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Arwen Serpente

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Everything posted by Arwen Serpente

  1. Unfortunately, Lilly, that's been problem since last year when the Marketplace initially launched and has never been fixed. Only way I know to work around it is to keep editing the info until it fits. If someone else has a solution, maybe they will post here.
  2. Thanks for the update, Brooke. I'm also seeing the website timeout when I am logged in and doing a sort on a category. Basically, the site is moving very slowly even when logged into it. It's rather haphazard, but I thought you might want to know this "twist" on the issues.
  3. Lol, stupid me, I was logged into the Marketplace, so I thought "no problem here" - so I logged out to test if I could log back in and now I can't Yes, my sales were quite light yesterday, and it would appear that will continue today until people can actually get into the Market to shop.
  4. Hi Brooke, I do have questions regarding this change. I am not a user of FB or Twitter or other social networks - SL is my social network (I don't even like the new "Feed" feature added to the webprofiles and turned it off as soon as it was introduced. I know I am not alone.) So here's my question: Is this new "widget" something that each Merchant needs to enable on their items? I ask because your post says "using our AddThis widget" which makes it sound optional. I hope it is. From other posts in this thread, it seems Merchants don't know where that widget is, so some further instructions would help. As I said, I hope this is something that is optional to enable. If people talk about my Brand on their own, that's beyond my control, BUT I do not want them talking about my Brand originating from my SL Marketplace Store (if that makes sense). It is my Brand, my IP rights, and I am the only one who should be controlling them.
  5. Here's how to file a support ticket: Go to: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ From the dropdown menus, select "Marketplace" and "General Marketplace Issues" Then you'll be able to type in a description of the issues you are having. I hope that helps.
  6. Hi Love, I just tried going to that item and then to the store from that item. The entire store appears for me, so I'm not sure what is preventing you from seeing things. I'm using Firefox browser, if that's helpful. If it continues, file a support ticket - they have been very fast at replying these days and maybe they will be able to help you view the entire store.
  7. Hi Wild, I'm sorry for the delay in responding, as I just saw that you posted. If you are trying to make a 1 prim sculpted house with a transparent window, I believe that there's always going to be that "flickering" or disappearance of the rest of the house behind it. SL has a very tough time "reading" an alpha texture and they really should be used in conjunction with opaque textures to prevent that see through issue you are having. I am not a sculptor, I'm a fashion designer, but my experience with sculpties for clothing and textures with alphas has been the same - very difficult to not get that flicker. Perhaps a professional sculptor who also makes shade maps could better answer your question. From my standpoint, I believe that you need to combine the window alpha with other non alpha prims to get the effect you want. Please seek out a professional sculptor's help in the event that I am mistaken.
  8. awwww Toy! no gun in my hand, terrible aim anyway. I tried the link posted here, and then the one in the actual Status Page and that was the result both times. Yes, the virus rumors are running rampant as many groups are buzzing about it. I really don't see how it's a virus, it's just a good old fashioned mistake.
  9. lol, Toy, I tried to go to that JIRA to read it and I got this: ERROR The project or issue you are trying to view does not exist. Try browsing for projects. If you think this message is wrong, please consult your administrators about getting the necessary permissions. 
  10. Couldn't agree more. I want the thing turned off. I changed my settings and it still doesn't stop. I do not want to see other people's conversations. LL - this isn't working correctly. The settings are not sticking. It needs to be fixed.
  11. The CS Rep I spoke to understood immediately what I was asking and said that it was only an ebay change. He asked "did you get an email about it?" and I said no but that I had understood from one of my groups there was a policy change. He reassured me it was only ebay and those affected would be receiving emails regarding the policy change.
  12. I saw this post and called Paypal. They said the policy change ONLY applies to ebay. Not to us. So there shouldn't be any change in how our funds are currently processed on the PP side of things.
  13. This is really bothering me from a privacy POV - I can see conversations among people I don't know just because one of them is on my friends list. I don't want to see those conversations. I've got to believe this is a violation of TOS in some way - I certainly don't want anyone seeing my conversations, and I don't want to see theirs! And I have not found a way to turn it off. I turned off mine in my settings, but I can still see the conversations of others.
  14. I'm not a fan of this new layout at all. I just looked at mine, and I do not understand why I can see a conversation between one of my friends and another person who is not my friend. Why can I see any conversation at all? Ummm, PRIVACY???
  15. Yes it is, and yes that was a deviation that ran its course. Sorry for that. As my original post indicated, my opinion is that it is too early for Mesh on the Marketplace - not enough information about it and the Marketplace isn't set up to allow proper/consistent listing of Mesh products from one creator to the next. Back on track...
  16. Totally agree and is my current plan. It remains to be seen how Mesh will be adapted to each market (clothing, furniture, landscapes, etc). While "wait and see" is sound thinking (and all someone like me can do right now), the question regarding education hangs out there blowing in the wind. Any creator in any point of the food chain needs to fully understand the materials used to keep quality high and customers satisfied.
  17. Actually, for me it will be potentially harder. I make my fabrics in my graphics program (rarely with the shading provided by the scuplt creator, except in some special cases). Often they can be used for many different purposes and not just for sculpties. If the shade map shown is provided full perm, I would be able to work with it. New way of working/learning curve, and potentially a whole lot more uploads (in my case) than the way I currently work.
  18. Thanks for that clarification. That was the clearest answer I've gotten on this whole Mesh topic so far. Of course, it opens up a ton of additional questions that I don't expect you to answer here in the forums (things like how many different variations of a mesh object will be sold per pack since right now when I buy sculpties I usually get a dozen or more variations to use; can I stretch and modify the mesh object to fit (and what about my end user - what are the permissions for the final products? for clothing, copy/mod or mod/transfer is extremely important for the end user); will they work in a linkset with resize scripts or color change or some other scripting; can flexible prims be attached; are the textures for the Mesh sold with it or is it a blank object; if the textures are sold with it, are they full perm so they can be modified in a graphics program for details or color; etc. that's the idea). Basically (and this question is directed to the Commerce Team and/or Mesh Team at the LL level), who will be responsible for the education process with regard to these kinds of questions: LL? Mesh Creators? (because as I've said, there really is very little clear info on this topic - if someone wants to post a link with answers to the above, I will happily read it).
  19. Hi Toy and Madeliefste, just a comment on my post and your responses. The issue I raise regarding IP rights was one that was brought up by a prefab sculpty maker (not me). That was the terminology they used. Maybe they used the incorrect terminology because for sure they are not selling their "IP" rights, they are selling a product with an end user license. This creator does not allow their sculpties to be used with their name on them as creator, so to abide by their TOS, the user needs to use the maps (or I guess attach a root prim of the final creator). So, that sculpty creator raised the possibility of selling the files for their customers to import themselves. That's why I am so confused about this - right now, I use sculpty maps inworld (doesn't matter to me whether they are full perm or no mod because I don't upload to my computer, I just build with them inworld) because I like my name on my creations. As a clothing maker, I really prefer maps because I can switch between maps to get just the right one to fit the project. I really dislike building with someone else's full perm objects - much more timeconsuming and difficult (not to mention the whole "created by" bugaboo). So let me be completely Meshnoob here, when I buy from a Mesh prefab maker, what am I buying? An object? A map to create an object? A file to download the maps? Lol, are they even maps that we use in the sculpty section of the edit window? Honestly, I haven't a clue. I would bet I'm not alone.
  20. Brooke, this is rather premature (imo). Mesh is rolling out to some sims, not all, and certainly still going through tweaking, so it's not ready for prime time. Certainly not without a lot more information provided to the potential purchasers of it (whether it is end users, or creators buying prefabs to work with). I am a prefab purchaser for my creations and I understand very little of how these new Mesh objects can be used, let alone the IP rights associated with them, no matter how many Mesh Forum posts or Mesh meeting minutes I read. For instance, one prefab creator has notified their current sculpty customers that they "may" sell the files for download so that creators can upload them themselves and have their name as creator - how's that going to be handled on the Marketplace since the uploader needs to have PIOF and lots of people will buy not understanding that (even if it might be stated in the ad copy). And, then what about the unsuspecting purchaser of such a file that is perhaps stolen/pirated? The purchaser has no idea about that, but once their name is on the object as creator, are they the ones who will be subject to legal ramifications? Maybe before this kind of new product is rolled out for purchase, there should be some official information about it? Not just the info in the Mesh Forum or Blogs or Meeting Minutes, because going through that is quite confusing. We need official information from LL about all the in's and out's of using Mesh.
  21. Hi Wild, if you've tried all the above recommendations and the issue still exists, here's a technique that works for me. Sometimes when a texture is uploaded, one very tiny sliver of a side is actually alpha'ed and not covered by the texture. Really hard to see in graphics program, but it leads to the alpha'ing you are seeing inworld. As a test (to find the side that might be alpha'd): 1) Resave your texture as a jpg file. They don't support alphas, so if one edge is alpha, it will turn white when brought inworld 2) Do a temp upload on the Beta Grid or TPV of the jpg. 3) Apply it to a box and repeat the pattern several times. If there is a white edge, you will suddenly see it. 4) Go back to graphics program and close that gap. 5) Resave/retest 6) If the gap is closed, try uploading as a png or tga (possibly in test environment again) and apply to the house to see if the problem has been solved. Maybe that will help!
  22. Thank you, Zenevive! I know everyone is different and has different needs and resources available to them. My comments are strictly limited to the use of Gimp for SL Clothing Layer creation. If you just want to dip your toe in the water and experiment with clothing Layer creation, Gimp's a good way to start. Someday, I'd love to be able to experiment with PS and the 3D programs mentioned, but for now I'm still experimenting and learning new things everyday in gimp. It does what I need it to do. The gimp website does indicate that upcoming releases will have a lot of exciting new features, so check back there for updates. Nice thing about Gimp is that it is a very effective, free program. There are tons of youtube tutorials and blog tutorials to help you get started (and don't be afraid to just plain "play" - that's what I do everytime I open the program). Then, as you discover whether you like the "creation biz", you can always decide to invest in more professional programs to either replace or complement Gimp. Definately use either the Beta grid or one of the TPV with temporary uploads to see what you've created before uploading for real to be sure you like the way seams match, or colors match, or patterns stretch. Best of luck to you on your new adventure!
  23. Hi Zenevive, I'm a gimpster. Have been for 2 years now using it to design clothing layers for Second Life (I'm on the Marketplace if you want to see the kind of work I've done with gimp). I think it's the best free program out there . As far as I know there really is no difference in quality of the result (depending on your skills with drawing, texturizing, matching seams, etc). The biggest difference that I know is that in Photoshop the layers can be organized into nice files. That's not possible in gimp. There are some terminology differences and some "plug-ins" for different effects (filters), but usually a quick search in google will help explain the differences in language or point you to a source for filters.
  24. Thank you for that reply. There is soooo much I have yet to learn about this new "animal" called Mesh. As time passes, I will read, and learn and experiment, the same way I did when I got started with clothing making. All I can hope when it comes to the "prefab" Mesh market, i.e., creators selling to creators, is that there will be demos because this is very different from our current prims and sculpts. I've rarely been burned when buying sculpts (meaning poor quality), it's happened on occasion, but rarely. Mesh without demo's will be a hard sell (to me at least).
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