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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Mineko. If the problem remains, try to clear your cache manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) If you have more than 1 users installed in your computer, you must to do it for ALL of them following the same paths in your hard disk. For example: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Phoenix Viewer After that log in a protected land, as already mentioned, open your inventory, type something in filter there and wait fetching all your items till your last one. If neighter this solution works for you, you can try to install other viewer.
  2. Hello Silviu. Althernatively you can use one of the other acceptable Third-Party Exchanges clicking the following link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace You are right Peewee. She could sell lindens directly through a Third Party Exchange and get the money in her pay-pal right?
  3. Hello lolalab. You can edit your profile when your are offline no though your dashboard, but if you copy and paste the following url in your browser's address bar: https://my.secondlife.com/lolalab69 If i am right, you can't delete friends when you are offline. You must to be in world.
  4. Hello 5phere. You must to clear your cache manually: (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) I underline that if you have installed more than 1 viewers you must to do it for all of them, following the same paths in your hard disk. For example: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer Good luck.
  5. Hello keaona. You need to buy a kit for that at Marketplace . Also you can find some products for free in world.
  6. Hello matt. Could you be more specific about your problem? What was happened with your body parts? You can edit your post adding more details. (Options --> Edit)
  7. Hello Valerie. Always you are so so polite! Titles and badges are nothing for me. The important is to help everyone who needs a hand, without returns. We try for it every day. All of us. So, congrats to all!! We are a good team! The video is AWESOME!!! Thank you! :smileyvery-happy:
  8. LoveAngeL Lyre


    Olá novamente Zecaa. Quem mudou o seu mail e palavra-passe? Você sabe? Você quis denunciar abusos? (Em Viewer 2: Menu Ajuda - Denunciar Abuso>) Você pode editar seu post adicionando mais alguns detalhes. (Options -> Edit)
  9. Hello Rogier. In addition Luc's great answer, if you urgently need to buy lindens you can use on of the other acceptable Third-Party exchanges, clicking the following link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace
  10. Olá Zecaa. 1) Para alterar seu e-mail: Abra seu dashoboard -> Conta -> Contato -> alterar seu e-mail -> Salvar Alterações 2) Para alterar sua senha: Dashoboard -> conta -> Alterar senha -> Salvar Alterações
  11. Hello Delendum. ctrl+9 to reset the cam http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Camera_Control Check out if that helps.
  12. Hello MrsMykee. At first try to rebake your textures using Ctrl+Alt+R If it doesn't work, give the command Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. If that works, you will see your avatar again as a newbie. After that you can change again outfit. Generally suggested every time you log in, to open your inventory, to type something in search there and to wait fetching ALL your items till the last one, before you do everything else. That means, you download, you get back your inventory. If you don't, is possible your inventory often not to be fully loaded. Keep in touch here and tell us if you fixed your problem or if you need more help.
  13. MEDEE Optera wrote: I totally understand that he could need time for him alone or with other friends even if I think he'd rather tell me directly because he is not this kind of guy, he is frank. It's just that I asked him (pretty normal I think) and he has been offended and very surprised about that. So I just wanted to know what happened, if it's a technical issue or if this kind of issues don't really exist and then if it could be one of the person around him that are using his account sometimes. Thank you all for your opinions^^ Ps : Oh and we don't spend all of our time when we are on SL together, we have our independant life on it too Hello Medee. Could be a technical issue but my feeling is that it is NOT a technical issue. If someone else arround him could to use his account, we can't exclude something, but if it happens, be sure that he knows and he allows it.
  14. Hello pauwau. Are you sure that you kept it and you can't find it? Did you check the 2nd tab in your inventory called "Recent", and the folder called "Objects" in your main intentory? If yes, open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases --> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery.
  15. Hello sharlyn. Modeling is a glamorous job really. On the other side the opportunities for someone to work as a model in SL are so few. To work as a model you need not only a very beautiful avatar but many other expensive items like realistic skin, shoes, hair, jewels etc. I hope you to have all them as you are not new. Here in the community sometimes people are looking for models (most photographers) to work at their studios or for portfolios and is good for you to watch the topics here. Something else you can do is to try to find girls who work as models in world. I am sure that they will help you more. https://my.secondlife.com/interests/modeling You can change the last word with model, agency or everything else you can think that is useful. Good luck.
  16. LoveAngeL Lyre


    Hello Coty. I will suggest the same as Peewee, to clear your cache but manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) If you have installed more viewers do the same for ALL of them following the same paths in your hard disk: For example: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer After that log in a protected land without lag, open your inventory, type something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. That means you get back (download again) your inventory. When downloading finishes, try to change outfit, cloosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments.
  17. Hello. I downloaded and installed the Seach Project Viewer. I try it now and i have 2 questions: 1) Why we haven't any mention about the traffic when we search for places? Is it possible to be added this option? I believe that is very useful maybe more than the size of a region or club for example (sq m2). 2)Why we can't sort our results? If i remember right, we had that option in older versions of Viewer 2. Thank you.
  18. Hello Warryn. I have never seen someone to look for singers. Maybe you will have better luck if you search for people with the same interest using the following url: https://my.secondlife.com/interests/singing Good luck.
  19. Hello Krayne. Welcome to SL and in SL Community. Be sure that here you will make many friends. Have fun, enjoy your SL and for any help don't hesitate to ask or here in the Community or in world.
  20. And that's me. Old pic but it's ok :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  21. Hello verdale. ctrl+9 to reset the cam http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Camera_Control Check out if that helps.
  22. Hello cecilia. Some more places for shopping and not only at the following thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Favorite-Destinations/Shops-You-Love-to-Have-Fun-In/td-p/883307 Have fun!
  23. Hello Cio. Utopia for men also are really great. i don't know if you checked them out.
  24. Yes it is the space at the right down corner of the SL screen with the icons of instant messages.
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