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    Spooky Boo Rhodes

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  1. I'm curious. Wherever I go I usually never see anyone at the places. The only personnel I see are usually bots or NPCs yet I see jobs for firemen, waitresses, and other jobs. I get the bouncers, DJs, and dancers as well as "other" jobs but what do the waiters and the firemen do? Sorry, I don't know how this ended up in "land" maybe I had only seen general discussion.
  2. Unfortunately, I do have a couple of trolls who are also creepers who would probably take screenshots to troll if the idea ever came across to them. This might not be a good idea after all.
  3. What a drag. I guess I'll have to explain this to people and convince them to buy extra clothes. Maybe I'll make some special suits if they want them or find someone who wants to sell them at a kiosk when entering the land. Thanks for answering Or maybe use opensim and do my own thing although I don't know much about it.
  4. Everyone is talking like these people can derez our clothes. They can only do their own, right? As a land owner I just ban them because I know a lot of different ages listen to my podcast even though I really wish it was mainly 18+ simply for the rated R horror content, but I was a kid once and I watched horror all of the time so I'm sure there are going to be people there who are not 18. This is the only game I can think of where I can make my own stuff for a horror site. Please tell me I can block the pervs who expose themselves and do whatever? Plus, the land is moderate. I was thinking that wouldn't be allowed unless it was adult land?
  5. I haven't put too much into her yet. Just looking goth punk as usual.
  6. I tried slender man again to see if i could get it to work this time then i accidentally deleted my whole house trying to do it again. lol
  7. Thanks everyone for the responses. Lots to think about Right now I have to go figure out why my group has disappeared.
  8. Thanks, Sylvia. That was a big part of what I was asking and pretty much answered everything I need to know.
  9. I've been on SL in one capacity or another since 2007 but never really getting into the scenes. This account I've had since I started my podcast but never really did anything with it. I'd like to make it a place where I run my podcast and have a spooky little haunted area to have fun in plus a little home where I can privately chat with friends in the game. I don't have enough cash to get a big island which would be the ideal situation since I would sell the stuff I make or pay others to make and make a replica of my little town in my podcast of horror stories. I have so many ideas I'd love to do but I just don't have the money. So, I was thinking about somehow raising the money through sales and tips of things I can create here as well as my own savings. I have a premium account and I rent a 4096 plot which is leased as residential and commercial. I'm wondering if I upgraded to the Premium Plus for now, if that would be a better idea than leasing the land. I know the prims would be less I'm sure, but I could create more items with the discounts. The other thing is that I don't know if I'd be able to put items up for sale and list them in the marketplace and displaying them while being on Linden land. I don't think I can do either so that kind of limits what I can do but I'm not sure. For those who have upgraded, what are the benefits you've found so far? Would it be reasonable to upgrade or just keep my situation how it is now? I'd like to have something more setup by Halloween time because I'm sure my niche might get busier by then. Also, I am able to create basic stuff like posters, furniture, and t-shirts but I know nothing of scripting and advanced designs. How much do people charge to create items? I can see people possibly coming to cosplay in my area and to listen to the stories about the creatures they're dressing up as (vampires, werewolves, cryptids, etc.) What is the going rate for design work? Thanks!
  10. I would spend mine on DoorDash which brings me nothing but weight gain so I'm glad to be spending it here and helping other creators and land owners.
  11. Thanks I tried firestorm but it was moving so slowly for some reason it was hard to try the options. I'll remember this is I ever need to. Thanks for the info!
  12. Just in case anyone ever has this frustrating problem again, place an object right next to it and then drag the mouse to select both of them and delete. I couldn't drag the mouse over just the star, it had to have something next to it. I don't know why. I'd like to know why if anyone knows why, but that is how I finally killed Slender Man.
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