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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Euridice. No necessary the un-installation. She might to clear her cache manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first her computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) I underline that if she uses more than one viewers she needs to do it for every viewer separately following the same paths in her hard disk. So if she choosed to uninstall viewers, she might to do it for all before to install again. After that she must to log in a protected land without lag, like Smith or Lime. There she must to open her inventory, to type something in search there and to wait fething ALL her items till the last one. After she can try to change outfit, choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments.
  2. Just think that a new user can start to dance at a freelance place even she is 1 day old in SL informally (= she can't join in the tipjars untill she is at least 1 month old, but she can get tipped directly).
  3. Hello jjyoung. Do you turn off your AO before you try to use a pose ball? Maybe some stuff in the region is deed to group. So you haven't the right to use is, except if you join in that group. If you are already joined, be sure that you wear the group tag.
  4. Hello victoria. We had some problems some mins earlier most with logins and teleporters. Seems that they have resolved now. Maybe some residents have still problems with their inventory. I think that is something temporal and you don't need to worry about. Check this space for updates: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  5. Maybe the easiest thing in SL is to get a job somewhere as a dancer.
  6. Hello Latte. It happens for 2 reasons: 1)Attachments with scripts you wear, so try to remove them one by one to check out which creates the problem 2)Lag can make you to feel that you slide down. So move in another region with less lag and check out if you have the same problem.
  7. Hello Ivanna. Maybe she needs to clear her cache manually. (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) If she uses different users she must do it for all of them following the same path in her drive disk. After that she must to log in a protected land without lag like Lime . There she must to open her inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one and after to try to change outfit choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments.
  8. Hello Len. It happens sometimes after teleporting. In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Me --> Movement --> Stop animating me and check out if it that corrects the problem.
  9. Hello jak. opengl32.dll is a system DLL for the graphics API that LL uses. It is a part of standard MS Windows installation and normally you can find it at C: \ Windows \ System32 directory. For a reason you haven't this file in your hard disk. Maybe it's deleted by a virus? by a system crash? by a problem in your hard disk? by an application maybe you recently installed and deleted inadvertently this file? Not sure. I fear that you must to reinstall windows, except of using one of the stantard windows repair installation tools, which is possible to restore the .dll file for you. Good luck.
  10. Hello Charolotte. Auto pilot = select this to walk or fly to the double click location. In addition we have another option: In Viewer 2 (i know you use it Charolotte) Menu Advanced --> Debug Settings --> DoubleClickAutoPilot --> Set it to true. As Torley explains, "Some of you may find it useful for navigation. Set it to TRUE, then anywhere you double-click (with the left mouse button) inworld, you'll automatically walk, run, or fly towards. Our autopilot is kind of flakey, so don't be surprised if this doesn't always work and you get an "Autopilot canceled" message. Nevertheless, a fun novelty".
  11. Hello Iau. Open the options of the land and second tab called "Covenant". There you can see the owner of the sim, if i understood right your question.
  12. Hello Tyryn. If you haven't a program in your computer like Photoshop for example to read .tga files, you can do something else. Open the pic in world, click the key Print Sceen by your keyboard and paste the pic into a simple program for editing pics, like Microsoft Paint. Save the pic as .jpg or .gif or .png and you are ready to upload it. It is no necessary to create new questions because it is difficult for all to read all the answers. You can edit your posts if you wish. (Options --> Edit)
  13. Hello Zahara. Without second thought choose the Nvidia GT540M. Recently i purchased a new laptop with Nvidia GT520M and i haven't any problem even i have my graphics quality to Ultra. For sure before you buy have a look for the recommended system requirements clicking the following link: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US
  14. Hello Louise. Check out the following links at first: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-clothing-and-tattoos/ta-p/700055 http://www.secondlife-shirts.com/advanced_clothing_tutorial.htm
  15. Hello again CDF. Yes you are allowed to have one or more pet in your Linden home IF you have available prims. I don't think that you must to worry about that. You asked again yesterday if i am right. The land is yours, the house is yours, so you define what you put inside. Have fun
  16. Hello aiko. I think is best idea to post your question in forums --> Commerce --> Merchants
  17. Hello Fathington. If you clear your cache yesterday, that means you lost all your temporaly SL files and textures and you need to download all of them from the beginning in your hard disk. You see textures blurred because obviously they haven't fully loaded yet. I don't think that you must to worry about that. You told that you set your graphics to High. The higher quality, performance and draw distance, the more information your computer will receive from the servers hosting the regions (sims) around you, so the longer the time your computer will need in order to upload everything you see around. So temporarily set your graphics quality to medium just for your first log in's. It's no necessary for me to change viewers because every viewer has its own cache memory. Better to log in with the same viewer and stay more in the same region.
  18. Hello Adrienne. Difficult for someone to say exactly why you get this message. On the other side i believe that it has connection with an or more invalid characters in a group tag. Look this jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6608 If you are a premium member it is highly recommended to use Live Chat. If you are not a premium member i can't suggest you to submit a ticket. As other older users suggested in past, maybe a good idea is to upgrade to Premium just for 1 month. This way you can use immidiately the Live Chat and ask for assistance. Good luck.
  19. Yes Marigold. The best she can do is to submit a ticket. Everything else we say here is only conjectures.
  20. Hello Manody. I will give you a link to understand how age verification works: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021 Your information must to be cross-checked against pre-existing databases of public record to verify that you are of legal age. About your 2nd question now what you mean when you say that SL locked you out of your rental? You can edit your post adding more details (Options --> Edit)
  21. LoveAngeL Lyre

    compte sl

    Bonjour fifio. Si j'ai bien compris votre question, oui: Re-activation d'un compte annulé: Si vous avez annulé votre compte, vous pouvez être en mesure de le restaurer, selon la façon dont il ya longtemps qu'il a été annulé. Il ya des frais de réactivation des États-Unis 9,95 $ pour la restauration d'un compte. Même votre compte est rétabli, l'inventaire associé, la terre, et l'équilibre du dollar Linden peuvent être irrécupérables. Pour démarrer le processus, présenter une demande de support comme suit: 1.Ouvrez une demande d'assistance. 2.En vertu de quel type de problème rencontrez-vous?, choisissez Compte émission. 3.Choix Réactivez un ancien compte. 4.Entrez les informations requises 5.Cliquez Soumettre.
  22. Hola sherokum. Si usted es un miembro de la prima puede utilizar el Live Chat derecho ahora. Si usted es un miembro de base se puede llamar al siguiente número. España: 800.300.560 Si no puede llamar a este número, puede enviar un correo electrónico a: support@payments.secondlife.com
  23. Hello Emilia. At first you dont need to use so small font. We need magnifying lens to read your post. (smiles) Have a look at the following link http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life The best you can do is to read the topics here. Often people are looking for new dancers and escorts. Also you can use the search in world to find places about that. To work as a dancer and escort you need a qualitative skin and shape, good clothes and shoes etc. Good luck.
  24. Hello Ewone. I checked out your profile in world and you haven't "Payment info on file". That's why you haven't access in adult content. If you have payment / billing issues you can call depending your country at the following numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only If none of those numbers are in your Country you can email to: support@payments.secondlife.com For more details about how you become Account Verified, you can check the following link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-verification-types/ta-p/805983
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