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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. Preferences > Graphics > Level Of Detail (LOD).
  2. ^ Fantasseria's new north-east coastline is now clearly defined on the world map. ^ And the whole sub-continent.
  3. Sunday 9th January 2022. ^ Fantasseria's new north-east coastline is now clearly defined on the map. Development of these twelve new regions is already underway with pathways, bridges and house parcel markers. Some regions even already have houses in place. ^ The whole sub-continent of Fantasseria.
  4. I would like to claim the record of being the first ever person in SL history to circumnavigate the full Fantasseria sub-continent coastline by boat! 😜 I achieved this today (6th January 2022) between the hours of 04:33:52 SLT and 04:47:22 SLT. I used my fastest powerboat, (a freebie 1966 Batboat!) to do a clockwise loop of the continent from the Eyrie docks to which I returned to in a total time of 14 minutes and 30 seconds! Then to be doubly sure, I did the loop in the opposite anti-clockwise direction between 14:42:00 SLT and 14:54:50 SLT in a time of 12 minutes and 50 seconds. 😜
  5. @Patch Linden, @Derrick Linden, @Abnor Mole I would like to claim the record of being the first person to fully circumnavigate Fantasseria's coast by boat! 😜 I achieved this today (6th January 2022) between 04:33:52 SLT and 04:47:22 SLT, as the new northeast coast has been terraformed with a coastline. Using my fastest powerboat (a freebie 1966 Batboat!), I did a clockwise loop of the continent from the Eyrie docks to which I returned back in a total time of 14 minutes and 30 seconds! Then to be doubly sure, I did the loop in the opposite anti-clockwise direction between 14:42:00 SLT and 14:54:50 SLT in a time of 12 minutes and 50 seconds. 😜
  6. I've checked "alternative" SL maps and there's nothing hiding in the seas north of Bellisseria....
  7. The Notes section is handy for keeping a record of a full name change that a friend or aquaintance has had. Those embarrassing "how do I know you?", or "why/how are we friends?" and "who's this unfamiliar and questionably named person in my friends list?" questions that most of us have had since Change Names became a thing, should be easier to solve when adding the person's more familiar and former name to the Notes section.
  8. Wednesday 5th January 2022 ♪ "On The Twelfth Day of Christmas, the Moles/Lindens gave to us.... TWELVE FANTASY COAST SIMS!!!" ♪ Twelve new SSPE regions (SSPE2772 to SSPE2783) have just been added to the northeast of Fantasseria, but are not yet visible on the world map and cannot directly be teleported into yet. To have a peek, walk in from a neighbouring region. The new regions are completely flat, unterraformed and have no water in them. Yet. These twelve new regions, when terraformed will form a complete coastal ring around Fantasseria.
  9. The confusion originates from people not knowing the differences between the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphanytide. People generalise them all as "Christmas", but they're seperate. The Advent season begins four Sunday's before Christmas Day, sometimes that means Advent begins in late November in some years. The Advent season concludes on Christmas Eve. The Christmas season begins on Christmas Day (25th December) and ends on Twelfth Night/Epiphany Eve (5th January). The Epiphanytide season begins on Epiphany Day (6th January), aka Three Kings Day.
  10. Wrong. The Christmas season is 12 days long. From 25th December (Christmas Day) to 5th January (Epiphany Eve or Twelfth Night).
  11. The next shifting of Boxing Day will happen on 27th December 2032. It happens only once every eleven years. This also means that your 2021 calendar will "work" again for 2032, as calendars repeat themselves every eleven years. Your old 2011 calendar will work for 2022 too! 😜
  12. The Christmas season is 12 days long. From 25th December (Christmas Day) to 5th January (Epiphany or Twelfth Night). Christmas trees and decorations should be down before the end of Twelfth Night (5th January).
  13. Why can't they finish their existing themes first before releasing yet another one? Logs, Stilts, Chalet and Fantasy regions and their coastlines are still awaiting completion. Another new theme will just delay these uncompleted themes even further.
  14. A reminder to those in the UK and the Commonwealth nations that Sunday 26th December this year is NOT Boxing Day because Sunday is already a public day off. Instead, Boxing Day is moved by one day to Monday 27th December. This last happened in 2010 and repeats once every eleven years. It will happen again in 2032. However, the 26th December is always Saint Stephens Day, the "feast of Stephen" from the Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas".
  15. "Molethra" is obviously both a Mole nod and also nameplay of the famous Japanese "Mothra" giant moth monster of 1960s Godzilla style movies. And to @DevinKnights84, stand at the northern rim edge of the Moondoor pit in Eyrie, at coordinates 128,62,49, you should wait around 5 minutes to hear the tone.
  16. Thankyou @Patch Linden. Does the cipher font have an official name? What is it called? And will there be a number system too?
  17. @Tama SukiBasically, Draw distance is how far the SL environment around you extends, while LOD Factor affects the visual solidity of objects at unspecified distances. They are both very different things and shouldn't be confused as being the same thing. Draw Distance is the visible world - a sphere or bubble - surrounding your avatar's central point. Imagine your draw distance is 128 metres. This means all objects and avatars within 128 metres of your avatar's centre point will be drawn in all visible directions around you. This means those objects outside of this 128m will be ignored and will not be drawn. Some objects may be so large that they may have their "root" (centre points) within your Draw Distance bubble, but these large objects (and others linked to them) may physically extend outwards of the Draw Distance bubble and these will be seen outside of the Draw Distance bubble into the distance. Some useful Draw Distance advice; if you're inside an enclosed building or other narrow confined environment with solid walls and a ceiling, do you really need your Draw Distance to be drawing things outside the physical and visual range of your avatar? The lower your draw distance is, the less work your computer needs to do and the higher your framerates will become. LOD Factor, which stands for Level Of Detail concerns the visual solidity (not transparency) of detailed objects, such as prims, sculpts and meshes at distance. The higher the LOD, the more solid they appear at greater distances. A low LOD will result in detailed mesh objects looking deformed or even invisible at distance. SL's default LOD Factor is set to 1.25 (2.0 on Firestorm), while 4 is considered the maximum.... although it can be over-ridden to go even higher in the Debug Settings (RenderVolumeLODFactor), although this is not advisable to users with lower performing computers. LOD Factor is perfectly acceptable on the default setting of 2. However 4 (maximum) gives better solidity at further distance.
  18. Just heard a 5 second long variable tone coming out of the Moondoor pit in Eyrie at 09:12 SLT. Seems to repeat every 5 minutes or so. And it's daytime at present. These sounds are identical to those heard at the swamp turtle in SSPE2754, also in daytime too.
  19. @Patch Linden Now that Atomic has been declared the winner (congrats again!), could you please give the full cipher translation, including all numerals and other symbols if they also exist? Also, will this Fantasseria font be available to use publicly as a TFF TrueTypeFont file? I can see that this font could be quite attractive to those who wish to use it in PhotoShop to create things for their Fantasseria homes and other related items.
  20. England, the English and the native English language predate Merriam-Webster by 879 years. Therefore native English wins by default. 😜 Your argument is exactly the same as a Quebec-Canadian arguing the validity of the spelling of native French in France....
  21. Atomic's cipher at: The Docks - "Welcome weary traveler stay a while and listen" Moth Sign - "Molethra Gigantica Ride" "Molethra" is a play on the name of "Mothra", the famous giant Japanese moth of Godzilla style monster movies. Eyrie Towers - "Welcome weary traveler stay a while and listen" Bridges - "Lake traveler" My congratulations to Atomic too!
  22. Just checked the various bridge types found throughout Fantasseria and they do indeed all have the same writing on them. I had wondered if they varied or not.
  23. 'traveler' - with only one L? Oh please.... 🤢
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