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Cube Republic

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Everything posted by Cube Republic

  1. Old prim build from 2010 I dug out my inventory. I was learming to build at the time and wanted to make a 'dragon musket' whatever one of those is lol
  2. The -- 'regions visable on the map but don't have a name come up when you click on them' is a bug.
  3. 51c is nothing, a modern game will push it into the 70s. Anything under 90 is considered safe for an 8 series i5
  4. I've been enjoying BattleScars Windlights & Clouds Sold by: JayNathan
  5. OK I think I know what's going on here I had a similar issue with my old ryzen system. It sounds like when you log into SL you're using a lot of threads on the CPU which is causing it to overheat and crash. I looked at the specs at PCpartpicker, and I noticed you'd listed your fans but no cooler so I'm presuming you went with the included cooler that came with your cpu. These usually come with a little sqare of pre-installed thermal paste that dries after years of use causing a poor thermal interface. You might want to check that out , because when I looked at mine it had completely dried to dust and was hardly contacting the thermal plate. The system would hang every time I logged into SL after a while of playing. It handled PBR well until that point, for over a year with the predecessor to your CPU and a 1060 card.
  6. The problem is the normal maps with materialize being direct X when they need to be set open GL. Also the colour space is wrong, and exastberated by making a material from a photograph which probably has a lot of lighting data on it and will give funky normal maps.
  7. Yeah if you don't calibrate the colour space and the export outputs you'll get all kinds of whacky results. Feel free to connect if you need some help
  8. Have you looked into instamat, there's even a free tier for it. https://instamaterial.com/ If you want to learn some instamat
  9. Yeah thats a lot. I was sure there was a tier with just painter, sample and designer , but it looks like they stopped that.
  10. The SL WIKI!! read the instructions -- correct sofware calibration is essential https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PBR_Materials Top tutorial on how to make roughness maps in painter - which are really important btw and shouldn't be overlooked. The advice on turning the model black is golden
  11. Excellent resident made software for packing maps into gLTF https://aiaicapta.in/gltf-packer/
  12. A very simple explanation of PBR metalic roughness
  13. Thanks for sharing. Native American Church link goes to poesy wildes
  14. RIP Robin, her texture tutorials were a great help to many.
  15. They're awful. Probably ripped from some website too, look like presets for archetectual visualisation.
  16. In my case it's two sets of meshes becasue I use double sided for plants, then I didn't bake textures , I compiled them from various inputs, adding finishing touched and painting them in post. I don't do that now because there's no need to fake light or AO/shading. It was never the intention of LL to have creators make two sets of textures, so the implication that creators are 'lazy' is just ridiculous
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