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Vania Chaplin

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Everything posted by Vania Chaplin

  1. To avoid that the topic "Another SL vs RL thread" becomes confuse, with two interest, related, but different discussions, I am opening this new one: "SL vs 'unRealLife' thread"
  2. verito, expliquemejor tu problema. Estás a tentar comprar L$ 'inworld' o por la web? - la compra de L$ en visores 1.23 (como Phoenix) fue desabilitada. Mismo en la web, muchos han tenido problemas, desde que LL ha cambiado el modo de pago para los de fuera de USA, y eso ha provocado problemas diversos. Tente: 1. Enviar dinero a tu cuenta - Aumentar el crédito ( minimo de US$ 25 ) y use ese montante para comprar L$ en la web; 2. Si eso no funciona, va a "Tu cuenta >> Información de faturación >> Métodos de pago" y borre la información. Entonces vuelva a "Comprar L$" y complete la ordene de compra. Como no tines más información de pago, recibirás un formulario pedindo la información. Eso fue lo que una amiga de Brasil hice hace 8 dias, y resultó. Si usas PayPal, no borres tu información, porque no poderás poner PayPal como método de pago. Por algun motivo que solo Dios y los lindens entienden, ellos quitaran PayPal como método de pago para nosotros fuera de USA. _________ (Perdoneme mi "portuñol")
  3. I remember, reading in a Brazilian Magazine back in 2007, that someone had made a tesseract home, based on the story "And He Built a Crooked House" by Robert Heinlein (a great story). Tesseract is an hypercube, in four dimensions. If I am remebering it ll, it had a script to make the trick and only one avatar could enter te house at a time. Unfortunately, I've never found this build.
  4. I had this problem once, with my notebook. I opened a ticket and had promptly answer. After giving them proofs that I was the legitimate owner of my account (real name and what is my pet's name), and than my puter's HD serial number, and macadress of the net card, they release it. LL never told me what happened. I just think that they were banning some other computer and mistype one of my numbers in the ban list. The whole process took about 5 hours.
  5. Oi yuric, Qual é o seu sistema e sua conexão com inetrnet? (uma amiga costumava ter serios problemas assim, porque tinha conexão por rádio, quando mudou para ADSL, resolveu) E você já tentou com um viewer alternativo (phoenix, imprudence, p.ex.)? ___________ A propósito, se for escrever em portugues, seria melhor usar a sala específica: Português
  6. I think that the answer must be "42" :smileytongue:
  7. Deltango Vale wrote: Linden Lab recently adopted a new payment system. A common problem is that attempts to bring money into an SL account from an existing credit card are now failing (with an error message). Similarly, attempts to buy Lindens inworld are failing (without any error message). The solution that worked for me was to delete payment information and reenter it. Doing so is a bit unintuitive because there is no single, master location for reentering billing information. Also, one has to perform an actual transaction to fill in credit card details. I presume the system is smart enough to use the info for membership and tier billing. I also presume the system is smart enough to use the info for inworld L$ purchases. It's all a bit fiddly, but it does solve the 'increase credit' problem. ETA: There seems to be no way to set up payment through the viewer. The option is unavailable. Attempting to purchase L$ through the viewer results in a message to go to the website to set up payment through the viewer, for which no option exists. This means inworld L$ purchases have been disabled, so, one must purchase L$ manually via the website. Yes, the system is smart enough to use the info supplied for membership and tier payments, but you have to go to the membership page to see it. That's what I told last week to a friend that was trying to buy L$ without success - and worked for her. I wrote about it in the "Answers", but people read more here. Kudos to you, Deltango :smileywink:
  8. That's what I ever say to people, but I don't know why, people are suspicious. In these forums, when telling somone to sell their L$ in Lindex - limit sell, I received a "do you think I am crazy to use it?" as response :smileysurprised: For some time now, many people are complaining about failings when buying L$. I have enough L$ to fullfil all my needs for the next 2 months (if I don't sell anything in this time), so I will not have to buy any L$ soon. But if I had to, I would try to send US$ to my account, and than use it to buy L$ in limit buy (anyway, I think that limit buy don't charge you directly from your payment method, but you have to have US$ in credit).
  9. Sure. I used to download my transactions twice a month, because of that, but a couple of times I forgot once, and had a truncated month. Than, started to download it every 10 days. But this month it happened again. Forgot to do this on days 10 and 20, and now I have only the transactions from march, 2 to 31. Ok, it was my fault, but the system could maintain at least the last 2 months.
  10. This week I was helping a friend on this issue. The way we fix it, but I am not sure it will work to anyone. She went to Account >> Account summary >> Billing information >> Payment method, and deleted all info there (button Delete) Than, she put an order to buy L$. As she didn't have any payment info any more, was redirected to a form to enter it. Filled the form with the requested info and the transaction was completed. (it was last sunday) Another way that can work, and we didn't try, is to send money - Linden Exchange >> Manage >> Increase credit - and use this money to buy L$ (minimum US$ 25) ____ [Edit to add] - please, be carefull when trying any of my suggestions. I haven't test any for myself.
  11. Just for Opera browser: Go to preferences (ctrl+F12) Tab Advanced >> Programs >> buttom Add in "Protocol", type "secondlife" in "Open with other aplication", type the address of your viewer (in my case it is "C:\Arquivos de programas\Phoenix Viewer\PhoenixViewer.exe") In other borwsers there are similar settings, but I don't know how to.
  12. Para Linden Homes, vá em https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php e siga as instruções ( em inglês). Sobre sua compra no marketplace: 1º veja em seu historico - https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=pt-BR Em "Selecione um intervalo de datas", coloque desde o dia da compra até o dia de hoje (lembre-se que está em formato americano - mes/dia/ano), e verifique se foi cobrado e não foi devolvido. Se houve a cobrança e posterior devolução do dinehiro, foi um erro na entrega e a transação foi cancelada, então simplesmente compre de novo. Se foi cobrado e não devolvido, mande um MI ou uma notecard para o vendedor, explicando que comprou o item no dia tal/tal/tal enão recebeu. Seja paciente, nem todo vendedor entra todos os dias, e não seja rude, a melhor maneira de ser ignorado é ser rude com o vendedor. Se não resolver, escreva aqui de novo ou me procure no SL e tentamos outras soluções (deixe um MI, dificilmente vc vai me encontrar online).
  13. See if you are not using an "alfa layer" made to some clothing that you take off.
  14. In my experience, if the object is transferable you or other owner can just "take" it back (right click >> take) but this will not put permissions back. When you deed an objecto to group you are in fact transferring it to the group. The permissions setted to next owner becomes a property of the object and will remain even when the creator takes it back. Beware - if it is no-transfer, returning it causes it to be deleted because it cannot be transferred back to you. [edited to add]: Unless you have a good reason to deed an object to the group, like security orbs for a group owned land, it is ever better to just set it to group maintaining your ownership over it.
  15. Este tema me preocupa. Mi conta Premium deberia ser renovada hoy. En el día 13 (antes de los cambios), he enviado el dinero: Esse problema me preocupa. Minha conta premium deveria ter sido renovada hoje. No dia 13 (antes das mudanças), enviei o dinheiro necessário: Time Confirmation ID Note Amount Ending Balance 03/13/2011 03:09:00 - Added credit to balance ($72.00) ($72.00) Hasta ahora, no sacaran la plata para renovar el Premium. Me parece que el problema no es sólo con la compra de L$
  16. Lembrando que o melhor lugar para tirar dúvidas é no "Answers" em português feito exatamente para isso. Mas sempre abrindo seu tópico, com sua dúvida. Não pegue carona, é uma boa maneira de não ter sua dúvida respondida
  17. Por favor, não usem um tópico aberto para fazer suas perguntas, se não for intimamente ligada ao assunto do tópico. Esse é o modo menos eficiente de ter alguma resposta à sua dúvida. Vejam, se alguém pergunta num tópico "como fazer a verificação de idade" Depois vem outro e pergunta, no mesmo tópico, "como conseguir roupas boas" - a pessoa anterior vê que houveuma resposta, entra no forum animada, só para ver que é algo totalmente sem relação com sua pergunta. Vem alguém e dá endereços de lojas freebies para a 2ª pessoa. A primeira volta, animada outra vez, para se decepcionar, mais uma vez. Isso acontece algumas vezes, e a primeira pessoa simplesmente desiste de voltar. Aí alguem respoonde sobre verificação de idade, e a pessoa interessa nisso não vê. Alguns dias depois, outra pessoa com dúvidas sobre freebies, entra, mas a resposta já dada para a 2ª pessoa esta lá perdia no meio do tópico, então ela pergunta de novo. Quem respondeu antes, se estiver de boa vontade, tem que repetir toda a resposta que ela já respondeu. Depois de repetir a mesma resposta 2-3-n vezes, a pessoa cansa e para de responder. Se tiverem uma dúvida - Abram um tópico - dêem um título de acordo (nada de "tenho uma dúvida". Quero saber como construir uma casa . Faço um tópico chamado "Como construo uma casa?". Quem tem interesse em construção vai entrar, dar respostas, dar palpites, discutir. Quem não tem interesse no assunto, nem abre o tópico. Se depoischega alguem querendo aprender a construir, olha o título e já vai. Muito possivelmente a resposta já estará lá, sem precisar perguntar de novo, aguardar que alguém repita uma resposta já dada diversas vezes mas perdida entre inúmeros outros comentários e perguntas sem nenhuma relação com construção de casas. Pelamordeus, esqueçam esse terrível tópico "postem suas dúvidas aqui", ele só serve para ninguém ter resposta nenhuma.
  18. On those who acuse someone of a fault relays the obligation of give proofs or evidences on the aledged crime. If it is true and the acuser in question has the proofs, why would them simply put it in an almost never-read profile? If they are not capable of supply the necessary evidences of their acusations, they fall in defamation, even if the allegation is true. And I am happy that it is this way, what a terrible world would it be if anyone could alledge anything, and the accused had to provide proof of their innocence.
  19. If it is true, what resident has to do is AR the racist club to LL. Put it in profile is forbidden by ToS, so resident is in fault, even if their alegation is true.
  20. Linden Lab, and only LL, can see it, if it is in the profile of the accused. All we can do do is give directions to the OP how to act when this kind of things occurs. That was I did, not judging anybody.
  21. Hehehe, I am not a lawyer. In fact I am very far from being one In RL we had case tat can be of interest. Introduction: "Açai" is the name of an indigenous fruit from Brazil. In 2003, a Japanese company trademarked the name "Açai". In 2007, the trademark was cancelled by the Japan Patent Office. Full history here: Brazil regains 'açaí' trademark from Japan
  22. Sorry to disagrree with you both. 1. If is just drama, I don't care. The fact is that defamation occurs in SL and is against the ToS. Being fired from a club for wathever reason is not against ToS; that was just drama. 2. It is not a case of word of X against word of Y. Defamation of individuals or groups is not allowed by the ToS. If it is in the profile of the accused person, there is no "faith" involved. As I've said above, after a few AR's, the profile that was defamating my with others was wiped. The account remained was still alive. LL never tells us what measures they take when receive an AR, but the important thing to us involved, was that defamation stopped. I was not pursuing a personal vendetta, so the result was fine to me. Never thinked on this matter again, until this topic, when remembered that case and used it as an example of what to do and to expect as a result. @ Katalina - Just keep ARing this person until the defamation is removed from their profile. You will not receive any other response from LL - it is part of their politics on AR's.
  23. I had this problem a few years ago, and did what Ishtara and Innula said. A girl listed about 10 avatar names in her profile and with false acusations. One of them contacted me and than on, we ARed her every other day, until we found that her profile was blanked. Than we never heard of her again. I don't know if she got a suspension, just a warning or what, but our problem was resolved.
  24. Agree, Sigmund. I was not clear. Just wanted to say that only the copyright owner can complain, or a legal representant, not that is legal or ethical to brake copyrights if no one complains. But in the specific case of coke and Sl, once I was talking to a friend that work in Coca Cola do Brasil about this problem (there are many Cokes in SL. Later he answered me that in Brazil, the company wouldn't complain because of a cake can in SL - after all it is free advertisement and nobody would avoid a coke in RL because they have one in SL. But this was the approach of the Brazilian subsidiary, he cannot say that the main politics in the issue is the same worldwide.
  25. No phaedra. I have group land. Me and my partner have premium account, wich means that each can have tier free 512 sq m. We both have deeded the land to group, but to do that we have too to give the rights for these tier free to the group. If we wish to have more land one of us have to pay the tier and donate the rights to the group. Remember that LL never charges tiers in L$, ever in US$. No matter how, the group can have only L$, never US$, so there is no way for LL charge the group, only a responsible account that had donate the tier rights to group. Than we go to the point were I cannot understand. If a group has land, someone (not the group) is paying actual US$ to LL. It ranges from US$ 72 a year (minimum, with a 512 sq m plot =~18,000 L$) to US$ 300 a month (a full private sim =~ 75,000 L$), and there is no way to divide this with group members with the tools that we had. All share must be made with full private accordance among the participants (and a lot of confidence that people will honour the agreement).
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