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Marigold Devin

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Everything posted by Marigold Devin

  1. fahimkhan144, what is your problem? Have you downloaded the Second Life Viewer yet? If not, please scroll down to the bottom of this screen, and click on "Download Second Life". If you have already downloaded the Second Life Viewer, and have attempted to log in, what message do you get on your screen?
  2. Thank you for adding more information to your original post, maddalo. I just wanted to add that it might seem like there is a lot to learn at first in Second Life - and there is. For the first fortnight, I nearly gave up several times, but as you can see, more than four years later, I am still here. :matte-motes-big-grin: Take your time with everything, explore and enjoy all there is to offer, and return often to these Answers/Forums. We all learn something new every day, and share our knowledge. You might want to consider saving chatlogs and taking photographs, to either keep a personal diary record of your personal adventures in Second Life. I wished I had thought to do this from my first week, but did so from about a month in, and it's fun to look back at the beginning, and see how things in Second Life (and my own life) have evolved. I'm sure you will enjoy your Second Life. Remember, take your time, and try to avoid 'burnout'.   
  3. Irene Muni wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: ... clingy women who expect you to rescue them from their dull middle-aged lives on a white charger (!) ...  That interests me for my (still far) future. Do you have a landmark? You really don't need the landmark, middle age will come to find you ... one day ... mwah-ha-ha-ha :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: 
  4. Welcome to Second Life Answers, violetkitty The error actually says "second life doesn't work"? That doesn't sound like a familiar message. If you can be more specific, then that will be more helpful to diagnosing what's wrong. I'm on Windows Vista, so that in itself shouldn't cause a problem running Second Life. You might find, though, that you have the wrong type of graphics card, or may even just need to update your graphics card driver. If you are trying to run Second Life from an icon that you've had on your computer for yonks, then a clean install of the Second Life viewer would be advisable. To add more to this thread, please click on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit". Looking forward to receiving more information about your computer's specifications, then we'll try and get you up and running in Second Life once more. 
  5. Welcome to Second Life and to Second Life Answers, maddalo. In the olden days (!), all new residents began in world by being walked through an orientation process. This seems not to be the case. To experience this, you can click on this link and be taken inworld to a Welcome Island Public sim. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Welcome%20Island%20Public6/29/231/23 I don't see any video links on the basics page, but there are a lot of useful official Second Life video tutorials over on youtube. Here's the link ... http://www.youtube.com/playlist?ist=PLD237D0E11AC1F341&feature=plcp If you wish to add more to this thread, please do so by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit".  
  6. SIMGentleman wrote: Hello everybody:smileyvery-happy:,I'm just back to SL :smileysurprised:and my friends list it's empty:smileysad:,i can't stay like that:smileyfrustrated: ,it's terrible to be alone even for one second:smileyindifferent:,so i search friends, so if someone want to be my friend just add me or contact me inworld thank you:smileylol:. You can still feel very alone if you have 20 friends and they are all in the same room as you, unless you have the right friends around you. It might be useful to add a bit more to this thread, such as the type of things you are interested in. Do you like going to music clubs, lazing on the beach, sailing on the oceans, being led into new adventures? What things do you really hate, ie clingy women who expect you to rescue them from their dull middle-aged lives on a white charger (!), going to music clubs, lazing on the beach, sailing on the oceans, being led into new adventures? Keep your eye on the people on these forums, for example, go to your dashboard and click on the my.secondlife.com link (top middle of your dashboard) and see what is trending. You'll see photos of people having jolly good times all over the place. If you're a sociable bod you could tag along at some of their hangouts and undoubtedly pick up a fabulous friend or two. You could also just jog along the Linden highways in world and see if you get picked up by a friendly local gal in a delapidated truck ;-)  
  7. Tolya is that you? :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  8. And if all else fails, please contact the creator of the NHC - contact name(s) should be in the instructions notecard that comes with the TV.
  9. Welcome to Second Life Answers. Remember LL can see far more than us mere residents. They might not see anything inappropriate happening, or they might have issued a warning to the person you've reported. All you can do is ensure that when you send an abuse report, you keep it brief, but make your point, and hope for the best. The rest is really up to Linden Lab.
  10. The plot thickens... rather like jam ... I saw this recently - why (Linden Lab) in brackets after it's name? They walk among us!!!
  11. And my dog caused "physics collisions" according to one Linden person LOL (bad dog)
  12. Ceka Cianci wrote: we had one growing up.and they are a blast..me and my little brother are realyl good on them..although when you fly off in a flip and land wrong it can really hurt LOL but they are a blast.and with all the animations in second life nowdays..banline jumping may become a pastime if it catches on.. remember where you heard it first hehehe I certainly shall hehe :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: Another I want to try is naked volleyball - but in SL only. And still that trampoline over the road is beckoning me. (Or is it the local hospital?!) 
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: Kennylex Luckless wrote: I think ban lines are bad, for that do not protect the privacy and if they are close to LL road system it is easy to get stuck in them and that kills a lot of the fun. I can understans securitu orbs protecting a skybox, but not orbs that protects the whole space by following users or push users, for me is this kind of the same to say it is mine land and therefor I am allowed to grief users here. I want the rules to bi like this: Ban lines go 96m in the sky, over that folk shall be allowed to pass, but it shall be okay to use orbs that kicks folks from a build/skybox, if you want higher privacy or bo not like the free spirit of main land you get or rent land on a private estate. So to answer my own question about orbs so do I think they shall be classed sa grief if they follow user and not is stationary protecting a smaller area. here is a post i made over at SLU about banlines and the joy they can bring to those that know this little trick hehehe From SLU "i remember discovering that if you went up to the top of them and got ontop of banlines..it was like a trampoline.. me and some of my friends used to look for them and bounce on them..it was something to do when we were bored hehehe anytime someone mentions banlines i always think about back when we used to look for them.. we couldn't do all kinds of trick or anything..but it would be neat if you could.. i would still be looking for them today if we could.. imagine doing this on someones banlines that had them up and them catching you..lol" i may have to see if there is a full perm trampoline on the MP and get the animations out of it and go do some banline jumping..it's been awhile and it was fun hehehe The neighbours across the road from here (in real life) have got a trampoline out in their front garden and they are out at work, and I am so tempted. Unfortunately the other neighbours are not out at work, so I just daren't... oh but I really wanna. And I really wanna go banline trampolining too. Methinks I am gonna get banned from somewhere today - but will it be in SL or in RL? hehe :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  14. Nuhai Ling wrote: I love ban lines and security orbs because it tells me the owners are trying to hide something or want privacy. Usually when I encounter them, I get far enough away not to be sent home and then cam all over the parcel to see what I am not suppose to. If the owner is there, I then IM him/her and ask how they are doing, what they like, and why they have such tight security. Usually they are very happy to answer my questions, especially while banging their companion(s) or doing whatever activities they wanted privacy for. I find this is a great way to meet and make new friends! I highly recommend any new residents try this type of thing too; it is a great way to learn about Second Life and gain a popular reputation around the grid! I did chortle. If anything is going to set off my curiousity it is an ejector orb around what I know are traffic bots. Then I just MUST go in and get photos. Two dots in a skybox, though, and I politely and discreetly make myself very scarce very quickly (well, usually :matte-motes-wink-tongue:) 
  15. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I don't own a security orb. Never have I ever owned a secuity orb. And I have absolutely no desire to own a security orb. My point was (and remains) security orbs have a purpose (some good like my example and some that border on paraniona). I can understand both sides of the problem......lord knows I've been bounced to some sim other than the one I was in due a security orb). But it's not against any ToS and the owner of the land has the right to set his/her land to allow or not allow anyone to enter........whether or not they are on line or not. I think I've said I'm all that fond of security orbs.....but I don't hold it against anyone who happens to be love with there orbs either. To each their own is my stance. So they are "good" if I have to choose between to two options. My stance is "grief" if I have to choose. The OP has since answered his own question, and placed his opinion somewhere in the middle of "good" and "grief". Ironically I do have ejector orbs in my inventory, created by one of my favourite gadget makers in the whole of SL. They came as part of a large box of gadgets that I purchased when they were on special offer. The only time I ever used an ejector orb was when I kept Sion chickens for a while, but this backfired on me when I was unable to log in on my main account for a few days, and when in on an alt account, I couldn't get close enough to the chickens to put food in for them, and many of the little buggers died! (laughing in real life - SL is so crazy). Second irony is that, although I don't like ejector orbs, I have passed my spare ones onto other people who have asked about security. As you say, they're not against Terms of Service. In spite of my own personal opinions about things, I always work with the Terms of Service. Some call it having double standards, but I just call it being open-minded. I know that I am not always right.
  16. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Kiuli Luckily you're having a baby in Second Life and not in real life, and babies in Second Life are a lot less demanding and easier to care for than real life ones. They do not need to be fed, they do not ever dirty their diaper, and they do not cry incessantly. You can also discard a baby in Second Life when you get bored with it :matte-motes-big-grin: valerie has given the best advice. You may also want to make a baby album, so you could take some photographs of your happy family and upload them to a site such as Flickr. If you decide at a future date that you want your baby to grow, you can even consider adopting a child from one of the adoption agencies in Second Life (look up "adoption" in Searches, or visit Everlasting Family sim). This would involve a bit more commitment from you though, being responsible for ensuring another person in SL has a fulfilling and safe life, and again is nothing like having babies/children in real life. The main thing is to enjoy the experience. 
  17. Oh did I misunderstand the original question? Is my only option to answer "good" or "grief"? LOL Hate is too strong a word. Security orbs are a minor irritation to me, and I'm not in the habit of disturbing anyone who wishes to be alone. I can understand people wishing to put security in place around precious breedables, or something that it's possible to disturb and damage, but while a landowner is not even logged into world, it does seem a bit farcical to be quite so territorial over virtual land, just because "I pay for it". In the olden days, security orbs would sometimes cause me to go offline, which was a bigger irritation to me than it is currently. I do not personally care if there are security orbs in world or not really; have I said that they are just a minor irritation to me? You, my darling Peggy, of whom I am extremely fond, are "a funniosity". If I ever run/fly/TP into your ejector orb area unintentionally and it ejects me, then I shall mutter cuss words under my breath, but I shall still like you, all the same. :matte-motes-big-grin: There ain't nowt so strange as folks. Edited to add... And look, I had logged out of the forums, and was intending to go to bed about 20 minutes ago, but because I like you, I took the time and trouble to log back in again to give you a reply. 
  18. Kennylex Luckless wrote: I was flying around in mainland far over the ban-lines when a orb did start to follow me, "This is private property" did it say, "you has 10 seconds co comply". It took me 3 to 4 seconds to see and rad it and in the sky there is no border lines. So I was sent home, but my fluing things did get stuck there, I did try to get back to get it or try to fly of the land, but this time I was kicked home without warning. It did feel a bit like griefing, ban lines are around 80 meters high to protect privacy on the land, over that I think it shall be called griefing to use security orbs, this one did ban me even I not did see any sky box in the area. I do understand folks that use them to eject folks intruding in a sky box, but not from the empty sky where you not intrude on someones privacy. What do the rest of you think, securitu orbs, good or grief? I've never been a fan of security orbs, and have found the majority of people who feel the need to use them are too paranoid, or 'power'-hungry. Certainly on the mainland, I think the sky should be free and available for everyone to use, and anyone who really wants to grief someone, isn't going to give two hoots about a pathetic little security orb, they'll always find a way. And that's my little unimportant opinion on this topic.   
  19. I agree with Karen's great answer; it sounds like Big Daddy's is a very laggy venue, and your boyfriend might be suffering with all the extra lag because of his own computer's specifications/performance, which normally would be ok, but everyone in the venue is wearing more scripted attachments than they need to be. Unless the venue owner is willing to education the patrons about reducing script usage, and does carry out regular region restarts to refresh everything, I would think your boyfriend will continue to have this problem from time to time.
  20. To my zombie-slaying sassy heroine, all I can say is the tongue is mightier than the sword :matte-motes-big-grin-wink::heart:
  21. Wonderful ! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  22. Woot Woot !!!!! Not before time. I love your photos - and this one certainly does deserve Pic of the Day. :heart:
  23. Storm Clarence wrote: Twenty twelve: I don't think so. I love the radio. I listen to the radio much more than I view television, play SL, and have sex combined. I listen to the radio in SL via streams. Did video kill the radio star or did the stars just change? Do you listen to the radio? I LOVE the radio. I take it to bed with me (in SL as well as RL!) Night times I tune into medium wave on my very well loved transistor radio, some nights listening to German news channels, but only really understanding words such as "Obama" until I fall asleep, waking up to BBC Radio Sheffield. We have cable TV in the main room here, and that has an assortment of radio stations piped through to it, so I often stick on Rock FM or Absolute Rock or Absolute 80s while doing the dull household chores. And in SL at my house, the radio is tuned into HeartbeatzFM.  LOVE the radio :matte-motes-big-grin:  
  24. Hello tracey This is quite normal - for the information on the screen to say cancellation is pending. I know it is frustrating when you desperately want to just end the service altogether. If you have a Linden home, be sure to have abandoned that before you cancel too. Check your account details - the land holdings part - to ensure nothing is outstanding. If you are feeling rather stressed by this situation, I'd strongly advise you to not cancel your account altogether, but just downgrade from premium to basic, and leave the avatar in case you do decide to return at some stage. This Answers section software is not easy either - if you need to add more, please don't start another new thread. Instead, click on 'options' at the top right hand corner of your original post and 'edit' to type in more. 
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