); llGiveInventory(id, infoNotecard); } else if (message == "Refund Time") { llDialog(id, "Are you sure you want to TERMINATE your lease and refund your money, minus a L$" + (string)refundFee + " fee?", ["YES", "NO"], setupDialogListen()); } else if (message == "YES") { float discount = (float)rentalCost * (DISCOUNT_PERCENT / 100.0); integer discountCost = (integer)((float)rentalCost - discount); refundAmount = llRound((((rentalTime - discountTime)/ ONE_WEEK) * rentalCost) + ((discountTime / ONE_WEEK) * discountCost) - refundFee); llInstantMessage(renterID, "Refunding L$" + (string)refundAmount + ", which includes a L$" + (string)refundFee + " termination fee."); llGiveMoney(renterID, refundAmount); llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "LEASE REFUNDED: leased by " + renterName + " located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") has ended. Refunded L$" + (string)refundAmount + "."); state idle; } else if (message == "Release") { llDialog(id, "Are you sure you want to TERMINATE this lease with NO REFUND?", ["Yes", "No"], setupDialogListen()); } else if (message == "Yes") { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "LEASE TERMINATED: leased by " + renterName + " located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") has ended. Refunded L$0."); state idle; } else if (message == "Reset") { llResetScript(); } } timer() { float timeElapsed = llGetAndResetTime(); if (timeElapsed > (updateInterval * 4)) { timeElapsed = updateInterval; } rentalTime -= timeElapsed; saveData(); updateTimeDisp(); //Process Reminders if (rentalTime <= 0) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "LEASE EXPIRED: leased by " + renterName + " located in " + llGetRegionName() + " (" + (string)initPos.x + "," + (string)initPos.y + "," + (string)initPos.z + ") has expired."); state idle; } //if((rentalTime<(_48_HOURS+updateInterval))&&(rentalTime>(_48_HOURS-updateInterval))) if((rentalTime <= _48_HOURS)&&(rentalTime >= _48_HOURS - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in two days."); } //else if ((rentalTime<(_36_HOURS+updateInterval))&&(rentalTime>(_36_HOURS-updateInterval))) else if((rentalTime <= _36_HOURS)&&(rentalTime >= _36_HOURS - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in one day and a half."); } //else if((rentalTime<(_24_HOURS+updateInterval))&&(rentalTime>(_24_HOURS-updateInterval))) else if ((rentalTime <= _24_HOURS)&&(rentalTime >= _24_HOURS - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in one day."); } //else if ((rentalTime<(_12_HOURS+updateInterval))&&(rentalTime>(_12_HOURS-updateInterval))) else if((rentalTime <= _12_HOURS)&&(rentalTime >= _12_HOURS - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in 12 hours."); } //else if ((rentalTime<(_6_HOURS+updateInterval))&&(rentalTime>(_6_HOURS-updateInterval))) else if((rentalTime <= _6_HOURS)&&(rentalTime >= _6_HOURS - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in 6 hours."); } // else if ((rentalTime<(_1_HOUR+updateInterval))&&(rentalTime>(_1_HOUR-updateInterval))) else if((rentalTime <= _1_HOUR)&&(rentalTime >= _1_HOUR - (updateInterval*2))) { sendReminder("in one hour."); } } } One of the annoyances of this open-source rental script is that when it comes to the refunds, it gives this message: "Are you sure you would like to refund for a $25.000000 fee? I'm not aware of any human language that has that convention of taking a figure out to 6 places. What happens is that people don't see the decimal point, or fear they haven't understood the decimal point. In Russia, for example, people write numbers with commas instead of periods or decimal points, for example. 25,37 could mean 25 rubles, 37 kopecks. I look at the script, and I can't see where I can take this out or reduce it -- it just doesn't seem to be there. And that suggests that this is some built-in thing with LSL that it always renders numbers this way in case it needs the spaces. But given that Linden prices simply cannot be with decimal points and "cents" -- they are rounded off as a hard stop -- I don't know why LSL is doing this. You would be surprised at the number of people who actually think I've written in "US $25,000,000 as a deterrent to them refunding.
  14. Could someone explain why this script needs 3 cubes? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Yumi_Murakami/Addiction_Moderator Also, if you must have those 3 cubes, and the script has to be the "root," does this mean you: 1. Rez a cube. 2. Stick the whole script in it. 3. Rez two more cubes, and link them to the first cube.
  15. Um, why do you think rail enthusiasts should not only take over land on the Mainland by agitating the Lindens to tier it for them AND you get to monopolize the discusion about it on the forums, too??? Look ,the railroad in Grote has been pulled up now. Good! John Ruskin has prevailed! The Lindens can you agitators can look at the map and figure out what abandoned land or Linden-owned land might serve here, without having to ruin the view or grab resident parcels.
  16. 1. THAT there is a fee, and it is not trivial, is something I've now confirmed with one prominent creator, although they would not give me the figure. 2. @Phil Deakins Your are not in these events, so you don't have the knowledge about it. If you think they will tell people, try asking. You are likely to have the experience I'm having -- they won't tell. This is held close. 3. @mikka Luik if it isn't secret, why not give us some numbers and names? Trust me, I know how to do simple searches on Google and look at all kinds of sales sites. I'm not seeing it. ALL of them are by invite. That is, if you know of a major event with significant attendance that has open stalls with open rental boxes, I'd love to hear it! But that's not how it works. 4. @Theresa Tennyson It's hardly about my calls to boycott, as I am boycotting one event but avidly attending many others and publicizing them. And long before my boycott of ONE event began, I asked about this cost innocently and got nowhere. So what IS the secret, guys? 5. If anybody thinks this is open information, do share. I'd like to understand the costs of event so I can understand the gatcha economy better. Consumers pay $1000, $1500 or more to buy into special events with products limited to that event and that audience. That's the number they've come up with, which roughly ads up to say, 10 pulls or 20 pulls or whatever of a $50 gatcha. So, the merchants likely pay something like $2,500 at a minimum. How do I come up with that figure? Well, let's say a merchant has a $195 grandfathered full-prim sim. Sure, he could put his event on homestead sim but that would be folly as they don't hold more than 10 or 12 people comfortably and events get hard beatings of 40 plus avatars constantly. So he'll have 20 merchants, and each will pay US $9.75 which is about L$2,500. But I bet he charges more, as he needs to pay tier plus hire CSAs etc. Events are seldom longer than a month.
  17. I guess you have never seen my blog, which is highly comprehensive and goes back 12 years. http://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts In real life, if a country or population group doesn't have a history written, you don't "blame the government" because the government isn't required to write history and when it does, can write it with bias. You look to other institutions like universities, think tanks, folklore societies and the like to gather history. Real historians understand they have to go to many different places to gather eyewitness testimony, oral histories, written documents, etc. If you feel something is at risk to being lost, you can't ask the government (Linden Lab) to take care of it. You have to do it yourself or get others in the private sector or educational world to do this. Unfortunately, the educators who have been in SL have generally been supremely indifferent and even hostile to the world of residents itself and their affairs. They only wanted to use the platform and their islands for their own education of RL affairs. And in fairness, few of them would be able to land a grant to chronicle the history of a virtual world, although at one point, at around 2005-2007 or even in 2009, in the early days of the Obama Administration, and in the Blair administration, as one developer told me, it wasn't a question of WHETHER you would get a grant, it was merely an issue of showing up at the right window with your hand outstretched, as there was tons of money around for virtual stuff -- as there is again, btw. The SL Wiki, which people are mourning now because it is suspended (I'm not among them given its bias) has something of what you are asking for, but certainly not all of it. Wikipedia has some of it. Google is your best friend. And sorry, the fact that "the government" or "somebody else who did the work and paid for it" didn't make a database of all the cultural events in Second Life (!!!) doesn't at all mean that SL is rubbish. Although it might mean that your theory is.
  18. Qie, all of this is misleading if not untrue. The SLRR was planned and laid across the atoll continent, for example, all at once not long after the sims were created. If some little spur of it wasn't finished that doesn't cancel out the basic truth that it was planned and built. Obviously, Lindens didn't spend months -- years -- trying to piece it together from abandoned land and buy-outs of private owners. It was a Linden project, on Linden land, not only "for the most part" but "mainly" -- and the edge cases you're invoking don'to cancel that out. Cranky ad farmers extorting is a problem the Lindens should have solved for all of us, globally, years ago, instead of allowing nearly 5 years to go by while all our land was reduced in value and many were forced to feed extortionists to "buy the view". So invoking this global problem as a rail enthusiast's obstacle to try to gain sympathy from me is a no-go. They shouldn't have existed because the rules put in place after five years to curb extortion and prevent proliferation of ads could have been put in instantly, instead of waiting while ideological communists, techno-libertarians and assorted enthusiasts on the spectrum had their way. I once talked to a prominent ad baron at a conference who charged $10,000L to "buy the view" for parcels in his empire with ugly stuff on them. He was a Wall Street programmer. He had a job and didn't need this income. It was "fun". It was "a hobby". And "why not". Etc. Please don't talk to me about microparcels. Recently, I asked the Lindens to sell me a 32m micro-baron's extortion plot in the middle of all my land like a donut hole which was finally abandoned. I was told "as a one-time courtesy" this could be done. Really, guys? You should be offering us these ridicularities unilaterally and turning over land to be tiered by us, not you. THE RAIL NETWORK DOES NOT IMPROVE CONDITIONS FOR NEIGHBORING LANDLORDS. Do you own land? How much? Is it next to a railroad or road or waterway? Where? If you did, on any significant number of sims, you would rapidly find that it does not help your value, but devalues your land due to unmanned vehicles and griefing hobos -- which is really a problem BTW. Having owned land by RRs and supported them for 12 years (have you?), I can tell you that you lose money and tenants from this "fun," not the opposite. The way to win new tier-payers is to develop a universal policy, consistently applied, about selling on the auction, selling on demand, and offering to sell. But instead, the Lindens don't do this and prefer this patchwork and exasperation. Tomorrow, should they wish, the Lindens could PUT BACK the programmed function that made abandoned land INSTANTLY go to sale for $1/meter, in 16 squares, even. Yes, that lovely feature was what created the ad farm 16 m menace, but in today's setting, where the Lindens are willing to prosecute ad extortion, and where $1/m is not what a bot will eat let alone an intelligent human being, it would be a huge help to moving this land off their dime to ours. But they aren't interested in doing this for all kinds of reason. Your touching belief that railroads help to "do something" about this problem is placed. Look at the map. Even with a zillion railroads, you could never reach all the abandoned land stretches.
  19. Er, "standing in the WAY of WARR"? You mean, enjoying the right to private property which actuallly Linden Lab more or less guarantees. What is WARR, that we must make way for it? An abandoned project whose owner could not tier it. Now he/his alts/his friends/Linden fanboyz want the Lindens to tier it and want everyone to get out of its way. There isn't any rationale for this.
  20. My ideas are represented in my rentals communities, you can see them aplenty there. I also make land available for other people to express their ideas, which is more than you can say for yourself. I tier a resident-owned railroad across some four sims in Sutherland (I used to support even more of it but other partners backed out and we found IT WAS NOT USED such as to justify the tier. But still, I go on tiering at least that much so that people can at least go across some pretty sims with some nice sites around Sutherland. I also have parks along the existing SLRR and make free trains available. I don't sponsor hobos, I sponsor the general riding public in this way. I find these parks don't get much use (except the one in Sutherland) so I discontinued a few others I have. But I keep land in a few places that has been rented in the past by rail enthusiasts and they have built trains or stations there. All of this is more than you have ever done in your Second Life. I am not required to make available land for your fantasies that THE LINDENS THEMSELVES SOLD, mistakenly or otherwise, to a land flipper on THEIR AUCTION which I had to buy to SAVE THE VIEW for multiple tenants and neighbours.
  21. And why shouldn't it be difficult, Qie! Good Lord, this is PRIVATE PROPERTY which the LINDENS SOLD!!! Hello! The Lindens made their own SLRR by planning it through sims they own and planned. Why not ask them to upgrade it or change it to fancier tracks or whatever you need instead of building NEW spurs on land that a private owner ABANDONED! None of you pay the tier. In fact, you have your prims all over land that other people own including Governor Linden. I totally get it that it's fun playing railroad, but this is not RL and it is not a necessity. None of you do a thing about the unmanned vehicles and in fact some of you are guilty of them.
  22. Why don't YOU move to an island and build your railroad there? Oh, that would cost money and in your hobo way of life, you don't have that. You want other people to tier your game. I see. Oh, and you want a place where everyone can see your fabulous project across many sims and gratify your ego. I see. Well, I'm not here to help tier the view for your ego. There is nothing VITAL about the WARR. IT'S OWNER ABANDONED IT, THAT'S HOW VITAL IT IS. All that's happening now is that he/his alts/his claque are hammering on the Lindens to rebuild it. No railroad is needed in a virtual world. Goods do not need to be transported; they magically come out of your hand or from the MP. No one "needs" to be transported. They can fly. Railroads exist merely to gratify the egos of their builders, to sell content, and for rides by a tiny, tiny portion of the population.
  23. This is a lie, as you've done it twice now, I have the records, you also did it in Tuliptree. Short memory. None of us who own property in Grote have asked for this train station and WE LIVE HERE. YOU DON'T. You don't even own property, most of you, and what you do own you turn into hobo camps that soon fester with script eaters and griefers. Copying chat and distributing it inworld is against the TOS. You've had multiple reports filed on yourself and your alts, get a life.
  24. When you can't get your way by reason, you use threats and disparagement of people's reputation, right? Despicable. Of course it's your fault as you and your alts belong to a little claque of noise-makers on the forum demanding that the Lindens put back something that A RESIDENT abandoned. And for all we know, among you are his alts, agitating to get the Lindens to tier and maintain what he couldn't manage to. But there are plenty of train tracks ALREADY I don't wish to have "a little strip of my land" used for a railroad at the top of my properties through what is now a park, destroying the view, full stop. And PS, none of my neighbors who own property along that route want a railroad either, hello. That's because we LIVE HERE and don't just "ride through" here. Most of the activity on these RRs is UNMANNED VEHICLES sent over them due to the vast geeky egos of your little friends. These UVs stall, lag sims (indeed they do, so don't start in with fake discussions about low-lag scripts), and then sometimes crash and pile up. They don't fit in theme, so that jets go along the railroad, or buses or boats, like their trains go on the water. It's a constant, steady annoyance all day long. No one needs a "ride" from these nuisances because at train stations, including one near a resident railroad I support, and another near the SLRR which I support, can use free trains there. Or buy them from you and your little friends, which is what this is all about. I don't need anyone to "plan things" for MY land like "little strips". There isn't any "rage" here. There is a firm, persistent pushback to "your plans" for MY land. What's particularly despicable is renting land, then badgering the owner to sell it. You've done this twice now. You've now been abuse reported multiple times for your threats on alts as well.
  25. Yes, Chin. It's going to be tricky. Because MY LAND and MY NEIGHBOURS' LAND is "in the way". Which is why this half-a$$ed project should not have been started because a few forums' idly thought it would be "fun". I thought you understood the value of property more.
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