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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. Great post Jo! What can WE do to make SL better? Look after people - newbies as well as older residents, help if we can. Talk to each other, even just saying hi:) is nice - giving each other a chance, overlooking small annoyances, and when irked, ignoring and teleporting away. Talk about our positive experiences of SL to each other - there must be some - or why are you still here? Share our favourite landmarks and activities. Emma
  2. Hi I learned a lot from attending free building classes at the Builders Brewery. Other places such as NCI also run classes that I have heard about. At Builders Brewery anything from basic to advanced building is covered and there are also classes on scripting, using some of the main sculpting and animation programmes, and much much more there. The other bonus there is that the sandbox is usually busy with people building, and you will meet people there to chat to and ask advice from. The Builders Brewery Group chat is also really useful - I've learned lots from just listening in and people have been more than helpful if I wanted help on any issue. Hope you'll succeed in your dream! Emma
  3. Singularity also allows temporary uploads. Emma
  4. Hi Czari Sadly, no sales notifications today... perhaps this workaround has been "fixed" . Maybe they'll turn up later again - yesterday a few arrived late but not all of them for yesterday. Emma
  5. Hi Flea:) I haven't honestly noticed a pattern yet... but my sales figures include my inworld shop as well. It may be that because sales there have picked up (I covered my rent - yay!!) that I haven't noticed what's happening with MP Sales. The shop used to be just vanity paid for by MP sales... although the majority of my sales are still coming from MP. Interesting times! Emma:)
  6. Sorry Arwen, for duplicating your thread - posting your link here as well is really nice of you. I have watched and voted and am keeping on it now. Just remembered that I had a strange one a while ago, a late sales notification from something I sold about 3 weeks previously! Weird times... Emma:)
  7. Hi Czari:) yes all my stuff is still in Magic Boxes - I am scared of DD and what running a DD enabled viewer will do to my creaky pc . And everything was fine up until a couple days ago... Strangely since opening this thread, I had a few come in!! OMG, maybe the Lindens do read the fora??!!!!! /me faints Emma:)
  8. Hi Flea I've not had sales notifications go missing before - I hope it's not the start of sales tanking also... Hope yours will recover soon! Emma
  9. Thanks Pamela Sorry for duplicating Arwen's thread... Emma - /me goes to get shovel and starts digging
  10. Sales notifications have been erratic for a few days but I have not had any today - only the Magic Box delivery emails. Anyone know anymore about it? I've commented on the JIRA yesterday but didn't keep the link... Are there any workarounds? Thanks for reading! Emma :) P.S. Posted this message, checked again... and wouldn't you know it? I have actually received one - the first one today of about 8 - 10 sales delivered altogether.
  11. Thanks Czari and Polenth - that allays my worries Emma
  12. Is it true that if you edit your listing - even to just add the correct unpacking requirement - you loose your place in Listings? Or is Search so broken it doesn't matter anyway? At the moment I am only editing the unpacking information if I need to make an important change to a listing... I'd be grateful for someone clarifying this. Emma
  13. That ^ and the folder opening that something goes into to when I take or receive something... If someone knows how to get it back (I'm on Singularity) - please tell me! Disconsolantly looking for the return of "auto open inventory"
  14. ... shivers: oh what's yet to come ? ((
  15. Hi iCade My shop is mostly home and garden stuff - I got 183 prims at the moment. Most of my stuff is very low prim so I probably got about 60 - 80 actual items in the shop at any one time. I do have a rezzer but just for a few items of up to 10 prims. For the larger items - like large gardens and buildings - which are up to 49 prims, I have started to make demos which are available from Marketplace for free. In the shop I also offer a box with all the demos. The demo can be rezzed on the customer's own land so they can see how it fits and looks and works, then it derezzes after 5 minutes. Since most of my sales still come from Marketplace that's an acceptable solution for me, and I hope my customers. I'd love a bigger shop (ego boost!!) but feel that inworld sales would need to cover at least the rent on the land. I am working on that! Emma
  16. Is it possible the item was relisted? Thus getting rid of its bad review?
  17. Listed a couple new items over the last few days - still using magic boxes. All went smoothly. I really don't know what to think about Marketplace at the moment...
  18. Thanks, Commerce Team Linden. We'd all really appreciate more information - even if there isn't a solution just yet. But it's good to know you're reading our posts.
  19. Just checked my store on Marketplace which is still ok (fingers hurting from crossing now - ouch). Noticed the information about Marketplace bugs has gone - just something left there about bulk editing. Soooo, has it all been resolved now? Sure hadn't had a message from Linden Lab about it . Disappointed.
  20. Great post! Love the idea of finding the shop keeper in a grave - only to rise when customers arrive - how very symbolic!! Got me thinking - I just started making demos of my bigger builds (too big to fit my current tiny shop): maybe I'll use Marketplace just for the free demos of stuff that people can buy only at my inworld store... And if Marketplace continues to be the mess it currently is, at least I am not losing out on things being delivered without getting paid for it.
  21. I haven't changed over, Pearl. So far, my store seems ok. /me crosses fingers, spits 3 times over left shoulder, turns round 5 times ... falls over.
  22. Thank you CommerceTeam Linden. Um.. hate to be repititive... but... are you just maybe considering review notifications? Yours in hope Emma
  23. I so wish they'd communicate with us - we are reasonable folk ... aren't we? /me brushes pulled out hair from her collar /me attempts to glue it back onto the bald patches. Emma
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