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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Have you checked the shoes themselves to make sure that the sound is turned on? (Assuming they come with that feature, of course.)
  2. /me grins It would be rude of me to complain about a gift! (Besides, I figured you'd just been partying a little while you were doing the decorating! :smileyvery-happy: )
  3. Thank you, Valerie! I love looking at the "theme" photo threads that you all post, and am glad to finally contribute to one of them! :smileyhappy:
  4. Playing Easter bunny with Tem at Junkyard Blues last night... :smileyhappy:
  5. Did you sign out here and then log back in with the second account? I'm not sure if you are saying you logged in here on the website under the second account, or if you mean you are logged into SL under the second account. If you didn't sign out here and then log back in, look at the upper right corner of your screen and click on Sign Out.
  6. You look lovely, Gypsy! (But I'm tempted to send you a spare pair of bunny ears to really complete the look.)
  7. It's OK, Dillon...it's kind of funny to be considered the relatively sane one for a change! (Though, your eggs are lovely and I would love to have one of my very own!)
  8. We did look great! Though I guess I need to get an egg sometime....I felt underdressed at one point, and I'm not talking about our bunny outfits! :smileyvery-happy:
  9. Excellent, I have just ended my workday by bursting into inappropriate laughter. Woot!
  10. Today is Maureen's birthday!!! (and alas, I have no kewt cake pics to post!)
  11. Hmm...you know, it seems like at least one of those videos should include your Pips. Three times the jiggliness!!
  12. I'm there now, your directions were perfect...thanks! (And thanks for the Death By Volcano adventure today too!)
  13. Great pics, Marianne! I just tried to go to Alirium because of your photo, but I landed in someone's skybox. :smileyvery-happy: How do I get there? I love flower meadows!
  14. Great topic, Quinn! I found myself nodding as I read your post, because your experiences and mine are very similar, and I guess part of that is that we travel in the same packs. :smileyvery-happy: I spent a lot of time alone my first 9 months or so in SL, and that totally changed when I started coming to the Hangout...and I have made even more friends recently (/me waves to Ladies Who Lunch), so that I can barely remember those alone times now. It can be a bit overwhelming when we have a week like this one that just passed, with parties and gatherings every night, but I think that was kind of a fluke of scheduling and it won't always be that busy. Meanwhile, if you are feeling swamped by too many IMs, etc., just tell everyone! We all experience it, and your friends will respect the need for a little quiet now and then, and will still be your friends. But if you figure out how to have it all, let me know!
  15. Perhaps, my pip sister, if you threw bottles that had beer in them, a crowd would gather in here!
  16. /me waves at Marianne! Thanks again for the info about rez zones in Bay City. I did fine with it till I rode into my own yard and got a message saying I was over my prim limit! lol
  17. Dancing with Cali and friends!
  18. Rhonda Huntress wrote: She was being kind. They used to be full beer bottles! Good point...though I can't imagine Rio letting perfectly good beer go to waste. :smileywink:
  19. Rioko Bamaisin wrote: Pep wrote: Rio said: "Is that really you Pep? *hugs*" Not really, I am just a Resident. Pep (knows it can't be the real Rio either, because she didn't glare at him.) I gave up my glaring career. I am now a nicer kinder huggier Rio. Says the girl who was throwing empty beer bottles at me yesterday!
  20. The Forum Cartel Hangout is the best place I know of for meeting people and hanging out. Everyone is welcome, and I have made some really wonderful friends there.
  21. Thanks again, Mags, for DJing for us last night...everyone was having a great time, and you played excellent tunes! (And like Mo, said, it was fun listening to you...you have a lovely accent!) And yeah, I think we did come perilously close to crashing the sim (woot!)...at one point I counted heads and we had 34 there if I recall correctly. Well done! :smileyvery-happy:
  22. Thanks, my pip sister! It was a great party indeed...fantastic turnout and DJ Mags was awesome!
  23. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Brez Landar wrote: SLINK barefeet are at 80% off female and 50% off male until tomorrow only, great feet You need to be in the group and have the tag active when you buy them to get the sale price. And just to give another option, J's has some prim feet with flip-flops. The shoe portion can be turned on and off so you are barefoot with them as well. Wow, I have those J's shoes, and had no idea they could do that! To the OP, I think YS&YS sells bare feet, too. In fact, I think I bought them, since I didn't know the trick with the J's flip-flops. :smileytongue:
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