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Marigold Devin

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Everything posted by Marigold Devin

  1. Beachlover Emolite wrote: PussyCat, You were spot on.....I figured it out.....A whole folder that I call "fun stuff" some how attached it self to me !!! GooD Lord it freaked me right out...:matte-motes-agape: The bones and bacon stuff was an attachment call "**bleep** Baby" that blows up !! Most of the stuff i have in this folder is harmless giggles.. but when attached al together ... well !! Im wondering how the hell I had so many pionts on my Avi to attach so many items......:matte-motes-agape: Anyway.. thanks guys......you are all awesomly helpful !"! I'm laughing so hard at how you thought someone had griefed you, but it seems you somehow 'griefed' yourself! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: And I thought you'd been used for someone else's target practice too. Crikey!
  2. Dillon Levenque wrote: I'm always reminded of the first time I got 'griefed'. I was walking along the sidewalk looking in shops. I had my Premium stipend so I was prepared if need be to really plunge—I had some shoes that cost more than 30L$—but I much preferred free stuff. Some doofus started dropping colored balls out of the sky and they were pushing me all over the place. I had absolutely NO idea what was happening, let alone how to figure out whose they were or anything. I was probably less than three weeks old. I ducked into a store since they didn't seem to be coming through the ceiling and just stood there until they went away, because I didn't know anything else to do. It was a long time later before I learned that was exactly the right way to handle it. That's your real life instinct coming out. If you or I were bombarded by water bombs out in real life, or something, we'd probably duck for cover. And it sounds like you did the best thing. And the griefer soon went on his merry way I take it. The first time I was griefed, was probably when I rented an apartment at (appropriately) Noob Island. Some dude called Donnie decided it would be funny to drive his car and push me and my buddies around the apartment. I must admit, I found it a little intimidating (not helped by the fact I always used to have my volume settings on FULL BLAST, and this dude had got full revs going on his car, and some loud music playing on it. My mentor/best buddie at the time told me and the others to go to his store, while he stayed to sort the problem out. Turns out, he caged Donnie, and left him there in my apartment caged. Both him and the cage had gone when I returned later. On another occasion, in the same apartment, some lads set some particle exploders off, and they turned my screen manic blue orange red. I shouted up to them "is that you dropped crap into my apartment" and they just laughed, called me a noob (I was a noob, and didn't feel offended at the term), and knew I didn't know about the abuse reporting feature. None of these silly attacks made me want to leave SL. Daft lads will be daft lads, and some of the griefer tools people use can be quite inventive and fun, if you just play along. People who push and name call are just boring and lack imagination, are probably very lazy and smelly in real life. And what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and all that.  
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: I think I can see Torley in the crowd. Awwwwww adorable creature. :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Maybe he (the sheep I mean) is a little bit 'gay'  
  4. You neeeeeed some sheeeeeeeeep Baaaaaaaah to that We'll round some up laaaaaaaaater :matte-motes-wink-tongue: 
  5. BellaRoche wrote: OUCH is right! I can't help but notice that under your name is says "helper", I am guessing that that little tag means that you are assigned to help "answer" questions in here. Yet you seem to be negative and argumentative over this issue when you should be more neutral & helpful, so why the hostility? I do not believe I am anything but neutral and helpful over on the Answers section, which is where the Helper tag originates, being the place where correct answers, kudos, and post counts all amass. Over here, on a general discussion area, I am, like everyone else, entitled to voice my own opinion. If you do not agree with it, then of course you have the right to voice your own opinion. 
  6. Hillbilly Souther wrote: When my phone whistles... Cuz i know who it is Welcome to Second Life Forums, Hillbilly. What makes me smile... hmmm... most things really. The fact that Hillbilly has dusted off this thread has made me smile. The rain makes me smile, because when the sun comes back out there are always rainbows. Griefers make me smile, because they give me photo opportunities. Prunes make me smile, because I feel so clean on the inside. 
  7. BellaRoche wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: 've had this conversation on other threads. If certain areas attract griefers, then why go there? Why continue to go there? Unless you go to seek out the trouble. Methinks you just want to have an argument with someone, albeit out of the frustration of not being able to get your own way via the official abuse reporting system. Regardless of what you think about Linden Lab's seeming lack of care, and being all about the money, they do care, some Linden Lab employees care very much indeed. Of course Linden Lab are out to make money; they are running a business after all. I went there ONCE and was abused so badly that I will never go back there and who are you to ASSUME that I keep going back there? Get your facts straight before saying something that isnt true! It seems that you are the one constantly on these threads putting in your two cents to start arguments! I am posting on this thread to make it known that this is a problem that nothing is being done to resolve it, so why even have an "Abuse Report" that we can send in? Why have a TOS? LL doesnt seem to hold people accountable that break their TOS! I guess you missed the LOL after the class action suit, but then again you most likely seen it and used it as a platform to cut my post to shreds! You are the only one that has responded to this thread in a negative way, so before you go pointing fingers you might want to look in the mirror! Ouch!
  8. This has to be the fastest thread in the West :smileyvery-happy: Considering the number of griefer threads there are currently on these forums, it is no coincidence that it has something to do with the kids being on long school holidays. While the parents are away, their babies will play. Awww bless. :smileyfrustrated:
  9. There is absolutely no weapon available that can do this. This is a totally empty threat, made by someone who should be ignored/muted/blocked without another word. I hope this allays any fears that you have. Please note that weapons, shields, and spells should only be used in areas where they are permitted, and only if permission is granted by the target person. You should also note especially point 3 in the Community Standards: http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php
  10. valerie Inshan wrote: HAHAHA Mari!!! As soon as I read this question's title, I KNEW you were going to post that pic! Actually, I expected you to do so, I love it, just too funny!!! Oh no, am I that predictable? :matte-motes-frown: But I laugh out loud. It is perhaps a good thing these griefers do not know how much I enjoy the photo opportunities they give to me :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: 
  11. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Heh Yea. I went to an Info hub the other day. There was a guy chatting and saying bad stuff . He could have been easily muted. But aT the same time I hear this other guy yelling and cursing up a storm at the greifer . He was a more of a disturbance than the greifer. He was telling everyone to file abuse report on the guy while using the F word lol. I'm like, dude!. You are feeding this troll, and sounding 10 times worse than the troll. I left. I didn't wait for a comment lol When everyone starts shouting back at the greifer it tends to cause more chaos than what the greifer is doing to begin with. Exactly my point.:matte-motes-big-grin:
  12. Google is my friend And so are you :matte-motes-smile: Many hugs and bright sunrises for you and yours too. You are right, problems are more bearable - this is what holds us to the forums I think. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. Lilith Roddenham wrote: Sudenly when I logged in I saw my avatr sorrounded by some kind of sheep that says on them "Linden Seep" I cant detach them or do anything to stop it, the creator of the object is eniefild and the creator is MIssing Magic, I have a premium account but in my other avatar, what should I do? I am familiar with these sheep;  they are scripted to push anyone who comes within range of them, and are an aggressive little griefing tool. They are not attached, but will attack until a person is pushed right out of range. Regardless of whether you are premium or not, what you need to do is click on "help" and "report abuse". Right click on one of the sheep to view the owner details (the owner NOT the creator). LL will take the necessary action. You do need to remove the name of the creator of this object, because in actual fact, this is against the Terms of Service on the forums and he might only be the creator of one part of the sheep. Cleverly these people who grief or make objects to grief can use another person's objects that are copyable and make it look like they were wholly responsible for a griefing object. If you are on your own land when this attack occurs, you must remember to set your land to have autoreturn, or set objects to be rezzed only by group members. This minimises the likelihood of such attacks. Wishing you luck. ***** Edited to add - the kids have broken up for the long summer holidays; I guess we can expect a lot more of these griefing attacks, so everyone REMEMBER TO PUT AUTORETURN ON LAND!!!!!!! :smileyvery-happy: 
  14. Willkommen zu Second Life Answers. wenden Sie sich an support@secondlife.com. *** http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109  
  15. BellaRoche wrote: Aren't we all supposed to be grown-ups who log in to Second Life? While some people obviously are not acting like grown-ups, neither are the ones who are sticking their virtual tongue out and saying "nah nah, I'm reporting you" (sic). No not everyone is an adult that logs into SL, especially since LL closed the teen grid and let them come into our server! Although before that happened teens were in SL, and I know of a mother who let her 2 young boys play is SL rather than the teen grid and one was partnered to a grown woman and she thought he was her age! So...No not all that log in are Adults! And that is a whole other issue. If Linden Lab become aware of underage users being allowed to access Second Life, they act on that. All the stupid childish stuff that takes place on the welcome areas, we, as adults, are expected to deal with it ourselves. And do you know how stupid it sounds when you talk about taking out lawsuits against LL about this? The police in RL are not our mum and dad either. I've had this conversation on other threads. If certain areas attract griefers, then why go there? Why continue to go there? Unless you go to seek out the trouble. Methinks you just want to have an argument with someone, albeit out of the frustration of not being able to get your own way via the official abuse reporting system. Regardless of what you think about Linden Lab's seeming lack of care, and being all about the money, they do care, some Linden Lab employees care very much indeed. Of course Linden Lab are out to make money; they are running a business after all.
  16. I do wish I had learnt all my languages at school. Thank you, Irene. :matte-motes-smile::heart: 
  17. I agree with you, that these so-called welcome areas do seem to get targeted far too often by griefers. However, it isn't a case of Linden Lab not caring, it is a case of Linden Lab needing to prioritise what problems to go and deal with first, and they do not have unlimited staff. We are expected to help each other out, and as you are obviously a person with a lot of common sense, and good values, you could do as others do when at these welcome areas when becoming aware of the presence of griefers. Firstly, sit on something. A griefer cannot push someone who is seated. Secondly, ignore anything that is said to you. Thirdly, urge others (in private IMs rather than open chat) who you see being pushed around to sit on the nearest prim. Fourthly, but most importantly, ignore and mute as much as possible. If griefers do not get the attention they so obviously are seeking, they get bored and move on. Just view it - 20 regular people at a welcome area, and one or two griefers, everyone giving the griefer attention by telling them to stop pushing them, or threatening to report them to LL. Griefers know very little can be done about them, so they laugh in real life, call people "phaggot" if they are on voice (a popular word it seems as well as the other usual expletives), and continue to get their jollies, and on and on it goes. Imagine, anyone experienced with griefers instead of above paragrah, they choose to stay silent with the griefer and sit on the nearest prim, and spread the word via IM to others being griefed. Eventually the welcome hub becomes quiet and still, with just the griefers running around like the loons they are trying to get attention. How bored would them become? And how much the tables are turned and how much fun it is for all who sit quietly to watch the griefers get bored? Calming, eh? I've seen this done at Violet and Bear, although on Orientation Island there are people who just cannot resist saying something to griefers, and they are just stirring the pot, making the situation worse, and that is unfortunately their way of getting attention. Lead by example, I say. Linden Lab are not our mum and dad, and I would resent them wasting time on petty schoolyard stuff when they need to be clearing up issues that could potentially undermine the performance of servers or get the whole grid shut down because of something illegal occurring.
  18. Welcome to Second Life Answers, FanForever23. I have been a resident of Second Life since November 2007, and have not experienced, or known of anyone else who has experienced, a virus that has been introduced to their computer that could be attributed to Second Life. Having said that, most of the people who are residents of Second Life have the good sense to protect their computers with good anti-virus software that is kept updated. Second Life belongs to Linden Lab, and they are not known for spreading viruses. However, there are "phishing" organisations who may sometimes send out emails which may look like they have come from Second Life, or Facebook, or Paypal, or the major banking companies of the world, and unfortunately people do sometimes click on the links and give out personal information this way. BUT, good anti-virus software does give warnings of potential "phishing" sites when links in such emails are clicked on. ***** If you wish to add more to this thread, you can do so by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post, and "edit". I apologise - I see this is the Spanish Forum, and I have replied in English. (Irene - help! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:)
  19. Hello, Robin. It would help us a bit more if you could give us more details about the system you are using, particularly the type of graphics card. Certainly other people with similar systems can then give you advice how to activate mesh. To speed up responses, you can also ask in mesh groups inworld, or the groups associated with the individual viewers inworld will also offer help to you if they are Mac users too. Wishing you luck, and looking forward to updates here from you. 
  20. Welcome to Second Life Forums, Britny. There are responses over on your Answers thread ... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/what-is-wrong-with-traffic-reporting/qaq-p/1605163 I hope, though, that you are more reassured by Koltari's response in this thread.  
  21. I'm with Charolotte on this one, you possibly do need to be contacting the Support via a ticket. I haven't heard of any changes being made to the way traffic is calculated, but just to attempt to reassure you, if other clubs as well as your own appear to have lower traffic figures, then it is very possible that the whole of the grid is also being calculated the same way and getting a lower traffic figure too; therefore the Search listings should not be affected. For total reassurance, you do need to contact Support directly though. And please, if you find anything out, do let us know here on the forums, provide any useful links if LL give them to you. Good luck!
  22. I'm not surprised you're feeling tired and crabby and highly frustrated. Computers are great when they are working, but the tiniest change can sometimes knock them out of kilter. I really believe your issues are stemming from an interruption/interruptions in your connection. Other problems you have seen in the forums might seem similar, maybe are similar, but what works for one person may not work for another. However, best to get right back to basics. If you have not done so yet, take a proper break from this issue; by that I mean go for a cleansing walk, get some sleep, and try to put it out of your mind, and return with a fresh head. If you have been accessing Second Life via a wireless connection, even if you have found this ok, you could well have started to have problems now, so try and be hard wired. Reset your modem to refresh that connection. And definitely clear your cache. The fact that you are flicking beetween different viewers has gone towards confusing your already chaotic situation. While you are inworld clearing your cache (and obviously if you can only log in on Imprudence or one of the other 1.23 based viewers use one of these), please go into the Advanced Menu and opt to "Show Consoles" before you relog. When you do relog, do so into an empty low lag sim - I use Furball or Quarrel which are ideal for this purpose. Open your inventory window and wait for your inventory to fully load. Meantime, you should have that console window running, which you can watch and see the process happening. You'll get an idea of how much work is actually going on 'backstage', as your inventory gets put back together again. Note well: it can take up to 30 minutes for an inventory to fully load (I am basing this on an inventory with 18,000 items in it; expect longer if you have a larger inventory). Do not forget to breathe! I wish you luck, and look forward to any updates, progress reports, further system specifications, being added to your original post. ***** Edited to add: something else to take into consideration, which ties in with this problem having started three days ago. Here in the UK, in my locality, kids just happened to have broken up from school three days ago, and my own general connection and internet speed has plummeted. And it's raining! Little blighters are all holed up in their basements and bedrooms jamming up the lines playing WoW, Sims online, FB, Twitter, etc., etc. If you are having to also share with tons of other people, your connection might actually be dying or being interrupted mid-way through logging in. This is going to be more likely with Firestorm and V3/V3 based viewers, because there is so much more to load up from the servers than in the 1.23 based viewers. Frustrating, yes, and if you're on the Virgin network, they have promised us better speeds by the end of the summer (September/October time). 
  23. The griefers are able to return on alt accounts, on different computers if they get so far as being IP banned. The Welcome areas/infohubs are notorious for attracting griefers, but to be very honest with you, Robert69, people like yourself do not help, because you feed the griefers by saying to them "reported". Why is it so difficult to ignore/mute a griefer instead of feeding them? The reason why it appears LL don't do anything about griefers, is because LL do not just jump directly in. If they are dealing with several abuse reports at the same time, they have to prioritise. If something is likely to be a threat to sims/servers, then of course that issue will take priority, if it is a case of people acting like children, playing at virtual tip taps, or name calling, they are unlikely to rush to stop it. Aren't we all supposed to be grown-ups who log in to Second Life? While some people obviously are not acting like grown-ups, neither are the ones who are sticking their virtual tongue out and saying "nah nah, I'm reporting you" (sic). And if you keep reporting for petty things, that really you could just ignore and move away from, LL are going to become very fed up and eventually may even suspend your account for abusing the system. I know this is not the answer you want to hear, and you are likely to start arguing with me, but go away and have a good think about that ridiculous long thread you have made, five pages long now, with you just jabbering away to yourself like a loon. How can anyone take you seriously? AND STOP FEEDING GRIEFERS!!!!!!!!!!! IGNORE THEM AND THEY WILL GO AWAY!
  24. I think I might have been running round - Onigokko-style - when that photo was taken (it was wayyy back in 2009 so my memory is getting a little hazy about it now). The excitement might have been caused by my then partner's state of undress, especially his "handle with care" underpants (although I really doubt that and am laughing in RL at the memory of those - if ever a bloke got his wear out of a pair of undercrackers :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: ) I miss the monster, even now. I loved that monster. And you noticed his little heart - not many people noticed the little heart (although they were usually being chased off the sim at the time LOLs)
  25. /me chuckles. I actually thought you were going to reprimand me for "spamming" My ex-partner loves all these fabulous gadgets and gizmos, and used to test them out on me - and I never used to see it as griefing!  
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