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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Oh, indeed ask them. Of course, this can backfire on you and they can double down and put up even more ugly crap in your view, but try asking politely, you never know. No one in Second Life should be putting up "privacy fences," photo-realistic flat board hedges (among my most hated things in SL), giant boards, fences, etc. Why? Because there is this relatively new feature on the viewer called "avatars can see me". If you UNCHECK that box you become visible to those outside your parcel. The ultimate in privacy -- invisibility! So all the junk should go, along with all the annoying ban lines and security orbs. Uncheck "see me" and be done with it.
  2. No. They are not in the "sim trash" (0.0.0). They are not underground. They aren't anywhere. They're gone. You can't get the menu "get top scripts" on *MAINLAND* sims, only the Lindens could do that, so eventually one could put in a ticket but the issue is not where they went; the issue is that they disappear because of the Lindens' software. I realize that's a shocking concept, but I think all indications are that it's not about the script in the object or some other factor but the Lindens' software. I can't emphasize it enough: if something worked for weeks on end on the Le Tigre channel with the previous software version, then...it doesn't have an error-handling routine gone awry. Because, you know, it's working. Sims can have lag and issues after restart and blah blah blah, but if the item WORKS for weeks on end, and there isn't issues where it sometimes disappears due to lag or whatnot, then, you have to look elsewhere for the problem. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in ourselves, for we are underlings, but in our stars... If it DOES NOT disappear for weeks on end UNTIL the software changes then -- gasp -- it must be the software. I realize many people want to stand on their heads and think up every reason for why this is something OTHER than the software changing, but...it's the software changing.
  3. Are you a newbie looking for an inexpensive place to start your Second Life? Or a recovering former Linden Homes owner who wants more flexibility and freedom? Tuliptree is a lovely seaside sim by the SLRR with flat fields where you can easily rez or build a house. The costs are $150/150 prims, $250/250 prims, and there are a few lots for $300/300 even. A great deal! There is now a new dock with a rowboats that rez or you can launch your own boat and sail to our landings on our sims to explore.  This community is set to PAYMENT INFO ON FILE because I like having just one community with this feature that some people request. They like to be free of day-old alts that may be stalking them, etc. So unlike every other community, this one has PIOF which means you must have payment on file and any vistors must have the same. If you have a premium account and are free of your Linden house or other land, i.e. you have 512 tier available, you can contribute it to our group and get a $250/wk discount off your rent. So that means if the rent is $250 for 250 prims, you are not paying any cash rent and the rental box is removed. Great deal! That way you use your tier and get to keep your stipend for shopping. You have complete flexibility at Ravenglass Rentals -- if you need to move on, you pull out your tier freely in the same way you freely contributed it -- just give me a heads up so I can adjust it. You can hit the REFUND button any time before expirtation and for a small early cancellation fee of $25 you can leave. If you opt to move to another one of our rentals, that cancellation fee is manually returned. THIS IS A GREAT DEAL! So come and experience the peace and quiet of Tuliptree! Teleport to Tuliptree No. 11 $250/250 prims Teleport to Tuliptree No. 12 $300/300 prims
  4. The teleporter doesn't go back to start after use -- it DISAPPEARS completely. It's nowhere. Nowhere. There is no "object entry" issue on this other sim with this other maker. Again, "warp" was not the issue either as it is on the regPOS setting.
  5. No, it's not about warpPOS at all, that was NEVER the issue. Fnordian has different modes you can select. I always select regPOS and that is what is on now. His teleporters are NOT the one disappearing. Once I got rid of the unchecked object entry on the LeTigre sim, the problem stopped where it was disappearing and reappearing on top of the destination TP. So that is unrelated to the Linden update. It's another maker, OTR that is disappearing not on the LeTigre sim, but the other one, even when object entry is checked off, i.e. functioning.
  6. One other thing I determined in testing these different teleporters, with the Fnordian creator who made a house call -- object entry has to be checked off, i.e. has to be functioning for the teleporter to work with RegPos. So in Alston with Le Tigre, the reason one teleporter wasn't working was simply that object entry was unchecked on one of the parcels. So once I checked that it worked. However, the original problem sim (Carlisle) has object entry for both everyone and group checked, so that wasn't at issue....
  7. Nope, Theresa, nice try but it's not. It's a matter of CHOICE for creators to put the permissions on their produce THEY WANT, not what suits Penny's extremist PerfectWorld. It's also a matter of CHOICE for a consumer like me to say hey, rewards from gatchas should be transferable like gatchas are themselves, not copyable. So they can be sold on the secondary market. Gosh, it's possible to walk and chew gum at the same time, and for two actors in a market to have conflicted choices, both of which are free and legitimate. and GASP it's possible to advocate for the consumer that products be resellable -- this is basic jurisprudence since the Singer court case a century ago. And if creators don't want to do that, that's their choice, but consumers can complain that they are hampering resales. Given that Penny isn't interested in re-sale and markets but only in copyleftism, my point isn't pertinent to a discussion of her PerfectWorld anyway.
  8. Silly parsing of pixels. In Silicon Valley, "many" means one or two. It doesn't matter if Ebbe is late with his beta start dates. The reality is that in the business world that the Lindens live in, a year or two is "many". Just ask all the start-ups that died this year that were the ne plus ultra 2 years ago. Remember Zing, "photo storage for life"?
  9. OK, confirmed: When I go on a Le Tigre sim and rez these teleporters and put in destinations, they work fine, they don't disappear, I tried them a half dozen times, they stayed put and put me exactly where I had indicated in the destination. This is the kind of thing it is: You are at 183.2, 22.6, 42.1 in Alston located at sim10371.agni.lindenlab.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alston/183/23/42 (global coordinates 261,815.0, 257,303.0, 42.1) Second Life RC LeTigre When I go to this OTHER sim which doesn't have Le Tigre but "Second Live Server" the teleporter DOES disappear, over and over. You are at 128.0, 134.9, 38.3 in Carlisle located at sim10719.agni.lindenlab.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Carlisle/128/135/38 (global coordinates 262,272.0, 257,159.0, 38.3) Second Life Server I could add that Alston had the problem of the disappearing teleporters a few weeks ago, maybe the channel was different. This seems like a serious bug, making scripted items disappear like that.
  10. Rolig, believe it or not, I know all that. You know why? Because I studied the different options or modes of teleporting that Fnordian offers, and also discussed it with the Fnordian guy so I could understand it better. And I said that in my OP. There's this way and that way and yet another way -- one is more speedy and optimal blah blah. And truly I get it that a) the things physically move and/or b) they re-rez a new one. But...usually they don't DISAPPEAR FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. THAT is the question. Something is breaking down, and I suspect it's the channel/new patch/whatsis that is causing this because that's the factor that changed. I'm going to try to find a Le Tigre channel or whatsis and test it there and see if this does NOT happen which would help isolate it. It's not about mistyping destinations. It's about the TELEPORTER OBJECT ITSELF DISAPPEARING. Believe me, I checked the destinations a hundred times. I had copies of my original item that worked because I had plans to expand. It's when I came back and started trying to put out those copies I found the problem. They were copies of a system that originally worked with the destinations intact and working properly. Searchbert with its 168 meters or what-have-you is not going to be wrong. For example, it found some much older versions of this TP that rezzed under a skybox that had physics before I propped it up with a prim board. Area search I don't believe in fully for very basic reasons, but it's good enough. You can't "rez a new one" in this case because dozens of re-rezzed ones over several days are ALL going missing. So this is not the fix.
  11. There aren't other sources of income for the organizers. Tip jars are never a significant source of income, I know because I have hundreds of them out on my land preserve. Look at the amounts on the tip jars and you'll come to that conclusion. I don't know where you are seeing "generous," but most people feel if they are paying a merchant for a product, tipping them is overkill. These are not people doing this "for fun," as they are grown-up serious merchants running real businesses, they just happen to sell virtual content. That's more than fine, I'm merely trying to understand their costs and benefits and incentives.
  12. @Chic Aeon I appreciate that you have more knowledge than I do about events, being a creator and being IN events, but you're low-balling it. It so happened that when creators rallied to help the Zerkalo designer Daniel with the "Book of Daniel" event, which is a very nice event, they let slip that they were charging $3000 per merchant. So that was for a non-profit helpful event -- and that lets you know that $3000 then in that world seemed low. And sure enough, I finally stumbled on an open page that is on the Seraphim blog, one that you don't notice instantly but is under the "portal" section, that shows you *for those events giving public information* which is not the biggest by any stretch, rates go from $2500 to $6000. So I'm going to take a WAG and say that for a very big top-line event it might go as high as $10,000. And given the enormous revenue that gatcha machines in particular make from these events, US $37 is nothing at all. It has to be more than $2500 or $3000 because if you have 30 merchants, and you charge $3000, that's only 90,000 L and about US $333, that is, enough to cover a full-prim sim at the the non-grandfathered cost ($295 US tier) and maybe a little bit left over for designer and staff costs. So they'd simply have to charge more, and they'd know they could get it.
  13. Well, keep talking and keep asking questions. This is a big hit and for me it means every day a loss of something like $10 or $15 US on cashout and then multiple that by a month and it's a huge hit for a little business like mine. People who sell creations can just jack up their prices; I see gatcha sellers making pulls like "$58" instead of $50 to make up the difference. But rentals agents can't do that as easily. That is, sure, you could purchase scripted rentomatics to do this globally but it's another matter whether your customers will accept a price hike. They have cheaper Linden dollars, but they're seeing prices go up on things that they used to buy cheaper. This is the most expensive Lost & Found round I've seen ever, for example. $500 and $600 items when it used to be $250 or $350. The question to ask Ebbe Linden, who thinks this is the "market" is whether or not Linden Lab continues its practice of selling "printed" Lindens to keep the rate artificially cheap. THAT they had this practice we know for a fact from the creators of the LindEx. So does it continue? Yes or no. If yes, why on earth would it be necessary to cheapen the Linden to a 10 or more point spread??? Next question: do Lindens captured by LL on the Marketplace count in their system as sinks or sources? Sinks -- burned cash not a profit to them which makes a tighter money supply and sources -- revenue for them. Simple questions requiring answers. MP used to be a sink, but given aspirations of metaversal magic and making income from content not land, has LL turned these sinks to sources? It's not the sim buy-down, I hope everyone's over that nonsense by now.
  14. Are you saying to just do this manually as record-keeping? Or are you saying there is a way for the SL inventory to display on your hard drive, or even show an individual file name? I've never seen anything like that. I thought it was all in an asset server, not stored locally. Huh?
  15. I've gotten used to the phenomenon over the years in SL where teleporters disappear after you arrive on them. Then after you step off, in a minute they may re-appear. To me, this is just "normal behavior" but even if they temporarily disappear, they are still "there" and you see them again in time to use them. But now I have one that is just disappearing for good. I keep putting out out, over and over, and it just poofs after one use. I don't know if this is something about a graphics card rendering or actually the fact that teleporters move across sims (that's one of the ways they function, anyway). I have observed how they do this examining the Fnordian teleporter -- in fact in one case where it has to cross a sim through a Linden road it jams and returns if you use that mode. So I assume that the reason teleporters disappear is that they get stuck moving or something else is happening to make them not render. I have contacted the maker of this other teleporter about why it is disappearing but I have definitely documented that it does completely disappear -- and for good. o This is not a return to lost and found due to group land issues. The group is correct, the prim is set, and this very type of teleporter used to "stay put" when rezzed and when used multiple times. o When I click the destination, I already see it disappear and photograph it. o When I land, the other one disappears and now with both gone, I can't use them to get back. o Using area search, there is no evidence of them at all. o Using searchbert, which scans an area for items by name, there is no finding them. o They aren't offworld, they aren't in the sim trash, they're just gone. But why? FWIW, this started happening after this change: [15:39] Second Life: The region you have entered is running a different simulator version. Current simulator: Second Life Server Previous simulator: Second Life RC LeTigre i.e. after the most recent Linden patch. Thoughts?
  16. I hadn't seen that, but it's not surprising. When Ebbe told Jo that SL had "many years left" he meant like...2...or 3....and then it will be done because THEY will be done and won't be able to afford it.
  17. Many theoretical statements have been made about this by fanboyz, and many corporate statements have been made about this by Linden Lab, both of whom claim that no, they are different and no, Project Sansar won't replace Second Life As We Know It, which BTW has a Sansar continent in it established 13 years ago. However, none of this matters in the real world of virtuality. To get a sense of how this might go, you have to look at Virtual World History. When Second Life was created, The Sims Online and There emptied out -- there was a huge wave of departures and those worlds were never the same again. To be sure, some of the wave washed back in disappointment or over technical issues, but the bottom line is, both those worlds ended up dying totally, or dying for a time and then making lesser comebacks, because of Second Life which was different but newer and shinier and better. Games like Tale in the Desert still exist as a very niche fan group; there is a more primitive SL-like virtual world whose name I'm forgetting now which specialized in building sets and communities and such that I think still persists; I still get mail from some of these old VWs that I thought had died that some fans or old devs keep alive. But the reality is, none of them have any sizeable populations and will never make anyone any money. The wooshing sound will be heard throughout the land, and the only question is whether the Lindens will see any reason to keep alive their rump first iteration of SL. What matters isn't what they say; what matters is what they do. And there is no telling what they may be forced to do if their world goes unvisited like the Sims did.
  18. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Visual-Outfit-Browser-is-Live/ba-p/3066497 I don't really care about clothes much although I think for many people this would be a great thing. What I do wish is that they'd make a thing like this for furniture and other objects because when you get up to 85,000 items in inventory like me, you can't remember what everything looks like and you can't rename so many items that aren't on mod.
  19. The SL Public Land Preserve Lodge in Carlisle is really special! You can rent a room there for $50/50 and the management prims don't count. They are all beautifully decorated. Here is the India room which has a real working sitar: Teleport to SL Public Land Preserve Lodge   Join the group for a one-time fee of $5. If you like, for $25, you can ask to have some or all of the furniture cleared and place your own, and up your prim allotment to $100/100, prims permitting. There's a lot to do on this sim that has a Fairy Grove, Paradise Blanket (that rezzes different scenes), Botany's Grove bar, campfire, harpsichord, bread-baking and camp store. Fishing and a bumper boats game are also on site. It's a great hangout! And by renting a space or donating you are helping to keep the preserve open. Self-join group, no waiting. Pets welcome. IM Prokofy Neva to be upgraded to further resident powers.
  20. Qie, you are totally exaspering. As I've written multiple times, *I* am one of those landowners who both contributed (!) and allowed WARR right of way over my land (!). So seriously, I'm, um, "aware" of this feature of the, er, "long-suffering" WARR. Truly I am. For my trouble, as I've stated multiple times, I got an ugly high-rise in the view on a pretty pond -- for no good reason except somebody playing railroad tycoon "felt like it". That's all. I will go on calling this entire enterprise "baloney" because a) there is no objective need for another railroad in SL where there is the Linden's SLRR and other resident-created railroads; b) there is no objective need for the Lindens or me or anybody else to tier the revival of the WARR dream; c) there is no public demand or public use of this creation beyond a few very vocal forums-dwellers. The end. Re: I don't own any land pn this part of the Atoll, and I never used the WARR when it was in service Yes, which is why your opinion on this matter is fairly useless, when talking to people who a) donated land to WARR and b) sat under the shadow of WARR for years. Re: I suspect, most current landowners along the route would prefer there be rail there (presumably very different from the old WARR builds). Um, no. There is no basis for this assumption. You haven't polled them and I wouldn't trust you as a biased advocate to perform the poll. No one except a few RR hobos on this thread are clamoring for this; most people do not care. Railroads are no boon for them -- they bring first of all, ugly, stupid, laggy unmanned vehicles and second of all hobo griefers. If you have not experienced the hobo griefers, I think you need to do more research on this. I have ample testimony on this phenomenon myself. No, this fantasy about railroads has no basis in reality. Um, there isn't any "irony" in me referencing anything related to Robin and Jack. I -- along with many other landowners and business people -- lobbied them for about 5 long years to stop allowing the devaluation of our land. Hello! Filing numerous JIRAs and going to numerous office meetings. Finally something (not us, but possibly some other big buyers out there) made them turn the corner on this. Good! This irrelevant to the railroad debate today. If rails also suffered ad extortion, my God, so what? They'd be a tiny minority of the property owners who suffered it!!!! I agree that more LPDW features would be great for the Mainland. But who says these features have to only be from the culture of the open source crypto kid hobos -- railroads, space stations like Star Trek, horror carnivals, etc. Why? This is a minority of the SL population. As I pointed out to Michael Linden, how about building a dog walk/pet walk on the old WARR bed and "Linden Right of Way" in Grote? Trust me, this would get WAY more use from the people who actually live there or rent there. How about little dog fountains and horse water troughs? I see more real people riding horses than anything -- unmanned bots running vehicles don't count. The moles have made some odd things like the juice bar in Brownlee which I used to like and had land near, but which got ZERO usage, and I mean ZERO because we were there for months on end building this project (that then had to be retired, including a racetrack and guess what -- a railroad!!!) and I never saw a single soul go into that juice bar. I'm probably the only avatar who has clicked on that juice in 10 years. What if *gasp* the Lindens made a more popular type of things like a vintage marketplace of the sort that 8f8 makes? What if they made a campground with more to it than the simple fires they put out 13 years ago in places like De Haro? What about a fair with games in it instead of a frustrating game that just dumps you back home and is just on the horror theme, done to death in SL? There would be nothing wrong with building to more popular culture and not defaulting every time to the exotic geek preferences.
  21.  Autumn camping in Cayuga - $40/40. Pick a lot and move right in. Teleport to Cayuga Management prims don't count on your count, or ask to remove and place your own.   Also parcels available along or near the river bank -- $350/300, $300/250 or $150/150.  Teleport to Cayuga Self-join group. IM Prokofy Neva to get additional resident powers. Pets welcome. Refund any time for a small cancelation fee which is returned if you move to another one of our rentals. Join Virtual Green, the VIP group for Ravenglass tents for access to 50% off deals, free gifts, exclusive hang out and more.
  22. Here's a flat parcel 4096/936 prims available. Mature flat roadside. Use for home or shop. Skybox, pets ok. $1200/week - 10% off for 4 weeks advance payment. Teleport to Grahica 
  23. There are other reputable businesses that do this differently -- you form a group that THEY join and put tier in and you have the right to use it, but until you pay it off, they control YOUR group by putting the tier in it. I personally won't do rent-to-buy anymore as I have had times when people rented then skipped out and didn't buy. If you can't afford the purchase price of a piece of land, that's a good warning signal that you might not be able to afford its tier, either, so think twice about it, do the math, and decide if really is worth it.
  24. Qie, once again, none of this makes sense. There is no real reason for the WARR to be resurrected except that a handful of forums' agitators are banging on the Lindens. The original creator couldn't tier it, couldn't find tier help while he ran it, and now he/you/his alts/whomever want the Lindens to tier it. Why? They have a railroad already. This notion that there is some complex pre-history of many lawyers is baloney, as the WARR guy couldn't pay the tier, he abandoned it, the Lindens sold some of it and grabbed the rest of it and let it sit there for years. What's so complex about that? Nothing. The Lindens have ENOUGH abandoned land that they could route this WARR to hell and back and not have to grab anybody's land in the process or despoil anyone's view. So let them do that. It's not that big a proposition. The idea that the WARR "must" follow its old bed or that anything "must" happen and we must all get out of the way is absurd. It's a game, and it's a toy RR. So move your blocks, kids, and play elsewhere. It's irrelevant if you were opposed to ad farms on principle back when Robin and Jack Linden were here. And? So what? The point is they both too way too long in arriving at a policy -- five years -- and the issues of ad farming aren't merely an RR problem but a global problem -- and PS still are, as they still extort and the Lindens still don't police them enough.
  25. In doesn't matter if the script "was written to read the notecard in an odd way". The solution still involved fixing THE SCRIPT, not the notecard, imagine! So quick question: do I now call this amended script "Version 1.8" even though the change was tiny? I assume so. And for extra credit: at what point can a script be numbered "2.0"? PS It works fine. I will add you to the credits. Anyone who wants this all perms script in a box with the rest of its ingredients for $1, go here to Ross.
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