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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. @Love Zhaoying, @Orwar ^ "Forgetting his baton and pants, the conductor managed to keep the orchestra in good time. Somehow."
  2. @Orwar ^ "What do you mean they just released some new Linden Homes?" My turn...
  3. I found some "Linden Homes floor plans" through Google search. However, the floor plans I found are not correct. Why? Well, to my surprise and amusement, they belong to a real home building company in the UK called..... Linden Homes , which has been around since 1963! 😜
  4. Watch to the very end, that's my favourite part! 😜
  5. Some people don't have a sense of humour. Instead, they have a increased sense of offence, which is fuelled by the electronic devices they are permanantly attached to which they are influenced, manipulated and addicted to via social media. These kinds of people actively seek offence; they seek it out, platform it (and themselves) to a wide audience in return for a narcissistic promise of "likes" and "up votes" from "friends" and strangers. This is a behaviour which produces a temporary pleasurable 'high' of dopamine or adrenaline and is highly addictive. However, increased levels of this behaviour are needed to sustain this feeling as it soon wears off. These groups of people crave and seek this kind of attention as a way of elevating their own low self-worth and also to elevatate perceptions of themselves to their peers. Because of social media, closed safe spaces and political correctness, real humour is actually in danger of being censored and "cancelled"....
  6. Fun fact: The style of football in the video above is called the Adidas Telstar, which was a 32 panel ball introduced for the 1970 World Cup in Mexico. The Telstar football was named after the Telstar 1 communications satellite, which was launched 10th July 1962. The ball mimics the pattern of Telstar 1's solar panels. The satellite, only the seventh-ever satellite to be placed in orbit, was the first to relay live tv, telephone and photographs across the Atlantic Ocean. Although it no longer works, Telstar 1 still orbits the Earth!
  7. Peeve: Roundabouts which have traffic lights in them, defeating the whole purpose of having the free-flowing, no-stopping roundabout in the first place....
  8. New peeve: Builders and contractors who call ^THESE^ things "Wall Plugs". They're called RAWLPLUGS ! Rawlplugs are named after a Mr John J. Rawling who invented them in England in the early 20th century,
  9. Third time lucky. Click for higher resolution.... Map by Second Life Geography Institute.
  10. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/slgi/images/5/5f/Sansara_Waterways.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20150730120849
  11. @FiniteNo. US states are nothing like European countries. Area size is a poor comparison. Massachusetts only has a population of 7 million people, while Germany has a population of 83 million people. CO2
  12. * Reads hypocritical environmental tips from citizens of the heaviest polluting country in the western world *
  13. SL runs off an ancient graphics engine and only uses a single core of a CPU. Buying a new 8 core AMD Ryzen 5800X3D CPU just for SL is extreme overkill and a waste of money.
  14. The trade name/business name "Linden Lab" is a ficticious pseudonym. The company name is officially Linden Research Incorporated. See: https://www.lindenlab.com/releases/linden_research_to_be_acquired
  15. Linden Research > Muppets > Poppets Ok the thread is now waaaay off topic....
  16. Fun fact: The creator of "The Muppet Show" and "Sesame Street", Jim Henson, created the name "muppet" in 1958 as a combination of the words marionette and puppet. In the United Kingdom, the name "muppet" over several decades has become a light-hearted British term for someone who is easily controlled, easily persuaded, obedient and subservient - like a puppet or marionette. This in turn has led "Muppet" to further evolve into an insult for someone who is gullible, foolish or a brainless idiot. "You're a muppet", "You muppet", "They're muppets", "You're all muppets", "That muppet over there" . 😜
  17. Linden Research Incorparated was founded by Philip Rosedale in 1999 to research and develop electronic haptics (touch and feel) technologies. Haptics are devices worn on the body, or held in the hand which are similar to the vibrating "rumble" motors, or pressure-sensitive control buttons and trigger mechanisms found inside video games console control pads. Linden Research's small team initially operated from a building at 333 Linden Street in San Francisco, which influenced the "Linden Research" name. The Linden Research team nicknamed themselves the "Linden Lab", with individuals known as "Lindens". As well as developing haptics, Linden Research also developed a 3D virtual environment called "Linden World" to test their haptics in. After seeing the potential of the 3D world, new investors changed the company's research direction, prioritising the development of the 3D "Linden World" environment into an online virtual world business and haptics research was shelved. The "Linden World" 3D environment also had a name change to "Second Life". "Linden Labs" is just an informal in-house nickname, the company has always officially been called Linden Research Inc. The Linden Research company logo is based on a lime tree. Why? Because lime trees are known as linden trees. Another name for a lime tree is Tilia!
  18. Teleport to Horizons A1 to play!
  19. There are also large cleared contiguous spaces found to the south and east.
  20. 30 you say?! Hmm! There's a good film about that....
  21. Peeve: Being surprised with a mouthful of black tea leaves after the tea bag (removed) had secretly sprung a leak....
  22. After some map clicking and inworld exploration, I've mapped the approximate extent of empty void space found between Sansara and Satori, which COULD be used for future Bellisseria expansion(s):
  23. Another new pet peeve: People who ride bicycles on pedestrian pathways when a dedicated bicycle lane is LITERALLY ALONGSIDE IT!!! MOVE! Grrr!
  24. YES! It's the media/video player, all the windows in all the surrounding Stilt homes are affected too. But only when standing in the parcel footprint. The glass texture is set to act as a video media screen! Construction error?
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