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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I finally met Fluffy today, in Horizons! First time I'd ever played it and finished it. Fun game.
  2. Is that "reflection" still there with other alts, or your main @EnchantrixLisa?
  3. Didn't see the scores mentioned in the forums, but the Residents vs Moles boat race on Saturday 16th April 2022 concluded with a 34-21 win for the RESIDENTS!
  4. Found a magnificently detailed network map of Sansara continent, drawn by the Second Life Geography Institute. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/slgi/images/5/5f/Sansara_Waterways.png/revision/latest?cb=20150730120849
  5. Theoretically, if a sizable new LH theme was placed to the north of the Log Homes, a water link from this new theme to the north east corner of Sansara continent (at Bleaberry Tarn) would be relatively short and cheap, negating the need for an expensive new Sansara east coast to be created. Bleaberry Tarn region is as important as Stromberg is. From Bleaberry Tarn, north/central Sansara and Heterocera continent could then be linked to Bellisseria and the eastern continents by water. Southern Sansara's inland lakes (contained by mountains and dams) can't be linked as they have a higher altitude surface water level at 80m.
  6. @4lice Cerise Congrats for your new road on Jeogeot continent! Nangrim region (2021): Now! 😍
  7. I wonder where Sakura will go? North of the Newbrookes, or to the east of them? Both?! I suppose it depends on how much further north the Newbrookes will eventually go.
  8. Not just the houses, the theme name "Sakura" too, meaning Cherry tree blossom.
  9. Time to place a bet on what Sakura's Community Centre might look like. Some ideas.... 1. A giant Japanese Pagoda? 2. A hollow/extinct volcano crater? 3. A Cat Island, filled with trillions of feral cats/moles? (!) 4. A giant Onsen (hot springs)? 5. Something to do with Torii (large red traditional gates) ? 6. Godzilla vs Mothra fight arena...(!) 7. A Japanese fort/castle/shrine? 8. Mount Fuji? 9. Aokigahara, a very creepy forest where suicidal Japanese people go (!) 10. Something to do with the famous Tokyo television tower, or Sky Tree observation tower? Or something else?! 😜
  10. @Patch Linden said in his Bellisseria Fairgrounds speech, "Wait until you see the community centre when we release them." "them"....
  11. Amazed that these new Sakura regions will be Japanese themed and contain canal waterways. Especially as they could be placed off the west coast of the huge whale-shaped, Japanese-named "Satori" continent. Good attention to detail of Sakura's ambient sounds too, the birds you hear are native Japanese bird species.
  12. Japanese volcanic peaks to come?! Some might be extinct volcanoes, which could contain Ernst Stavro Blofeld's secret rocket base from "You Only Live Twice" ! 😜 By coincidence, there are a group of James Bond villain region names in south-west Satori continent, which could be where Sakura could be placed near to eventually!
  13. Snapshots of Sakura's 5 page introduction from its blackboard(s). 😜
  14. I claim first large motor yacht voyage through Sakura! 😜
  15. No rez zone, but theres a Swan boat rezzer at her entrance jetty in the Galaxy AFT region.
  16. I was curious about S.S. Galaxy's origins enough to track down and locate where she first originally came from.... There! SS Galaxy was created off the mainland in private island regions in 2007 by Bill Stirling. The regions around this location are the "Sagittarian Sea" of Galaxy's legend! A former senior member of her crew has told me Galaxy was then moved to the Blake Sea/Honah Lee area in November 2009. She was open there until closure in 2015. Thankfully, the Galaxy was saved during 2015 and transferred to a Linden Labs preservation group as a museum ship. If you go aboard the Galaxy and find the ship's control room bridge, there's a map on the wall from this time. I've added in some labels: And in January 2020, she somehow pulled up her anchors and cruised down to Belliserria.... which is both impressive and impossible, as theres no existing waterway to do that yet. (!) 😜
  17. For future historical record reasons, I've tracked down where S.S. Galaxy first originated from in 2007, using the Second Life Grid Survey website. ^ Present day (15th April 2022) nearest regions to S.S. Galaxy's original 2007-2015 position SS Galaxy was created off the mainland in private island regions in 2007 by Bill Stirling. The regions around this location are the "Sagittarian Sea" of Galaxy's legend! A former senior member of her crew has told me Galaxy was then moved to the Blake Sea/Honah Lee area in November 2009. She was open there until closure in 2015. Thankfully, the Galaxy was saved during 2015 and transferred to a Linden Labs preservation group as a museum ship. If you go aboard the Galaxy and find the ship's control room bridge, there's a map on the wall from this time. I've added in some labels: And in January 2020, she somehow pulled up her anchors and cruised down to Belliserria.... which is both impressive and impossible, as theres no existing waterway to do that yet. (!) 😜
  18. Actually, that may not be a "va", it could be written diagonally like how the "kitchen" box was. Tilt your head and "va" looks like "lo". Could be "lounge", or "loo" (unlikely)
  19. VA is the abbreviation for the US state of Virginia.... nooooooooo!
  20. I was wondering if anyone knew where the Galaxy's first home location from 2007-2015 was, before she became a preserved museum ship in 2015. "Sagittarian Sea" is a bit vague, I cannot find anywhere with those names. In 2015-2020 she was located south of the Honah Lee regions, then was moved to Bellisseria in January 2020. But where did she originate from in 2007?
  21. As its Bellisserria's Third Anniversary today, I thought I would try to celebrate the occasion by recreating my first entry into the new continent in the exact same way that I had done three years ago.... by sea! Just as I had done in 2019, I rezzed out HMS Dragon down in Jeogeot continent and sailed northwards "up" to Belliserria. This is now a bit more difficult than it was in 2019, as the former empty "L" shaped sea channel regions between Jeogeot and Bellisseria are now populated with various LH islands and landmasses. For the nostalgia, HMS Dragon and I momentarily paused at Whitecap region, remembering back three years ago when flotillas of excited sailors, boats and ships of all sizes (and some aircraft!) had eagerly gathered to cross this dead-end at Whitecap (and Agathy) into the mysterious new continent for the first time - which had been invisible at the time, but could be seen on the World Map. Then I continued onwards. Soon, HMS Dragon and I finally reached our destination of Kuga region, with its familiar lighthouse, just like three years ago. These days, Kuga has a very large neighbour to its west, the S.S. Galaxy, a gigantic three-region long cruiseship destination and SL's largest ever single build. The Galaxy was originally built by Bill Stirling in 2007, using 32,000 prims! Happy 3rd Anniversary to Bellisseria! 😜
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