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Arwen Serpente

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Everything posted by Arwen Serpente

  1. That's different than what happened to me. In my case, the dashboard reported the Marketplace Linden entry without the normal detail, but the email and the Marketplace transactions were in tact. The only thing I can think of is that sometimes a transaction is days and days off versus the email that is received. I just had one where on the Marketplace transaction it is dated May 10, on my dashboard it is May 13, and I just got the email for it yesterday May 18.
  2. I'll watch mine and see if that happens again, so far it hasn't. It's a wierd glitch, but as long as it doesn't happen often, and as long as we are receiving the correct payment and the record is correct on the email and the Marketplace transactions, not sure what to do about it.
  3. Most likely you need some help from Support, so file a support ticket at: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ They've been very good about helping clear out queued items, so maybe they can help with your issue, too. 
  4. Actually Ziggy21, it is normal for me to set permissions on an outfit, box it up, add all the info cards and landmarks, pose stand, etc. and to keep the boxes. My folders are named with my own shorthand not the formal name of the outfit that is put on sale. In addition, to prevent "oopsies" from happening my rule of thumb is: if it is in a box, the permissions are set; if it is in a folder, I may not have set the permissions completely, or changed something. The only thing I distribute or sell would be a boxed item. Further to that, the folders then become "working" files... I may evolve a prim skirt or accessory, change the color, try out a new texture...obviously, the items in those files are not distributable. And yes, when I want to show an outfit to a client or a friend, I do rez a finished box and wear the outfit... it takes a split second to do. Then I delete the file to keep my inventory manageable. That's just my system. There must be tons of variations of inventory management systems among the thousands of Merchants.
  5. I'm a "boxer" too. lol, I prefer "boxers" to "briefs"
  6. Thanks Brooke for the FAQ link. I have some of the same questions as the others, particularly Ai Velde's question about whether this is a choice of DD OR Magic Box (meaning if we want to keep our Magic Boxes we can) - because that's how the FAQ sounds to me (and that's new information). Further questions on my mind include: 1) Why do the folder option at all? The potential for pieces to be "missing" and the Merchant to have to answer additional customer service requests would defeat the objective of insuring delivery. At least when a resident receives a box and rezes it to load contents to inventory, if it doesn't load completely, they can always reopen the box and try again (as long as the items are no transfer). Further, it makes no sense to me to unbox products and create thousands of new items in inventory (if I did that with mine, I'd be adding over 7000 items to my inventory). I don't intend to sell my items "unboxed", but as a consumer, I don't want to receive them that way either. Sometimes I buy things with tons of pieces and I don't even load the entire contents, I just pull the item I need into inventory at the time I need it. Edited to add: If the folder option is a real option, please include a field where the Merchant can indicate "This item is delivered as - a folder or - boxed". And it means the Merchant needs to indicate in their description every single piece that would be in that folder so the customer can check to be sure they have received everything. Right now, some do list all pieces, but many don't. 2) If "New Folders" are created in our inventory, then it sounds like a viewer update would be necessary for all viewers, LL and TP. Do TP viewer developers have access to the info they need to start working on that change? Further to that, can we still work on a viewer that does not for some reason have these new folders - then log into a viewer that does have them to move finished product to the folder? May sound crazy, but at least for me, that would help me be sure that I am not "disturbing" the "Outgoing" folder by accident as I work. 3) If a Merchant pulls an item out of the "Outgoing Folder" to replace it with an update, is it automatically resynced with Marketplace (I think that was asked above)? Watching this thread closely to see what other Merchants ask, and looking forward to the response. Thanks again!
  7. Yes, Sassy, I read that in your previous post that your assistants are very competent and able to answer lots of questions. It's fabulous that your assistants can redeliver, look at sales history, etc (my model is not able to do those things). I experimented briefly with a store model who is knowledgeable about my products greeting customers...it ended up that they still had to im me for the info/help they needed (i.e., a failed marketplace delivery, would I do a custom job, etc) - in fact, the process got longer, because first the model contacted me saying the customer needed help, then the customer contacted me. Had the model not been there engaging them, they would have just contacted me directly, as they have always done in the past. I provide the very best customer service I can - very quickly even from offline as I watch messages pretty much all the time unless I'm asleep. I guess every situation is different. For me, while it doesn't prevent me from going back to a place with a model who greets and fields questions, I still prefer to shop in silence (just as I do in rl). I find the various responses very helpful to build on my own experiences and plan for the future.
  8. Thanks Phil for the lesson in semantics :smileywink: I think those who have responded understood this is going to be about opinions. My personal preference is for no greetings, just for the model to be there as display of quality of work. When I'm shopping, if I have a question, I will usually im the creator or leave them a notecard as I wouldn't expect a person modeling to have all the info I might want and probably direct me to the creator anyway. However, several people who model in stores told me that were asked to greet, so I thought I would ask the group what their thoughts were on the matter.
  9. Question for the group: If a store has a model (avatar model) on display wearing the creator's outfit, do you prefer to have that model greet you when you enter and ask if you need assistance, or, do you prefer if the model stands silent and does not greet or speak at all?
  10. Thanks for that.. since I posted more than 15 minutes before the grid status was updated with any message about the outage, and it happened directly after I was logged off for a restart and logged back into a grey world and no inventory. I tried to file a support ticket before coming to the forums, but there is no available option to notify LL of this kind of issue that I could find.
  11. Thanks Maestro. I posted at 6:57am, 15 minutes before the grid status was posted (I did check there first for info). Since I have never seen an outage of this nature before and I've been in second life since 2006 (other avi), and it happened immediately after I had been logged out for a restart and logged back into a grey world and no inventory, I had no idea what was happening. I did not know that sending info through Help in the viewer was the way to communicate the issue (I've only ever needed that Help section for griefers in the past), and from the flood of group im's reporting the same issue, apparantly others didn't know either. I'm glad it was all sorted so quickly and that you and Oskar were on the case! Thanks very much!
  12. Not sure why you got that response...maybe it is worth trying another support ticket? Just be sure to create the ticket and select: Select Marketplace-->Failed Marketplace Delivery Enter the information requested (you'll find it on the Marketplace under "My Account --> Order History") Click Submit at bottom of page.
  13. Thanks for the update, Brooke! Looking forward to learning more about DD system in the mid May release of FAQ. The new search system with ability to search stores is a wonderful addition :smileyhappy: - it's helped me when shopping already. I'm a clothing creator/Merchant and would like to request that a new data field be added for Merchants so that we can enter the "color" of the item when listing or editing a listing? So for instance, if I wanted to search for all things "red" in a store, I could just enter "red" in the search store field. When I set up my listings, I didn't necessarily put common shade names across all items since I use more fanciful names (i.e., a red dress in my store might be "scarlet" or "rouge" or "crimson" etc) - If I could go back and edit them to enter the color "red" it would be great. The items have different keywords because while they may all be red dresses, they appeal to different people, so my keywords were very specific for each kind of outfit - I would have to redo all keyword fields to add a "color" as well at this point. It would be so much easier to just add a field and go back, check all the items to edit and then enter the common color.
  14. I understand that Sassy, but things like this mean I cannot access my inventory to change anything or to assist in customer service should the need be there. If the DD file is in my inventory, the concern is being able to access when I need to access it and make sure it doesn't get muddled.
  15. Here's how: Go to: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Select Marketplace-->Failed Marketplace Delivery Enter the information requested (you'll find it on the Marketplace under "My Account --> Order History") Click Submit at bottom of page.
  16. Thankfully, inventory is starting to come back now. When in doubt, keep watching http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  17. My inventory is coming back now - Thank you LL for addressing this right away. Cael - If you are grey when you log on and your skin doesn't rez, try wearing a different skin and then going back to the one your were wearing...that may help it to rez for you.
  18. Best thing to do is to file a support ticket. They've been very good about responding on this kind of issue within a couple of days for both me and my customers.
  19. Oskar, the update today May 11, has rendered 100% of inventory missing from database. Something is not working. Please please take a look asap. UPDATED 7:47AM SL time: my inventory is coming back, so thank you LL for addressing this right away
  20. Something is very wrong. The latest server update has rendered my entire inventory, objects and clothing layers, missing from database...totally unable to tp anywhere...something is very very wrong. Please LL rollback this update immediately.
  21. only good thing is I don't have to worry about shade matching...the "greys" match perfectly. what a mess
  22. This morning's server update has rendered my entire inventory and avatar missing from database. I am getting reports from everyone in world that this is happening to them too. Whatever is going on, the changes made to that server update need to be corrected or reveresed asap. - This is exactly why I do not want the DD system pulling from my inventory folders. If this were to happen, I would not be able to edit anything, find anything, period.
  23. There have been delivery issues on and off lately. There really hasn't been an official explanation of why it is happening, other that what we know already (that the multiple item/multiple merchant shopping cart is one of the causes). Mine were getting snagged "in queue" as were others, and if you file a ticket, those transactions can be cleared out/delivered/completed. As of today, I'm starting to get reports of "Delivered" items that weren't really delivered/received, and "Being Delivered" just hanging there. Usually, when I see a "Delivery Partially Failed" it has to do with multiple items in the shopping cart and since the ones that were from my store "seem" to go thru, I am assuming it is other things in the cart that failed. My best advice is watch your im's and emails/notecards for customers who report non-receipt so you can help them, watch the forums to see if it is a widespread problem, and if you see that something is "Delivered" but you didn't receive the funds, file a support ticket right away.
  24. YW! by the way, I tried to search for your store on the Marketplace this morning and got exactly the same message you did , so it wasn't you. I just searched again and your store is back online, just the products aren't showing up yet.
  25. Probably need to file a support ticket so that they can figure out and correct the issue for you. Help->Contact Support->Submit a Support Case form->Marketplace->General Marketplace Issues
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