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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello blaze. If you want my opinion you must post your question in SL Answers as already suggested. https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/answers There, you can post your question, describing exactly the error message you get when you try to log in and it is possible to get help to fix your problem.
  2. Hello Milly. As i know you can log in with 2 avatars when you have 2 viewers installed in your computer, if you activate the option "Allow Multiple Viewers" by your Preferences --> Advanced Tab. You log in with your main avatar in Viewer 2 for example, after you run Phoenix or other viewer and log in there with your alt.
  3. Hello kortini. It is a known problem especially for users with macs. See this jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627 Rolig Loon found a solution for this problem which seems that works for most of users. Click the following url: http://neilrobinson.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/a-fix​-for-dns-errors/ You need to add the following additional DNS servers to your DNS settings in Network settings under System Preferences: If the problem remains, download an older version of Viewer 2 here and set your software updates NO to be installed automatically. (Preferences --> Setup --> Hardware)
  4. Hello nat. The "Waiting for Region Handshake" message occurs when the Second Life Viewer does not receive an acknowledgement from the server. The usual cause of this error is a firewall blocking UDP packets. Reconfigure your firewall to resolve this problem. For information on how to configure firewalls, see: How do I configure my hardware firewall (such as a router)? How do I configure my software firewall? Second Life IP addresses firewall configuration Configuring your corporate firewall to allow access to Second Life About content filters
  5. Hello shemar. Open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant(s) got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases --> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant(s) describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery.
  6. Hello Torric. In addition when you see the Script Information window in Viewer 2, you can click the questionmark button (?) to get help and explanations about everything you see there. Also available the 2nd tab which shows the scripts currently running in attachment objects worn by your avatar.
  7. Olá midiaon. És um membro premium? Se sim, e você tem problemas com a verificação de idade, é sugerida a utilização do Live Chat. Se não, não é sugerida para verificar sua idade manualmente de acordo com LL de sorte, você pode usá-lo "se você é um" prémio ou do cliente de portaria e tenha dificuldade em verificar a sua identidade no site Second Life ". Por outro lado, você pode ter acesso nas regiões adulto se você se tornar "Verified Account", tendo "Informações de Pagamento em arquivo ". Desta forma, você tem acesso em todas as regiões do adulto, exceto o dono da propriedade restringe o acesso a Residens que são verificados com verificação da idade. Se essa solução é impossível para você, você continua o seu Second Life com acesso apenas em Geral e moderada regiões que constituem neste momento quase 90% a de sims no SL.
  8. As already mentioned, for me also, start to hunt the xploders arround. You can google for "second life xploders" to find easily the site where you can get informed for the places with the bigger pots. Not so many but be sure that you will earn lindens.
  9. Hello Solbarondi. It is suggested every time you log in to open your inventory, to type something (2-3 characters) in search there and to wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. Alternatively you can open the second tab in your inventory called "Recent". If your inventory isn't fully loaded, you do nothing else. It's possible to crash when you try to teleport.
  10. Hello kinda. Clear your cache manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) I underline that if you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all, following the same paths in your hard disk. For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer If the problem remains uninstall ALL the viewers, restart your computer and install again.
  11. Hello Charolotte. I had to see comments long time. You are welcome.
  12. Hello Charolotte. Did you try to maximize the window with the button between "Minimize button" and "Close button - X" ? EDIT: With any viewer, always you see SL in full screen and also the status bar down. In any case the choice of browser affects the way you see SL.
  13. Hello. Open your dashboard --> Account --> Cancel Account. It is not suggested to delete your account because it is possible to regret about it in the future.
  14. Hello lolalab. At marketplace you can find everything. Cheap and expensive products. Just search it using the suitable words. :smileywink: EDIT: It is not ever a part of a skin Cinn. Can be something additional. EDIT2: I don't believe you Darren :smileyvery-happy:
  15. Hello Tandero. You don't need to beg to get some lindens neighter it is so difficult. You can start to dance at a freelance place with any obligation and with flexible working time. When you earn some lindens there, you can upload pics and to buy also stuff which is necessary if you want to work as a dancer.
  16. No Machess. I haven't problem with huds and generally other problems as usually.
  17. Hello Warh. You should clear your cache manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) I underline that if you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all following the same paths in your hard disk. For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer Good luck.
  18. Hello system. Your post confused me. You have cancelled or you want to cancel your account? You don't need to pay something if you want to delete your basic account. You said. You have 1000 lindens. You asked if you can you get it back. What and by who? You can edit your post if you wish. (Edit --> Options) Also if english isn't your first language, you can re-post it in your first language.
  19. In addition you can have a look at a great video for skyboxes by Torley.
  20. Hello saweb. If you are sure that your purchases aren't in your inventory, open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant(s) got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases --> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant(s) describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery.
  21. Hello Helis. Did you clear your cache manually? Also did you clear your cache for all the viewers you use or only for just one? (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) I underline that if you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all following the same paths in your hard disk. For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer After that, as already mentioned, you must to log in a protected land without lag like Smith or Lime. Open your inventory, type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one.
  22. True Clarissa. I could add more stuff like free jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets etc). I am sure that if they spend little more time, easily can find them arround. It's preferable than to waste lindens. You are welcome. *smiles*
  23. Hello again Keelof. I am sorry because you haven't fix your problem yet. If you remember which group tag you wear, you can contact maybe the owner of the group with your alt, asking him/her to kick out your main account of the group. About your questions now, you can not transfer money in another account when you aren't in world, neighter stuff.
  24. Hello Conifer. To be honest i didin't know that 2.7 Beta was available so i haven't tried it yet. The new feature with shadows hears interesting although i prefer to have them disabled. Of course both features you reported would be great for snapshots. On the other side last 2 days i am trying the Viewer 2-6-9-230635_ProjectViewer-Search but i can't say that i was impressed with the changes in Search.
  25. Hello Valerie, hello to all. I don't see many things from my balcony because everything is covered by huge palms. hehe That's why i choosed to take a panoramic pic of my place. More or less it shows what i see arround my house. One more by my roof... Greetings to all :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
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