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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. It is not a matter of carefully scanning for things to use against you. It is a matter of calling out people when they are being hypocrites. Your dig about 'proud' was nothing more than passive aggression, which directly conflicts with everything you posted previously. Or are you only against overt aggression in posts? And once again, you try to justify things by saying "I'm not the only one and it's been done to me". I don't care how sensitive you might be - it is still not okay to try justifying behavior by throwing out the 'somebody else did it' card. Being polite in the forums does not mean that we have to tolerate that type of behavior without pointing it out. ETA: Though based on your comment about blocking people, you will likely never see this post and thus not ever understand why I called you out to begin with.
  2. This might be the closest/best reason. LL does have to follow US law and US law requires the age of 21 to buy or consume alcohol, but those under 21 are allowed to be around alcohol
  3. Fionalein didn't mean that a thread got flagged, but that there was a thread about some alcoholic beverages in the MP that got flagged. They were listed as Moderate but the flagging said they had to be listed as Adult. Hence the confusion because alcoholic items inworld are not restricted to Adult locations.
  4. I'm betting on Linden Homes - at least for some of it - because they did say they were creating new 1024 Linden Homes.
  5. I've wondered this myself at time. However, when scanning that section, not ALL posts are truly PG. Thus I imagine what one gets away with often depends on where it is posted and how much people in that area care about the specifics of the Guidelines. In reality, the Guidelines really should say Moderate because nudity in photos is allowed pretty much everywhere as long as the nipples and genitalia isn't showing. Yet how often do you see a picture of someones behind being classified as truly PG in the real world?
  6. You won't change anyone's opinion just by putting your post in a huge font size. More likely folks will just see it as a way of trolling, especially since you currently only have 2 posts and only one of them still exists when I go to your profile -- meaning the other post is older than this incarnation of the forums (i.e. you only post to troll) or it was removed (i.e a trolling post or violating the posting guidelines).
  7. Emphasizing those two words gives me the impression that you are intentionally "poking the bear", so to speak. i.e. It seems that you are intentionally bringing back a previous argument. (bolding is mine) This is where the explanation for behavior takes on a childish quality. Doing something because someone else did it first is never a valid justification. It simply comes out sounding like "but Mom, he hit me first". Joking in a forum is difficult, especially if the other folks don't know your writing style or posting personality. Heck, sometimes conveying any emotion is difficult in a forum. Often things have to be explained in a bit more depth and the right emojis splattered around to help get the true meaning across.
  8. Sure... right after you sort mine.
  9. You might have forgotten that we are not Support here, but simply other Residents trying to offer help whenever we can. Putting up a post that pretty much demands a fix immediately is not necessarily the best way to go about asking for assistance.
  10. The mere fact that we weren't choosing the last names and did not know what was coming before the new batch was available was part of the challenge and thus made it such a fun endeavor.
  11. Ahh - I have never used the viewer option, thus did not know that.
  12. Some of us did miss the removal of the last name list and didn't really mind picking from a list. Many of us had a blast trying to come up with first names that when matched with one of the last names produced a funny or witty phrase in some way.
  13. I often thought about that, Callum - in the event that my husband passes before I do or we both go together because of some accident. I'm not sure how else to handle it. Per the TOS, my husband does not actually have my SL password, but knows where/how to find it if needed - which is possibly a fuzzy way around the TOS, but I don't think LL will mind much in that situation. Here in the states, someone's credit card won't get locked until said credit card company is notified of the death. I remember from my father-in-law's death that we intentionally did not do that right away because we had to first deal with all of his auto-bill setups, as some were using his credit card vs his bank account. My husband and I have already notified our children that we do have some auto-billing tied to the credit card, so they want to be careful about locking things immediately. As to things aligning with billing cycles / rent due dates - I was rereading the notecard in the last will thing and it does mention that due to the possibility of rent not getting paid on time or billing payment method being shut off, you might want to actually rez the last will object at the heir's location, if possible, or it might not even still be rezzed when the 28 days actually pass. That is something for folks to think about that use the object or something similar.
  14. No wait time. If someone can get to the Buy L$ page, they should both types right away. The only limit is how much you can buy within the first month of your first transaction, whether that be buying L$ or buying Premium. Ask your friend for a screen shot of what she sees.
  15. A few hours ago, Xiola did a post titled 'Gif of the day', in place of the normal 'Pic of the day'. Now, I need to know if it is just me and my computer/browser (though I tried two browsers), or if this so called gif really is just a picture. I even when to Flickr and checked it there and I don't see a gif. So, does anyone else see movement here? and
  16. Is this a question? If so, I'd advice starting your own thread and expanding a bit on exactly what you wish to know.
  17. I've been trying this off & on for a few months now. I have a low attention span with that kind of stuff, so I'm not learning very quickly. Someday......... maybe.........
  18. My bet is that it is related to the AO and/or flying animation. I use the built-in Firestorm AO and mine does not do that banking during a turn. I tried a bunch of other AOs that I have in inventory and some had me banking during the fly turns and others did not. I don't know enough about animations to make any better guesses on why/how.
  19. Sending good thoughts and vibes your way Vanity. I had a similar scare many years ago and it was quite nerve wracking - though it did prompt me to finally quit smoking once and for all. I don't really have any desire to leave Lil to anyone (or any of my alts). My husband has instructions on how to shut down my accounts. He also has the name of an inworld person that he is to contact (with a code word so that they know it is legit). Between the two of them, they'll get everyone inworld notified. Since I know from experience that it can sometimes take a while to finalize things and even to process the will, I have an object rezzed inworld called "Last Will & Testament" - a freebie I got years ago. In default mode, it will check for my online status periodically and if I'm online it resets the countdown timer. A timer script maintains the countdown and in default mode if I don't log in for 28 days it will send a notecard to whomever I specified in the config notecard (and also send an object if there is one in the rezzed item). The timer process will send me a reminder message every week that I don't log in until it hits the 28 day mark and sends out the notification to my 'heir'. The time periods are modifiable. The person getting the notecard is the same one that my husband will notify if he manages to get around to SL stuff before the 28 days expires. The notecard gives the person some info on checking/verifying my status. Side note: If you want a copy of the "Last Will & Testament", just IM me. The one that I have is Full Perm and was created specifically to be given away freely to anyone that desires it. There is one on the MP, but it is not free and not full perm, thus don't waste your L$ on it. It doesn't do anything more than the one I have - though the listing does show a sample notecard providing some ideas of what you might want to put in your notecard.
  20. That does seem a bit contradictory to your previous postings in this thread.
  21. Click 'ACTIVITY' in the upper bar (next to Grid Status), then click "My Activity Streams" and "Create New Stream": On the new page, under Content Types, choose Topics and click the gear, then click the down arrow and select all the ones that you want. Modify any other settings you want and give it a Stream Title - then Save Changes (bottom right) Then go back to ACTIVITY / My Activity Streams and select your named stream under 'Custom Streams'. I think it will now become your default until you choose something else.
  22. I don't think you'll ever get a specific answer. I think a lot of times it depends on the Mods and if the posts get reported. A while back I got a forum warning for posting the same things that I've always posted. My guess is that someone decided to be a PITA and report my post for some reason and the Mod decided to be nit picky on it. Given all of that, I'd recommend that you open a Support ticket to ask for feedback on your normal posting style. Do not reference the ban. Simply say that you would like to ensure that you are not in violation of the posting guidelines, thus you would like to know if doing blah-blah is acceptable and if not, how would they recommend that you proceed in order to accomplish what you are wanting to do.
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