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Bitsy Buccaneer

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Everything posted by Bitsy Buccaneer

  1. Maddy, you went out of your way to quote me there. I don't know if you're challenging what I wrote or riffing off of it. It was a shift I thought might be useful to Tari. It was intentionally short and had just the one point so it wouldn't get lost. Critical thinking and a seriously inordinate amount of curiosity are high amongst my ideals. I'd recommend both to anyone but recognise not all are inclined to do so. Ideals can become their own type of encouragement. They've been more effective for me than other people tbh. That's just me; I'm not going to get prescriptive for anyone else. Do you see people and self as separate from ideals or anchors? I think it's all entwined. Ideals (for me) are values I consider important enough to highlight so they don't get lost and forgotten amidst all the distractions of people. The places curiosity has taken me is why I don't mind the 'anchor' imagery or the idea of some sort of point to return to. Not necessarily to adhere to, but to re-examine in light of new experiences and current understanding. The bit about lying and truthfulness is complex. I prefer 'right speech' as a paradigm because it's encased in ideas of compassion and helping others. In general, of course be honest. But sometimes it's too much, or too harsh, or even just wrong. IMO the biggest danger may be in getting so caught up in a self-image of always telling the Truth that it becomes circular and insulated from critical engagement. We've all seen it, the person who makes false claims to facts because she's convinced herself she's always right. Anyway, that's my take on the things you brought up.
  2. just a failed attempt to be a bit silly. toilets don't work as toilets in SL. you can put sex animations in them or tipjar scripts or use them as decor or part of role play or as a lucky chair, but if you count that then everything (at least that's moddable) is potentially useful in SL, including Chin's wearable online indicator.
  3. ok, let's try it again. telegraphing joke: toilets
  4. Tari, what about this sort of thing (anchor in OP's terminology) as an ideal to keep aiming for, even though it will be missed? Then it can be used to help learn from mistakes made and as encouragement to keep trying. Would that sit better with you?
  5. There is a very good reason why you shouldn't buy it. It requires a mesh body and head. See the part in capitals in the ad: Omega is the brand name of a way of 'applying' clothing and skin textures to a variety of mesh bodies. Some mesh bodies and heads require proprietary 'applier' systems (their own brand is the only one that works). Some mesh bodies and heads also work with the Omega system as well. It's like the generic applier. I don't know what ST5 is, but numbers in skin names can refer to lightness-darkness. Like the palest will be Tone 0 or Tone 1 and the darkest 5 or 9 or however many shades that creator makes. Each creator does it differently though, so it's worth taking a moment to figure it out for one you like. Look for a skin that says Classic or System Avatar. Those will work without a mesh body or head. Older skins will work too, but might not be labelled as Classic unless the advertising has been redone. This is all very confusing. It must be exhausting to be new or returning. It does eventually start to make some sort of sense.
  6. Oops. Gives you a hug and furtively digs through inventory looking for a tissue to rez....
  7. No, it meant that sometimes she gets it so wrong that it turns really quite comical. I guess part of me hopes that it's intentionally so.
  8. LOL. OK then, your anti-theological position regarding the existence of God/gods, religion and various other related things. You know, the ones you keep bringing up.
  9. That's interesting, Luna. I agree that there are differences in what we each need and it seems to me that recognising those differences (rather than relying on our own as guidance) are important in adding value to others. What can we do to foster awareness of this in society?
  10. Are you trolling me eighthdwarf? Or did you really not understand what I was asking? You keep bringing it back to your theological position. I don't take any characters as proxy, imaginary or not. But that seems to be all you're willing to talk about here. Is there any way forward in this conversation?
  11. Nothing of the kind love. Try again.
  12. So you do think it's possible to live ethically without religion but you don't think it's possible to talk about it without reference to 'sky daddies'? Will you kindly clarify this for me? I wasn't suggesting that participants be theologically neutral, just that we talk about values and ethics without getting bogged down in assertions of theological positions. Did you miss the difference or do you think it's not possible?
  13. So a single line is your entire evidence for your assertions. Interesting. (This was a reply to Klytyna, which it followed immediately after before the threads were merged.)
  14. What's your evidence for this Klytyna? Please base it in the OPs words rather than generalisations or your interpretations. Thank you.
  15. To the OP, if you're an atheist trolling other atheists, that's got to be at least as easy as trolling fundamentalists these days. It's misplaced to take much pride in doing so. If you're not an atheist and you really are sincere, starting out these sorts of discussions with words like "God" is, as you acknowledged before, combining hot oil with cold water. I tried twice in the other thread to bring it back to the values you were talking about but it was too late. The majority seemed to just want to carry on with laying out their own theological positions and using others' opinions as a jumping off point. I don't know how they'd react to a theologically-neutral thread on living ethically and with regards to others. Might it stand a chance?
  16. This is what I see as the heart of the topic. Can we get a discussion going on this? Here is what I posted earlier: I really like the idea of living in a world where everyone understands that they matter and where the guiding principle is too help each other. I really like the recognition that there are many ways to do this. Can we talk about this too? How do you add value to the lives of others? Do you truly value yourself?
  17. I read it as humorous in tone, Rhonda. It does bring up a good point though - some avs will abuse an increase in attachment points and that needs to be taken into account if LL changes things.
  18. I really like the idea of living in a world where everyone understands that they matter and where the guiding principle is too help each other. I really like the recognition that there are many ways to do this. Can we talk about this too? How do you add value to the lives of others? Do you truly value yourself?
  19. /me grins. glad to help. for a while sync happened when you changed your password. that was good cause it was under individual control. then for a while we had to open a ticket and ask for it to be synced. now it's the double log in + time routine. since it's SL, it will probably change again.
  20. What kind of complexity numbers are you guys getting when you hit your attachment limit?
  21. That gives me a better idea. Aditi is great for trying things out. You have to log in there once to tell it to sync your beta inventory with your main grid, and then wait for it to happen to get any new main grid stuff to show up. I think it's a set time each day. That's probably confusing, so just think in terms of two log-ins, some time apart. If you want to get textures over there more quickly, you can save them to your computer from Agni and then upload from your computer to beta grid. If you want something on main grid to play with texture scale/repeats, try this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Kcreations-V-neck-T-shirt-Developers-Kit/4906857 Have you learned about local textures yet? It's a way to try out textures in the main grid for free, but it's temporary and no one else can see them.
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