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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Maybe this thread will help, it sounds like they are discussing the same problem. :smileyhappy: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Stiff-hands-and-fingers/m-p/805981/highlight/true#M3737
  2. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Um, Marianne... how dare you come in here and try to change the topic?... lol. ...Dres I was just sitting here trying to remember what the original topic was! :smileyvery-happy:
  3. If you land in a place you don't like, the easiest solution is to just TP out or log off. That's "safe" enough, in my opinion. :smileywink:
  4. Thank you, Dillon, for being the mastermind behind what turned out to be a very entertaining and long-running thread!! You and the other story writers in this thread did an excellent job, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next time! /me gives standing ovation and throws panties for good measure
  5. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  6. Hmm, in that case, I think to request a sim restart on Mainland, you need to submit a support ticket.
  7. Have you tried attaching to the item to yourself? If you can do this, then you can remove it (it will show as "worn" in your inventory) and then delete it.
  8. Valerie!! So nice to see you...you are missed! Hugs! :smileyhappy:
  9. Here's me taking a midnight ride on my MLCC Dyna Classic. I like it the best of my vehicles because of how it looks, and how relatively easy it is to control. Sure, it winds up in the ocean like all my other vehicles, but maybe not quite as often as the others!
  10. You look great, Sion! I really love the way you put colors together in your outfits...you have a very artistic flair!
  11. Ian Undercroft wrote: In particular, I've noticed an odd phenomenen whereby American women seem behave very strangely when they hear English spoken with a British accent. /me guiltily raises hand I always type, but I do love listening on occasion...but only to people I know. I can't imagine how annoying hearing it in local chat in a store or club must be. Listening to one voice can be great, but listening to many at the same time would just be confusing to me.
  12. That looks like a cool place, Venus! And I love your pose...it's like you are inviting us to follow you as you explore! I rummaged around and found one from a few days ago...inspired by Dana's "bird for lunch" pic, I tried a kitty look for myself. :smileytongue:
  13. That sounds like the issue that was discussed in this thread. Maybe you can find some ideas or a solution there! :smileyhappy:
  14. Luc Starsider wrote: I find the best way to not having to explain SL to people in RL is to not tell them about it in the first place. It's my world, my imagination - none of their business. - Luc - I can't think of a better way to say it than this. :smileyhappy:
  15. I love random amazing landings! A friend of mine logged in one day to find that her home sim was down, and SL had dropped her onto the back of a mule somewhere! Luckily she was so pleased, she stayed put and took pics. :smileyvery-happy:
  16. I also wonder if you are waiting in laggy areas, because I have found this to make a huge difference in when items get delivered or if they get delivered at all! Now I do my marketplace shopping at my home location, which is pretty free of lag, and my stuff always shows up right away.
  17. I used to change skin, shape and hair color on a daily basis, as part of putting together whatever outfit I wore that day. Finally, after I'd been in SL for 8 months or so, I hit on a combination that felt comfortable, like it reflected who I am here, so I have stuck with it other than a slight skin change I made a few months ago. People who know me best says this look fits my personality, so I'm pretty much done with tinkering for now! :smileyhappy:
  18. Mynerva...that's the one I was trying to think of last night when I first read this thread! You're right, they are similar to Curio and very cute!
  19. Amorous Embrace ballroom is one that Valerie found recently, and Tem and I visited and thought it was lovely. I don't have the SLURL handy but it's easy to find in search and well worth the visit ! :smileyhappy:
  20. Are you asking if there is anyway to find out if MSN/FB friends already have accounts here? As far as I know, I think (and hope!) there is not.
  21. Well, he did ask if he is "allowed" to do it, which I take to mean he wants to know if it's against TOS...so maybe the best response would be to tell him to review TOS and/or see if he can get a reply on the subject from LL. Disclaimer: I have no idea what's in TOS regarding this sort of thing...or most other things, for that matter. :smileyvery-happy:
  22. I love the giant suitcase, Valerie! :smileyvery-happy: You will be the best-dressed person there, as always! Have fun!!
  23. Dana Hickman wrote: Thank you Sylvia :smileyhappy: Ok, here's one more of me and that bird... although this time he become lunch :smileytongue: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh, that's just wrong! :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue: Love the Costa Rica photo! You and the scenery are both gorgeous!
  24. Your first rez day! I hope it's a great one!!
  25. Wow, Dana, those photos are beautiful!! I love them all, but I think my favorite is the second one...the background is lovely and there's just something about the way you and the hummingbird are looking at each other that is really unique. More pics, please! :smileyhappy:
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