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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. Passengers/Residents: "Are we there yet?" Captain: "NO!" Passengers/Residents: "Are we there yet?" Captain: "I said NO!" ....😜
  2. Can't wait for the train trebuchet! 😜
  3. Stupid ad. The correct phrase is "All that glisters is not gold", not glitters. Its taken from the William Shakespeare play, "The Merchant of Venice". All that glisters is not gold— Often have you heard that told. Many a man his life hath sold But my outside to behold. Gilded tombs do worms enfold. Had you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgment old, Your answer had not been inscrolled Fare you well. Your suit is cold— William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, Act II Scene 7
  4. Yeah, they definitely know we're watching these now.... 😜
  5. @Nika TalajMy! Look at how those trees have grown! I also visited this same house and place on 10th January 2022 and blamed "coastal erosion" ! 😜
  6. Sorry. Had to....just for the sake of those who've never seen it. You understand, riiiiiiiiiight...?! 😜
  7. @4lice CeriseNice, but you missed the tram route on TSL continent. I also think my map is now beginning to look like a Cadbury's Dairy Milk wrapper. 😜
  8. @Polenth YueEEP style animated weather and terrain textures should be invented. Imagine selecting local "snow" in EEP for regions that don't have any snow, such as SL's tallest mountain in Campion. Rain would be difficult, because it would require sound effects too.
  9. There's potential for 2 more fairly large themes to fill spaces (coloured purple & green) between Logs (brown) and Sakura. And Sakura could grow larger (white) than it is at present. Sakura might grow westwards into the purple area, or even further south-west into the green area. Click map to enlarge: I'll predict that new railway tracks (black) will pass through the green/purple areas, to link Logs to Sakura, then onwards to Newbrooke and the Chalets. These green/purple areas would then have access to a railway line. I don't expect all the green space area will become more Stilt homes, as Abnor has already stated that putting train tracks and their bridges over Stilt waterways would be disruptive to boats. However, the green/purple space to the east side of the Log-Sakura railway track could be made into more Stilt Homes if required. I also hope the purple area becomes a watery theme (or an extension of Sakura) as it is key to joining Sansara continent's East River (at Bleaberry Tarn) to the wider eastern continents.
  10. Sakura is located just to the north of the Stilt Homes theme in Bellisseria. Notice the brilliant white dot? ^ That white dot is a snow-capped mountain, located in four Sakura regions which all share the name "Sojisan", which presumably give the mountain the name of Sojisan (or Mount Soji). To the south of the mountain is a region named Shobu, which contains a large building believed to be a community centre and also seems to have a a section of railway track too.
  11. Mole Markers! Just like the ones I saw back in Fantasseria (one was marked "Fluffy").
  12. Newbrooke's railway line is much longer today and has double tracks for most of its current length, from SSPThimble Pond Farms in the west, to SSPBamp in the east. It might continue east into SSPBoomp too, where terrain currently ends. A short section of track at the station in SSPAllrutti is single track, but thankfully, there are 2 sets of points/switches at opposite ends, so trains approaching the station in opposite directions should be able to pass each other, after one leaves the station and rejoins the double track, allowing the other to enter the station.
  13. Yes, that pattern of colours goes along with what I observed in Fantasseria. However, the markers could just be very sunburnt.... 😜
  14. Sakura's region status markers are turning from orange to red.
  15. Some of you have might have seen this before, but this is a video from 2001 when Second Life was in its early Alpha development stage and was then called Linden World!
  16. The Soji cleaning thing explained.... https://ignota.org/blogs/news/soji and https://www.jonbernie.org/2019/05/22/empowerment-through-soji-the-simple-zen-practice-of-cleaning/ I wonder if theres a broom on top of that mountain?
  17. Imagine the Borg-Mole spaceships made from giant plywood megaprim cubes, measuring 256m x 256m x 256m...
  18. Patch probably wouldn't like or use the word assimilated. He might say asregionilated instead. 😜
  19. "We are the Moles. You will be assimil...meshed. Resistance is futile, except if you request a sim roll-back....."
  20. Happy with 85% as a non Japanese speaker. While you're here, what does Sojisan mean? Even the native Japanese speakers I've spoken to are like "wtf?" 😜
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