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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Like avatar foot shadows, the ability to bend my little avatar fingers at their purported joints is not something I want or need nor would it affect my SL. Bento leaves me absolutely uninterested; my only hope is that it doesn't mess up pre-existing clothes, skins etc. I suppose that's too much to ask, however. I don't have mesh bodies/heads as I find them Halloween-fright-night awful, but live and learn. Somehow, I don't think that moving from 512 to 1012, which would be a very nice gesture and the sort of LONG OVERDUE nice thing for the Mainland that hasn't been done in ages is NOT the thing that will "change SL forever" for EVERYONE as the Mainland is a tiny percentage. So it could be : o a move to real names - there's some concerted claque that wants this, I think most people don't. o ability to save content offline - but I doubt that o an end to free accounts (many want this because they associate it with griefing; that's because they don't associate it with "Europe, Asia and the rest of the world outside the US" as I do, i.e. customers. o start points not on the Linden welcome areas but custom areas
  2. Do you want a skybox or a parcel. I allow security orbs in skyboxes only, not on the ground. I have some for $100/50. Get the latest listings at the office, see link below.
  3. Well that ties in with this. FWIW, I got Designing Worlds to say this was "positive".
  4. You seem to be making the subjective reading that the "Mainland has emptied out". But the findings of Tyche in her surveys doesn't suggest anything so drastic. I get new customers every day, and new people coming into SL for the first time. To be sure, they don't stick, many of them, but I do my part to help them stick as do others. And that's just my little corner of the Mainland. I see abandoned land, but then I see land selling on the auction. I have parcels on about 50 sims, so I do get around a fair amount but this is still only about 10-15% of the whole mainland and I don't see entire continents. Nautilus still sells for huge amounts. I see high prices on desirable waterfront everywhere, especially in Zindra and some nicer white sandy beaches. And I see people paying those prices and moving in and staying. "Emptying out" isn't the word I'd use for the land mass, which has a diminishing and unstable population in some areas but in others is stable. While you can spend less on a homestead if grandfathered ($95) than you would a whole Mainland sim ($195) you can't have as many people on it and as many scripts before it starts to fall over. I think that's the draw for former Mainland, not parts of islands or whole islands. I'm not so sure there is bleeding of revenue as you say. I think land sales still make up the core revenue for LL.
  5. There's a simple thing the Lab could do but for ideological reasons they don't do it. They could bar certain third-party rogue viewers and bar certain log-ons using proxy sites which would do a great deal to diminish the amount of griefing and theft of copyrighted creations in SL. But because the Lindens are devotees of "open source" and some are even crypto-anarchists, as I've discovered over the years, they don't want to bar the use of proxies or anonymizers because this might stop, say, an Iranian dissident or a Egyptian freedom fighter or an American victim of domestic violence -- let's say -- from logging on to SL. I'm skeptical that there are any log-ons from Iran, but I've had customers even from Uzbekistan and Egypt. They log on normally because they are in privileged classes -- they'd have to be, to have computers with high-end graphic cards and Internet that they can pay enormous sums for (in these countries checking Facebook can cost a day's wages). That the overwhelming use case for these anonymous log-ons isn't about freedom or democracy but anarchic mayhem and crime doesn't deter their thinking on this. But this is one source of the problem. They do hash-ban accounts that repeatedly make alts but I marvel at some of the very obvious alts that return again and again despite having their islands seized from them due to hacking, crashing and theft.
  6. Designing Worlds has just put out a press release with the following statement: "And we also have news of a special show coming this Thursday, November 3rd at 2pm - with discussion of an announcement from the Lab that will impact all our Second Lives! http://bit.ly/2fnboXR And Patch Linden will be in the Designing Worlds studio after the show on Thursday to discuss the announcement." On the web, the video announcer says even more dramatically that this event "will change our Second Lives forever!" https://www.slartist.com/designing-worlds-special-edition-november-3-2016-trailer_bd29c51a0.html So I'm wondering what's up, and the presence of Patch indicated it might be related to that mysterious build (discussed here where Patch makes an appearance). Thoughts: 1. The Mainland is closing, and everyone there will be forced into Linden Homes which they may try to make better to placate us but will still be like a reservation. 2. The Mainland isn't closing, but is going to be forced into "Adult". 3. The Mainland will be trimmed and shrunk. 4. The Mainland will no longer be serviced. PS Designing Worlds is keeping mum on this but has indicated it will be "positive for everybody". Of course YMMV.
  7. Celebrate the holidays in style. Who says witches have to live in broken-down hovels in the dirt? This is a lovely modern room with all the wiccan accoutrements and lovely posh furniture and refined decor. Teleport to Room 4 at Hector Main House  You can ask to remove any or all items for a one-time fee of $25, and can also reset your box for $100/100 prims. The skybox doesn't have holiday decor but it can be added.  Management prims don't count on your count. This is a great area as you can entertain friends in the dining and living areas, sit on the porch and chat, or go to the pond. Boating and seating down at the lake; also snack areas by the roadside.You need an SL vacation!  
  8. Hector Lake is one of SL's gems. It's a beautiful, quiet lake where all the neighbors have nice builds and no eyesores. A Mainland miracle! You can get a small camping parcel for $50/75 prims or $100/150 prims, and management prims don't count! Or ask to remove and place your own cabin or tent. There's a larger lot with ionic's abandoned warehouse (which does count on your prims) or you can have it removed and place your own. Boating and seating areas and also the Main House where you can have dinner and sit by the fireplace.  Teleport to $100 Hector Camp - 150 prims  Teleport to $50 Camp - 75 prims  Teleport to $650 Waterfront -
  9. Winnipeg is a beautiful, quiet riverside sim on the old Mainland.   These are great for horses. As always self-join group, refundable, and group powers include ban, media, change parcel description etc. Yardsales are allowed in the sky. Teleport to Winnipeg $1300 - RENTED Teleport to Winnipeg $1100 - RENTED You'll also find some smaller lots nearby for $750. IM Prokofy Neva
  10. A good reason not to have a monopoly and a single point of failure in Second Life...
  11. Oh, interesting! I still treasure my model of the SS Galaxy and invitation to its first opening years ago. I also have a painting of it at the Bed & Breakfast. Altogether, an ambitious SL project!
  12. I would say possibly United Inshon or Susan Independent. Looks like their style.
  13. Check out my rentals, especially the themed rooms at the SL Public Land Preserve at the lodge in Carlisle. A number of the Land Preserve sites like the Moth Temple in Iris have rentals to help pay the tier on the sim. Also I have special themed homes for a month you can bid on. All very low cost.
  14. Obviously it's no-copy or I wouldn't be asking this question. After 12 years in SL, I do know how to rez a second copy out of inventory. It's a gacha prize so it's single-copy.
  15. Two themed residences for the autumn holidays! And a new system - bid to live one month in these fully-furnished dwellings! DRD Phantom of the Opera Cave - comes with furniture from the set including the organ.   Teleport to DRD Phantom of the Opera Cave SAYO's Autumn Abode converted barn and set along with Cheeky Pea's Hayride   Teleport to Autumn Abode The bidding has started at $100 and will run for 7 days. Go to the Ravenglass Rentals office to place your bid.
  16. I hate this. I don't recall that this used to be a "feature". When you log on, search automatially forces open. You don't get to decide if you need to search something. It opens right up and half the time lags you out especially if you are on a laggy sim, and blocks your view, until you can finally X the damn thing out. Is there a way to turn this off on the debug menu or somewhere? It's especially obnoxious because if you have adult checked off, you'll get a face full of child pornography much of the time or something else you didn't CHOOSE to see in that force-opened SEARCH. Just because you checked off adult to be able to fly to adult land you own, or help customers who have themselves rated "adult" or go to a store somebody put in "adult" regardless of its content doesn't mean you should be FORCED to view the ugly and demeaning top view of search. Checking off adult doesn't mean having adult content shoved in your face; it's an option to CHOOSE. That's not what is happening with force-search. Even if it were unicorns and rainbows, I wouldn't want it because it blocks the screen.
  17. I got this neet thing at a gacha fair called The Flying Creatures Squad by MadPea that is like a giant octopus/hot air balloon you can ride around in the sky. You can drive it yourself with passengers or you can unlock it and other people then can sit in it and navigate it. But the creator warns you that you should be careful because someone might steal it this way by just flying away with it. Well, of course to "steal it," they'd have to navigate your object to their own land and land it -- and not have autoreturn on. They'd have to be careful not to fall out of the sky as it would then return to my lost and found. Somehow I think this is unlikely, but since I had to plow through 20 pulls to get this thing, I wish I could prevent it. It's on mod so is there some kind of script I could put in it that would call back to me and show me on the map (or rather show my coordinates to what sim it is on) so I could come and grab it back? Or some kind of "return to owner" that could happen if it sat idle on the ground somewhere.
  18. Here's one of the prettiest spots in Second Life, Grote Pond which is a quiet, green sim with a temperate climate. $150/100 prims Use our cabin or ask to remove and place your own.   Teleport to Grote Pond Waterfront No waiting for the group, jump right in and start decorating by joining the group with the group joiner on site or in search/groups. Then IM Prokofy Neva to get additional residential powers.
  19. Ravenglass Bed & Breakfast has three newly-decorated rooms in the Hidden Lakes Bed & Breakfast in Hite on a Mainland island. You get your own room plus an attached lock skybox for $100/50 prims. The decor here is total geek -- beer and chips in the lounge and Halloween snacks with an old arcade game.    Downstairs is the "boy geek" room with lots of your favourite treasures. You can stay in your attic and play video games all day or go outside and hang on the docks or even ride a boat but becareful of your pale skin!   Teleport to Room 7 Upstairs is the "girl geek" room from CLAVV with bunkbed, record players and pop in the fridge, and upstairs there's retro decor.    Teleport to Room 8 Or choose the Cthulu investigator's room with items from the latest Genre fair like a creature in the jar as well as beers from around the world and a skybox with a quiet lounge and seahorse aquarium.   Teleport to Room 9 This is a great place! You need an SL vacation!  You can alo ask to have some or all of the furniture removed for a one-time fee of $25 and also to reset the box to $150/100 prims. IM Prokofy Neva
  20. I kept missing this! Found it at last. It was at We <3 RP http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/180/74/23 Made by Paper Moon
  21. FEMA camps. You know, that sounds like what it could be. Sink the mainland, and deport all of us to this area.
  22. I could have sworn I saw some crossed twigs made by a creator in a kind of "Blair Witch" set at one of these merchants' events. But it wasn't Memento Mori, Salem, Season's Story or Collabor88, I double-checked their shopping guides. Ideas? This is a new one, at a recent event in the last 2 weeks.
  23. Just to eliminate a few - It's not the DRD space backdrop -- I have that. To be sure, what I'm recalling looks similar to the consoles welded to this backdrop - but it was stand alone (and I don't think somehow removed from this set). It's also not the Hideki UFO one.
  24. Hi, I have several types of apartments: 1) Art Deco modern style high-rise apartment building with teleporters to the floor you rent. $200/150 and $250/200 available. You can definitely walk out the front door and all around here. Teleport to Art Deco Apartments in Refugio 2) Celtic style medieval tower with apartments also walkable and lots to explore. Teleport to Ravenglass Hall 3) Bed & breakfast - here you rent a room in a house just as in real life, with the use of the downstairs. You also get a locked skybox attached. Teleport to Ravenglass B&B in Itame I have others, see the latest listings in the office.
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