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Clover Jinx

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Everything posted by Clover Jinx

  1. Kitty angels are the best *sage nod*
  2. I am developing a thing for the color (colour for Skell =~.^=) orange but only in Second Life. Eye Shadow and necklace ~ Vengeful Threads Tears ~ Cureless Eyes ~ Suicidal Unborn Lipstick ~ alaskametro Hair ~ Letituier Hairbase ~ No.Match Skin ~ Lumae Head ~ Catwa Nicki Body ~ Maitreya
  3. I may be in need of a guardian angel... meow!
  4. Thank you so much for these moving pictures. *hugs and love to everyone*
  5. A fellow blogger said a few weeks ago to "neon responsibly", well today is not that day. To Manchester, shine bright in the face of tragedy. We are with you.
  6. No, just lots and lots and lots and lots of patience. The key is to start with a head that is the closest to your current shape or one that you like the basic shape of the mouth. I've had the hardest time getting a bento head to adjust the mouth the way I would like due to the teeth and animations.
  7. *hugs you tightly* Manchester and now Roger Moore... I'm gonna go cry for a bit.
  8. Not sure about that. I was having the same issue the other night during a photo shoot, but I thought it was because I had a few bento animation huds on.
  9. "When something has gone wrong with an avatar's skeleton or animations, you can reset the avatar's skeleton by right-clicking the avatar and selecting either Reset Skeleton or Reset Skeleton And Animations."
  10. I know many of you are probably on a lot of social media sites, but one of my blogging groups mentioned this one so I'm giving it a go. http://www.onlinker.com/
  11. Someone left handprints all over this shiny new forum!
  12. Rhonda always said "Pushy kitties sleep outside." I didn't know she meant in the rain. *mews* May's BishBox "Bad Kitty"
  13. She probably dismantled it while watching my Repo Genetic Opera dvd =@.@=
  14. The Maitreya feet aren't made to work with other bodies. You would do better seeing if there is an Omega applier for your skin or switching to a skin that has the proper Slink appliers. It's odd that it wouldn't have Slink feet appliers, yet have other appliers.
  15. The clothes always fit ya, life is a pop of the cherry, when you're a boy...
  16. Oh that's awesome, Hippie! I would have crashed into a tree right after take-off. It's my Friday and I'm going out of town to visit my Mom and sister after work.
  17. Inconspicuously hidden by a very nice, expensive Persian rug. *nods sagely*
  18. I don't bother with those either. Although I did get a 1L "wearable demo" and was pleasantly surprised that it was more of a gift because it doesn't even have one of those "this demo will self-destruct in 5min" scripts.
  19. Oh I'm not anonymous, I let that freak flag fly! =~.^=
  20. Find a 1L gacha... "Hello, my name is Clover and I might possibly, occasionally have a small, teeny, tiny addiction."
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