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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. The Forum Cartel has a dressing room and a sandbox. Look it up in search, go there and hangout! There is also a freebie room. Your welcome to join the group, we're all a bit nuts but friendly and helpful. If you want to shoot me a IM I'll be more than happy to show you around
  2. 5 pages 15 online. Got to go they are IM'ing me......
  3. Four accounts. One I never use because, well frankly the avi looks like Bette Davis and it scares me. One I never use, it's male and I'm not good at being a guy. One is my horse avi, which I am a lot, love her! And this one, my main, for which I have many avi's. Reindeer, Mule deer, White tail Deer, Buzzard, Crow, Myna bird. All which I use for fun and rp like in Tombstone.
  4. Don't loan money unless you can afford to lose it
  5. I love it! But I too think the hips are to skinny. I don't like the whole triangle look a lot of the men wear. It just looks awkward to me and unreal.
  6. Jacki Silverfall

    Hat Outfits

    LOL That IS a sticky situation! Beautiful outfit Keli!
  7. I've never heard of a chat zone LL must have seen or heard something to back up the AR'd claim against you. Sorry for you.
  8. Jacki Silverfall

    Hat Outfits

    One of many outfits with hats. Love em!
  9. What are the steps to do this? I have heard you have to uninstall and reinstall. But I'm not totally comfortable with working on the graphics card. It scares me. Please someone show me the steps to accomplish this. :) Thanks
  10. Why is my kudos count going backwards? I used to have 66 now its 62? Can they be taken away? And why would that happen? give em back!
  11. Waits for the nocturnals to come out then all the other meeroos will go in the dumper too.
  12. Try using a different viewer like firestorm, clear cache, do a clean install. www.phoenixviewer.com They have good wiki for information better viewer imho.
  13. ATI works fine for SL. But it sucks at other programs. Don't get one.
  14. Follow these fixes in order. Avatar rendering problems. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail ETA This works for all viewers. Good Luck.
  15. I believe you need to reboot your communication skills.:smileytongue:
  16. Have you tried the alternate viewer 3.2.1? I went to that after I found I was having problems. Also I have ATI card.
  17. Try a different viewer. www.phoenixviewer.com
  18. You can not give a no trans item to anyone. Doesn't matter if it's free. You need "full permissions" to add something to your build to sell. Make sense?
  19. Try a third party viewer like phoenix/ firestorm. www.phoenixviewer.com
  20. I might be mistaken but., if you click on the mb it should show a menu or text to reset it. Try that.
  21. You have to sync the magic box then refresh the page to show the new listing. You then can create that listing. This is all done on your manage inventory page.
  22. What you think is a empty box might be the rez box/ Click the box and a menu should come up to rez the house. Also you need to send a notecard to this person and tell them you need help with the house.Most creators will be happy to come help you. If they don't respond then file a ticket with LL for help.
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