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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Stosh. What exactly says the message? Did you try to copy? You can edit your post (Options --> Edit) to add further details.
  2. LoveAngeL tries to understand the question and the answer and gives to Peewee Kudos for her multi-lingual :smileyvery-happy: (I hope to use correctly the term "multi-lingual")
  3. Hello Larry. It is not allowed to have two groups with the same name, even if one of them isn't active. With other words you can't create a group with the same name as a disbanded group. You'll have to pick a new name for your group. Is it so important to keep the same name for your group? Why not another name? LL gave you (as you said) a clear answer that "a group already exists with that name". I don't think that is logical by you to say that you can't have your group for the land if you can't give again the name "Word 1 Word 2". No good really to make difficult something which is easy. Give another name and that's all. Why can't I create a group with the same name as a disbanded group? I started a group that was disbanded, so I tried to start another one with the same name, and I can't For technical reasons, it's not possible to have two groups with the same name, even if one of them isn't active. You'll have to pick a new name for your group (you might try substituting numbers for alphabetical characters in time-honored 1337 tradition). Unfortunately, it's our policy not to alter the names of disbanded groups in order to accommodate requests for new versions of them. This is because it's a relatively labor-intensive process for us, and if we decided to start doing it, we'd be too busy chasing down disbanded groups to do the other things we'd like to -- such as answering support tickets, fixing bugs, creating new features, and generally making your Second Life experience as excellent as possible. You can the link Here
  4. Hello Call. Reading your previous topic... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/Will-having-the-last-name-resident-go-on-forever/qaq-p/892527 ...i understand that you want to leave because you don't like your second name (Resident). Second Life is no just a website. I think you can't find something similar. Decision is yours...
  5. I don't think that it is so difficult to find several of them at Marketplace. If you like expensive brands, look for "Violator - Shibari". Also as already mentioned Graves has some great outfits. For something more simple just search using the words "straps belts outfit".
  6. Hello babak. I play in my desktop computer with a Nvidia Geforce GT 240, (Windows 7 32 - bit, Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz, 4GB RAM) having my graphics quality to high and without any problem. Yes your card is quite good to run second life, belongs to the same series like mine. I can't quarantee that you will be able to play with the higher quality of graphics too (depends on other factors too )but you will be able to play without usual problems which are created by other graphical cards.
  7. Hello Scotty. Try to clear your cache manually and see if that helps: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) If you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all following the same paths in your hard disk. For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer After that log in in a protected land without lag like Smith or Lime of Aqua. Open your inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. That means you download your inventory, you get it back. Check out if you got back your no copy items. Good luck.
  8. Hello Kioto. I am not sure what's wrong. You can change your house. 1.Choose World > About Land and click the General tab. 2.Click Abandon Land. After confirming, the land is removed from your account. That's it! You can register for another Linden Home. Warning: Please use this reasonably: if you abandon and choose a new Linden Home five times in 24 hours, you're temporarily blocked from choosing another. You'll need to wait after 24 hours have elapsed to register again. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowled​ge-Base/Linden-Home-FAQ/ta-p/700101
  9. Hello baude. Normally no, although you can try it (it is no suggested). They have other number number but no toll free: Phone: (415) 243-9000 Fax: (415) 243-9045 Email: support@secondlife.com
  10. Hello ccurtis. If you have cancelled your account, you may be able to restore it, depending on how long ago it was cancelled. There is a US$9.95 reactivation fee for restoring an account. Even your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable. To start the process, submit a support case as follows: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having?, choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Re-activating_a_canceled_account
  11. Hello Randy. Sure you can do it, although no reason to close it. (Dashboard --> Account --> Cancel Account)
  12. Hello. If you see your avatar like a cloud means that your avatar isn't fully loaded. At first try to rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Open your inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. After that, move to a region with less lag. Smith is a protected land which is recommended. There, try to change outfit. Choose one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Something else you can do is the test your avatar. In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. Keep in touch here and inform us if you fixed your problem or you need more help.
  13. Hello ustaad. I am not sure. The best you can is to have a look at SL system requirements: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US
  14. Hello Gem. If you see your avatar this way, means that your avatar isn't fully loaded. At first try to rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Open your inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. After that, move to a region with less lag. Smith is a protected land which is recommended. There, try to change outfit. Choose one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Something else you can do is the test your avatar. In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. Keep in touch here and inform us if you fixed the problem or you need more help. Good luck.
  15. Hello Trent. No, it is no possible. Also it is no possible to get a disbanded group back. You're free to create a new group, but the new group cannot use the exact same name as the dissolved group.
  16. Duplicated post. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/BUY-LINDENS/qaq-p/899869
  17. Hello Pimpi. If none of those numbers are in your Country you can email to: support@payments.secondlife.com
  18. Hola Thachy. Sí, es posible tomar 5 días hábiles, a veces un poco más. Si le es urgente para comprar lindens puede utilizar uno de los otros mercados de terceros aceptable hacer clic en el siguiente enlace: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace Si usted tiene problemas de facturación en el futuro usted puede enviar un correo electrónico a support@payments.secondlife.com
  19. Hello bidulette. Check out the following link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193
  20. Hello nubee. If everyone else see your avatar except of you, in Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Advanced (ctrl+alt+D) --> Show Debug Settings --> Click the down arrow and select "RenderUnloadedAvatar" --> set it to "True" --> X (close) See if that helps.
  21. Hola Antonia. Para vender lindens, usted debe comprar lindens primero al menos una vez. De esta manera su Lindex comerciante Venta de límites se iniciará automáticamente a ser mayor y después de que usted será capaz de vender lindens. Verifica en el siguiente enlace: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php Alternativamente, puede utilizar uno de los otros mercados aceptable de terceros Here
  22. Hello uptownbabe. Have in your mind that when you log in with Viewer 2 your last name is no necessary. You write just your username (uptownbabe), your password and log in.
  23. Duplicated post. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/I-upgraded-to-premium-i-got-a-home-but-it-is-not-the-one-i/qaq-p/899215
  24. Hello Raven. 1)Why you try to rotate hair? 2)Did you try to resize? Is this option available for your new hair? If it is available usually you click hair and you get a menu. 3)Did you try to move them just above? EDIT: After our conversation in world, you can fix your problem if you set higher your graphics quality. Seems with low quality for graphics as you rotate your camera that you are bald, but in fact you arent.
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