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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Awhile ago there was a gatcha that had a set of "space" things. Like a sort of Star Trek console or "bridge" and various screens and chairs and outer space stuff. I don't remember the author. I remember getting one of the items at a yard sale and now I can't find it, despite searching under "space," or "cosmic" or "star" or whatever. It might have been with backdrops of other kinds of scenes but I think it was all space stuff.
  2. Cub is a unique sim with highly-terraformable land (40+/-) that is perfect for sailing or just chilling by the ocean. Here's a Mainland island with beautiful plots, some of them corner with channels on both side that you can sail to 7 wide open Linden seas here. Better than Blake because you don't have to pay a fortune or wait for a spot to open! Yes, there really are 7 Linden Seas!    Teleport to $800/590 prims Teleport to $1100/850 prims RENTED Teleport to $1300/950 prims Teleport to $850/714 prims RENTED Teleport to $750/500 prims Teleport to $150/100 prims Mention this ad and get a 2nd week free! Self-join group, start building and decorating immediately and set home to here. Then IM Prokofy Neva to have group powers added to ban, deed media, terraform, change description, etc. Pets/breedables welcome within moderation. Skyboxes too. This is a great area! PS If you are interested in renting this Mainland island in entirety, I can work out one weekly charge for you.
  3. I think the Caledon Oxford has among the best newbie start sims and lots of good freebies too. I have a "medium" tutorial in Ross at the Memory Bazaar. It has more "second stage" items like "how to stop griefers" or "how to group land". http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ross/108/221/47
  4. Go to the Advanced Menu, then at the bottom select Debug Menu and search for PlayTypingAnim and change from TRUE to FALSE. To get the Debug menu to appear, use ctr-alt-D on your keyboard.
  5. I totally agree that BEFORE land is set to auction the Lindens should give a thought to context and do things like add easements/water/check thoroughfares etc. The Lindens should never sell the internal water to a pond area -- and yet they do. It's caused some of the worst ruckuses on the mainland. They did put up easements more often in earlier days, if anything, there are some sims that have even TOO MUCH Linden land/water. But in later years I think they were slapping them down. Now it's harder to go back and fix. If the roof over the road affected actually passage of say, tall avatars or double-decker buses or something may you'd have a point but if it doesn't, it's hard to complain without dinging every other thing. Kitely doesn't have geographic contiguity but I thought Inworldz did, at least I remember walking around a whole downtown area but maybe I missed something.
  6. Oh, I'd be happy to have the telehubs come back! Good news! Those atoll houses are awfully high prim though, you could put them on "convex hull" if that won't affect entering through the door.
  7. You know, if you use the search term "Ravenglass Rentals" you will find over 100 listings with weekly prices, prims and other features : )
  8. It's a bug. These stores have had hundreds of ads put up from them over the years. This is how the menu looks -- on the Mainland, if your sim is Mature, the ad defaults to Mature. "Adult" is not even an option for you to select. So it is going to Adult due to a bug. On the Knowledge Base, there is a notice of a KNOWN ISSUE, that says "ads in Adult show as Mature." So it stands to reason that the reverse could also be true as an issue NOT YET KNOWN AS KNOWN BUT OBVIOUS, "ads in Mature show as Adult." Perhaps someone can file a JIRA. I can't do that as I am banned from the JIRA for specious reasons.
  9. Here is the definitive answer from an old actual Linden in response to my ticket, i.e. not one of those new CS people but an actual old Linden who knows things: "I did some digging around on this issue, and it looks like this folder relates to an old project that was not completed and has been shelved. I don't see any reason that it would be removed or modified, but it is possible that a code update could unintentionally do so. As a result, for safety I would recommend against using it for storage." So I immediately moved everything out of that folder, which only took a minute because you can move things in batches such as on Windows. And the second I removed all the sub-folders with their objects, and then the objects not in sub-folders in "BASIC ROOT" the folder simply POOFED. It's gone. It's not in trash; it's just gone. SO I'm glad I did that because if it was that poofable, anything could have gone wrong. I think this was originally a thing to repair a broken inventory which they fixed for me several times, that's what I recall. So it's likely not a widespread phenomenon. I don't even know what Basic Root means but anyway, it's gone.
  10. Well the sim "Refugio" doesn't have anything like that, and the sim "Athis" doesn't either unless you really, really stretch it. I didn't give these Mainland sims their names. This is ridiculous.
  11. This is an amazing deal and gorgeous property and location. Rent a spacious room with a fireplace in our bed & breakfast country home on Hector Lake in Itame. $150/100 prims. Fully-furnished and management prims don't count, 100 prims for your use. Then teleport to your private locked sky home with full furnishings and delightful touches. Teleport to Room 3 at B&B in Itame Live in the wonderful llorisen // ciaran skybox with multiple rooms and fine furnishings. Or ask to remove the furniture for a small $25 fee and use your own or replace from our store room. You can also ask for more prims.   
  12. Come join the Container Community in Itame. Management prims don't count! So use one of our container homes (truck containers, wagons, cabooses, etc.) or bring your own. Or you can opt to make a skybox. Now $50/50 prims, $100/100 prims and $150/150 prims. Limit one parcel per person/couple. Teleport to Itame Container Community  If you live in this community in addition to your home parcel you have a commons with a sculpture garden for picnicking and hanging out, access to boating and chill spaces on Hector Pond, access to the Main House where you and your friends can also have dinner. It's a beautiful area for horse-back or car riding around the neighboring sims. You need an SL getaway!
  13. Type HIH into the map and you will see: (that's the letter "I" not "1")  It doesn't seem as big as a new continent, but it seems more ambitious than Linden Homes because it has large common areas, see the six sims put together in the middle. They are categorized "Adult" and you can't teleport to this area, it's closed. Linden Homes in "Adult"? More competition for all that unsold land in Zindra.
  14. Ever since LL stopped their work on sim-seam crossing -- or perhaps long before -- they stopped caring about crossing sims on road trips or horse rides. That people still do this anyway doesn't affect them and they are not motivated to care. Oh, except when they want to run a railroad across land that they inadvertently sold because they weren't thinking of their supposed own plans to take over a residence railroad and have the thoroughfare kept open. Oh, well. As for sailing, we all know that sailing can only be in the Blake Sea where the Lindens maintain it and advertise for it, sailing elsewhere is plagued with overactive security orbs and all the rest. I don't think the owner of a sim who has bought it in good faith on the auction or from land barons should be forced to engage in the "public good" as the tiny percent of the population dwelling on the forums sees it. You can't expect people to tier empty road or sea at their own expence to help various Rail Tycoon types to live out their fantasies sending unmanned vehicles all across land they don't pay for. I personally try to keep waterways clear, i.e. in Ross where there's a channel around a Mainland island. But the donations that people give you for doing things like this make up only a tiny percentage of your tier. As for Rufferta's idea that residents shouldn't build over Linden roads -- the reality is, they do. All over the place. This is hard to enforce. If you make Lindens globally enforce it, then you will lose things that people in fact appreciate that technically "encroaches".
  15. It's Mainland. And the owner is a famous person who is very wealthy in SL terms. No doubt they do it to inflict their persona on the view, in fact. It's not about being a noobie. As for your belief that if it encroaches on any small parcel around it, it can be returned, you're wrong. Giant builds stretching across a sim cannot be returned even from your own land. I've proved this again and again when griefers have inflicted sim-wide boards or builds crossing many parcels -- the Lindens have to return it globally from their "island menu" not accessible to Mainland "owners" renting from Governor Linden. And it may not even technically encroach. The point is that it is blots out the view and is completely unnecessary.
  16. It doesn't matter if we are "only renters". Since when does "only being a renter" mean you have to live with eyesores and crazy in the view? It doesn't. Linden Lab advertised this land as "own virtual land" during the period when I bought most of it. But it doesn't matter if it isn't any real "ownership," just like ownership of land in real life isn't so real when bears or forest fires come. The ugliness of a giant dome is a problem of what long ago I dubbed "FY heedonism" -- the idea that I can do WTF I want on my land and the hell with everyone else. Real life doesn't work that way but many Linden policies based on the theology of the "Autonomous Zone" have caused this pernicious philosophy to proliferate in SL. All LL had to do was disseminate more vigorous enforcement of their Community Rule No. 2 (which has language like "not affect the enjoyment of others' Second Life") and we'd have long ago been done here. This indeed is a tragedy of the commons but more than that, the tragedy of aggressive online narcissism. The notion that you should "derender" everything you don't like, in my view, belongs to the mentality of the "The Commissar Vanishes" where Stalin airbrushed his enemies out of photos. You diminish any hope of have any shared rules of the commons in a shared space if you make the view subject to everyone's de-render whim. And as we all know, de-render is a very relative concept. It is not a function of the standard SL viewer which I prefer due to the propensity of TPVs not only to scrape your data but have opt-out rather than opt-in functions. You have to KEEP doing derender when you log in. If you change viewers, especially. Something like a giant dome spanning an entire sim can be hard to derender. And why should everyone else be inflicted with de-rendering chores? Move the damn thing up in the sky above 500 meters and none of this will be necessary. It costs you nothing to move out of the view. If you step out of the way when you land at a busy shopping sim to prevent avatar pile-ups - a common courtesy and even demand in SL -- you can move your eyesore up past 500 meters.
  17. Then they can put "clear" on the side facing their neighbours. That's the courteous thing to do and costs you nothing if in fact that's the purpose.
  18. I've had multiple incidents lately of being forced into "adult" as a category when the content wasn't adult. This is particularly galling given how daily, I am forced to view the most extreme adult hentai images (which really should be banned as child pornography) merely by opening up Search. We all experience this. There are edge-casers that pretend this isn't what it is, but it really hurts the eyes. We are FORCED to do this -- and now when I try to chose non-adult events and ads, I'm forced into adult against my will AGAIN. I generally don't care for adult content. But I am forced to keep my avatar checked "adult" so I don't find myself suddenly unable to see something on the MP that someone has decided is "adult" even if it isn't, or to fly to take care of my tenants on my own land in Zindra, where I keep just one parcel to have my foot in that continent -- and avoid being blocked from sims that -- again -- someone has put in "Adult" just to avoid problems. So now, I try to put my Rez Day Pavilion into the events list, and the system won't allow me, forcing me to post it as "Adult". I am bewildered, given that the sim itself is General. The content on my parcels consists only of birthday cakes, some of my favorite gatchas or the most beautiful gatchas, all of which are mere decor unrelated to adult activity. Thinking perhaps the line in my text where I advertised an "eagle ride" somehow triggered some "Adult" categorization, I took it out. (It's an actual eagle you fly from the mountain). I tried cutting my text three times even though for the life of me, I could see nothing in this content that had anything remotely "adult" let alone "mature". In the end, I couldn't post the ad and had to move some of it to a mature sim. Hugely annoying after spending all that time placing things. Then the same thing happened when my tenant tried to put an ad on her gatcha store in my mall in a Mature sim. There is nothing "adult" in that store or indeed on the sim. Again, it consists of gatcha knick-nacks that no one could possibly classify as "adult". Just ordinary furniture, no adult anims, and decor with no "adult" connections. I tried to place an ad there in that store as well and got the same reaction. I tried first removing "Adult" from my own avatar's content description in "My Preferences," thinking that the mere "adult" category of my avatar would force any ad or event into "adult" by default. But that isn't the issue. I relogged so it could kick in. It still forced me to characterize a completely General store in a Mature sim as "Adult". Why is this happening? Is it a bug or a feature? Given how Support has responded, they just keep reciting that there is adult content in the store (there isn't and has never been) and not actually looking at it, it's very frustrating. I have my theories for why this might be happening but want to gather more data.
  19. I don't care about the Calling Cards because there's another bug affecting them, making them repeat, so that each card has like 20 copies in a row, and deleting them doesn't make them go away, so I just never use that folder. My hunch is that Basic Root could be trouble if it was inserted as a fix to something else that mysteriously happened (some inventory corruption that required Linden fixing -- this has happened multiple times, once after a griefer directed objects to spam by the thousands into my inventory, and another time because some corrupt object was in there for something, who knows, also probably grief-related). This is a HUGE chore to move this out, so my next question is this: if you make a folder called RENTALS or anything, and then make dozens of sub-folders inside THAT folder, i.e. CHAIRS, DESKS, FLOWERS, etc. is that also cause some problem with the way the pointers go to the asset server? I have had tenants who have lost thousands of expensive inventory items, breedables, clothing etc. I don't know why this happens. Why don't they have a snap shop or an earlier version? If not, why not? Your inventory is just a list of pointers, not "the actual things". So what's the big deal? Restore all the pointers and be done with it. If the items still exist inworld, e.g. a lot of suits and horses, why can't they just put the pointer to them back??? I find this indefensable. I went through long periods (years) where only a quarter or half of my inventory would load on any given session, and never the same amount. Even notecards I had just made would be lost. I put things in storage inworld like a squirrel. I tried everything, clearing cache, clean boot etc. Finally I ticketed this and got some action, but it took several tries. Now, on some patches, it won't load, and I have to do clear cache again. I don't know why this is necessary. A browser has hundreds of book marks. An email program has hundreds of addresses. These point to things. So why can't the SL inventory be like that?
  20. I don't know what evidence there is that they "use accounts that have been stolen". Maybe they do, but maybe they just use day-old alts or even mains because there are no repercussions. There is nothing in the TOS about soliciting money from other residents. Given that all kinds of people have their hands out for things that seem legitimate, like to help cancer research, how could you police this effectively? All groups now have a function that enables you to ban members yet keep your group open for membership from the general public. So the key is to moderate your group if it is plagued with these problems and ban the miscreants. Not everyone has time or money for this sort of policing so those annoyed by these discussions -- which usually consist way more of people expressing disgust than the original beggar -- just X the window and it closes group chat. I'm not persuaded these are "bots" because I don't see how a scripted agent could join a group. Group joining requires clicking on a link in chat, not sure bots can do that.
  21. It's never been explained, it's not in the Knowledge base that I can see, and I fear it is something that might be removed although it's been here for more than a year. Why do I ask? Because it seemed like a handy inventory organizer at first. It had sub-folders and it seemed like a nice place to tuck away hundreds of things I need to decorate rentals, but which then won't clutter the view of the whole inventory. But if it is removed for some arcane reason in some future patch, whoops, there goes all the inventory in it. Somebody said on an early forums post that it might be related to "direct delivery" but since that goes below all the inventory files in that "received items" folder, then how could it be related?
  22. One of the things that really torques me in SL is when people get those gigantic domes that take up nearly a sim and put them hovering just a few hundred meters above ground. Almost to a man, the owners of these things never fail to put them at that very low level so they are very visible and dominate the whole sim. I even wonder if there is some actual feature of these monsters that makes them undeployable above 100 meters. But that can't be! Surely like any skybox they can be rezzed anywhere in the sky, up to 4096 where a teleporter will stop working. WHY IS THIS??? I recently saw a sim with some beautiful rentals, a beautifully designed home by a famous designer for rent, lovely land for sale -- but none of it renting or selling because of this ENORMOUS dome hovering in the sky like some huge spaceship -- and owned by a prominent SL events organizer. WHY??? The irony of this is that you can't even see OUT of these domes. I can understand if you thrill to the idea of feeling like you're on Star Trek and you look out of your dome window down on the little people below. But they don't see out! They are opaque. They contain worlds like beaches. It just doesn't make sense. It should be an actionable offense to place buildings in the air like that and ruin an entire sim.
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