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Clover Jinx

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Everything posted by Clover Jinx

  1. Re-add the head alpha or use a full body alpha.
  2. Happy Birthday, Hippie!!!!!!!!!! Another May birthday <3 Hope yours is a blast!
  3. Early access to Romp! and the gachas played nice... Rhonda got the red set that says "Devious Mind"
  4. You're welcome! (I wasn't liking the doofus part =^.^=)
  5. aren't I though? I had root beer at lunch and thought about you.
  6. *looks at Maddy's signature* *looks at the button* *look's at Maddy's signature* I am Groot!
  7. @Skell Dagger has that chair ever rezzed yet? =~.^=
  8. Thank you all so much! Despite a small hiccup (hubby would not believe me when I said our dogs would tear up sod) today has been fabulous! I log in to find this waiting for me at home: I click it and it poofs! and magically lindens are added to my account. (I know it's just a simple script for some but to me it's magic) I just had to share cause it was that cool! The hard part is going to be deciding what to spend it on. Thank you, Rhonda! "more than I should and less than I want"
  9. This is an alt of mine with some of the great gifts to be had at We<3RP, FaMESHed and Cupcakes Anonymous hunt. Pictures taken on Fade Away by Cica Ghost.
  10. It's not that many candles!!! The big big boss asked if I was 29 today. "Yeah and plus some" =^.^=
  11. That *is* the office I work in for the most part. We've had our bad days here and there but this is the best job I've had by far. Although today of all days they order me the wrong breakfast burrito! LOL I still love my co-workers though.
  12. Taurus May 9th, 2017 Your thoughts are running through your brain at the speed of light today, but you appear calm, cool and collected on the outside. Unfortunately, trying to unify these diverging energies could be a hopeless task that leads to frustration. Ironically, the stress dissipates quickly once you realize you don't have to resolve your current dilemma. You can continue to watch the inner show while acting as if nothing is happening at all. Keep going through the motions while simultaneously watching the movie playing on your inner screen. Fantasy and reality feed each other if you let them. This is so apropos right now, but not because of my birthday. I've always loved birthdays even those I had to share with my sister (the 14th so Mom would combine the parties when we were younger until we knew better). *slices the cake for everyone*
  13. As far as I know, Glam Affair doesn't make Omega appliers. I know V-tech lists some skin makers in a notecard with that chest. Lumae, Soul, Stix and Plastik offer Omega and the Omega website has a list of skin makers as well.
  14. Before Maitreya updated I had 3 copies. 1 with my neko skin and markings, 1 with my angel skin and tattoo and 1 "test" body I used for demos and when I feel like experimenting. I did the same with my Catwa head. For me, this was easier than trying to remember which saved slots were what. I saw that new Catwa hud and plan on picking it up and using it, once I get stuff sorted.
  15. This^ I've found the best tool for cleaning inventory is being honest with yourself about what will really get used.
  16. For me it would depend on a few things, AC (yes now I check everything before I buy it), how unique the item is compared to the other similar ones and Rhonda's reaction to the item. I'm an odd duck, I know.
  17. It may sound silly, but after sorting stuff into sub folders I was going to purge similar items using Tim Gunn's Essential list. "Do I really need 12 pairs of black pants?" https://www.popsugar.com/fashion/10-Fashion-Essentials-According-Tim-Gunn-763661
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