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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Assuming that this wiki is at least somewhat current, then it is one sim per 'core'. Servers these days can have many cores, so unless someone has more specifics on the types of servers that LL uses, I'm not sure we can figure out how many sims per server. Additionally, with virtual setups and over-allocation of resources, you could theoretically have more sims that 'physical cores' - though it would take a lot of careful setup and monitoring to attempt that with SL sims. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land - "There is one full region per server host CPU core."
  2. I am one of those that tend to Like lots of photos -- truly because I like them, not just because the person liked some of mine. However, I seldom comment on a photo unless it really grabs me for some reason, and that doesn't happen a lot. That being said, i am now following you, but I will honestly say that I will probably still give far more Likes than Comments - that is just how I am.
  3. My daughter made me sick (she was sick much of the Thanksgiving weekend). I spent all day hacking at work (while everyone there glared at me) and tonight the coughing is now accompanied by sneezing fits. I think I'll call it an early evening - maybe even sleep in a bit in the morning and then work from home.
  4. Thought I'd toss this in -- there is no 'end game', per se. SL is simply whatever you wish to make of it.
  5. Back home in Colorado. The good part of that is that I am no longer dripping in sweat just from existing and I'm no longer in extreme fear of my life from those crazy Florida drivers. The bad part is that I have to go back to work tomorrow - and the temps are only in the mid 50s. Ugh
  6. You know this how? (side note, IMO the above is stated more as fact than opinion). There are plenty of women in RL that like to be choked during sex - choked to the point that they pass out. My understanding of this is because it is flirting with death - and in RL there have actually been deaths from such. In RL, I'd say those folks might not actually want to die, but they want to get as close to that as possible, enough so as to risk actual death. Given that, I can easily see how people (even women) could make the jump in SL to actually dying during sex.
  7. No need to apologize. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done via the forums and even a ticket to LL wouldn't gain you anything. All you can do is be patient. One note - it is a holiday weekend here in the US and it is possible that whomever does the group stuff can't get online right now because they are out of town. And possibly they aren't checking email very often due to traveling - and possibly whomever else is supposed to be doing it is having problems. It is hard, but keep having patience, at least until sometime tomorrow when most people are back to normal life.
  8. I did say that your issue sounded more like the second post here that had to do with rentals. However, there is still nothing that we, here on the forums, can do about it - nor will LL get involved because they consider it a resident-to-resident thing. All you can do is continue to try contacting the rental company about it.
  9. I have a new cat that we got last Feb and he loves exploring everything, climbing everywhere, and playing with anything that moves. Part of me is glad that we decided to skip the tree this year since we will be gone for Christmas this year and none of the kids will be home at any time during the month. I can only image what my Charlie would do to a tree - even the somewhat small table top one that we've been using lately.
  10. This is very likely a different issue than the original post, which was a true bug/issue related to group privileges. Your issue is probably more like the second post which is related to getting into a group due to a new rental. Often times you need to be invited by the group owner/manager and that requires action by an actual person, though sometimes an automated process is having problems. However, since we are just other residents there is nothing we can do. Nor is this something that LL can do anything about. Good luck - remember to always be nice when you are talking to the manager of your rentals, as that will get you better service than in you go into the conversation already screaming.
  11. I have known a few people that managed to get themselves a 24-hour ban inworld but could still post in the forums (the old forums anyway). However, I'm pretty sure they did all receive an email. OP - Do you get other SL emails? Have you validated your email address like LL requested a few months back? Have you double-checked your spam filters/folders to ensure the email isn't ending up there by some chance?
  12. Bummer. I actually do get the majority of my items within 2 days of order. If I order before noon, most of the time the item will ship that day and then I'll get it 2 days later. If I order after noon, then best case is going to be 3 days.
  13. You obviously do not remember the early days of either of those businesses. Or even semi-recent times with eBay who managed to have 10 outages from Jan - April 2014 - i.e within a 4 month time frame (and early 2014 is definitely long after their early small company days).
  14. If you think that was snarky then you definitely have not spent much time on these forums. You kinda need your big girl panties for this place.
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