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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Releasing this nicely placed camper in Wolfington. Nice landscaping and really good privacy. 2:15pm SLT https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wolfington/76/24/0 ETA: Still in maintenance half hour later...
  2. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tawakoni/96/232/0 I'm putting Tawakoni back at 5:15 SLT. Here's a pic. It's the one with the green roof in the center:
  3. According to my teleport history, Leech Lake has been taken. I'll hold on to Tawakoni for the rest of the day, so feel free to click campers again.
  4. I don't decorate anything in SL or RL until December. In SL it is a tree, some lights, and maybe change the seasonal trees to a winter theme if I have that kind out (I have considered putting out a Krampus statue, though). I have had Belli neighbors who go all out with a foot of snow covering the entire parcel, roofs covered, fake cloud dropping particle "snow" on their houses, and lit up like Las Vegas. I consider winter to be December, January, and February. In RL I also have two new kittens. There is no way I'm getting a real tree. If I get a small potted one, they'll probably use the pot as a litter box, if I get a big one, they'll climb it. Besides, for the last few years the dogs have decided that Christmas tree water is the bomb and empty the tree well so my tree dries out and dies. Christmas day arrives to a dry, brown tree and needles all over the floor. I would be laughed right off my mountain if I put up a fake tree, so no tree this year.
  5. I find they make really good neighbors. Quiet and keep to themselves for the most part. They never let their dogs run over to my yard to crap and never invite themselves to an afternoon BBQ, but are the life of the party around an evening campfire. The wine is to die for. To keep the speculating on topic - Castles and medieval styles!
  6. I keep looking at the map of the stilt area and thinking it might be too crowded for me (and my non driving skills) to navigate without ending up in someone's living room. Maybe I should invest in a minisub so I only hit the deck supports and save myself the embarrassment of jet skiing through your kitchen. Maybe a rowboat would be slow enough.
  7. I am okay with waiting until the release is really ready to go. I seem to remember a release where some sort of glitch happened and people got homes on the land page only to have the region restarted and finding someone else had gotten the home they thought they had. I felt bad for everyone involved - moles, Lindens, and residents. There were several different issues when the log homes released like double homes rezzed and issues with permissions on the homes. If they need to wait to try and prevent a few of these issues, I can wait a few more days. I'll probably be at work when the release happens anyway, but with a dump of thousands of homes, there will still be some waiting for me when I get home and for several days after. (I may secretly be enjoying the drama, anticipation, and excitement here a tiny bit)
  8. Soooo, back to the abandoning of houses so others can have them... I've had this spot for a while. Decent Privacy, surrounded by water, a rez zone right out front on the sandy road. Sand Sand Sand. I don't really like it and I caught a camper inland that is surrounded by green and water. However, I figure other people might actually like sand, so I'll clean up after myself and let it go about 4:30pm. Feel free to check it out while Zerrine cleans up her stuff. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Soggy Shore/132/220/0
  9. I don't know. It could be a new hobbit hole/Medieval type fantasy house like in the old Linden home areas. For the door person here - I know it's not round 😄 Wasn't the next theme suppose to be notably different? I hope it's something besides just another squarish house with different siding. I am hoping for something really different. I can dream on the Peter Pan/Neverland theme, though. How many different home styles would there be? Tree houses, houseboats (like floating pirate ships 😜) mermaid homes, fairy glens, mountains, cave homes. It could be an updated Elderglen. If it's some of the moles favorite, what would they enjoy building?
  10. Caught this Vic a few days ago and finally had time to log in and see what I caught. It is in the middle of a lot of things, but you have the whole block to yourself and an amazing view. It'll be available at 8:30pm SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Huddleston/128/41/32
  11. I'd go for desert waste land if it included SL wind, random sandstorms and the occasional tumbleweed bouncing by. I'd really like some kind of modern or futuristic theme. I just got a houseboat (not my favorite style) and decided I would decorate in the least tropical/ocean theme possible. It looks like a space capsule inside with holographic plants and food rezzers. Now I need some kind of hoverboat to park outside.
  12. Just tossing out a pre-emptive "I'm not missing." I've been evacuated from my home due to wildfires. I have a place to go and places for all my animals. I packed the important stuff and have a plan. I'll be back when I can and hopefully I'll still have my home when it's all over. CInn
  13. Looks like a fun trip. Did you see some wildlife like alligators or snakes? I bet the birdwatching was fabulous. /me tosses a log on the fire and stirs the coals
  14. That is a pretty spot! Making that decision is always hard and I like hopping around as well. Do you have another home you can use while you hop around? Are you in a hurry to settle down? We all have different things we look for in a home. There is not enough privacy on that parcel for me, but you did get water which can be hard to find. You can always keep it a few days, set down a lawn chair outside and a couch inside and see how it feels.
  15. I figured there was a reason, but I do not check in daily or even weekly to see the constant drama, so I miss a bit of continuity. In my naivety I just figured everyone wanted to create their own thread for whatever reason. I thought the original Vanity post was sufficiently named to create a space to show off the avatar that each of us has created in whatever perfect form we envision. It morphed into some of the most creative camera work and post editing art that we humans can imagine. Being a vanity thread it is suppose to call to a bit of our narcissism. It's there in the title. I love seeing the crazy, sexy, quirky looks that people have. Personally love the sexy looks of all genders - probably because I am so uncomfortable with it for myself. As far as objectifying each other - of course we are. Isn't that the point? We toss visuals only into these threads in whatever ideal we each have. We want others to see it and admire it or we wouldn't put them in a public location. In a way we objectify ourselves. I didn't realize you were no longer posting in the threads due to drama. I loved your intense look and photo style. Yup, hot stuff. Maybe you will choose to post again so I can quietly objectify you from corner I lurk in.
  16. Regular mainland you can have whatever season you please for as long as you want. If you're talking about the planned communities like in Bellissaria, there may be more rules/suggestions like 1 month before and after a holiday/season. SL is all over the world though, so your winter is someone else's summer.
  17. Is this suppose to be a sexy women thread? I have no idea of your intent and no one has asked you that I saw. I don't usually dress my av in a sexy manner, so here is a pic because you just asked women to post a photo for commenting. I would love a "men as eye candy" post though. *fans herself thinking of the sexy avatars some people put together*
  18. I was hopping around yesterday and got a trad. My least favorite house design. It didn't look like much on the map and I assumed I'd catch and release, but I was pleasantly surprised. My closest neighbor is a camper. The lot is heavily wooded and private. There is a rocky hill on one side, a road in front, the railroad tracks on other side and overlooking a small river with a waterfall in back and a Linden owned community building at one of the corners. So, I will be giving a trad a try. Thanks to whoever released it.
  19. I just want to point out that being "ran off" and choosing to not be a part of negativity are 2 different things. Either way a person is gone, but one leaves as a victim (flouncing) and the other is in control of their world and chooses a better path to take (adult).
  20. The forums have always had their share of self-important, ultradefensive, and/or hyper emotional people. The seem to have some delusion of ownership over who can post and what they can post. The population here is no different than any group of people in real life. It stinks when good people get run off or just give up because it seems so pointless to even post at times. Humans generally fail at caring and having empathy for each other. It's way easier to attack anyone that disagrees and attempt to silence what makes you (general you) uncomfortable. Humans like easy so they just try to remove anything they don't want to or can't deal with.
  21. Caught and released a log home, a Victorian, and a camper in the last 15 mins. Two of them appear to be stuck in maintenance.
  22. I thought this would be keeper, but even after decorating, I'm not feeling it. Seaside Vic going back https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reston Laurels/196/96/0
  23. Letting this camper go in a couple minutes. Good privacy, lake across the street and small pond behind. (the yellow one) https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Huney Junction/140/172/0
  24. I find myself hoping the new theme will just be beachy, so I can hang out, stress free and wait for nice abandons in log or vic regions. I've never liked the beach. BUT if it a lush, buggy, misty swamp, I'll have some hard decisions to make. I'd love an alligator or cotton mouth in my yard and lizards crawling up the side of my house (I'll skip the roaches in my corn flakes, though). I want to sing Jambalaya (on the Bayou) at the top of my lungs while poling my pirogue down the waterways... Okay, it's just a dream, but still. I started singing that song at work today and realized no one knows it but me. 😪
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