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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. "We are the Moles. You will be assimil...meshed. Resistance is futile, except if you request a sim roll-back....."
  2. Happy with 85% as a non Japanese speaker. While you're here, what does Sojisan mean? Even the native Japanese speakers I've spoken to are like "wtf?" 😜
  3. Thanks @Leora Greenwood, that makes sense. Added Star Mole for "shining mole" of Hikaru Mogura region. @Tary Allen, I still keep getting "cleaning" from both Soji and Souji. However, I am getting "president" from Sōchō, which sounds similar to Soji/Souji - except for the last syllable. Not the same though. If there is a statue of Patch on the top of the mountain in Sojisan, then you're right. Come to think of it, he did have a statue in Fantasseria in Eyrie. Hmmmm.....!
  4. Thanks @Frigga Freidman! I just amended the list with your tired mole = Sleepy Mole revelation! And added Moonstruck Mole as the "mole of the moon" for Tsuki no Mogura. Now, who is/was the "shining mole" ?!
  5. Translations of the 68 known Sakura sims. Some might be slightly off, because my Japanese friends went to bed (it was late in Japan!). So I tried my best with Google Translate too. EDIT: However, the list is better now since I had help from others, including the Moles themselves! 😜 Sakura regions listed from south-west to north-east order: Mondainashi ( 問題なし) = no problem Tsumetai Mizu ( 冷たい 水 ) = cold water Rabubagu ( ラブバグ ) = lovebug, a species of fly, not Disney's VW Beetle with 53 on it (!) Heiwana Dansu ( 平和な ダンス ) = peaceful dance Daijoubu ( Daijōbu = 大丈夫 ) = fine, as in "it's ok, it's safe, it's fine". Dangomushi ( ダンゴムシ ) = roly-poly Hiroi Touri ( Hiroi Tōri = 広い 東リ ) = wide street Nakunatta ( 無くなった ) = lost Mitsukatta ( 見つかった ) = found Kaminarimon ( 雷門 ) = Thunder Gate, a tourist attraction in Japan Kotojazu (Ko to jazu =ことジャズ ) = "that jazz" (all that jazz?) Gasshou ( Gasshō = 合唱 ) = chorus Kingyo ( 金魚 ) = goldfish Shobu ( Sho-bu = 処部 ) = department = Mole LDPW?! Taihu (Chinese = 太湖 ) = named after Taihu Lake in China. Hidari ( 左 ) = left Migi ( 右 ) = right Akiko ( あきこ or アキコ ) = a female first name Yuugekishu ( Yūgekishu = 遊撃手 ) = shortstop Kyuyu ( Kyūyu = 給油 ) = refuelling Shinpi ( 神秘 ) = mysteries Shiawasena Itachi ( 幸せな イタチ ) = happy weasel Sojisan ( Sōji = そうじor 掃除 ) = cleaning + ( -san = さん) = honourific title, such as Mr., Mrs., Miss etc. Sugureta Gohan ( 優れた ご飯 ) = excellent rice Haiku ( 俳句 ) = poetry Kenkyona Ikebana ( 謙虚な 生花 ) = humble fresh flowers Yukaina Seishin ( 愉快な 精神 ) = pleasant spirit (attitude, not spirit as in ghost) Onsen ( 温泉 ) = thermal hot water springs Ijou ( Ijō = 異常 ) = abnormal = @Abnor Mole Airashii Mogura ( 愛らしい モグラ ) = adorable mole = @Adora Mole Hikaru Mogura ( 光る もぐら ) = shining mole = @sparkling mole or @Star Mole Kishimu ( きしむ ) = squeak = @Squeaky Mole Sanruishu ( 三塁手 ) = third baseman (baseball player position) Kyujitsu ( 休日 ) = holiday, or day off work Warau Ogawa ( 笑う 小川 ) = "laughing stream" (?) Hirachi ( 平地 ) = flat ground (which it has!) Tsukareta Mogura ( 疲れた モグラ) = tired mole = @Sleepy Mole Koko Wa Doko ( 個々 和 どこ ) = "Where are we?" Minami Seimon ( 南 正門 ) = south main gate Nemaru Tora ( 眠る トラ ) = sleeping tiger Yokina Usagi ( 良きな うさぎ ) = good rabbit Aoi Hanabatake ( 青い 花畑 ) = blue flower field (possibly a female name too) Shugo Ryu ( Shugo ryū = 守護 龍 ) = guardian dragon Ikatteiru Tori ( いかっている 取り ) = I'm crazy (...for making this list?!) Miso no Yume ( 味噌 の 夢 ) = Miso's dream Sekiei ( 石英 ) = quartz = @Quartz Mole Moumoku no Ushi ( Mōmoku no ushi = 盲目 の 牛 ) = blind cow Nichibotsu ( 日没 ) = sunset Oyasuminasai ( おやすみなさい ) = goodnight Yoake ( 夜明け ) = the breaking of dawn Tanoshii Omoide ( 楽しい 思い出 ) = happy memories Okaerinasai ( おかえりなさい ) = welcome back Kakureta Kodachi ( 隠れた 木立 ) = hidden grove Obasan Ohayo ( Ohayō obasan = おはようおばさん ) = "good morning, Aunt!" Tsuki no Mogura ( 月 の モグラ ) = mole of the moon = @Moonstruck Mole Uchikina Yurei ( 内気な幽霊 ) = shy ghost Sumou Gasshuku ( 相撲 合宿 ) = sumo wrestler training camp (!) Tsumasaki ( 爪先 ) = toes Gyakusetsu ( 逆説 ) = paradox Rakurai ( 落雷 ) = lightning strike Kiyoi Mizu ( 清い 水 ) = clean water Orokana Tokage ( 愚かな トカゲ ) = stupid lizard Hachidori ( ハチドリ ) = hummingbird Oboeru ( 覚える ) = to learn and memorise by heart Sukina Michi ( 好きな 道 ) = favourite way Phew! 😜
  6. Some Japanese SL friends are translating these region names. Apparently, there's lots of SL in-jokes and puns in there, including some familiar Mole names!
  7. A day later, and the 68 Sakura regions are visible on the inworld World Map. This World Map is unedited, look how well the snow-capped peak of Mount Soji (or Sojisan) stands out as a brilliant white dot. Closer in.
  8. A day later, and the 68 Sakura regions are visible on the inworld World Map. This map is unedited, look how well Sojisan's snow-capped peak stands out as a brilliant white dot. Closer in.
  9. If people forgot to make a LM to the Sakura demo regions, then go to Bellisseria Fairgrounds and use the Mole Air airport terminal, which is still there. Or instead, teleport directly: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPSD4/76/90/36
  10. Change your EEP Sky/Windlight settings to midnight.
  11. It's not "could care less", which is meaningless nonsense and also possibly a double-negative. The correct reply should have been "could NOT care less", as David Mitchell will now explain.... 😜
  12. Hello again Fantasy Cypher Cracker! You might be interested in teleporting to Moose Tracks in the Log regions for a look. That place has the potential to connect Logs to Chalets via Sakura, and Newbrooke themes. And possibly others themes yet unknown.... 😜
  13. I miss clear pedestrian pavements (US: sidewalks) that don't have adult babies riding their stupid electric scooters on them. Grr 😜
  14. Updated my little map of "unused spaces" to include Sakura. I'm beginning to think that Sakura's southern coastline (not fully revealed yet) might have a coastal railway line that links it to Newbrooke in the east. It could also have a link from Sakura to the Logs in the south-west; joining at Moose Tracks. This would also partially explain why theres no railway line from the Logs to the Chalets that pass through the Stilts. 😜
  15. So yeah, definitely a Mole Ninja training school then, 😜
  16. @Leora GreenwoodAn east-west train route. @Love ZhaoyingI want it to contain a hidden SPECTRE rocket base, like the volcano (with sliding crater door) in the James Bond film, "You Only Live Twice" because the film was located in Japan! The large building found in Shobu could be a secret Mole Ninja training school. (!) Does Patch or Abnor own a fluffy white cat.....?! 😜
  17. I think I might have an idea for your Shobu railway link question. TP to Moose Tracks region in the Log Homes continent and then open your world map. It also could answer the "why doesn't the Log Homes continent have a north coast?" and "why is there no railway link between Logs and Chalets?" questions. It's a looong way though. Needs something "else" to go in between them.... 😜
  18. @Abnor Mole Could you kindly post a landscape photo of Sojisan, pretty please?! I don't think I'm alone in wanting to see it! 😜
  19. Those orange coloured SSP markers around the region borders are usually around 100m up in the air. Sojisan's peak is poking up above the markers though. I'll take a guess and estimate Mount Soji is 120m tall....? If you had ever wondered, the current tallest mountain in SL is Mount Campion (Campion, Heterocera continent) at 365m.
  20. So, Sojisan is Mount Soji! 😍
  21. Confirmed! Sojisan regions are a snowcapped mountain! 😃 And Shobu does seem to have a large building. There also seems to be a railway track on its west border!
  22. Here's a list (from southwest to northeast) of the 68 regions found so far: Mondainashi, Tsumetai Mizu, Rabubagu, Heiwana Dansu, Daijoubu, Dangomushi, Hiroi Touri, Nakunatta, Mitsukatta, Kaminarimon, Kotojazu, Gasshou, Kingyo, Shobu, Taihu, Hidari, Migi, Akiko, Yuugekishu, Kyuyu, Shinpi, Shiawasena Itachi, Sojisan SW, Sojisan SE, Sugureta Gohan, Haiku, Kenkyona Ikebana, Yukaina Seishin, Onsen, Ijou, Airashii Mogura, Sojisan NW, Sojisan NE, Hikaru Mogura, Kishimu, Sanruishu, Kyujitsu, Warau Ogawa, Hirachi, Tsukareta Mogura, Koko Wa Doko, Minami Seimon, Nemuru Tora, Yokina Usagi, Aoi Hanabatake, Shugo Ryu, Ikatteiru Tori, Miso no Yume, Sekiei, Moumoku no Ushi, Nichibotsu, Oyasuminasai, Yoake, Tanoshii Omoide, Okaerinasai, Kakureta Kodachi, Obasan Ohayo, Tsuki no Mogura, Uchikina Yurei, Sumou Gasshuku, Tsumasaki, Gyakusetsu, Rakurai, Kiyoi Mizu, Orokana Tokage, Hachidori, Oboeru, Sukina Michi. Ok, i have typist's cramp now.... 😜
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