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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Well, these are all welcome things, and put in with lightning speed, as these things go. I look forward to seeing it. Since backspace wasn't what I used, it may not matter. The item count I suppose is helpful, and I'm assuming it tells you that it will do that before it does that. Not being able to purge trash from Recent sounds like the most important and relevant thing. However, IF there is a bug somewhere that is randomly putting folders into trash against your will -- and I believe there is, and I think there are sufficient numbers of field reports of this now -- then this isn't addressed. This is because engineers "couldn't find it" or "couldn't replicate it". So these other things are the remedies for when this thing happens which you didn't think you did does happen. There already was a "do you really want to do this" message with Trash, which I would argue is not relevant because you don't realize there's a problem and bat away such a message. I would have been happier with an addition of a message that pops up if you are deleting a folder *with objects in it*. That was the issue for me, and others. So if a folder gets pushed into trash, it says "Warning: Folder named [X] with [Y] items has been put in trash. Do you want to retrieve it?"
  2. I've had perhaps 3 incidents over 12 years where my inventory wouldn't load the same way twice and the Lindens said there was a "corrupt objects" and removed it. They would never tell me what this thing was and I didn't see anything missing per se. Once I had some griefer rapidly send junk into my account. There didn't seem to be a way to stop it. Even logging off. So literally thousands of grief boxes were sent into the account. The Lindens actually took over my account and made a special script to strip this junk out of my account. I remember I mailed them a box of cookies for this. I don't really accept this premise that "once something is broken it doesn't work right again". I could accept this with, say, a real-life car that has actual wear and tear on its parts, and which is weakened structurally somehow. But pixelated things? Electronic things on line? That can't be. They are lines of numbers -- code -- and are regenerated. I don't see how this could function in the way you claim. Removing a corrupt object or a bunch of spam should restore the avatar to pristine condition. It's not like it has "dents" on it. There might be a function of either age of an account (although again, I don't see how something can really "age" in SL unless of course certain objects or scripts become incompatible with the latest software -- that's always possible but I haven't really ever seen that. Sometimes you rez stuff from inventory and it goes poof and disappears forever, perhaps for that reason. The other issue -- and most likely of all it seems -- is the sheer number of objects. I had close to 100,000 objects, 97,000 something to be more precise. I then dropped down to like 82,000. So many the job of loading those objects puts strain on something somewhere. The larger issue for me is that I can't see any reason why I should create a new account, without any name recognition or friends or anything, which then becomes a nuisance. Even if I give it permissions, it's just annoying struggling daily with things like teleporters or objects that don't copy for another avatar. I already have this to some small degree with alts and helpers. Why induce it on a grand scale with my main account? Identity must count for something. The Lindens should just decide -- 75,000 is the limit. Or 50,000 is the limit. Or whatever their limit is. After that, you're on your own. And of course as I've been saying, they need to develop a back-up system.
  3. This is so nonsensical that it's not worth answering almost, but for the record: Re: You keep changing the numbers of what you saw. It started out as a very few items in the Trash. Then it gradually increased to around a couple of dozen items. Now it's up to a few dozen folders - not items any more, which usually means individual things, but folders. You said that none of the folders had little arrows. What on earth were a few dozen EMPTY folders doing in the Trash? Um, items = folders or other things. The material difference between a few and a few dozen when it comes to trash, versus hundreds or thousands that produce an error message, is negligible. Thus to rant about it as you are merely reveals your pettiness and need to be contrarian once again. Um, what are empty folders doing in trash? They come from the Marketplace, after something is sold. I guess you never have this experience... And once again, after I've seen a few dozen things -- a very small amount for typical trash, precisely because I constantly kept it clean -- folders from the MP that are empty and have no little arrows showing contents, or perhaps some empty gatcha boxes or duplicates of copyable items -- and I don't see anything amiss, you know, like a folder with exclamation points as part of its name: !!!Bed & Breakfst -- when I keep getting the message, I figure why not delete the trash and relog? Maybe there's a glitch. Because I had never, ever seen such a message. The end.
  4. So you may be interested to hear how this ended. After waiting nearly a month for a reply from the Lab, supplying information along the way, I nudged them after not hearing anything for two weeks and I got the answer that sadly, they couldn't find the reason for why the folder ended in trash unexpectedly, and sadly, they could not find my inventory. The end. The added one year subscription to my account as "compensation" but of course that's a token. I figured out of the 15,000 lost items, at least 7000 were single-copy gachas, purchased at $50/pull, that would mean $1,312 real dollars, if I did the math right. A year's subscription is only $72. Of course, it could be much more than that, as many items were gatchas (that's why they were in this particular folder and sub-folders) and many cost more than $50. Certainly it wouldn't be much less. So it's awful to contemplate, but I've soldiered on, gotten the copyable items back from merchants in many, but not all cases; gotten some of the rare gatchas again by playing the machines just randomly, to see if a few pulls might generate that rare (they did), and trying to look to the future. It's dampened my enthusiasm...I'm afraid to look back at the blog I have done of my fairs with my purchases because I'll see things I can't get back; on the other hand, I should go through it because I might find things I forgot. I've had many losses over my 12 years in SL. Things like spending US $300 to buy land to save the view, suddenly. Things like dumping 2 sims of land for cheap when the LindEx and land market cratered -- was that in 2006 or something? Years of griefing and losses and trying to battle that; years of trying to get the Lindens to do something about ad farms (they did finally). I made a group called Missing Inventory Activists (MIA) if you'd like to join, but I have to say right now I'm busy with work and family things and won't get active with this group until later in the summer... In the mean time, beware of "trash" alerts. I had yet another person tell me that as she was receiving a bunny, she saw the folder get shoved into trash, although she didn't touch a thing. Others report this. Never empty your trash when you get that message if you aren't expecting it. Keep your trash emptied normally, checking it carefully, so that when you get a message like that, a, you can afford to ignore it until you figure it out and b, you can get the Lindens to look at it if you can't.
  5. There shouldn't be one. Once again, let's correct the record as interested parties are spreading falsehoods about this. A resident who made a resident's RR abandoned her/his land. Nobody offered to buy it. PS this is an RR that I once supported by giving land or right of way, unlike others in this discussion. The Lindens then took this abandoned land, labelled it "Linden Right of Way" and then for about three years or more...did nothing. The Lindens already have railroads all over the place. The idea that they had to tier *this* one was fanciful. They themselves did not put in a new RR. Instead, *the Lindens auctioned* the "Linden Right of Way" in Juanita. THEY were the ones who did this. They didn't give it away and it didn't "fall into my hands". It was auctioned. A land flipper bought it on the auction -- none of the rail enthusiasts in this or other threads did -- and put it out for a high price. I bought it to save the view for my tenants on properties on 4 sims there. BTW, the WARR had only blighted the view, forcing me to abandon the land right under it years ago as it never rented. My ownership of this land is legal and comes via the Lindens' own auctions. Agitating for me to leave it or forcing me to sell it is wrong. Build your RRs elsewhere, use your own money, stop making other people pay with tier -- and their views.
  6. If the folder was merely hidden inside another folder, the inventory number wouldn't suddenly drop from 97,000 to 84,000 or whatever. It would still show the same number. But in this case what happened is that it disappeared into the trash and got flushed. I am still left with the practical conclusion that the only thing to do is to hang sub-folders off "objects" or "clothing" or some systems folder. At least that way "Objects", a system folder, won't get deleted, correct?
  7. Re: "No, you're wrong. You did say that you looked at your Trash carefully and didn't see anything. That's true. What I asked was whether or not it contained any sub-folders and, if it did, did you look inside them? Your first post didn't cover that, so it's worth asking. I haven't claimed anything. I simply asked. Twisting my words gets you nowhere." Um, no. I said there was no little arrow. The little arrow lets you know that a sub-folder has something IN IT. So if I didn't see that little arrow such as to click on it, I'd rationally assume there was nothing there. Maybe it didn't display, but whatever, no little arrow. Re: "The point here is that you could see something was clearly wrong, and yet you went ahead anyway." As other people in this same thread have done the exact same thing, I'll put out here that once again, you are simply expressing your venom for being called out for years over your "traffic" posts. That's all. I did something completely rational: I saw a message that I had never seen before, I did not think anything BIG was in my trash; I *looked* at my trash and saw only a few dozen folders, so I DID NOT SEE anything wrong with complying with this message, who knows, maybe it was a glitch but NOT KNOWING that a giant folder was about to be ditched, I did what the message -- which kept recurring! -- asked me to do. So did others. The problem is not in my rational behaviour; the problem is in a bug that pushes a big folder into trash. I did not push that big folder into trash. I've heard all kinds of theories here and I've entertained them, i.e. that maybe the folder simply didn't manifest or maybe I was on the "recent" tab. What you are doing is not discussing anything in good will but simply venting your spleen. So stop it. You only reveal yourself to be indulging in your forums grudges and obsessions for years. This literalist word salad about "not using Backspace" and imagining that you've "called me out" as claiming "falsely" that "I never use Backspace" when the CONTEXT is clearly *using backspace to delete* is quintessential literalist forums trolling. It exposes itself for what it is, vexing behaviour by an unhappy person. Derp, derp. All very obvious.
  8. @MoonieRatty Thank you so much for doing the JIRA -- I've waited several weeks for someone to do this. The problem is that techies always shrug that they can't duplicate it and it goes away for them. I can't post JIRAs as I am banned for the JIRA because I persisted in treating the permanent deletion of shared group items on return which overrides group powers established by the group owner as a bug, not a feature. In a case with something this tricky, you can't expect to "repro" it. You have to use another method which is to keep publicizing it, and getting more and more reports from the general public from people who had it happen to them and finally when you have enough of these -- perhaps a dozen or more -- that constitutes a signal of alarm to make people unwilling to "repro" something that is complicated to at least go and research possibilities. The "repro" fetish really kills progress, and it is hard to do mass announcements in this setting where much is discouraged in multiple ways but I'm glad after several weeks now I have gotten Lindens to look at this -- and got people to come forward with their stories of how it happened to me. Remember I started complaining about this generically on behalf of another person -- then it happened to me, something I still find odd. When you say this: "For me this seems to only happen to folders located in the objects folder and only if I delete something from that folder it takes the other folder with it." I don't know what to do about this. I have to keep things in folders hanging off "Objects". I have to delete things sometimes. So what can I do? Push them into another folder? How is that different than pushing them into trash? This is not something I want to test right now, I've lost enough. I wonder if the Linden testers have "heavy shopping avatars" that are larded up with 100,000 item inventories in all kinds of folders. If they made a "Shopper Sally" avatar like that I bet they'd discover fast how their software doesn't work half the time.
  9. @Phil Deakins -- again, anything to be contrarian. I *said* in my original post that I looked at the trash carefully and didn't see anything. Yet you claim that my problem could be that I failed to look at trash. Nonsense. I looked at it. I explained exactly what I was doing in sequence in the original post, so again, the "coincidence" angle or the idea that this occurred before the trash message appeared is absurd. The trash overflowing message -- which I had never had in my life *was* the signal that a folder had wrongfully been put in trash, obviously. This shouldn't be so hard yet I've had to explain it repeatedly. Yet I only knew that in retrospect when I found the folder missing; if I didn't see it in trash, obviously I didn't know it had been somehow deleted, derp. I wouldn't have to explain about my searches at all because *that fact alone of the appearance of the message when I had never seen it before, signally something giant in trash, was sufficient*. I added even more detail to burn it in. Again, all this is obvious and repeated, yet you're merely trying to be contrarian. I emptied the trash because I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING, DERP. Now why is that so hard??? I'm pretty sure I wasn't looking in "recent" because I tried searching again after the message which would have taken me out of "recent". I *did* look -- and because the message was persistent, and I didn't see that a FOLDER was missing, I thought it was safe to flush as a good idea. And others have done the exact same thing, and your curious needling on this is -- again, merely being contrarian. I don't think I was looking at Recent, but Whirly suggested it and it provides one explanation. It's not that I "admit" this is a possibility as if called out in a lie; I merely state it as her hypothesis but it is not what I believe what happened. There are bugs that make folders not visible, and that could be operative. I have never used backspace and I don't see that it's an issue. Cease from your heckling, this isn't about you and your need to harass me. It's a larger issue.
  10. @Chic Aeon I'm wondering what you are saying about "a fresh prim". What I have are what next boxes and other things that look like metal boxes but are essentially only a prim. They allow you to make your own label for them. So that's what I use for things like holiday items or rarely used items or old items I'm not going to use but don't want to toss. Now, it's true they might get lost in a server crash. But my thinking is that Lindens are more willing to restore a *sim* -- and have a protocol for doing this -- even on the Mainland (sometimes) -- but they have not been willing and don't have a protocol for restoring an inventory inside an avatar. From what I gather, inventories are not "on sims". But maybe they are? They are moved from sim to sim as you travel? One thing the Linden engineers investigating my case asked for was the name of the sim and the date stamp and said "time is of this essence". So I figure inventory *is* tied to a sim somehow, or perhaps parts of it are? And that these are regularly reset, meaning any hope of using a sim to restore an inventory would be lost? But then, the pointers reside elsewhere, as was explained by Whirly in how to make a copy of them.
  11. @Ayesha Askham - in my experience with my own customers and others I hear of and now my own tragic loss, the issue isn't that the items have disappeared from the asset server. That may happen too, but what I find much more common is that the pointers disappear. The items are still there in other people's inventories, stores, etc. and of course on the Linden's asset server. In most cases, you can go to a merchant that uses Casper or some other vending system that creates "re-delivery terminals" and automatically click on the Internet form and have a re-delivery. This is painstaking and annoying because there might be hundreds of things to page through, and each "redelivery" click bounces the page back up to the top again. Maybe that can be adjusted by the creators of these things. There is also the merchants' 32-day record, which he will keep himself offline every month if he is smart (I do that) and the MP record of purchases which goes back years even. So then these things can be reproduced. I have even had some merchants with no records or re-delivery terminals at all simply recall that I did buy their item, often because I blogged about it, or they just simply trusted me. This is of course only on the copyable no transfer items. Very few merchants without good records and trust in you will re-issue a no-copy item, but I did have a few who did that because they know I buy frequently from them and had their own proof of purchase. The back-up of the asset server is perhaps something done anyway. But how does that help? It doesn't unless there is back-up of pointers and the ability to reconstruct them. I would need to understand what percentage of losses are the actual total loss of a thing and not the loss of the pointer. In a sense, what the request is for the Lindens to make a master re-delivery terminal like individual merchants have and to make it available for non-copy as well. And I don't expect that for free. I expect it for a fee.
  12. @Monty Linden I appreciate you joining this discussion. It's one that has needed to be had for a long time. In case you didn't see the other threads, sadly, after advocating on this issue because it happened to another person in a merchant's group I happened to be in, it happened to me a week later and I lost 15,000 items. And so have others. There may be a bug, and this has increased the urgency not only for fixes but prevention. What *is* indeed the best way to organize inventory? To hang sub-folders off a system file that can't be deleted? To never have sub-sub folders? I had one sub-folder with numerous sub-sub folders creating one point of vulnerability, so now I'm spreading them out. Of course your point about cross-checking activity logs is important. Obviously, if an avatar sold all his stuff on the MP or inworld or moved it to an alt and then claimed "inventory loss," this would show up. I like the idea of a "Linden-signed inventory manifest" but I wonder how that would be done. The avatar goes to a Linden sim, clicks on a podium - like a kind of notary public -- that device scans him/his inventory and issues a little certificate object with a seal? I'm just visualizing it. I'm assuming it is possible to scan an inventory. Indeed, that must be done each time there is a search. So maybe it's a question of isolating that routine and putting it in a user-friendly format. The recovery checkpoints is what I've been saying for awhile because it seems simple but I don't know the technical side of it. As for the safeguards, maybe the deal with inventory recovery simply has to be that whatever you get retrieved that was no-copy to begin with will be put on no-transfer -- this is already the system merchants use to convert single-copy to copyable but no-transfer gatchas. That will be the price you pay to avoid any kind of scam involving this system.
  13. Well, one thing I would say is that if your inworld avatar has the same name or kind of name as your forums avatar, that could be a turn-off. People react to names that seem negative some time. I would not give up on Second Life but I'd definitely get away from those 3 sims and try a whole bunch more, not always in the adult category, try all kinds of things, live music, shopping events, city sims that are replicas of real life cities, interesting Destination recommendations, etc. Also, when you are working on your avatar, i.e. editing clothing go somewhere out of the way so that people don't attack you then or get mad at you doing this (some do). For example I have little rooms at the infohub in Ross just for that reason. You can look under "hangouts" and other terms to find quiet sims where this should be possible.
  14. @Whirley Fizzle what I'm wondering is what the steps would be then if you made this dump of information into a file (what kind of file?) and kept it, and in the event of loss, gave it to the Lindens. What can they do with it and where can they look for these files? Is it on a sim?
  15. I don't know how you get to this testing grid, whether that is the celebrated Hippo! grid, but I couldn't get logged in there, it bounced me. And I don't think that will help. Re: this business of backspacing to delete. I never heard of that. I never DID that. I don't think it's possible to do accidentally but I may try to test it. @Phil Deakins Anything to be contrarian, eh? Re: The idea that she noticed the missing inventory right after she emptied the Trash was just a coincidence has already been suggested as a possibility but she ignored it. The missing folder with the tens of thousands of items in it could have been missing before the Trash was emptied, but hadn't been noticed. Prok has it firmly in her head that she deleted the folder herself by emptying the Trash, and that's all there is to it. She may be right, and she may be wrong. As you said, it's not known. Nonsense. I'm ignoring it because it's not relevant to the documented situation here. It's not a coincidence because I had some of that inventory available and had just searched and found it to put it in a rental only moments before getting that message about the trash overflowing. THEN when I searched for an item as I kept getting that message -- not realizing that I had lost inventory -- I saw the very folder was missing. Then I compared the numbers. I would always recognize a huge discrepancy in numbers because I watch those numbers regularly. There isn't a "coincidence" here because this is a folder I use constantly as I am flying around, removing and putting things in rentals -- and all of a sudden that folder is gone completely. The message appeared right after I deleted a dock. I knew there couldn't possibly be lots of items in my trash because I keep it clean to avoid confusion and I also check it to avoid loss -- with so much extra and unnecessary packaging in products these days, especially with something like the Epiphany gatchas. THE REASON A MESSAGE ABOUT TRASH OVERFLOWING CAN APPEAR IN THE FIRST PLACE ON AN AVATAR'S ACCOUNT WHO NEVER HAS MORE THAN A FEW DOZEN THINGS IN TRASH AND NEVER HAD THAT MESSAGE IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE IS BECAUSE A GIANT FOLDER OF STUFF GOT PUT IT IN ACCIDENTALLY, DUH. I *looked* in the trash to see what could be making it so "heavy". I didn't see THAT folder, but by that time it was missing precisely because I couldn't find the sub-folders I was searching on -- "Animals" and "Docks". They were simply gone. And once again, I'm not claiming at all "I deleted it myself" or even self-doubting as some are doing in this thread saying "I may have deleted it". I *know* I didn't delete it. To click and delete, or push a file like that into trash would be absurd, it has 15,000 items in it in sub-folders. I also *did not see it in trash*. As has been indicated, multiple reasons could account for this: the file is over-large and doesn't show up then (people have indicated that happens); the tab is on "recent" and isn't showing an old file that got deleted; the file is hidden in some other way. There's no point in arguing this because the Lindens can look on the server and discover the series of actions that an avatar did to see if my recollection is right or wrong. And it's immaterial because THAT the folder got in trash and then got flushed is the story -- there isn't another story. So they will either see that or it will be too late as they've flushed their own servers. FWIW I now after four days finally have a Linden engineer looking at this issue.
  16. @Callum Meriman @Ayesha Askham Indeed. What is NOT being requested is a creation of a real-time back-up of single copies of non-copy items, or copiable versions of non-copy items against the creator's wishes. What is being requested is storage of the POINTERS from the user's inventory to the asset server so that there is evidence of what the user purchased or obtained from transfer. Then in the event of a claim of loss ticket, you can compare the pointers kept on file with what is now in the inventory, see that X, Y, Z etc are missing, and restore them as they were in single copies on transfer. Can this system be gamed? Oh, I don't know; most things in SL get gamed. But given that it's possible to check the inventory to see if the pointers are matching actual objects, I don't see it as something that can be abused. Couldn't somebody get a bunch of stuff, sell it, and then claim loss? Well ,those buy and sell movements will be recorded on the server and visible. When you sell or transfer an item, the pointer from your inventory to the asset server is removed like a price tag. Surely there is a way to distinguish the tags from that operation to the tags missing from unidentified loss or crashes that lead to loss. I'm assuming that the capturing of the pointers to the asset server is something discrete and doable. Maybe it isn't. Maybe it dynamically changes with rezzes inworld or somethig who knows. But I think surely it is a list in a table, it can be copied on the servers and then used to restore lost data.
  17. Yes, I saw. This is a VERY GOOD EXAMPLE of how MISLEADING the "NEXT UNREAD TOPIC" notice is at the lower-right hand corner. You think you are reading the next post in a thread. You think the post you're seeing has been posted *in the thread you're inside of*. But...You're not, you're reading a new "topic". Glad to see you have all the time you've always had for the forums, Phil. How's business?
  18. Caleb, I don't see the point of your posting of the release notes to these deployments. They don't concern the bug and the devastating behaviour we're discussing in this thread. These releases concern things like "Fixes an issue where large numbers of objects could be returned after a rolling restart" or the "can't move object" bug which I've seen. But that's nothing like a bug that moves a folder you haven't deleted into trash randomly (or perhaps related to some deletion within the folder, who knows), the gives you a message "Your Trash is Overflowing", prompting you to flush the trash -- and lose a folder you had no intention of deleting and indeed didn't delete. Read the accounts here: random folders ending up in trash, people not sure they put them there (I'm sure I did NOT put them there); some people suddenly rescuing large folders never intended as entire folders with thousands of objects to end up in trash; some people flushing trash and losing everything, with Customer Service telling the customer that if he has flushed trash, that is his problem, and nothing can be reversed. But the customer has only flushed trash because of a sudden and persistent warning about overflowing trash! This is a serious, serious issue. It cost me 15,000 objects that I don't see LL able to return although in theory it is likely possible. It cost other people in this thread thousands of objects. I don't see how this is related to "server returns objects" or "object can't move".
  19. @Chase01 yes, I had received that advice in another thread. But if I had never even HEARD of this feature (it is new, and there was never a blog post about it to my knowledge) I wouldn't know what to set it for. And setting it for X or Y is irrelevant if what happens is that folders get pushed into it randomly, or even if on accident, but not visible, or even if by accident, and visible but not realized -- irrelevant to the size set, you know?
  20. @Sin Speculaas Yes, I got the message several times, too, which is why I thought I better flush the trash to stop the messages and in case it was going to create problems. And I looked in the trash but didn't see anything which was odd. Then I was out 15,000 items. I' not a newbie either -- nearly 12 years myself. I know how to be careful with deletions, to check trash, to keep trash empty, to check folders. All that careful filing away in sub-folders which I thought was "good hygiene" for naught : ( I couldn't get logged on to Hippo! or whatever you are referencing, but I'm not sure that will help at all. I submitted a ticket on 4/21 and it is now 4/24 and I have heard nothing. Meanwhile, they may have flushed their servers and it is hopelessly gone. I can only urge all of you in this thread and others who are in with the Lindens to try to get their attention to this issue. File a JIRA. I can't do this, I am blocked from the JIRA. I've written to Patch Linden but it's not his area. Those of you who hang out in office hours with techie Lindens -- please mention this.
  21. Chic Aeon Again, if it turns out there really is a hard limit on inventory like 10,000 or 50,000, then we need to be told than and adjust accordingly. Maybe premium features or add-on payable features could be involved in securing larger inventory. I always empty trash so that it is not confusing in searches and just out of habit with Windows, where I do the same thing. BTW, if there could be a warning message if there is an unusually large amount of trash that might be helpful but probably only save a few individuals their treasures. At the time this occurred, as I mentioned, I didn't have more than two dozen items in trash as I do regularly empty it.
  22. @Leia36 No, that made no difference at all because that's not the issue. @Chic Aeon Yes, I cleared cache, cleared history etc. That's not the issue. Re: "this 10k limit was removed with the move to the latest AIS3 inventory API." I was using the regular viewer when this happened; the "latest inventory AIS3" -- is that the release candidate? Or is it now in the standard viewer? BTW I tried logging on with that http viewer now in the list as RC, nothing changed. My subfolders -- all located in one folder! -- had 15,000. They only recently got up to 15,000 past 10,000, the last few months. Maybe 15,000 literally triggered this bug? Maybe the system pushes files that overloaded file into trash? If there are limits of this nature, the Lindens need to put that in their Knowledge Base. They don't. It's like the upper limit of group members. I've found from experience that land groups don't load the land or the members after about 1000 and even 750 is a strain. You say this is "messy" or "hard" to have multiple sub-folders under "Objects". Well, how else can you do it? Having everything NOT in folder creates a problem because when you search, it finds but then won't let you drag it in world until you cancel search and hope you can locate it again. That huge annoyance I've had for years, filed tickets on, gotten nowhere. Plus, if you are in a situation where you need to pick this table or that chair, being able to review folders to see the options is better than just word-searching "table" as not everything that is a table is named "table" nor modifiable to be renamed. I think rather than having one sub-folder to a system folder, with dozens of further sub-folders creating one vulnerable point -- which is what I had to be able to see inventory folders spread out better as you mention -- having dozens or even a hundred under "objects" is the best bet. People talk about spreading things over systems folders. Obviously furniture can't go under "scripts" or "clothing" or "notecards". That is, I could start putting tables in "notecards" -- but why? So Objects is where it has to go. Yes, it means that you have to scroll past those sub-folders to see things not filed yet. But that forces you to file them. I don't see any advantage to making sub-sub folders as again, the point of vulnerability is created. One can always start putting inventory on alts but this creates annoyances even if you have all the permissions -- you can't edit things in contents, you have to first edit, then put in content etc etc. The other solution is boxes in world. But these load even slower than inventory and you can't word-search them.
  23. @DorianDiaz Yeah, I do that -- tons of it. All the holiday stuff and less used houses and so on go on boxes. But they can get lost too. And they are hard to manipulate. Put more than 20 things in a box, and they won't load so you can see them easily. It's not really a good solution for someone trying to constantly circulate lots of stock in something like rentals which is what I have. Casper and other vendors let us know that copies of things are held on line easily and re-delivery instantly in most cases UNLESS the merchant stops using that system. The Lindens need a system like this where you can opt to keep inventory online easily, where entire pages online are easier to sort. They also need a system to restore inventory. This isn't a system to give you doubles of non-copy items (which is why it doesn't get done) which could be abused. It's a system you pay for that in the event of loss, and proof it is no longer inw inventory or owned by you inworld rezzed out, you get a redelivery.
  24. You were right to give her a negative review, it's unacceptable to sell things that take money from your balance like that, even with the automatic inworld warning, if you aren't expecting it because it was not in the product description. Reflect upon the fact that being blocked from the store isn't such a loss as you would unlikely go there again. Being blocked from ever purchasing a product, however, say at an event, is something that this merchant can do because of a certain monopolist vendor manufacturer. They should not be enabling such a feature in a free market. When merchants do that to me they can be sure they get an enthusiastic and widespread boycott message from me. To be sure, you could always use an alt to buy their products but some are so vindictive they will research your alts and block them, too.
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