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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I didn't really focus on VRChat before today because the "chat" threw me off, making it sound like an old AOL chat room with A/S/L. But this SL friend of mine on Twitter pointed to a totally awesome furry reconstruction of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Co. So it looks like the avatars aren't as cartoony as I thought and the building isn't all Minecrafty. It's pretty awesome, but if you look closely, you realize you could make something so much better in SL because the props like the fire hydrant, hose, adult book shop etc. are all models in SL. I had this FB debate with Scoble a few weeks ago when he was raving about Microsoft's new VR platform, I always say "SL is better". But it may not be for other people who didn't have years to learn all the torturous things we have learned.
  2. So my first attempt above was mainly an attempt to see if only part of an elaborate gatcha set could be used and stay within 50 prims (which I was happy to do since I have "mgt prims don't count" on that particular one. Every time I visit a house showing or see a contest, I am amazed at how much clutter people jam in. I guess I have not acquired that habit because if I'm furnishing a house, I have to leave room for the tenant to put something, or I may have to pick up the whole thing if they want their own stuff, so I don't. But it's great others do, and I aspire to cram, too. So here's a house that is a 15th century English cottage replica by Morphelia Foxclaw. I saw an observatory tower of hers on a tenant's lot and looked through her book and had to have this intricate build which is actually only 55 prims including a fireplace in the center of the house, which I love, and even pans and sausages. So we don't have to count those! But I realized when I got into it that the house didn't have good feng shui or something, and I wonder how the people who lived in the RL cottage she copied kept out all those drafts. But maybe they welcome them if they lived during a pandemic as we do. It wasn't on mod but I asked her to put it on mod precisely for things like that if I decided to turn some of those many doors into windows. I had to have the new Dutchie rocking chair although I don't think I ever saw such a thing as a "mid-century rocking chair" -- because of its props. It has embroidering on it so you can sit and do needlepoint. The other red rocking chair is from hive and is more like what I think of as "rocking chair" but doesn't have tex change (but I put it in because Dutchie's other rocker in this set doesn't either and has kind of a worn, rusted look (it's at Fameshed). You know how you go in a store you didn't know before and you say, "Where have you been all my life? I should have just come here and bought everything in the store and never bothered with anything else". That's how I felt with Theory, which has really great old wooden tables and lamps and Arts & Craft stuff. Then I just discovered Ernst Osterham who has collected these little gems of paintings and makes nice old things -- so I have to get everything in that store just for this corner, for starters. So there's his Finnish rug. There are very few people in SL who have made embroidery hoops. I think I have them all now... So now the prims are getting used up so I had to go with -tres blah- Cozy Winter - Tea Tray RARE even though I wanted to put in either one of my own or Lucas Lameth's or R{S)W's food and drink givers because I have a real thing about having dispensables. So since tres blah's tray is only one prims, I will add a teacup to dispense the tea. Now, let's look at the heart of the home, by the oven. I definitely do not want Christmas yet. We have all of November. I want to be rustling in the leaves and waxing leaves as we did as kids. Come to find out, however, that not a single person in SL has ever made waxed leaf sets. So I made my own. You can get it as my gift at the ATE Harvest event. Right now, you click on it and it makes relevant sounds. Eventually I will get it going with an ironing animation and a wax paper in hand. They don't even make wax paper any more, you have to get it all on ebay and Etsy. To be sure, there is Yugen's fabulous autumn craft set which is very full (this is just the origami part). So I put that out because we're doing clutter, now, see, even though it's origami not waxing. But they go together, we will mail them all out. Also heavy Russian books to flatten the leaves. Sadly, for this contest, I had to butcher this absolute gem of an SL antique, called "Dining Room Table, Cherry" by Eric Linden. You know how there was "Bed, Double, Modern, Cherry" which was kind of a horror made by Alberto Liden (his chair and couch were so much better). There wasn't this dining room table in the Linden Library. But Eric must have made it at the same time. You can come get it here in the back yard of my house here. Mind you, even convexed it's 16 prims. So now I'm almost out of prims for the loft. So I put in an ionic PG bed for only 8 prims and my latest THOR fascination, the trinket tray from his boho set. With more prims I would add things like the AF boho pouf in 25L Tues today. I'm going to make a thread with "decorate under $100" next I think lol. I will put the whole style list on my blog, this is getting long.
  3. I love the deer and the mirrors. Did you make a style list?
  4. So I need to be done talking to anonymous erroneous strangers on the Internet, but let me point out: How to critically read: search Twitter. Like it or not it is the assignment desk for the mainstream liberal media and leftist media. Like it or not, most important political discussions are on there. I have to watch it and post for work so I read more than most, and I don't dismiss it because it's influential. So search for the term "electoral college" and you see what you get: https://twitter.com/search?q=electoral college&src=typed_query Only a few cranks now saying it is "fascist". Hardly any -- none, really -- major thinker or pundit decrying it. So my statement is backed up by what I see -- and also from Google searches. It's not that I'm "pretending to have an authoritate voice" because it's not about me. I look at commentary; I see it has disappeared; I make a statement that is accurate. You are not able to dispute this fact-based statement based on a good reading of Twitter and a variety of news services by quoting THEM. Instead you have to insult ME in various elaborate fashions. So I get it about you, and it's a good reason to drop out.
  5. It has indeed gone away from major liberal media and from Twitter. Read the room.
  6. No, because only the Jacobin piece is 2 days ago. The others are last month before the current state of affairs. Washpo is recent, but mum the last 2 days. And my point is to show that people disagree with the electoral college on the liberal/left spectrum, but have fallen silent in the last few days. And that is the case. They were clamoring before, as I showed you. They are not now.
  7. I'm a Biden voter and a straight ticket Democrat voter. I'm not a "crank". I support the electoral college. Claims that it doesn't work, or that people all disagree with it are not accurate. Bye!
  8. Yes, thank God, none of these extremists, and that includes Washpo, are going to get their way with this, or with "Ranked Choice" being forced on us all (maybe they will be less enthusiastic about it in Maine, where it didn't help them get rid of Susan Collins, who doesn't bother me as much as them) or even with convening a constitutional convention again, which would be a nightmare. And I hope they learned their lesson, but if Biden doesn't squeak through, watch them gin all this up again. Ultimo, my Google gives me a wide variety of articles and that's how I could give you a range there. I could find pro-electoral college pieces in some of those same newspapers. And that's because I read widely. Google is not the horror imagined unless you use only Twitter for news. As for your other claims, go back and read what you wrote. You claimed that what I said was "inaccurate", i.e. that people criticized the electoral college because they felt it brought Trump. Whereas now that it is securing Biden's likely win, they are silent. And that is indeed the case. So you are contradicting yourself, not me. People don't "feel the same as they did before" as there is a wide variety of attitudes. And "going down to the wire" with still a spread of 264 to 214 is not disqualifying the electoral college system, on the contrary. PS one of the reasons I hate arguing about politics in SL is that you don't know the age, location, education level, etc. of people arguing and so it's stupid. You don't know if they have any intelligence, education, ability to think conceptually, etc. So I'm happy to leave this topic to you as it's fruitless otherwise.
  9. So, I'm happy to take part in a decoration thread because I love decorating, and I'm happy to have Chic advertise her furniture and this other person advertise what look like very nice skybox rentals (although I personally charge less per prim and allow for a lot more prims). I decided to see if I could get under the 50 prims with a very elaborate and primmy gatcha from Gimme Gatcha this round from "Why Not?" -- a maker not always to my taste but I thought if I play this gatcha, I will get a Christmas cabin and some stuff for probably just $1000 (you need to play 20 rounds to get the "Seeds of Inspiration", which in this case is a set of nice chairs). It is a very elaborate gatcha with many pieces that would put you in the hundreds of prims because the items are primmy -- and it's a house that has a major physics problem so that you can't even enter it (although oddly enough it allows rezzing mesh). I looked all over to see if it was a previous building or trees blocking entrance but no. I sat inside of it and it is still blocky, so I wrote to the author, but meanwhile, let's see what we can do. UPDATE: The creator Phil Setner got back to me within an hour of filing a ticket with him and sent me a copy of the rare gatcha house on phantom, which is one way to fix this physics problem (I just add prim walls) - I guess it wasn't quite fixable otherwise. As he pointed out, it's a height issue that taller avatars (like me, and he noted, himself, can't get through but shorter can. I guess he didn't feel comfortable putting the house on mod (where more could be done to fix it, i.e. just delinking part of it and phantomizing) but I'm happy now I can enter it, as can tenants. And what's more, he fixed the chair issue -- it is meant to stay plaid. So this is all in all workable now. I just need to get one more table to fit the desserts. So I went to my winter rentals in Orelle where there is already snow so I don't have to use his snow base (17 prims! although very nice and helps align the house). The house itself is 95, which I can't afford to put out, really, in an area where I have "management prims don't count" -- but "why not," if he a) fixes the physics issue so many suffer from (he did) (and which Chic has expounded on often) b) fixes myriad other problems, from the stuff not fitting on the tables (needs a different table in the set) to the chairs not being able to return to their original plaid texture (he did) because he forget to put in that option in the tex change. So if you want to keep the nice plaid, don't click! If these items were on mod, I'd fix them in a jiffy, including the no-entry issue (put the door jams on phantom, that usually works). Any how... Here's what it looks like with just 50 prims. A lonely Christmas, as I have to put only one chair at the fire place and one at the dining table, and sadly can't put out the very beautiful centerpiece for the dining table. The Christmas desserts do not deliver but are pretty, if 11 prims, but I wanted those more than a second chair (I will put a prim over them to make them deliver at least some figgy pudding which I have). I really insist on deliverables in my rentals as you may know, so I ditched the centerpiece in favour of using my last 2 prims for anika's potato soup (the one without the nice stone underneath because that made it 3 prims). That way I can have something to eat at the table. I could only put one rug. I'd re-do that fireplace to ditch the angels which you see everywhere, even tho I like angels -- but it's on no mod. Another pet peeve. Still, certain things, if they are pretty, you use them, and try to work with it. What I liked about this house was the red bulbs and branches in the roof, in addition to the more traditional looking Christmas bulbs on the outside. I am not ready for Christmas even after spending some time with this scene but here you go. I am going to do an additional entry!
  10. I guess you never read the papers or have let them go in the memory hole. So let me refresh: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/11/03/no-matter-who-wins-its-time-get-rid-electoral-college/ 2 days ago from mainstream https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/10/electoral-college-abolish-keyssar-trump-election from far left last month https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/bigideas/its-time-to-abolish-the-electoral-college/ liberal think tank https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-10-31/californians-electoral-college-compact-popular-vote mainstream but California etc. etc. etc. Google the terms. There has been a very avid call to remove/change the electoral call from liberal and leftist press. It's gone silent now as Biden has succeeded in making the system work as it should.
  11. All I want in SL is for my many kitty cats to not keep saying their stock phrases, like "Did you know I like milk and fish?" And "How did you get so big, Prokofy?" To be sure, on the KittyCats you can program a bunch of other phrases in them, and I do, and they speak Russian, even. But you can't erase their stock phrases. They are always demanding that we go out shopping and go for a walk and I never take them.
  12. The electoral college members vote as their state's population votes. The problem of the faithless elector is rare. Only two states allow the split of the electoral college - imagine if they all did that, how different it would be. But it's not merely about "giving little states like Rhode Island a say". It's about letting big states like California or Texas not dominate. Now, liberals in SL may think it would be great if California dominated, but then think again, because then you're letting Texas dominate and they're a red state. Notice that while liberals/leftists were fretting about the electoral college and the "need" to change it throughout Trump's term, but now that Biden is at 264 and Trump and 214, you hear nary a complain about the electoral college LOL.
  13. I couldn't find that cabinet on the MP. Are you sure it is Never Totally Dead?
  14. Thanks for posting that blog from Oz Linden. I missed that. It's hard to follow the Linden blogs even when they push them on to the splash screen (or maybe they don't push the tech ones?) Anyway, yes, he clears up the misinformation I had about the sim seams -- they will be worse but are on their way to getting better. He doesn't indicate a logic of what is chosen, but indicates you can apply to have your sim put on the cloud ahead of others. I have no idea whether that is a good or bad thing, but I will try it with one sim that seems to have a lot of trouble and see what it does. How do you use the Internet in general? A lot of sites use amazon.
  15. Whenever I study these claims, I see they are based on a few news stories and not widespread practices. And they are blogged or reported by journalists with a given world view, where they want to magnify Amazon's flaws to help make their critique of capitalism. Meanwhile, the Amazon boxes don't stop piling up at their doorman building... I'm proud of Amazon for refusing to store the stolen files from WikiLeaks, Chelsea Manning, and later Snowden. They should not contribute to crime and not gave to the stampede of journo hysteria around this topic.
  16. So I heard that the sailing sims were being put in the cloud first and I suppose that makes sense since people who sail are an avid and large group in SL and they want fast sims and less problems with sim seams. You can get this little halo that turns bright golden when you are on a sim that has already been "uplifted" into the cloud and plays a happy harp song, and which turns grey and plays a sad trombone if you then go to another sim not in the cloud. The logic escapes me because at first I thought it was just water sims, since I saw the sim Zygaena turn the halo gold -- which has Caldera Pond in it -- but then here I come to find Slosser, which is flat, inland and largely abandoned except for a few parcels with my rentals and a public garden -- is in Heaven. Grote, which has a pond, did not turn it gold. Now, if you doubt the little halo, you can double check it by looking at "about Second Life" at the top of the screen under "Help" and see the type of sim. If it says "agni" or "secondlife" then it's one of those earth-bound LL servers. If it says "amazon," then it is in the cloud. And sure enough, Slosser is on amazon. Indeed, what the halo is doing is reading that information and displaying it visually. I realize that the quad servers that hold SL sims do not track with the contiguous Mainland, i.e. there might be 4 sims on a server that are not contiguous inworld. Still, I wonder how the uplift is sequenced.
  17. So I heard that the sailing sims were being put in the cloud first and I suppose that makes sense since people who sail are an avid and large group in SL and they want fast sims and less problems with sim seams. You can get this little halo that turns bright golden when you are on a sim that has already been "uplifted" into the cloud and plays a happy harp song, and which turns grey and plays a sad trombone if you then go to another sim not in the cloud. The logic escapes me because at first I thought it was just water sims, since I saw the sim Zygaena turn the halo gold -- which has Caldera Pond in it -- but then here I come to find Slosser, which is flat, inland and largely abandoned except for a few parcels with my rentals and a public garden. Grote, which has a pond, did not turn it gold. Now, if you doubt the little halo, you can double check it by looking at "about Second Life" at the top of the screen under "Help" and see the type of sim. If it says "agni" or "secondlife" then it's one of those earth-bound LL servers. If it says "amazon," then it is in the cloud. And sure enough, Slosser is on amazon. Indeed, what the halo is doing is reading that information and displaying it visually. I realize that the quad servers that hold SL sims do not track with the contiguous Mainland, i.e. there might be 4 sims on a server that are not contiguous inworld. Still, I wonder how the uplift is sequenced.
  18. I have a rare Mainland island for sale in Maryport, an Old World sim on the open Linden sea, from which you can sail to Hidden Lakes and beyond to the Sea of Fables. TP to Maryport Mainland Island I'm asking $20/m. it's $213,449 and has 10,672 meters. The land terraforms up or down about 4 meters and it has a lot of water surrounding it so it's perfect to make a cove and have a landscaped home or store. It can also be rented for $2800/wk or $10,080 a month with 10% discount. Donate 512 tier to the group for $350/wk discount or 1024 for $700/wk discount.
  19. Belarus is a unique homestead with the landscaping and builds of the RL country Belarus. The seasons change and currently it is autumn. Teleport to Belarus The sim is divided in 3. You pay just the cost of your share of the grandfathered tier, $2400/wk or with 10% discount $8,640/month. You can pay on PayPal (at current rates, US $9.60 a week or US $34.56 a month). If you have a premium account and tier available, you can put in 512 for a $350/wk discount or 1024 for $700/wk discount. You join our group (IM Prokofy Neva for an invitation) and get all the powers you are used to -- ban, media, set landing, change parcel, terraform, invite, kick, etc. As the group is closed you can put your land on group-only if you wish. The sim has just one other tenant and a quiet site in the SL Public Land Preserve called Whispering Witches about the women shamans of Eastern Europe. Skyboxes are allowed at 500 m and above and security is allowed only in skyboxes. Pets are also welcome but not a breeding barn with large numbers.
  20. So there's this Linden blog about organizing inventory. I dismissed it at first because the Linden only has 5,000 items in her inventory -- I currently have 152,000 after 16 years. I find it hard to learn from videos versus text, but I watched the video recommended and also read through a very well-written blog recommended in the article. But here are the problems with following this advice. 1. It's written for Firestorm which has some features not on the SL blog -- sorry, I won't be using Firestorm and I'm not alone in that decision, and I need the SL standard viewer to work. 2. It proposes making more "flat" folders on the top view, at the same level as system folders, and distinguishing them by asterisks. But it is my understanding, based on various back and forth conversations with LL support that this is NOT the way to organize inventory and in fact leads to more inventory loss. I reached the point where I literally could not log on my avatar; there were so many folders to load that on any sim that wasn't empty, it just couldn't manage and would jam. I finally had to have the Lindens perform serious surgery which was the equivalent of surgery for the obese in RL -- an extreme measure. They ran some kind of scripts that forced the objects into folders -- to be sure, by alphabet and date which isn't terribly helpful -- and removed a few corrupt files (that can be a reason for inventory not loading or for not being able to log on in my experience, but at this point it was the sheer number of uncatalogued items. I actually spent a lot of time organizing things into folders, but I had made them at the top level -- and that's exactly what I was told not to do. I was advised to put them UNDER Objects, Notecards, etc. as sub-files, and make sub-folders to those folders -- which I do now. 3. A big problem nowadays is that may givers and many merchants' products force a folder creation in your inventory which adds to the problem. The automatic unpackers are the worst -- it delivers before you can reach in and pull the contents into a folder to file them better. Gatcha automatic unpackers are the WORST as you might instinctively bat them away but since there is only one copy, it is lost permanently then, and not in trash. I get used to automatic unpacking and bat it away precisely because I want to pull the item out of the contents into an organized folder. This automatic unpacking stuff complete with hover texts saying "all my contents are in your inventory" (when actually often they are not, the original is still in there, available to be filed properly) is adding to inventory clutter. It was done in the belief that pulling items from box contents is a skill too hard for newbies to learn, they end up with boxes on their heads, and this has to be done to coddle them along. I think the skill should rather be taught to avoid inventory clutter, but the Lindens haven't (yet) complained of inventory overload among its users. I wish they would create an online storage facility -- I would even pay for it -- that would be like Manhattan Warehouse where you would have a "locker" (a page) in your account where you could see your items online -- but they wouldn't be larding your inworld inventory. This is feasable, because obviously objects are only bytes and pixels and are filed on the Marketplace in this way -- they exist there and aren't in your inventory until you buy them, and are copies of what is in the maker's inventory -- but I guess this sort of product isn't compelling. It may be argued that like all miracles expected on the "cloud", inventory lag will go away. (Yes, I got the little halo that tells you when a sim has been "uplifted" and I've been surprised to see some Mainland sims uploaded already that aren't Blake Sea and sailing -- although one was a pond). The main problem I have with inventory is that a search no longer works a lot of the time. That is, the item will be found, but I can't click on it because the cursor then slips. I have to repeat the effort many times, trying to stick on a folder. As I see it go by and see a folder name, I try to search for the folder then, not the item. Then I have to scroll. There are 10,809 folders. To give you an idea. I try to unbox everything after every visit to an event or a store or a gatcha play; I try to spend some time sorting every merchant's items; it's endless. But it pays to be ruthless especially with free gifts -- there is no reason to keep them just because they are free. I have gotten this way even with items paid for. Yes, I try putting some things in boxes inworld like a squirrel, but I worry that they may be more vulnerable to loss that way. I lost 15,000 items in one inventory loss, many single copy gatchas. I've had other big inventory losses. This seems something that can't be prevented. No, clearing cache does not bring them back. So basically, I don't see how making a bunch of folders at the top level view flat with the system folders, even with asterisks, are any help. I already HAVE thousands of folders like that which were created that way by merchants, hunt organizers, friends, etc. sending me things and those are the worst form of clutter now.
  21. That was an interesting case and like all cases against LL that weren't dropped, was settled, so we don't get the usefulness of a verdict. (There was one case where the judge helpfully termed the TOS "a contract of adhesion," i.e. you are forced to sign it and keep signing its updates to use it. One could argue that all games and social media are such, but still. I don't view this case or another case about auctions and islands which frankly involved website manipulation to be about "the FIC," however. These individuals involved were not those who got any kind of privileges or inside information or influence. They just had their own beefs.
  22. I don't see how that is helpful. The AO's are made by a Linden. There is no way to look inside of them like a script. It is what it is.
  23. It's a simple matter. I have a coffee pot and cups with temp attach scripts that work on system avatars with no AOs, but also avatars who have various store-bought AOs. So these cups have sip animations of course. The problem is that the avatars in the library, when they get the cup, do nothing. The animation doesn't work on them. The cup goes in their hand, but flops to the side -- they don't sip and go up and down. They have to take off their library AO for it to work. I have tested this with various alts and friends. There are some new bento animations that have priority 3 and 4 advertised that are work regardless of whether you have a resident-made AO. But again, the library system avatars and their AOs do not work with these cups. I have tried different kind of attachment scripts and different animations -- it doesn't work on them. I'm on the regular viewer as are my alts of course, but I also had friends try who are on Firestorm. So my question was: what is the AO on the system avatars, what brand, what type, with what features, such that it won't work with an animation that claims it can override AOs (and does with other non-library AOs).
  24. Since I'm the one who devised the concept of the FIC - the Feted Inner Core - I will have to point out that it isn't a "conspiracy theory". It's a critique of an actual system that prevails in Silicon Valley generally and in SL specifically, which is about privileging the highest-paying customers or "influencers" by inside deals, special rates, etc. This is a normal business practice, and not only for Silicon Valley. There's even a term -- prosumers versus consumers -- to indicate those who are professional users of a product, in the industry, purchasing a lot of the items, using them in a business, helping to sell the product etc. Usually this system operates by certain rules, sometimes unseen. It's ok to pay journalists with free cameras and other gadgets for reviews -- but they have to remain positive. It's ok to give away products to some insiders -- but they are expected to be loyal. It's hard for newbies today or even those who have only been here 5 or 10 years to believe that at one time, Lindens endorsed certain residents openly. A Linden appeared regularly on the billboard of a resident's shopping site -- which was itself eventually purchased by Linden Lab. Lindens MC'd for musicians. They touted certain products during meetings and office hours. Today, if you see that a Mole has used a coffee dispenser or a chair made by a resident in their build, this is either random or they've picked the best in the line. Those makers don't get any special privileges or deals for having been chosen. But in the old days, the Lindens created a special group called the Solutions Providers (the predecessor to a more bland version of what exists today) and told this group of insiders that they were retiring a certain kind of island sim server and these islands would be going up in price soon -- thus enabling many of these "providers," some of who ran rentals and sales businesses as well, to get a deal while everyone else woke up to the bad news of a price hike, which a faster server didn't ameliorate. I had a source on this story and published the news in the SL Herald, a so-called tabloid of the early era. This forced LL to have to offer the sims -- known now as "grandfathered" to everyone. When the Lindens decided to move to p2p teleporting (we used to have telehubs and had to fly sometimes a thousand meters to a destination), they didn't announce it right away, but kept selling highly-valued telehub sims on the auction. They were given higher opening bids because they bid up high -- landlords and merchants purchased them for stores which would be in the view as people landed at the telehub. One top land dealer either was told confidentially or found out about this development and kept buying up telehub land but then she sold it rather than renting it for a high price as she had before. This caused many unsuspecting people to buy land at a high price that was soon to be worthless. A group of angry landlords confronted LL and told them they might face a "bait-and-switch" lawsuit. The Lindens then did the right thing and offered a buyback for $6/m (half or less of the value) of telehub land. The landowners demanded a series of meetings with Philip Linden, where they urged LL to establish a code of ethics for staff, to stop endorsing some residents products, to stop invisibly visiting sims but be identifiable when they came inworld as Lindens. These issues were a real problem back when LL drew a lot of their staff from the resident base, and they were all part of a kind of old boys' network of programmers and graphics artists. There were the same people who would win contests that involved getting tier-free sims and so on. The Lindens took all this on board and reformed. The history of SL is about at least some residents not sitting docilely like sheep and waiting for handouts and reciting mantras like "it's a company, you can't do anything" and "if you don't like it, leave", but instead, demanding justice. Yes, they were the product -- like all of social media -- but unlike Facebook or Twitter, they were a product paying a lot of the company's revenue. In every other sector, consumer rights and better business practices are expected, and they could be expected for Silicon Valley too. This seemed outrageous to the geeks and camp followers of 15 years ago, but today we rightfully see Facebook and Google being questioned by congress people. They are not special. If they do harm, they have to answer for it. There are many, many other stories I can tell --for example, about staff who fraternized with griefers and harassed residents and then got let go, for example -- that people disbelieve or disregard but which LL -- to its credit -- took seriously and acted upon.
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