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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. There are 2 main reasons my viewer crashes: 1. I have spotty internet connection through my ISP. When the connection cuts out, I get the black and white message saying "You have been logged out of SL. Would you like to view your IMs?" 2. If my LOD is set too high. Even if my graphics settings are set to low, I will instantly crash. No warning message. The viewer just closes. The end. Just done. It mostly happens when I right click on anything to detach or edit or delete. When that happens I check preferences before I fully log in and lower the LOD. (My guess is that it's because my old graphics card is sitting in a 7 year old laptop.)
  2. I don't know if it is related or not, but I have a similar issue that has been going on for years. Years ago I contacted support to help and they couldn't solve my problem. I originally used a @rocketmail.com (yahoo) email address and it worked fine for about a year and then the emails stopped coming (inworld notifications and messages, I still got emails directly from the Lab in regards to my account). I contacted support, they sent emails that went through and said "I don't know what the problem is". I switched to a @gmail.com email and everything worked. I tried switching back to the yahoo/rocketmail email address a couple times over the years and it just doesn't send me any inworld communication.
  3. You do not have to change your adress. When you get to the dashboard page you are so familiar with, there is a link to "verify" the email address. Click it and you will get an email sent to that correct address. In the email is a link to verify that you received it at your correct address. If you don't want to verify with the Lab (not just yourself) that the address is correct, they may not forward your offlines to you.
  4. It makes sense. If there are 110 people on a sim and 10 non-premium members leave, their spots can only be taken by premium members. The ratio of premium to non-premium will change. I still don't see it being that big of a problem. No event stays at capacity forever.
  5. /me pops the popcorn While there will be people who go to the extreme for the drama of virtual goods, I believe most won't notice. Premium members who pay a monthly fee to SL keep this "free" virtual world open for those who don't pay or can't pay or won't pay. If not for land owners, sim owners, tier payers, and membership payers SL would not be what it is. Consumers of virtual goods like bodies, clothes, houses would not be enough to keep SL afloat. So whine if you want to about not getting in to a sale, but there will be people who will pay for the privilege and those people will add to what SL can offer in return.
  6. Yes, you can buy yourself a 512 plot. You will have a prim allowance to put stuff on it and no extra monthly fee except your normal premium membership fee.
  7. I doubt it will become a drama fest, but I have some popcorn waiting if needed. 10% reserved for premium members doesnt seem high enough to be noticed by very many people. Hair Fair, The Arcade, Collabor88, even the first day of SLBirthday events will still have hundreds of avatars trying repeatedly to TP in or walk constantly into a sim border wall hoping to break through. Even being premium, I will just wait a few days for the crowds to disperse.
  8. Whew! Thank you all for the tutorial. I have new respect for creators of clothes and mesh bodies. I popped inworld and tried the underwear on the underwear layer, I probably should have done that to begin with, much less showed through on several of the options I had and one pair didn't show through at all. @Rhonda Huntress I think I understand it all except maybe the lace. I would have to watch someone creating a lace to see how they make the texture so part is opaque and part is 100% transparent. @Chase01 I have a bit more experimenting to do, thanks! I will figure it out before I turn my attention to Bento. @Madelaine McMasters Thanks! I missed it, too. @Talligurl I like dark beer
  9. @Rhonda Huntress I haven't even gotten to my question about what the masking option is. The other day I was trying on shirts and hairs and couldn't get the right combination of alphas and masking. I was just getting more and more frustrated as my long hair had a clear halo around it and there were my nipples peaking out right through the shirt no matter what I did. I cursed the stupid shirt, I cursed the stupid hair, I cursed my ignorance of how it all worked. Then I chose a short hair and went on with life.
  10. Oooooooooh - so they ARE separate and just close to the skin. I will try some different layers and see if underwear still shows through. I want to keep my freckles.
  11. @Talligurl I have never had a tattoo show through either. I use the tattoo layer for freckles. Are these layers painted on the skin or or are they separate and just very close to the skin? Maybe the clothing layer I am using for lingerie sticks out farther than the tattoo layer? On the system body everything was painted on and whatever you put on last was on top. Have you ever tried to put a tattoo on the clothing layer? I'll have to try it out next time I'm inworld - put my freckles on the clothing layer and see if they show over some tight fitting mesh clothes. @Teagan Tobias I'm nearly 7 years in and still have stuff to learn. That is one of the things I like about SL - things change and I get to learn a new skill. ETA Not nearly 7 years, but 7 years in. My Rez Day was yesterday!
  12. @Skell Dagger Woohoo! I love when guys post and I love unique avatars... *cough* @Tem Haalan still waiting *taps foot*
  13. I am not a noob, but I can't figure out appliers for mesh bodies. I thought the idea of an applier was that it was sort of painted on your skin - not something that lays over the top like mesh clothes. I have bought several panties and bras that are appliers. I wear a pair of pants and no skin is showing through - a perfect fit! Yay! I use the applier to put some underwear underneath and the underwear show through the pants. If my skin doesn't show, why do painted on underwear show through? I assume the appliers for mesh bodies are not actually painted on like I thought they were, but add dimension that pokes through clothes. What am I missing? Can I find the painted on style for mesh bodies somewhere? This is only an issue because I spend a lot of time in G land and sometimes my clothes don't rez properly. I want the modesty coverage. If it matters, I use the Lara body.
  14. I have often wondered at the hair-blowing-in-the wind hairstyles and whether people walk around with their hair blowing around, but I do like the sense of movement it adds to photos.
  15. You guys and your fancy hors d'oeuvres and mixed drinks. I brought beer and fries to share. (I get the dark beer)
  16. @Rya Nitely I agree. I will be less inclined to Like posts knowing everyone else can see what I am doing. Not saying I won't use the feature, but I will think twice.
  17. You may not get many replies in the Forum Feedback section of the forums. In the People Forum try Roleplay or Your Avatar In the Commerce Forum try Wanted There are some very knowledgeable and helpful people here.
  18. I personally try to keep my draw weight under 50,000 and usually have my slider for others around 80,000. Occasionally I will turn it up just to see what interesting avatars are around me and then turn it back down. The downfalls on my draw weight are women's hair and shoes. When storing new hair in inventory I put the draw weight in the description. I take a low draw weight as a challenge because I have a slightly older computer that i would prefer not to fry. I did see an avatar several months ago with a draw weight over 1,500,000. I turned off jelly dolls out of curiosity and it was just a normal looking female avatar wearing a dress with medium length mesh hair.
  19. You want her, she wants him... It's the oldest story around. Quinn, I first met you nearly 6 1/2 years ago. You are nothing if not consistent. No one ever has to wonder where they stand with you. You are upfront and honest about what you want. What you see is what you get and you persevere when the odds seem long. Not everyone can say that. That's all the positive stuff I can come up with for now, so - I wish you the best with your new love and if it ends, I wish you the best of luck with your next love. Don't let anyone chase you off. Cinn
  20. Hi Quinn, I hope you can find your friend with benefits. You've been searching a long time.
  21. Hawt and powerful! Psshht everyone looks perfect in SL. No makeup needed.
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