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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Is there a directory of all the sites in Bellissaria open to the public? With difficulty I found the "Cabinet of Curiosities" which moved, at least from the time when I saw it mentioned in the forums. Now where is the place where you get the vehicles again?
  2. I'd be interested to find out if there is a script or some way to convert a train that goes on the old SLRR in the Moth Continent for example to go on Bellissaria. I've been driving around the old SLRR in my Hellbound train. It's not the greatest but it cruise controls and more or less stays on the tracks if I keep guiding it whereas it won't in Belli. Yes, there are a lot of nice trains to drive in Belli.
  3. Oh, I see whose alt this is now. It's necessary to keep repeating objections to the pods -- which isn't "hate", although in your emotionally weepy world, any kind of opposition to what you feel is "right" must feel like hate -- because they keep being advocated. But nobody beyond the usual Feted Inner Core is being consulted on this, and I dare say there will be popular sentiment against it, regardless of anything I say I can start taking pictures of the vehicles I see *with people in them* -- I taking pictures of the empty ones which occur so often because there is so much doubt about it. Of course any moving object across sims uses resources. More to the point, it is visual spam, especially as it is usually "out of theme". Even when "in them," like an empty wooden boat on water, it feels stupid, because nobody is in it, nobody needs it, and when people are ready to sail, they can go to the many existing rez points and sail, not a big deal. No one needs these spam boats or cars. It's just some fetish that a small group of people cling to because it helps shore up their alliance with the Lindens -- and the Lindens simply like free load testing on their servers, end of story. I wouldn't expand my rentals business if for some absurd reason the Lindens sold their roads -- and now I know DEFINITELY whose alt you are -- because I have no plans to expand it, and roads are used by REAL PEOPLE in THEIR OWN VEHICLES, including me and my tenants. So that's an absurd idea. And all the rest of the "logic" here is odd, and so infused with the usual hate of "evil land barons" and "capitalism" that is unbecoming to a Trump supporter. The reason Linden land is valued as "protected" is because THE VIEW is protected. No surprises should occur on it. It's Linden land that is what it is, without changes. Except the pods allowed them ARE that unexpected visual spam that RUINS the protective nature of "Linden protected land". That's exactly the problem. It devalues land because it's visual spam. No one has demanded this "service for free" -- and those with aspirations to be Lady Bountiful and Help Humankind can do so with rez-on-demand just as well as they can with constant spam. Obviously these pods are allowed and the maker of them doesn't have to be in a Linden group to have been allowed to spawn them. They could be positioned on her own land and launch on to Linden roads to spam without any Mole permissions. So that's a non-issue. Once again, I think you are labouring under the misassumption that Patch Linden didn't come on here and in fact tell us that he met with Yavanna and plans more pod projects together. You imagine this is secret inside information that only you have. But it was stated publicly. Which is why I object. I own land in Belli and don't want to see pods there. The end. It's not personal. It's not "hatred". It's not about being "a greedy landlord" or having "empty rentals" or "being envious" or any of the other crazy notions you subscribe to me, by analogy to your own emotional self. I simply don't like visual spam. I don't like things that are unnecessary on already challenged servers. The end. This is a thread about railroads, so I can't keep arguing about the pods per say except to note that pod-trains spamming the railroads strike me as a real disaster.
  4. I find this the most idiotic thing every weekend when I hit the sales. There are a number of merchants or merchants' groups associated with events or recurring sales who force you to join the group to get the Shopping Guide. It isn't on SeraphimSL or any other site -- you are forced to join the group. If you are out of groups, you put them on alts, forcing you to log in other accounts, then pass the cards to your main to do the shopping. Annoying! What possible use is there in forcing me to join a group? I leave it as soon as the sale is over or as soon as I've bought whatever I want from it because the chat in it is so annoying and relentless. Who could bear that all day?! So what value accrues to the merchants? They can keep monitoring the group numbers, I suppose (are there scripts for this?) and say, wow, we hit 1000 today or oh no, we only had 500 today but what does it matter? Sales are what matter. They could retain people by having a subscription service instead of a group (and some of them have that). The other super annoying thing is the HUDs. They never load especially on laggy sims. They take forever to page through. Thank God some merchants have an additional card to use, with even a thoughtful SLURL instead of landmarks that often aren't clickable inside a notecard. But some make you join a group to get this precious card (which is a lot of work to make up, I realize, since I make them myself). WHY???
  5. The answer must be "yes," because some high-end creators do this all the time, and it is exasperating. And the reason they do it is because they can. And when you don't get an answer, you sometimes respond in Swedish hostage syndrome fashion and go back and buy a different version of the item that was flawed, or sometimes even the same item! Insane. Eventually you stop doing this. Then you find yourself going back. It's really a game all unto itself. Some creators make highly secretive legends about themselves and then cloak them further in mystery. Not answering and not having any CSRs adds to that mystique and ups their prices.
  6. In order for an item that you sell to a customer have the function of delivering another item from it, like a coffee cup or in your case a flower bouquet, the maker has to put that item on transfer. Not all of them figure this out. It does not good to put "give gift" as that won't carry over to the guests of the owner, just to the owner. It simply has to be put on transfer, and not every merchant wants to do that because it means there is a risk of theft. Of course the obvious point is that if you take that item off "mod," and put only "copy/transfer," anyone receiving it from you, or you yourself, cannot put it to sale -- it's not on mod. You could only give it away in theory. And most people aren't interested in giving away an item that comes from a basket or coffee pot. For one reason, when it is "stand alone," it is at a skewed angle, so that it appears correctly in the avatars' hands. So it's of little attraction as a giveaway item, even, without the receptacle it started in. I also solve this problem with a script I commissioned that prevents copyright theft from such deliverables.
  7. Yes, that's my response. It doesn't matter that the Linden is a "limited token to purchase virtual items," i.e. something like an old Sears & Roebucks green stamp. What matters is when you cash out those Linden dollars, and what you have left over after paying tier, and what you send to PayPal. I report that as I would any other payment made to me for translation or editing or anything like that. To be sure, LL doesn't send us 1099s unless we pull out more than $20,000 per year. But since I have other customers overseas who don't give me 1099s, and even US clients, I just list it anyway. As a self-employed person, I can take percentages off of rent, publications, equipment, travel etc. At the end of the day, my income is low. Nobody is going to get rich off Russian translation these days, although it seems as if Russia is everywhere in the news. And Mainland rentals are lucky if they break even. There is a limit for when the employer or client has to report a 1099. I think it's $600 a month. But as I understand it, you still have to report that income even if under $600. I suppose in theory you should show your revenue and expenses, i.e. tier against income. If they equal out or put you in the hole, do you need to report it? I suppose, if there is any advantage to reporting a business loss, like an unpaid invoice, of which sadly I have a number due to COVID. I agree with Charlotte that I don't know if anyone has burrowed down into the weeds of what this means
  8. Bellissarian train tracks are a good thing. Empty pods on the tracks are not. It adds to congestion and confusion. The Mainland, after all, is still bigger than Bellissaria -- at least for now. They will rapidly become a nuisance in Belli given the one-way issues. Your "help" is merely just your opinion. Rez-on-demand is far more logical for the trains especially, given the tracks' limitations. We already know the "only a few people" outside of Lindens and Moles is the one, Yavana, the creator. But that's one too many if it is spamming constantly and needlessly. Given the plethora of free vehicles out there, some of them very clever and well made, it's ridiculous to have these simplistic pods -- literally pods -- cluttering up Belli. Stop.
  9. You may have missed the triumphant posts from Patch Linden and his groupies in another thread in which it was declared that Yavana, the creator of the pods, was in meetings with Lindens and Moles, not only about restoring the pods, which were "mistakenly" halted for 2 days when they piled up in a crash, but even expanding them. To Belli. Yes, the endless parade of vehicles is mournful, and makes it feel even more empty, well said. I hadn't thought of that aspect of it, because I'm there to see the empty pods, anyway, but yes, you're right. There are rez zones in Belli; they are used. There are groups using them such as Bellissaria Parade. I use them. Rez on demand is the right thing to do. I won't have to keep saying this if they start spamming them across Belli soon. It will be self-evident. And other people besides me will speak up. To describe this as "flaming hate" is silly; it's just a matter-of-fact statement, an expression of what is self-evident. It's just that when opinion goes against the "received wisdom" of the in-crowd, they imagine that the person is "spewing hate".
  10. It's spam because it's constantly coming across the view, unasked for. I think the people who dismiss this concern simply don't live and work on sims, or see a variety of sims. Oh, here's another one. It's constant. Self-driving cars have people in them, generally.
  11. No, I didn't miss any pods. Oh, here I am on a sim, and there goes and empty one. Like the last one I saw just before that on another sim. And yet another...They're always empty. And perhaps Belli is the chance to change that, and make them ONLY rez on demand. Obviously, the Lindens can turn off or on "object entry," or perhaps even override it just for their pods. I hope they won't do that. I think as there are more people actually logging on and spending time in their homes in Belli, there won't be the tolerance for empty pod spam that there is on the Mainland now.
  12. Oh dear, so it's not just that you lose your land, you lose your group. I realize they don't get groups back for you. If you don't keep them afloat with at least two members, they die. But as they say, it's easy enough to slightly alter the name and create a new one.
  13. What I find is that I get to a spot where there's a red light, and I dutifully wait. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. I then think to look on the map, and all through Bellissaria, and I see nothing moving. An oncoming train would show another avatar moving on the map on the tracks, no? Although I suppose there could be some ghost trains, especially if the damn pods are now going to be invading Belli, too. But I look and look and see nothing. So I go ahead cautiously, and go around the entire loop and see nothing. I will try to mark the SLURL next time. But tho it breaks the immersion, a solution would be to just pick up my train and jump off if another train is oncoming. I found my old Hellbound train from 2009. It rids along but then gets off the tracks. The function "to tracks" makes it go on the tracks again, but I think it just doesn't work with the Belli tracks, I guess the SLRR and Belli scripts are different from what I gather. I will see if the maker still exists inworld.
  14. When you have a question that doesn't fit, just pick anything - "group land" is the closest although it's not the right one. It's not as if they aren't going to answer you if you put the wrong thing. I don't understand why you don't see "abandoned" however, which is one of the choices.
  15. I use this: https://translate.google.com/ Yes, tab out of SL, and go online and paste the chat in. If you have to do the same thing inworld with a device, why not do it faster online? I hate being force ported in to have to speak in room chat for a translator.
  16. Don't delay on this because the Lindens seize land that is not covered by tier within 72 hours. I have made this stupid mistake myself, and not only as a newbie. And that is why you must always have alts in the group, at least one, even two. To enable yourself to get back in the group. PS another problem is if you founded a group, then later let that avatar go fallow because you decided you didn't like his name. Once he becomes defunct, you may not be able to get him back as "owner" to assign powers to other members of the group. So make yourself AND your alt "owner" or the original owner, if he is lost for some reason, cannot help you then get powers you need for other alts you had join but didn't make "owner" or at least "officer" with sufficient powers to manipulate and sell land. And they must be alts of yours you trust completely, who aren't going to take their stipends and go wild buying gatchas and mesh bodies. You need them to pay their tier.
  17. So I read this article and several like it and I grasp that animations have classifications like "Priority 3" and "Priority 4". Some advertise that they have this feature, or can work with this feature. So I got a set of animations that involve holding a teacup in two hands, looking at it, then drinking from it which has the description "Priority 3" and "Priority 4". I also have the basic "sip script" and sipping animations. And another "bento hands" kind of drink animation. I made various things and I realize that if an avatar has an AO on, some of the things don't work. They could take off their AO. But you can't expect everyone to do that or know how to do that. I find that some items -- the free "Sip 2.0" is one of them but also some more complicated ones - simply don't work with the stock avatar that you can choose from the library, unless you take off the AO. What's odd is that the animation marked Priority 3 and 4 still doesn't work with the system avatar, although it works with other 3rd party AOs. Why is that? How can it be fixed? Yes, I can contact the makers. But I also want to understand just what kind of AO the avatar has from the library, and why it doesn't work.
  18. You may not have realized that there is a very easy way to move a skybox. Right click on the skybox and go into "edit' mode. In the first sets of boxes you see the grid coordinates "X", "Y" and "Z". Type a number into the Z box that you want to move the skybox to. If you are at 1000, move to 2000. You can't go above 4096 or it will be impossible to place prims. Click "save" once you have typed the number. It instantly shoots up to that position. If it is in several parts or if there is furniture in it. you have to do the same thing to each piece.
  19. I think you should file the ticket and just choose "land" and "linden land" - isn't that a category? and if not, choose "abandoned" simply because it seems maintenance has ceased.
  20. I'm glad you singled this out as an issue because it explains a big reason why I don't go to live music any more but I wasn't putting my finger on it. I think the reason is this: When you come to SL, you are told that it's a vast, wonderful world which you, the user, can create. That you can be and do anything. That you can make wonderful things and design your own environment. That it's a place where not only RL graphics artists can thrive but that anybody can be an artist. Then the reality hits. Just trying to change your outfit and shape can be confusing and have unexpected results. You get an outfit and it never fits even with the alphas. You get a house and it proves impossible to put on the ground right, it bounces, or the earth pokes up through it. You try to decorate it and things return to inventory, telling you the owner doesn't like it. You struggle to put two prims together. When you try to recolour something, the entire thing turns red; when someone explains about faces, you find it doesn't have faces. When you want to just make a flower pot smaller, it doesn't look right; make a chair bigger, now it's double in prims. Everything bites back. Everything is hard. Everything turns out wrong, yet some very lucky and talented people do get to make very nice things -- but they cost a fortune. But there's one thing you can do that is effortless, easy, and instantly gets attention: gesture spam. You can just take the store-bought ones and instantly get them to work and get APPLAUSE. Or you can make one yourself with all kinds of hearts and curlicues. You instantly get attention. Everyone else is doing it, too. You belong! I once went to an event at the end of Fantasy Faire which is a gorgeous, breathtakingly beautiful realm of sims built by SL's top fantasy artists. Everything for sale seems a wonder. There are light shows and RP and amazing sites and hunts. Then all of a sudden, everybody on the sim was buying from a gatcha with all gesture spam items and spamming the room chat all to hell. Worse, it was all in-jokes that made no sense unless you had been an elf since the year One. I didn't realize there could be such intricate gesture spam, since before that, most of what I saw at concerts was people saying "clap" or "woot" or about 3 other things all the same with the same memes and voices. I don't have an AO; I almost never use gestures or animations except for perhaps "bow" and "clap" at a shinto shrine or when testing something I'm making that has "stir bowl". Some people have AOs that are so elaborate that they seem to enact a one-person Shakespeare drama while AFK. Others are strange -- you see these women vamping around and then bending and crouching slightly as if they really have to go to the bathroom. Why would they choose this as a thing to wear/do? And I think it's because it's the one area where they feel they can be expressive, where they can be different, and where they don't seem to realize a lot of other people are doing the same thing -- or conversely, they do, and don't care, because it builds a sense of togetherness. No club owner ever seems to stop it, I guess because they fear they will drive away tips. I would love to hear of a venue that featured no gesture spam as a requirement.
  21. Yes, I miss all of them especially Julia Hathor. And mudshakes. Also Emma Merlin.
  22. This is an interesting list. I was sticking to technical problems; you're going over into socio-cultural problems, but that's fine. I totally agree with you about the dark. I feel most sims are taking their cue from the pitch-blackness of an anxiety or Lux Aeterna skybox where you completely disappear into hellacious death even if you use one of those handy bright "nipple" camper lights the Moles supply. The worst is when turning on "midday" does no good at all. This is a question of personal taste, I guess, and a sign of the times; I don't *think* it's a technical issue. I think the camera issue can be adjusted. At least long ago I adjusted it from the default because it drove me crazy. I forget where it is but it's on the menu somewhere. I often feel there are too many people in SL. But then that's because I run a rentals company and go to events. I like SL solitude myself, I like to fly around and explore or build by myself. I never run out of things to do, it's always unfinished. But I think all this has to do with whether you find something to "stick" to in SL. And maybe you can't, in which case it's not for you. It's hard to find like-minded persons. As for the graphics, I have a Best Buy computer so I don't expect anything really.
  23. There may be "a lot of media AROUND that location," but what's operative is *what is on each individual parcel*. I've gone through every parcel where this occurs and erased the URL, put media to "none" and looked for deeded items. Yes, I'm aware as you fly around, the media from a previous lot may still snag you as you go on to a new lot. But going to all adjacent lots where this occurs, I don't see anything that could cause this -- yet it persists, and shows in my logs. I'll see what this "weird stuff underwater" is. Thanks for checking. UPDATE: Not sure what you mean by "weird". If you mean UNDER water, there is only the anc trampoline, fish, plants, a treasure chest -- nothing with MOAP. In fact I'm not seeing any MOAP at all on the parcels where I get the AVG triggered. If you mean under the water literally, I took off surface patch and water -- can't see anything. So IM me with more specific comments if you have time.
  24. I think you overpaid but you were in a hurry and now you have some land so focus on that. I would have said buy in the continent Corsica because it seems to be made for driving and has a lot of nice Linden building and roads, although not to everyone's taste.
  25. 1. Take the For Sale sign off the land, it's an eyesore. It can only be seen by passers-by, who will be very rare on a sim like this, and unlikely to be shopping for land. 2. Take the border lines off, they are eyesores and not a good neighbourly act -- and no one needs them as you can see borders in the viewer with world/view/parcel boundaries. 3. The build behind is the reason I wouldn't buy it, it's badly tiled and has a photo-real type of texture which looks awful in SL. No, I don't believe in de-rendering as a solution. 4. This looks like interior mainland that is not flat although it has a nice ground texture (which can't be changed on Mainland). But if you are selling this for anything more than $3/m, there's your problem.
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