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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. To add programs to your firewall using Windows Vista, perform the following steps: Click Start, Control Panel , and then Security Center Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall Select the Exceptions tab and then click Add Program In the Add a Program dialog box, click Browse. Add the Program. OK
  2. Yes although i wanted to know what windows you use exactly. Open the AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall. Double-click the Firewall button to configure the Firewall. Add the program or programs you wish. For the Firewall (Windows 7): Click the "Start" menu button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, then click "Control Panel." Click the green "System and Security" link. Click the blue "Allow a program through Windows Firewall" link under "Windows Firewall." Click the "Change settings" button at the top of the window. Click "Allow another program" at the bottom of the window. Scroll to the application that you wish to add to the Windows 7 Firewall. If the application isn't listed, click "Browse" and locate the application manually. Click "Add" to add the program to the Windows 7 Firewall. Check the boxes for "Home/Work" and "Public" to the right of the program to allow them access to these types of network.
  3. Hello LadyGirl. Obviously your firewall or antivirus software may be blocking it, try adding SL as a trusted site. EDIT: Tell us what's your operating system and which antivirus you use
  4. awww thanks so much Venus! You would love to see one pic of you! :smileytongue:
  5. haha Vallerie! Awesome video! Thanks! :smileyvery-happy: Greedings to all !
  6. Hello Kylie. Did you try to clear your cache manually ?
  7. Hello Lyra. Maybe the item was purchased in-world from a vending machine through one of your Alts? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3008. Some other answers at the following thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Failed-deliveries-due-to-User-Exception/td-p/764535
  8. Right although a little later it has been resolved. Normally Rhonda must or might to fix her problem if the reason was asset server issues.
  9. Hello Vallerie. Yes it is me. Changed it yesterday. Unfortunately we can't change the colour of usernames for our badges here so i have often difficulties to understand who posts. Maybe it is time for LL to add this option, although i don't know if it is possible. ...winks back
  10. It is no the best idea to share here your personal contact. It is a public forum. On the other side if you can't get in world for a technical reason, we would love to help you to fix it.
  11. Yes there are feelance jobs. Of course depends of what you want to do and of how much you want to earn. Vallerie's link will help you to start and to understand some things about unskilled jobs at first.
  12. I was very confused till some time ago with the way LL counts the height. LL brought their own way of measuring the height. I have read so many threads about it here and finally i found that Phoenix Viewer counts rightly avatars height, and in any case Viewer 2. Recently i built a stick and i use to count everything with it. I adjust it changing its height depending of what i want to count. It is not accurate but practical. I consider that the following thread is informative. Have a look if you wish. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Avatar-height-why-is-there-a-discrepancy/qaq-p/687428
  13. Hello Adam. It happens sometimes. Next time if you need urgently to buy lindens you can use one of the other acceptable Third Party exchanges clicking the following link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace
  14. Hello Laurell. You can to use voice in private if you click the button "Call" into the instant message window and you can keep speak this way even you and your interlocutor are in different regions.
  15. Hello lolalab. My feeling is that you got a demo no the original outfit so no reason to worry that you was charged 450 lindens. You need some time to realize immidiately every time how many dollars are the lindens you see, that's why i sent you in world a currency calculator hud for every kind of conversion. You wear it, you see it in your monitor and use it like the other calculators. Another one tip is that when you want to buy something to find it in Marketplace. There you see anytime how each product costs in us dollars also (for example L$699 $3.28 USD). Usually your orders are final, but some brands give you the right to return the purchases some days later if you don't like them. Have fun!
  16. Hello lolalab69. This moment you can not remove all your clothes because you wear one of the default skins where underwear we can say are a part of it with simple worlds. To remove all your clothes, you need to change skin. If you search in your inventory you can find 1-2 skin of your default ones which offered for nudity. Alternatively ask a friend to give you a free skin in world, or buy a new one at Marketplace
  17. I agree absolutely with the other participants (i underline that i read your first post before you delete it). I could write many things now but i consider that is unnecessary. Except of you are not professional, if you want to help (especially in SL) learn to do it without returns. Have in mind one more: The people, who are really great, don't know about it and if they know it, they never speak about it.
  18. Hello Blazer. I am sure that you will have many offers here. For my opinion it is easier to get an empty land where you can rezz your house. If you don't know to build or to decorate, it is not a problem when so easily you can find and purchase cheap full furnished houses at Marketplace. It is very easy to rezz them in your parcel (it takes just few seconds). Good luck.
  19. Hello Kaityn. To purchase stuff you need lindens (currency here). Have you lindens? You said that you can't buy for some reasons. Do you get any message when you try to buy stuff? You can edit your post if you wish adding more details.
  20. Hello NJsoca. As already suggested, you need to be at least 1 month old in SL to get officially a job. About hosting even you are 1 month old is difficult for someone to get you to work for him / her when you haven't experience in other clubs / places. For hosting also a good enough avatar required, sure some gestures (you can buy them or you can find also some free in world) and also experience in public places and local chat. I mean to be able to control it. About security now it is very very rare for someone to hire someone only for security. Usually hosts and hostesses, manages or assistant managers, owners and sometimes dj's work as security too. In addition is very difficult for someone to trust a new user who doesnt know giving him the powers of eject and ban. I underline that my goal is not to dissapoint you, just i express what it exists arround. You don't lose something if you try and here you are in the right place because very often people are looking to hire new stuff. So it's suggested to read the topics daily. Something else you can do is to check the following link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life Good luck.
  21. Yes armygirl you do. If eventually you decide to downloand the program, you can do it here
  22. Follow Peewee's suggestions. If you still have problem something else you can do is to test your avatar (when first you have done all the previous steps). In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. Good luck.
  23. こんにちは瞳。 最初に私で日本語と私は使用トランスレータを話すことはありませんが私を言うと思います。 今日、我々は、多くの資産サーバーの問題があった。問題はあなたのためだけではないので。 お勧めできる唯一の​​私は忍耐です。 私は、リンデンラボ社は、すべての問題を解決するためにすぐにしたい。
  24. Hello Wildy. You asked what to do. The answer is patience when the problem seems to be general for many users. Also check the following link for updates: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  25. Hola vaaleps. Si he entendido bien su pregunta, su nombre completo es vaaleps Resident. Su segundo nombre es Resident.
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