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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Probably one of my favorite old dancing gowns - because of how it moved. This was back in mid-2010.
  2. Something that may not be clear from the above: When you are ready to pay for the Premium membership, sell enough L$ to result in $72 AFTER the 3.5% transaction fee. However, there is no need to then cash out (process credit) to your PayPal account. When LL charges you for the membership, they will first take the money from any $USD balance on your account and only go to your payment method if the USD balance is not enough. There is no sense in paying the 'process credit' fee when LL will use the USD balance. Currently the Linden home plots are 512 sqm and so they allow 175 LI. Soon (someday, maybe), LL will be providing 1024 sqm plots (since the tier that comes with your Premium membership is now 1024 sqm). Thus, at that point you could move and get 350 LI. As Rolig mentioned, the house supplied by LL does not come out of your LI. If you ever decide to buy your own plot of mainland, your Premium would allow you to own 1024 sqm of land without additional fees - though you would still have to first buy the land. Additionally, going that option, any house you placed on the land would count towards your LI.
  3. Here's some for you to choose from. Many are quite cute and not high CI either. (the Vehitar ones are vehicle avatars)
  4. I'd probably call them back and reference the support ticket number. Billing is suppose to help resolve those type of issues asap.
  5. Don't even fret about it. Forum threads often take slight detours on somewhat related tangents. Tis best to just ignore anyone that gets in a huff about it. If the original topic matters to people, it will make its way back there.
  6. *Soon* (though we are all losing faith in what that word really means to LL), you will be able to change your name. You will have to be a Premium member AND pay a name-change fee, but for those that really hate their name and don't want to start over, it may be worth a month or quarter membership fee.
  7. The only thing you can call about these days is billing issues. The folks that own lots of private regions might also have a number for anything they want. Between holidays and vacations from mid-Nov through the 1st week of Jan, I can easily see tickets during that time frame taking quite a bit longer than any other time of the year. If you had used Live Chat for the land request, they very likely would have just created a ticket for you and it probably wouldn't have been resolved any quicker. Primarily because they've been swamped with the land requests and those are not considered critical - at least not when compared to billing/financial issues or griefing issues or region issues. I've had super short turn-around on tickets and somewhat longer turn-around. However, I for the most part, I think the response times have been appropriate to how critical the different issues were.
  8. Best I can tell, your only options with the new ones (and some of the older ones) are 'add to outfit' or 'replace outfit' at the folder level. Yes, way back we could always simply copy individual items from those library folders to our own folders. Somewhere along the line, we lost the ability to do a piece-meal thing with all of them, but as mentioned some of the avatars do allow adding single items from the library. Abigail is newer than Alicia (at least by object property dates), but I cannot directly wear individual items from Abigail, whereas I can from Alicia. So who knows, but yes it is a total PITA. I basically went through the library folder and for each avatar did a 'Replace outfit'. That created the individual folders inside my Clothing folder. When I had them all, I then did a 'replace outfit' back to one of mine. Then I went to back to the avatar folders and moved each item that I wanted to whatever folder I typically use for said item (hair, clothes, guitar, doggy, whatever). I deleted all the remaining items and then moved all the empty folders to a save location. Then, down the road when they add another batch, I already know which avatars I've already picked apart. Not only that, but as Fionolein mentioned, they made the darn thing transparent and when it attaches to 'bottom', it is actually located off screen (at least in my Firestorm viewer). And for some crazy reason they made the item itself 'not modifiable', yet everything in it is full perm. So what in the world could possibly be a good reason for not letting us modify the actual AO object (you know, to make it actually visible)? In other words, there is no logic behind that. The transparent part and living off-screen matches some of the previous AOs, but at least they were called AO. On the plus side, the shape is one item that is always modifiable in all LL supplied avatars. It is still better than the days when everyone started as male/female version of Ruth and then created their own unique look by modifying that starter shape.
  9. We do have those kinds of 'welfare checks' also, but that is definitely not the most common usage of the phase over here.
  10. I didn't notice, but that makes sense because it is the one item in all of the other various starter avs that is modifiable. They should have still included AOs and just attached them to another location. Yep, I nabbed that doggy.
  11. What version of the LL and Firestorm viewers are you all using? I just logged in an alt w/ LL viewer and than another alt with Firestorm and had no issues. However, I'm still running version 5 of both viewers.
  12. As usual, none of it is modifiable.
  13. This ^^ We should have just been given a tick-box, similar to the permission tick-boxes, to let us exclude them when we want to. That makes much more logical sense to me.
  14. The page shown is the new default page at secondlife.com for signups. All new avatars are also available (in Firestorm, at least), via the 'Choose an Avatar' option. Additionally, they can all be found in the Library, under Clothing / Initial Outfits: Males: Ashton (dude carrying a dog), Leonard (old dude), Monty (dude with guitar), Greg (dude from the 70s) Females: Bitsy (lady with the hat), Gretchen (lady in the formal), Trixie (rocker chic), Monique (given the bell bottoms and platform shoes, I think she's from the 70s also). Nice to have a new set of things in the Library to dig through - I want that hat/hair combo.
  15. Then you might understand my chuckle upon reading your post, until I got a bit further down. Or maybe you don't, but we do get a lot of people asking how to get free money - which is why/how my mind went there.
  16. Being from the US, that is sooooo not what I thought the OP meant and was truly ready to LMAO.
  17. And everyone that wants to quit seems to do it during my work day (when I have limited or no forum access) or when I'm sleeping, rather than during my evening. *sigh*
  18. We've already seen where some SL creators have claimed their mesh was original and been proven wrong. I'm not about to take the time to scour the internet for everything I buy to try and determine if it really is 'original'. Thus the 'original' claim doesn't mean anything to me anymore. If I like something, I'll buy it.
  19. I'm here.. quick grab the good stuff Darn, I thought I had it
  20. Can I have your stuff? @Cindy Evanier and @Ethan Paslong -- YES!!! The account is almost 4 years old - could make for a decent score. (hmm, maybe she's only done with advertising and not SL itself - oh well).
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