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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. I have a private club house on a moderate sim, I occasional have adult activities there with a few close friends. I don't advertise then publically, so I'm fine. If your 16 yr old kid shows up and admits they are 16, I'll eject them
  2. As far as i know one bite gives enough blood for one day. Vampires suffer from "the curse" They have 5 L of blood, but every 24 hours they lose 1/4 Liter. One bite replenishes that much blood. After 20 days without feeding all their blood blood has gone and they are destroyed. That's how Mars Bracken (the creator) makes so much money. It costs each vampire $15 L a day to maintain their blood levels. I suspect many lieges fail to mention this fact to their new minions, so, having no money they are forced to wander places noobs congrate trying to bite them for a free fix.
  3. It looks like you might be right. Lets use Phils case as an example. He was bitten by Rhea Sands on 8/23/2008. That's the only bite he ever received. His friend LittleAbs bought him the hud 02/09/2014, he wore it , and I assume the original biter got his soul since LittleAbs never bit him. At this point she would use a soul reaper to transfer the soul from the original biter (Rhea Sands) to her. from the guide: Your first attacker will receive your soul when you join the game, unless you drink the Wormwood potion before you join, then the next person to attack you after you join will receive your soul. Thats what vamps usually do, but I guess LittleAbs chose the soul reaper option.
  4. Every estate sim I've lived on is generally full up, with ban lines, horrible privacy screens or land walls. On mainland I practically have the whole sim to myself, plus a whole continent awaits me just by walking out my front door and waiting for one of the cool LL hovercars to roll by.
  5. Not quite. Yes, your soul is in the abyss if you are bit and aren't wearing the hud. However, the first person to bite you after you wear the hud gets your soul. It can be a different vampire from the original biter.
  6. The victim doesn't need to have a hud to be bitten and registered as having lost their soul in bloodlines. That's what people complain about, the fact that you are not notified that you will be put into the data base if you accept the bite If a bloodlines victim doesn't have the hud, the vampire gets a blood fix (value 15 L) the human loses his soul to the abyss, and the victims name shows up on the vampires master bite list. The vampire only collects the soul if they are the first one to bite the human after the hud is worn by the victim. Only souls that have been taken thru the hud that the human wears count for the vampires rank and standing.
  7. I never called you a liar, I simply pointed out that your version of the events didn't match with whats on the bloodlines database. Feel free to remember me for as long as you want, but you won't be getting any apologies from me for you faulty memory.
  8. Lets see, Bloodlines offers proof on its webpage that you wore the hud, and were bitten, you were and are an active member in the bloodlines database, a blood doll to be specific. On the other hand all you can offer is vague statements of "i can't remember, it was so long ago, I simply don't know". If bloodlines says you are an active blood doll, that is what you are. As I said before, If it really bothers you that much, wear the garlic necklace, activate it, then remove it and put in in the trash and your whole relationship with bloodlines will be erased. It is you that owe me an apology for attacking me simply for presenting to everyone the proof that you are an active member of bloodlines.
  9. like i said before, wear the garlic necklace, activate it, and your name will disappear from the roster of active members.
  10. its possible she said that to trick u into letting her bite you.
  11. You said yourself the whole incident is rather hazy in your mind. The bloodlines webpage shows that you are lying or confused. You ARE a member of bloodlines and here is the page that proves it https://human.slbloodlines.com/members/164917 If it bothers you that much, wear the garlic necklace, activate it and your name will disappear from the database. Maybe I should ask the vampire that bit you *grins*
  12. I have no idea how the other system works, but since it doesn't ask me to participate in any way I'm not bothered by it. There is still some confusion here. You only wear the hud in bloodlines if you want the person biting you to have your soul, otherwise it goes into the abyss. If at a future time you wish to become active, you buy the hud (or more likely have it given to you by a vampire) and the next vampire to bite you gets your soul. Anyone can look up people in bloodlines, just enter a name into the search bar. https://www.slbloodlines.com/
  13. So, where are we now, 1) Phil Deakens is a human in the Curse hoard, which i think is is kind of a dumping ground hoard for all "non active" members of bloodlines His soul went to the only vampire that ever bit him, just as the hud was intended to work. That vampire later gave it away to someone else . 2) Dillon Levenque was bitten hoping to get lucky, his soul went to the abyss, and he wore the garlic necklace afterwards to hide the fact he was bitten. 3) the other two i searched have never been bitten.
  14. Bloodlines is a game system where you gain "points" and advance in status by collecting souls. Souls are game markers to see who has the most "points" The hud has always been at the center of the system. "no results found" for you either. You were never bitten, in fact its impossible to be bitten if you wear the garlic necklace, the system doesn't permit it. Only if you wear the garlic necklace after being bitten will show you have been removed from the data base. Since you were never bitten, you were never on the database to be removed from it
  15. your search shows no results found, same as mine. That is the only search status that shows you were never bitten. If you were bitten and wore a garlic necklace afterwards, you'd have the same search result as Dillon, "player removed from database due to wearing garlic necklace" . I'm happy to announce that your bloodlines soul still resides in your own body
  16. i'm not trying to attack you or piss you off, i just know how the bloodlines system works. If a person wears the hud and is bit, the soul goes to the person that bit you, and thats what your bloodlines page shows. Dillon didn't wear the hud, his soul went to the abyss. Even without the garlic necklace he would only show up on a page listing all the victims of the vampire that bit him, there wouldn't be a special page dedicated to him. If you think I'm lying I can invite active vampire friends of mine to join this discussion and they can explain how the system works, and your current status in bloodlines.
  17. searching you on bloodlines gives us this: This account has been deactivated. Accounts that have been deactivated by wearing The Garlic Necklace are now displayed as auto-generated names with the last names Immortalus, Maleficus, Damarchus, Grimm, or Miasmador That is not what shows up when i searched for Phil. He was and still is an active member in the bloodlines database.. because he wore the hud before he was bitten
  18. Its funny but a lot of my friends let themselves be bitten in the heat of passion. I never let any of my vampire lovers even have a free bite.
  19. Oh i believe you, but if you want to totally remove yourself from bloodlines, wear the garlic necklace, it will block your name on the website
  20. The page doesn't lie, if you were bitten without the hud, you wouldn't show up in bloodlines search. If you are bitten without the hud, your soul goes to the abyss, if you are wearing the hud, the person that bites you gets your soul. If you weren't wearing the hud when you got bitten, then the next person to bite you after you wear the hud gets your soul However, you were only bitten once, by one person, so that person must have bought you the hud before they bit you. So now we know why the vampires leave you alone, your soul is already spoken for. Its not in the abyss, you can sleep easy now *grins*
  21. Phil Phil Phil......you are an active bloodlines player, you wore the hud. Your soul is owned by LittleAbs. Obviously Rhea Sands traded your soul at some point in time, or sold it. https://human.slbloodlines.com/members/164917
  22. I heard the Latter Day Saints are secretly baptizing avatars without their knowledge, which make the person in rl a member of their church.
  23. Bloodlines has changed their webpage somehow, there used to be a page for each vampire showing the name of every person they ever bit. I could google "slbloodlines -avatar name-" and find their name on a page of every victim of any one vampire. If i searched on the bloodlines webpage a non players name it would give no results, but using the search i described, their name would show up. If i was bored i'd do it to friends and say, ohhhh, i see you lost your soul years ago. Some had no clue, some were mildly upset, some asked what they should do about it. I just said forget it,its meaningless. I suspect Bloodlines no longer keeps list of avatar names that were bit but never wore the hud in its public database. Of course its still in a private list for people using the hud
  24. If it was bloodlines, they had to send you a bite request, which you would have had to accept. Its it progeny, they "feed" on other players all the time, with no ones knowledge. The only bad thing about bloodlines is that if you accept their bite request your "soul" (bloodlines game marker) goes to limbo and you will be contacted by concerned vampires for the rest of your second life informing you of this fact and offering to rescue it for you. And yes its true, i play bloodlines, only i'm playing to keep my soul in my own body. I'm a "fresh victim". *grins*
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