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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. "Consideration" should go both ways. Those with vehicles want landowners to be "considerate" and allow them to freely drive/fly/boat across their parcel, but if a landowner *for whatever reason or no reason at all* prefers they not do that, I'm not seeing consideration for that landowner's wishes. Instead, I'm seeing scolding (or worse) for them not being "neighborly" or not "promoting community" or whatever argument is being made to justify the desire to trespass. This being the case, don't be surprised when landowners who prefer their land not be used as a public thoroughfare push back against such entitled attitudes. Implying that someone who doesn't want you using their land is not "being a good neighbor" is exactly what I'm talking about. The better approach would be to admit your mistake in assuming, rather than be outraged about "how am I supposed to know?"
  2. Sorry, my alt was one of the ones who caught and abandoned, simply because it was not superior to the one I already have in Permaglow. Nothing personal.
  3. Apparently because it's "selfish" to not want to pay for a parcel for everyone else to use as they please? Seems simple enough to me that the owner of the parcel makes the rules, and if one doesn't like their rules, they can go elsewhere, buy a parcel, and open it up to the entire grid. I'm not getting what there is to debate about it, either.
  4. I read your post. I quoted directly from it. And there is no "probably" to it. A landowner does not have to give up their privacy or anything else, as long as they are within TOS.
  5. This is the kind of attitude @Katherine Heartsongis talking about. Because someone prefers not to have strangers zooming cross their property and crashing into their living room, you diagnose them as "compensating for something they're lacking IRL" and implying they should just leave Mainland if they don't "change their attitude". This is why people use orbs and ban lines.
  6. That bridge is another favorite of mine! I visit that area regularly to walk around and admire the unique look of the bridge. The whole area is lovely if you like to relax and see the sights (as opposed to flying by in a freight-delivery rush!).
  7. Seeing everyone rush in with other suggestions for "improvements" makes me worry that all the quirky little cool things on Mainland will wind up being paved over. I hope that's not the case, and that those of us who love exploring on foot and finding fun things like the "bridge out" spots will be kept in mind as well. (Please don't pave over the Old Wagon Road, for one example!)
  8. Moving on from that Sakura, just caught and am about to release this nice trad in West End. It's not directly on the water but it has great steps and a little picnic table with butterflies right in front. Very cute!
  9. I know it's hard to catch a specific Sakura at the moment, but I'm about to drop this 1024 in Kishimu that my alt just rolled. There's a water rez zone nearby that you can't see in the photo, but the really cool thing about this parcel is that it faces a walkway that has a line of trees in it. I have not run across this set up before!
  10. Except that if you use ban lines, people complain about THAT. (No, I don't use ban lines or zero time orbs. Just saying people will always complain.)
  11. That's a good one! I had it for a little while, but put it back yesterday while doing a bit of "house cleaning". I like that it has no houses right next to it.
  12. Agree that this would be fine, as long as OP isn't setting up actual vendors in a LH. "[P]ut items up for sale...and displaying them while being on Linden land" is a bit ambiguous.
  13. Are you asking if you can set up a business/conduct commercial activity out of a Linden Home? If so, the answer is "no". (I'm wondering if you'd have better luck asking your questions in the main General Discussion forum. This is the Land Forum, so not the ideal place to ask about how much to charge for your services, etc.)
  14. Another general tip for land sellers: If you want serious buyers: Don't mispresent your parcels' features, and don't use obvious alts to comment positively on your land sales listing in the forums. It's a huge red flag to those of us who know what we are doing when buying land. Of course, you might sucker some unfortunate folks who don't know any better, but do you really want to be that way?
  15. Wrong. Grid edge = void, which is not sailable. "Ocean" implies "sailable". It's misleading to claim that a grid edge parcel is "oceanfront". That's not ocean, it's a void, and you can't enter it.
  16. Same! I just this minute let an alt have a roll, and caught this trad in Permaglow that I've admired forever!
  17. You can try using a HUD, like the one I use a lot: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ti-Land-Survey-HUD/6775289
  18. I'm going the opposite direction, and am starting to move my attention almost exclusively back to Mainland. Any divesting I do is going to be getting rid of a few hoppers I have been using to check on LHs. I bought a very choice Mainland parcel this morning, and to me, that is a much better value for my money than PP could ever be.
  19. This is great, and from what I can see in the photo, a heck of an improvement over the starter avatars that were offered when I started (hello, Girl Next Door). Maybe my alts will finally get to look decent, since I won't buy them stuff.
  20. *waves hand in solidarity* Yes, send all issues to Facebook! (*is also a reddit mod, though not of the SL sub*)
  21. Just a note to clarify: "exploit" does not mean "illegal". Perhaps this misconception is why we've seen a few comments that seem to be on the defensive side? What people are actually discussing is whether the new perks regarding LH for PP members can be used in a manner not necessarily intended by LL. It's a fair and relevant question, I would think. If some take offense by people asking about it, that's unfortunate but it shouldn't be a reason to shut down the conversation. At any rate, time will tell. I think LL is now aware of a few things that maybe they were not before, and if anyone sees new things to report, it seems Patch would be open to hearing about it. *returns to shopping the Saturday sales*
  22. You can claim five times in a 24 hour period. The folks with the highest success rate with GOH have plenty of alts, so that limit is not much of an issue.
  23. From your Dashboard, click on Help up at the top, then click on Live Chat over in the sidebar on the right.
  24. To add to this, and this may be the exploit in question: You can pull this off even when there are homes of the theme you want on the land page with a bit of luck and some fast reflexes. This is not the ideal way to do this, as there is more risk of failure involved, but it can work. It's been observed that when a home is abandoned, it seems to momentarily fly to the TOP of the queue to be claimed. It's like the home goes into a little limbo area in front of the queue for a few seconds before being shuffled off to the bottom of the queue. If the catcher has a trad page loaded, and there is a trad showing on the Land Page, the other person (I have trouble typing "tosser" without laughing) can still toss their trad. If the catcher immediately clicks "accept", success can be had. There is no guarantee, but if you've done this enough times, you get good enough that you can have a pretty high success rate. I do think some of the folks in this discussion know more about this than they are letting on, so it's kind of amusing to read. I'm glad a few are willing to be honest and openly share what they know.
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