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Vania Chaplin

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Everything posted by Vania Chaplin

  1. They are still there. purple whirl pool is at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sine%20Wave%20Island/184/24/23 , but they are not free dances. Look around for the others in the female dances.
  2. You have the same problem as Drackreal http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Account-loged-in-need-a-linden-technical-suport-employee/td-p/1355739 The same answaers apply to you. Good luck
  3. Oi Ana, A ‘Magic Box’ (MB), precisa estar em algum lugar dentro do SL. Se algum amigo tem uma land, pode ser que deixe você manter a MB nela, pois só ocupa 1 prim. Eu mesma, mantenho as MB de 3 amigos em minha casa. Se isso não for possível, há locais que alugam espaço para as MB. Os preços costumam ser bem baixos, pois elas quase não ocupam espaço. Uma vez que sua Sky esteja dentro da MB, você pode colocar à venda no Marketplace e pagará uma comissão de 5% em cada venda, deduzida do preço recebido.
  4. A única forma é contactar o dono ou algum oficial da área e explicar o que aconteceu e pedir que remova o ban. Se ele vai tirar o ban ou não depende de convencer ele que foi realmente um engano. E não seja agressiva ao falar com ele.
  5. Para placas NVidia, você pode experimentar essa página: http://www.nvidia.com.br/content/HelpMeChoose/fx2/HelpMeChoose.asp?lang=br
  6. Your post remembered me a former friend of mine. She was a helper in SL. I was tying to help a newbie, when I couldn’t find a solution to a particular problem, I look in my friends list and she, the “helper”, was on line. So, I called her in IM. The first answer that I received was something like “you have to ask me first if if I want to receive an IM from you!” (????) How in the world can I ask her first if we are not face to face? Than, she said that in her group of helpers it was a rule to be enforced through SL. That was the end of our friendship and of my confidence in the program of SL’s helpers. I am still glad to give to newbies all tips I can, but I don’t miss the former official helpers groups.
  7. Some bald hairs give this effect. If you are using one, try others. When you find one that is 'clean' stay with this one.
  8. There are some RPG islands in SL in that one must use their own collar and combat meter system. If you are in one of them using another system, you can be banned. I use to frequent one of these were if somebody is captured cannot leave the island, remove collar, combat meter unless allowed by the ‘capturer’ (is this correct?) or will be banne for 3 days in the first time.
  9. I was with this problem. Today I unistalled it a made a fresh install. Now it is working fine.
  10. I'm having problems too. In another thread, my message came blank. I couldn't edit it. My only choice was to reply to my blank post, repeating what I had just write - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Privacy-Question/td-p/1331941/page/2# Both in Opera and Chrome browsers, the Options are not working, nor Board Options.
  11. What is hapening? My previous message is blank, and I cannot even edit it! It should say that I make many mistakes, like welcome someone that is a friend of an alt, but I supposedly not know. Anyway my alts are not a secret. (wishing that this time the message goes)
  12. Não, nanny, só com o viewer - oficial o de terceiros é possível. A LindenLab fez uma tentativa de jogo limitado, por web-browser, mas não funcionou. Em todo caso, você não tinha acesso a inventario nem podia se mover livremente pelo grid - ficava limitada a meia duzia de locais.
  13. I am only familiarized with Chimera and Abranimations Dance Ball. In both, you have just rezz it on the floor (not wear it), edit the bal and go to the tab “Content”. Then , simply click and drag you dances to this tab. Take it back to your inventory and it is done.
  14. A friend had problems with payment a little time ago (roughly 3 weeks), because here in Brazil Visa has changed its politics on international payments. It seems that for foreign payments, one have first to ask permission to Visa, valid for 3 months. I don’t have first hand info about this nor know if it is worldwide or applies only to Brazil, but maybe it’s related.
  15. Phoenix allows only multiple attachments to one point, but doesn't have multiple "wear" to one layer. To that, one must use a V3 based viewer, like Firestorm.
  16. I may be wrong but I think that it is related. If I went to modify my shape or anything else that I am using/wearing, the proper way is to make a security copy (if it is copyable) and than make the changes. If you forgot to make the copy and have already started to make changes, you can go back to your inventory, copy and paste the item, and continue to make the changes. In the end the new copy maintain the older settings, the copy that you are wearing is the modifyed one. Once dettached, it becomes the original copy in your inventory, but the other copy stays unmodified. This shows that when wearing an item, you have 2 copies, one in the inventory and another in the avatar. Only when you detach or unwear it the copies return to be one single item.
  17. Did you had a Premium account and than downgrade to Basic? If yes, had you donated land to a group? Take a look at https://secondlife.com/my/account/groupland.php?lang=en-US to see it. I really don’t know how it works when someone had donate land and downgrade to basic, but maybe here resides your problem.
  18. Isso aconteceu com uma amiga, e levou meses para resolver. Sua conta precisa ser resetado lá nos servidores da Linden Lab. Aconselho a pagar 1 mes de conta premium (custa US$ 9,95) para ter o suporte, ou vai ficar como minha amiga, esperando meses, abrindo ticket apos ticket, até encontrar algum linden de boa vontade. Importante, se ficar Premium por 1 mês para resolver seu problema, não se esqueça de voltar seu status para Básico assim que tiver o problema resolvido, ou será cobrada automaticamente na renovação.
  19. Oi, Precisamos de mais detalhes para poder tentar ajudar. Explique qual a mensagem que recebe quando tenta entrar. (Para adicionar novos comentarios em Answers, vá em "Options" no lado direito superior de sua questão e escolha "Edit")
  20. For that, I uploaded a 32X32 px transparent pic, and used that as “avatar”. I don’t know if there are an easier solution, but this worked to me.
  21. Hi Wade, Sorry for not answer before. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any good translator system, in fact I found all them, if having their uses, are a joke, being Google the less bad. I am Brazilian, and if you want to translate a text, drop it to me in a notecard. I’ll be glad in helping you.
  22. Deltango Vale wrote: (...) What an incredible waste of time, effort and resources, all because Linden Lab couldn't sit down and use its brain for ten minutes to formulate a set of intelligent and coherent policies. Worse, no sooner did we go through all that 'adult' turmoil - during which LL repeatedly stated that SL was an 18+ world, i.e. adult - than LL officially announced an open door policy toward underage players. It boggles the mind. "O cérebro é uma coisa maravilhosa... todos deveriam ter um!" (Brain is a wonderful thing... everybody should have one!) Pierluigi Piazzi (Brazilian teacher of physics)
  23. Mayalily wrote: I don't think that is true. I was at a club on Tuesday of this week and a lot of avi's had scripted hair; no one crashed nor had lag; just long rez times due to all the vendor stalls. I think you need to spend enough time in SL and looking at scripts and what they do... Vendor stalls have low script memory. Resize hair has high memory, and you're really starting to sound silly repeating info that flies in the face of what anyone can see from just examining the objects and the info in both estate tools and about land. The problem is fairly recent too - somewhere in 2009 the scripted hair came into play from low-informed builders thinking no-mod would protect them from copy-theft. It would take from 5-10 or 20 vendors to equal the impact of one person with NON-linkset resize scripted hair, jewelry -OR- shoes. To see this you need only set a vendor up on some land and then look at the numbers for its memory useage, and the script time before and after rezzing it in estate tools, and then do the same with some hair.
  24. (I’m reading Pussycat’s blog now, thanks for that Penny, will take into consideration it too) Thanks for the suggestions, Penny, I will take them in consideration. This afternoon I was playing with it as wearable, is much easier than my first version (that in Marketplace), but I have to rewrite the instructions and take new pics for it. And yes, the slider not ever gives you what is necessary. When I was working in arm length, I had to slide it to 100 and was still too short in comparison to the model, as can be seen in the pic above (ok, in that shape the torso is yet too long, in comparison of the size of the drawing). On the order, I think that is something like: 1. Torso length; 2. Head height; 3. Legs length; 4. Hands size (something around 10-20) 5. Arms length; 6. Than turn to width in the many parts; 7. details in general – depending on the Torso length, you have to adjust breasts, butt, etc, accordingly, and so on On face, the general rule is eyes in the middle of the face vertically, than the lower space is divided by 3 – mouth at 1/3 (upwards), and the base of nose at 2/3. (I’m reading Pussycat’s blog now, thanks for that Penny, will take into consideration it too:matte-motes-wink:)
  25. Wow Coby, thank you very much. Your message give me the idea to simply wear the prim with the picture, on pelvis. Much simpler, this way nobody needs to mess with preferences.
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