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Vania Chaplin

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Everything posted by Vania Chaplin

  1. I just put it in Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Posing-Help-for-Human-Proportions-beta/2420780 Please tell me if you have any suggestion
  2. Hello all. For some time already, I have a project to help users to fit human proportions. It is just a posing stand and picture of a regular woman. It will be released Full Perms and free at Marketplace, with a note with instructions. I published the instructions in Multiply, if you can have a look at it, criticize or make suggestions, correct my English, or simply say that it is lost of time, please, do. Thanks ahead to all that help me with this.:matte-motes-kiss: (please forgive me if I published as a new thread, instead of put it in the “proportion guide…” thread)
  3. There is no way for simply move the borders. The only way (and not so problematic) is to join/split pieces of land.
  4. If I understand what you did, you put the pics in a notecard, than you deleted the originals from you inventory. If it is what you did, that’s the problem. I had this problem before. I put an object in a note, than deleted the object from inventory. Than I saw it was not possible to me or anyone to take the object from the note. You have to maintain the original in your inventory – it seems that picas, objects, LM’s in notecards are in fact just a shortcut to the item in inventory. If the item is not in inventory anymore, the shortcut is broken.
  5. I do love this one, by Aaack Straaf. Really easy to drive.
  6. Wow, Fractured is working with Avination? Good to know that I should never take a look there. :matte-motes-mad:
  7. Look in your Transactions History: Liability are billed on Tuesdays, so you must see if the L$ were taken on june/14.
  8. Every now and than it appears rants like this. Maybe I am just lucky. Starting in January/2007, I’ve never lost a single object in my inventory. Only once I didn’t receive something I bought, and it was from a vendor, not marketplace; contacted the seller and in minutes she sent me a copy. Never had my account on hold, maybe because I only buy L$ in Lindex; once, my notebook was prevented to login (but my desktop don’t), a call to Live Chat and the issue was resolved in a few hours. All times I called Live Chat, I had the issue resolved promptly. With tickets the maximum time was 3 days, when I wanted to buy a miniplot to have a few extra prims in my store. Although I had only one side bordering the miniplot, after talk and explain what was my purpose, LL sold me the miniplot (remember that LL used to only do this if you had 2 or more sides bordering the plot in question.)
  9. Olá Lana, Você alugou a casa ou é Premium, com casa da Linden? Se aluga de alguém, peça para o locador lhe dar poderes de colocar objetos em sua casa – normalmente isso é feito entrando no grupo dele. Se for casa da Linden, você deve abrir um ticket em https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  10. I’ve post this one in another post. Last week I moved from inland to sea shore. I left building and scripts on, with auto return in 10 minutes. Everyone is welcome to start navigation there. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Phearsom/18/24/21 The transparent prims show my plot limits, just don’t try to rezz your boats at the corner.
  11. Nessie, um jeito que resolveu com amigos com o mesmo problema: compre L$ pelo site (no seu painel, à esquerda, “Linden Exchange/Comprar” - https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/buy.php). Faça a compra normalmente, ao finalizar o sistema te pedirá o cartão.
  12. Returning just to announce that I moved from my old plot in mainland to a new one in the shore. As I used to do this, rezz is allowed to anyone, with 10 min auto return, so if you want, it is free to rezz your boats and navigate there. There is a big Linden ocean around to have fun. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Phearsom/25/7/21 The phantom prims are there to show the plot limits, where you can rezz the boats, and I will probably change deck and house soon, this was made today, in half an hour just to put my new place ready to be used (even because I'm seeing now that my deck is intruding the Linden Ocean:matte-motes-sick:)
  13. Your last name is "resident" :matte-motes-wink:
  14. Não entendi sua questão, pode explicar melhor?
  15. Wildcat Furse wrote: GD is not back at all ... it was just a consolidation project to reduce the number of subfora, they just had to give the cat a name .... :matte-motes-sick: *meows* Why? What’s the purpose to name an animal that never attends by its name if it is not prone to, but attends by any name if it wants to? :matte-motes-big-grin:
  16. I had just noticed a thread called "this forum will be archived" (or something like that) in the "forums feedback", and **poof** there were no forums feedback anymore.
  17. Wow, time in LL runs in a different velocity, you that Einstein’s thing, time is relatively, etc. Nobody knows the conversion equation RL time/LL time. P.S. Do not confound LL time with SL time – its is yet another relativistic time.)
  18. Hahaha Harley Desculpe a risada, mas primeiro, os pagamentos continuam sendo um problema, especialmente para os europeus; e é bom lembrar que se ninguém pagar a Linden Lab, ela simplesmente vai fechar, aí teremos lag 0 :smileytongue: O resto de suas críticas, assino em baixo, mas pagamento é crucial, tanto para a Linden Lab quanto para nós usuários.
  19. One possible proof could be a snapshot showing that one of them is not allowed in your land (in your About Land) together with them in it. Something like this: AR them, than answer the confirmation email of your AR sending this snapshot. *** This pic was resized to publish here, of course you will not resize yours in order to maintain the banned and avatar's name readable.
  20. I have a RLV trap, three of them, in an adult sim. This particular trap doesn’t have any sexual or extreme violent content. It just hung the victim by the feet and the victim receives a menu saying “you were trapped by <owner>, you can:” Button1: “Try to escape” Button2: “Wait”. If the victim chooses to try to escape, an animation starts and after 1 to 2 minutes, the victim is release, otherwise, the victim has to wait until someone appears and release them by touching the trap. There is no other functionality like unclothing the victim, kill or injure them, no form of abuse. I am pretty sure that it would be allowed in most places and very few people using RLV would complain about it, even in PG sims. But from this one to others much more explicit, there is a wild range of RLV traps. It depends of what it does, the sim’s rules, the people who frequents the place. Use your common sense and talk to the sim’s owner.
  21. You can have you own Open Sim in your computer, were you can build things, than export as xml and import it in SL, but you cannot connect it to secondlife’s grid.
  22. Are you sure that it says that a disbanded group will be available after 48 h? Are you not making confusion with: “Disbanding or deleting groups While there's no explicit mechanism for simply killing a group while it has members, a group owner can still disband a group by kicking everyone else out, making sure nobody new can join the group, and (optionally) leaving it himself. After 48 hours with a membership total of one or zero, the group is disbanded automatically.” here In the same page, it is clear: “Is it possible to get a disbanded group back? Unfortunately, we cannot resurrect a group for you if you allow it to disband (see Why was my group disbanded? for more detailed information). You're free to create a new group, but the new group cannot use the exact same name as the dissolved group.”
  23. Void Singer wrote: the beta was opt-in for a limited number of non-us users in certain areas... noone that wasn't in the beta should be affected, and you'd know if your were in it In this case someone that not me “opted me in”, as I am in the new system and never opted in, and the system is still in beta test, according to the post by FJ Linden.
  24. My first boat was Elyd 50, one of the first boats to actually sail in SL, and from then on I was addicted. It has maybe the most complete HUD. Than I bought this one, SWB Redwing. A cute little boat but somewhat hard to drive as it uses SL wind. Next one was the BWind BBK, my first that uses BWind. After this, I tried Flying Fizz. Wow, hard to read its HUD, but has the better animations. All above are free and can be found in Marketplace. And finally, my first paid boat, Bolero.
  25. Qie Niangao wrote: (...) It's great if some places have found a way to revive social camping. It seems a little weird that it's still camping though, as opposed to some other more stimulating activity for newbies. I wonder... with region crossings much improved now (as long as one doesn't wear scripted attachments, HUDs, and such crap)... maybe group tours of Mainland sites would be more interesting. (Sort of the "roving tip jars" in reverse: they *pay* the riders instead!) I mean, if the paying host derives no benefit other than good will, why keep the participants captive to a camping pad? This place uses a camping board, not camping pads. People has to stay in a range of 20 or 30 m from the board, I’m not sure as I never camp there, I just like to stay there talking or, when I can, helping newbies. :smileywink:
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