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Arwen Serpente

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Everything posted by Arwen Serpente

  1. Hi Rolig! Thank you so much for creating this! It works like a dream. Quick question for you - if using it to replace regular megaprims, is there any difference in lag created? for instance, I was redoing a roof that was 4 megaprims (32x16.025) with one of these "created" megas...will it change lag for better or worse at all? Again, thank you!
  2. Support responded to me and said that they forwarded the issue to the Billing Team. Apparantly, the Billing team knows of this issue and "that if you set the log not to display L$0 (zero linden) transactions then you will be able to receive the entire log copy for all of the transactions that are above L$0." So, if the download does not include $0L items, it will work. For those of us who do want to track $0L items, or the conversion of free/$0L items to full price items, it makes record keeping more difficult.
  3. smiles, I hope that will help. Probably goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway just to be sure: if you give it to a friend, just make sure that you set the permissions at least to no transfer.
  4. Hi Trix, you're right 3126 is about avatars not showing up, but it was where Support asked me to go to add my experiences. My experience was definately with non-receipt/failed delivery/transaction timing out resulting in refund to avatars, not the failure to recognize them (as far as I know). I'll also go to the other and vote/set to watch. Sometimes the JIRAs are rather similar (end result of the customer not receiving item) - only thing to do if Support is contacted is to go where they ask you to since sorting through the multitude of JIRAs is rather difficult. On my way now to the other one...
  5. Maybe, but from the times I have tried to do it, the glitch happens when the download occurs in the evening (no idea why time of day has an effect). Right now (morning), I can download Aug 2 to Sept 1 now, but last night I could not download Aug 1 to Aug 30 (well it downloaded but the spreadsheet came up blank).
  6. I filed a support ticket to alert Dakota about it. I feel like starting yet another JIRA is fruitless since there are so many started and then never voted on and just left hanging. Hopefully, the problem will be reported and fixed.
  7. Yes, this has been happening for a few weeks at least now - downloading 30 days seems to lose the whole thing. If you download Aug 2 to Aug 30, the info will be there. I've been working around it by downloading every couple of weeks rather than wait for the whole month because I couldn't figure out what was going on. I thought it was me and my browser and/or system, but it sounds like it is something affecting us all.
  8. To OP: there's no real rhyme or reason on the gifting failures. Most of the time they work, but then as you are experiencing they won't complete no matter what you do. Once this round completes one way or another, if the Merchant doesn't have gifting from their inworld store, maybe send them an im/nc to ask if they can help directly. I do it for my customers all the time when they want to send a gift and for some reason things just don't want to work any other way. To Trix: One of the problems with the JIRAs is that there are so many similar ones for the MP that it's hard to know which one is the right one to vote for. I had this issue with people gifting items as well as sending to themselves in June and was directed here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3126 Not sure if you've seen that JIRA or voted for it and set it to watch.
  9. Thanks Darrius for the explanation. The stale shopping cart has been my pet peeve for almost a year now, but I didn't connect it with this transaction. It's clear that you're right. And Toy, you're right too - this is the kind of thing that needs to be fixed as a priority rather than some of the other things that seem to be taking the front seat.
  10. Ok, this is a weird one that I haven't seen before (or never noticed). I have a sale/transaction that was made today Aug 25, successfully delivered. The same customer also had a "delivery partially failed" today. So, I went to the MP Transactions page to check on the information and to compare to my dashboard. Here's the weird part: the successful delivery that was ordered and paid for today Aug 25, shows that it was ordered on February 27, 2011. The product did NOT exist on Feb 27 - it could not have been ordered at that time. The transaction came through today and the order and item numbers match up, but the order date shows Feb 27 not Aug 25. I have absolutely no idea what this means or why it happened. I filed a support ticket and wanted to alert the Merchant community of this very very odd reporting glitch.
  11. File a support ticket here: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ LL has been very fast at responding, so I hope they can help you!
  12. Voted & watching. Thank you for creating the JIRA!
  13. Thanks for the update Brooke. Since Mesh is so new to the grid and many many people don't understand the in's and out's of it, please add some kind of Global message regarding Mesh to the MP (maybe call it "Important Information Regarding Shopping for Mesh" as a banner link the same way other global messages have been added on the home page - the same way that the "how to gift" was added long ago, etc.). "Shopping" for Mesh and "Using" it inworld is very different from "Creating" Mesh - most information provided today has more to do with "Creating" Mesh than what an everyday user can do with it. I feel like this is like giving keys to the car to a teenager without first sending them to driving school. While the Merchants who use or sell Mesh will add information regarding their particular product to their individual listing, the Merchants can't be responsible for "global" education - it would never be consistent. For instance, LL needs to provide definitions of terms (PE, weighted, rigged...), what happens when a user tries to modify a Mesh object (stretch, shrink, link, add scripts, wear it, etc), advantages or limitations associated with Mesh, what viewers support it, and so on. Also, shoppers need to know how to differentiate "real" mesh from products that are already called "mesh" (and there are tons) - if a shopper searches for "mesh" they will get everything mixed together and only be able to determine what's real mesh from the listing (and old listings are not updated with the new partial mesh/100% mesh indicator - so if I'm looking at an old listing that calls itself "mesh" - how would I know for sure? very confusing). Mesh dynamics are not the same as sculpties or prims, so shoppers need the education directly from LL.
  14. Chelsea, it's a great list (or start of a list). There are several already started in JIRAs. Basically, if we want the Commerce team to take notice, we need to create/vote for a JIRA and set it to Watch. The most recent one that Pamela created regarding ability to create/control a MP ban list the same way that we do with inworld stores is a good one for Merchants to jump on right away. I don't want to take attention away from this discussion, but the one that was started for that topic is still fresh in the list of topics. Some top of mind ones that I can think of: 1) Reporting tools (already mentioned in this thread and in multiple others) 2) Stale shopping carts: Carts need to be emptied if a sale is not completed especially if a Merchant runs a limited time price promotion on a regular item. Right now, if the item is put in the cart at the "sale" price and sits there, even after the promo is done and the item has returned to regular price, if it was in the cart, it will be delivered at the "sale" price. 3) Ability to show color variations from one listing (the related items is excellent for this, but only goes so far). This would also allow listings to be much more consolidated and a shopper will be able to see all variations of the same style on one page. As for a separate forum to discuss Merchant issues among only Merchants, we have that. If you aren't a member, file a support ticket requesting admittance and you'll be able to go there. Unfortunately, it is rarely used (and it really should be since it is for us to discuss critical issues). I'm happy to start going over there to participate.
  15. Bump. I voted for this when it was first posted and would like to remind fellow Merchants how important it is and to please vote for this JIRA. The Commerce Team will take notice of this if we band together and make sure they know that we would like the same kind of control over our Marketplace stores that we have over our inworld stores. Thanks Pamela for creating the JIRA! https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4057
  16. Aini, have you tried giving a copy of the top to a friend to see if it is also corrupted for them when they wear it (both how you see it on them and how they see it on themselves)? I ask because last week a friend of mine who was on a TPV was using a texture from the Library, but on his screen is was completely distorted. I use a different viewer and on my screen it was fine. Once he changed viewers, the problem stopped. So, maybe if there is a friend you trust, just see if it will rez properly for them. If it does, then it isn't the way you are making the top, it would have something to do with your viewer/system combo.
  17. Aini, I'm not sure what's causing that, but if the picture on the right is what you are uploading, and the pic on the left is what is being seen inworld and that brown/woodenish background is not in your graphics file, then it could be a viewer, connection and/or server issue, not a file issue. I had that happen a long long time ago and I was seeing my walls and even my viewer screen on my body. Eventually, that stopped happening, but it definitely wasn't the textures I was uploading. Possibly try the following: 1) Save it as a tga rather than png (just to try) *Edited* Sorry, I see now that I reread your post that you tried tga. 2) Do trials with temp uploads: Use a TPV (see the TPV directory for some good choices) with temp uploads so that you can see the piece without paying time after time on your trials. OR, log into the beta grid with the LL viewer and upload and try there (uploads on Beta grid don't cost money and are basically temp uploads). 3) If those things fail, you may want to check in with the Technology forum to see if they can help because it may not be a texture issue at all. I hope that helps (a little).
  18. Jordan, I agree with you that this is a very helpful addition to boxes/bags/folders. I've done it since day 1 of being in business since my outfits contain a variety of styling options (often 2, 3 or 4 skirts and tons of other attachments), and it always seemed to me a good reference point for the purchaser. I try to capture my "favorites" for the advertising picture, and then just pop that same picture in the box when I am boxing up the final product. That way, the purchaser always has a reference point for how I saw the outfit styled...of course, I am always delighted when I see the creativity of customers and how they mix and match pieces from their entire wardrobes.
  19. Marcus, I believe you, with so many different viewers out there, anything is possible with regard to variations on a glitch. I can only report what is true in my case (Imprudence viewer or 1.23 LL viewer) and what I've read/seen from LL explaining the phenomenon. One thing I do know, and perhaps you know this already - set permissions on objects when they are rezzed inworld. Don't do it from either your inventory or from the edit window "bulk" permissions option. It's a formula for disaster. Only scripts and clothing layer permissions can be set in inventory. Objects need to be rezzed to set permissions or they will be subject to a well documented bug that causes them to break/bork.
  20. Thanks very much, Brooke. I need to read through completely, however, just at first glance on the DD, please remember that many Merchants are not going to unbox their items. In my case, I have hundreds of boxed items and I will not be unboxing them for DD. So, the screenshot that instructs buyers that their purchase will come unboxed needs to be something that is optional, or, there needs to be an icon or description that the item will be delivered in boxed form.
  21. Yes, when rezzed it should show the creator of the root prim. But if properties are checked while in inventory, the "unknown" creator appears. Here's Torley's video on it: 
  22. There are also websites that allow you to create an avatar with legacy names (a first and last name). I'm afraid I don't know what the addresses are of them, but I do know they exist.
  23. Less time online doesn't surprise me since so much has been introduced to the web. My hours inworld have dropped because there are so many things I "used" to do inworld that I can do more efficiently now when I am not logged in. However, I am as active as ever (if not moreso) in my Second Life. The kinds of things I don't log on for anymore: ~ Searching for shopping -> now I do it mostly from the Marketplace and tp to the shop if I need to see something in person ~ Updating profile info regarding customer service. I can do it from web profiles without lag and without im's popping up Basically, if I am logged in these days, it means I am building or helping customers. My SL related activity hasn't changed - I still work everyday on my SL business - I'm just not always "going to the office" (i.e., logging inworld), instead I'm "working from home".
  24. Generally, if an object comes up as creator "unknown", it means it probably has a script in it somewhere that was made by someone other than the final creator. If a notecard that you received from person "A" comes up as pointing you to person "B", it just means that person "B" wrote the original notecard and person "A" either edited it, or, just erased the original text and wrote new text on it. The permissions system will show the first person to create the notecard, not those who edit it afterwards.
  25. Thank you Eve for posting the link to this JIRA. I agree - this isn't a minor issue and visibility of that tab needs to be restored. That Classified tab is one of the ways that current and/or potential customers find a shop and tp from that tab. As far as I know, the "hiding" of it was not announced to us. Visibility of that tab is certainly part of what we are paying for when we pay for a "Classified".
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