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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello amydeath. Let's take your options one by one. 1) DJ'ing: This one sounds as the best choice for you. It is something you have already done, you know it, but till now you used to spin just for tips. My suggestion is to try to find other clubs, owners and managers who are looking for DJ's with a payment. This way you can earn in the beginning about 200 lindens per hour and if you are good enough a little later 300 or 500 lindens per hour except of tips which are all for you when you rezz your own tipjar. The only disadvantage, but important, is that you haven't microphone. So it is impossible for someone to pay more 200-250 lindens / per for someone without microphone. Maybe you need to think about to get one soon except of you are negative to use voice in SL as many others here and it is respectable. 2)Tetxuring: No bad idea but i don't suggest it because it is very difficult to earn many lindens with it. More or less everyone arround knows to edit pictures or has a friend who knows about it. If we lived 10 years earlier yes someone with photoshop could be considered skilled but my feeling is no more nowdays. If you find someone to pay you for textures it will be something very rare, so i don't think that you must to orientate to it. 3)Escorting: Unlike with many people i am NOT against this job. I have friends escorts males and females who earn thousands. So i could suggest it if there were the suitable conditions. You wondered if your last sentence changes anything. Unfortunately yes. Being a furry you will not have the best luck when beside you, you will have girls really attarctive, beautiful and charming. I underline that i don't mean that furries aren't beautiful. Just i say that they address in a small number of guests instead of girls with human avatars. Also the fact that you haven't microphone is another one disadvantage for this job, when most are looking for voice if not for cameras also, some of them just to prove that you are a girl in real. I believe that this checking is irrational when it is so easy for everyone with some lindens to change his / her voice, but i express what exists arround. If you want to try to follow this path, it is your right and you can do it. Have in your mind that there are freelance places where girls keep the 100% of tips (no commissions). To sum up, the first choice (continue dj'ing) is the best for me and could be better if you decide to get a microphone. Good luck.
  2. Helo Sherta. 30 items and you didn't get nothing? Open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant(s) got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases --> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant(s) describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery. Alternatively: Dashboard --> Account --> Transaction History --> copy your last transactions and repeat the same process as i described
  3. Hello Kolby. R.I.P. your friend. I am really sorry. About now the attitude of LL's employee, i don't see something wrong or reprehensible. He/she gave you the reply which might to give. The other participants explained why and they covered me. Maybe a good idea is to try to contact someone of her family and ask them if it is possible to find her password and delete her profile.
  4. Hello Lexie. If you joined SL being under 18 and you turned in 18 after the system can't recognize you as an adult. Also it is necessary as i guess you already know that your informations must to get crosschecked against pre-existing databases of public record to verify that you are of legal age. If you can't be a premium member to try to verify your age manually the only solution is to call, fax or mail them. If you live in US it is no costly. Phone: (415) 243-9000 Fax: (415) 243-9045 Email: support@secondlife.com Good luck.
  5. Hello. I will give a link just to understand how age verification works and why is possible to fail. I accept that your informations are right but they must to cross-checked against pre-existing databases of public record to verify that you are of legal age. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021 The other option is to become an Account Verified. If your account has payment information on file, you may visit land that has an Adult maturity rating without becoming age verified. For exactly you can visit all adult regions except of the estate owner restrict access only to residents who are verified with age verification. For more details check the following link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-verification-types/ta-p/805983
  6. With your 2nd post you become more understandable and specific. Now you have more luck i think. I hope you soon to find someone. Good luck.
  7. Hello Changis. At first check the transaction history in both profiles (Dashboard --> Account --> Transaction History). You can submit a ticket here although it is no recommended if you are not a premium member.
  8. Duplicated post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/Developing-SL-and-Opportunity-Course-for-Community-Colleges/qaq-p/885711
  9. To be honest i didn't feel lag today. On the other side some friends informed me that for hours they couldn't upload pics in world and i think they can't still.
  10. The fact is that the program has big requirements if you want to run it good without problems but on the other side i think that 10 MB of RAM is excessive. I dont think that more than 2-3 MB RAM required.
  11. If you noticed it suddently while you were doing something, ask by a friend to send you 1 L in world. It is a glitch.
  12. Hello Glitoris. If you don't know the creator is difficult to find them. Hair at Marketplace are really unlimited.
  13. Try also to change your word keys when you search. Using synonyms or similar words, you will get different results. Have fun.
  14. You can check also: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Off-Topic/Number-Of-Members/m-p/885357 A great answer by Cerise.
  15. Hello Sonya. According Wikipedia has more than 20 million registered user accounts since 2003 when was launched . Not sure how many of them are still active. Maybe if you google about it you can find more infos.
  16. Hello to all. Love your pics really... Tai - Chi in one of my fav sims.... Sometimes i need relaxation...
  17. Even if they costed 13 euros only, i would never have wore them! :smileyvery-happy:
  18. Hello Beazle. Check the following links: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Voice-chat-FAQ/ta-p/700171 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Voice Also TP to Voice Echo Canyon There checking is easier. For Phoenix you can try Phoenix Support, Phoenix Viewer Wiki Voice Related Good luck and let us know if you need more help.
  19. Hello Gerstely. LL reports: Slow deliveries If a delivery is taking longer than usual, please wait up to a day for this to correct itself. There are several interrelated causes. We are currently working towards a faster and more reliable Marketplace system. If you see a line that says, "[iTEM NAME] Undelivered [L$PRICE] Not paid Not available for redelivery," the items may be in the process of being delivered. Wait for a day, then check your transaction history again. I checked out your profile in world and i saw that you are a premium member? If yes, the best you can do is to use the Live Chat. Second option, submit a ticket.
  20. You welcome Vallerie. That's why we are here to help each other. Now you ready to have fun! :smileyvery-happy:
  21. Glad if you fixed your problem Antny Try to remember this command for next time.
  22. Did you fix the problem Denny? If not maybe you need to clear your cache manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Recommended to delete the Phoenix folder following the same paths. Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) If you uninstall viewer do it for all and restart your computer before the new installation.
  23. Hello. I love to hang out in INSILICO Not only a shopping mall with many levels but 5 sims joined each other. A cyberpunk city for me worth to explore it, good for role playing also. Exploring in Insilico Central....
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