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Cube Republic

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Everything posted by Cube Republic

  1. Oh gosh I feel bad now, I had someone ask why they can't access my region yesterday, now I know why,
  2. I had this happen too , I had to contact support in the end.
  3. I don't really use land so it's not really looking like something I'll use. The free uploads? I'd need to upload 3615 10linden items a year to break even, even divided by 4 accounting for pbr it's still 900 sets of textures. Maybe with free mesh uploads I'd be tempted and Patch did mention this, but it's not in the initial offering .
  4. Apparently they're called 'Normie bots' and they're a bit of a mystery.. https://yeya-vr.blogspot.com/p/second-life-data-mining-bots.html It really brings into question the whole 'how many people play second life' malarky because at the moment it's 30% of my store traffic and they've all got different names.
  5. What's with all the 8 month old accounts with no payment and empty profiles that visit my store every day? Are there some kind of bots or something? Just to add, they all have different names. I've asked another content creator and apparently they're traffic bots, how does that work?
  6. I rent my homestead for 6250 a week. The landlord must have a lot of grandfathered stock or perhaps they get a discount from the lab for having a large inventory?
  7. I've added you I may need some help in the coming weeks.
  8. This just happens when you block someone in SL, the marketplace then throws an error when you try and buy. SL isn't the real world, people use the marketplace as a griefing vector to attack folk they might have fallen out with.
  9. They already do that in Colorado with weed and put the access tax into education. I don't think something you can grow in your garden should be taxed to 'high skies' though.
  10. Sure and they could communicate only by writing in prims on a private homestead they rent - joke. I initially thought that would be a really slow way of laundering money , then I searched gachas and sorted by price on marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[layout]=gallery&search[category_id]=&search[sort]=price_desc&search[per_page]=12&search[keywords]=gacha&search[price_low]=&search[price_high]=&search[land_impact_low]=&search[land_impact_high]=&search[copy_permission]=0&search[modify_permission]=0&search[transfer_permission]=0&search[limited_quantities]=0&search[is_demo]=0
  11. I always liked the gachas where everything was a good thing with maybe different colours - I got a tuk-tuk once this way, and a dragon avatar another time. I can understand LL wanting to cover themselves on this one, it is basically a form of loot boxing.
  12. Hi, I'm trying to render out an image sequence to use in world. When I press render in blender I just get a series of grey images Here's the blend file I'd really appreciate some help, thanks!
  13. We could do a whole post just on memories of Rezzable productions. I really enjoyed their content a lot and Light Waves was a bit of an Icon in second life too. I wonder if he's still around secretly.
  14. If that's all prims that amazing. To have fitted all the parts together to make the faceted jewel would have been a pain
  15. I remember loving a place called Bare Rose , it used to be packed out, I'm surprised they're still here!
  16. Someone should do a post of old outfits. SL has an almost 20 year fashion history!
  17. I was just thinking about great shopping experiences and brands that have poofed from the grid never to be seen again! Here's three from the eons of grid history: Muism - mens clothing , nice shopping experience too. Armidi - Woman and mens clothing - one of the first full region store builds I went to back in the day that offered a fully cohesive shopping experience with all avatar apparel catered for, sadly gone now. I'll never forget those sculpty leg warmers lol Who remembers 'Stiletto moody' ? Completely overpriced sculpted prim shoes that my female avi friends loved. Armidi Stiletto Moody Muism
  18. Completely true, without a solid foundation in low poly and subdivision modeling you're going to be banging your head against a wall. These are the fundamental basics all other techniques follow on from. For example distorted meshes will make distorted UV maps, which will give distorted shading, likewise bad loopflow will mess with rigging. But it is very multi disciplined like I said in an earlier post, if you create everything from scratch, you'll be doing the work that would be delegated among several people in a game studio.
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