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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. A landlord who doesn't unexpectantly sell the sim from under you to a new landlord, who then tells/forces you and other renters to take all your stuff and get out.... 😥
  2. So you don't like: Local Government - useful, if you don't want to sweep your own public streets and change streetlight bulbs. Fire & Rescue Services - useful if your house starts burning down and your 10m long garden hosepipe is a bit underpowered and your flimsy little stepladder can't reach a top floor bedroom window. Police - useful if a criminal act or threat causes you trouble and your own "firm warning" is ignored or mocked. Courts/Prisons - useful if you want dangerous people or criminals locked away and rehabilitated, because doing that yourself is a bit weird and illegal. Coastguards - useful if you can't swim or breathe underwater. Hospitals/Ambulances/Doctors/Nurses - useful if you get hurt or ill, can't drive yourself to hospital and aren't capable of giving yourself a heart transplant while under a general anesthetic. A Navy, Army, Air Force - useful if an aggressor or foreign country invades your home country and your own "firm warning" is ignored or mocked. Road/Rail Networks & Air/Sea ports - useful if you want to travel around locally or go abroad/overseas. Social Security - useful if you lose your job, are unable to work, or too old to work. Education - useful, without it you would be unable to read this! Etc.... 😜
  3. To be honest, as long as it creates some new water regions along south-west Satori's coastline, I don't care what theme it is! 😜
  4. Satori continent was originally intended to be a Japanese continent when created, hence its Satori æ‚Ÿã‚Šname. Satori also has whale shaped terrain, because Japanese "love" whales.... Perhaps this new theme, if Asian, could be a group of Japanese islands parked off the west coast of Satori, which in turn creates a new coastline up Satori's west coast? And if they are Asian themed, might they be modernised versions of Japanese Azuchi-Momoyama period homes that are already found on the earlier Nascera continents of the earlier Linden Homes?
  5. I see potted Aspidistra plants, small lattice windows, nylon tracksuits, red hair, a weirdly topped pizza, drinks with umbrellas in them, a wardrobe and a giant rat. My initial guess: northern England or Scotland. 😜
  6. No Italian would put those kind of toppings on a pizza. In Italy, where the pizza originated, a slice of pizza was a small snack created for peasant workers. An Italian would never eat a whole pizza as a meal for one person.
  7. I've discovered from researching the explorer Magellan Linden, that the strait of sea between the continents of Bellisseria and Satori has no official name yet. And Magellan is Welsh?!?!?! ^ The strait (and the link to Satori) first appeared on 30th March 2021, when the three regions of Carmine Sky, SSPE2223 (ex Cthulhu) and Windover Cay were added in. I would suggest a name for this strait as a nod to Satori's alternative name, Mãebaleia. How about the "Mãebaleia Strait"? Mãe baleia is Portugese for "mother whale", which when studying the Satori continent shape on a map, you can clearly see a mother whale and her calf both leaping into the air. An idea suggestion for the Moles; how about adding in a pair of animesh humpback whales to the strait?! ^ The automated Yavapods which drive on Satori's road network have for years been decorated with the Mãebaleia name too. I also found out that the houses found in the Chalet regions are properly called "fachwerkhaus", a German name meaning "half-timbered house". With that first syllable, no wonder they're called "Chalets" instead! 😜
  8. 2022: @Patch LindenWas the Fantasseria font released publicly yet?
  9. @AethelwineThe regions south of Atanua do have a protected water channel running along their west borders, as my mini-map parcel filter shows. There's no need to move through the private parcels of Chuginadak, Chloris, or Atira. The waterway is a little narrow, but is easily navigable by boat. From Stromberg, the route would pass through multiple water regions and some with protected waterway channels on their borders. People should learn how to enable the parcel/boundary lines filter in their minimaps. It makes avoiding banlines much easier.
  10. Quiz/Quest: Why does the Stromberg water region name share something physically in common with a volcanic region of Linden Realms?! 😜
  11. @Tary AllenI imagine the Stilt Homes main waterway as a salt water sea strait, rather than a fresh water river. The Stilt Homes are an archipelago of small flat sandy islands which neither individually or collectively have mountains, hills, streams or tributaries for naturally occurring fresh water sources to form a main river waterway to flow through the islands.
  12. My turn.... No compromises! 😜
  13. Found a 1950s era inspired song with some unusual lyrics if the Moles and Lindens need more region name ideas.... I swear I heard Da Boom's name in there!!! 😜
  14. Tutti Frutt has had its name corrected to Tutti Frutti.
  15. I have a few water-related questions which I hope Moles or Lindens can answer: 1. Will the Josie Banks region (it currently bridges Newbrooke to the Chalet Homes) be terraformed to allow an east-west deep river channel to pass through it? 2. Will void regions both east and west of Josie Banks be turned into river regions, allowing direct travel from the Stilt Homes to Newbrooke by water? 3. Will all void regions between the Chalet Homes and Newbrooke be made into river/coastal regions that extend as far north as the remainder of Newbrooke potentially does? 4. Will Belliserria's river/boat channel(s) join Satori continent at the Satori region of Stromberg? 5. Will the Log Homes sub-continent ever get a complete northern coastline? A northern coastline would make the coastal journey from the Stilt Homes to the Victorian Homes (and vice-versa) a much shorter and quicker journey than the existing longer southern coastal route. 6. Will the group of South Islandia sea regions north of Bireme ever be joined by protected sea channels to Omoo? This could be achieved quite easily without disrupting the area by moving four existing local sea regions (Lobster Pot, Marianas Trench, Magellan Deep, Albatross Shoals plus one more) to between Omoo and Bireme regions to connect them. 7. Will Gaeta I continent ever be connected to the north coast of Corsica continent with additional water regions?
  16. TEN MORE REGIONS have just been added, filling in the voids between Newbrooke and its 35 new regions. Thimble Pond Farms, Take Five, Tutti Frutt, Alrutti, Womp, Bomp, Baloombomp, Ballomp, Bamp, Boomp @Patch LindenI noticed that the region Tutti Frutt seems to have an i missing from the end of its name ? Mistake or copyright reasons?
  17. I was exploring around Randelsham Forest and Porridge Pot in the Log regions when I had a remarkable Close Encounter with a gigantic spacecraft.... Watch the skies. We are not alone.
  18. Snapshots of the new 35 regions as viewed from Coin Toss in Newbrooke. Two regions north of Coin Toss is Rabbits Too. There's actually an inaccessible null void between them currently, but notice that the two opposite regions roads do align perfectly. While I was over in Rabbits Too, I noticed there are no houses on the parcels there yet, but the parcels are colour coded; green for 512m2 and cyan/turquoise/teal for 1024m2. Photos made possible due to an old memory cache trick
  19. Malvinas Vision has (thankfully) had a name change to Malvinas Boxes.
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