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Cube Republic

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Everything posted by Cube Republic

  1. I'm being realistic, telephones, computers all go out of date, have a shelf life.
  2. What we commonly refer to as 'textures' contain lighting information and often baked shadows now. While the color channel on PBR is pretty flat.
  3. Threatening to not buy my stuff isn't the flex you think it is when PBR plant sales = several thousands -v- 0 sales to you in all the years I've been here. Can you see how absurd threatening to not shop with me is? Oh and the 'smart creators' flex, come on, please try harder. The percentage of people not seeing PBR this time next year will be like 0.005% , who don't even shop with me in the first place. It wouldn't be very smart of me to cater to those people. Besides if they can't afford a PC when their hobby is playing a video game, they're not likely to be on a spending spree for plants that they don't want to buy anyway, because they're unable to detect the difference from their 'smart creator skybox with legacy ALB' way over my head in the trollousphere. So exactly why am I supposed to care about any of this? What outcome are you expecting from telling me or implying: My content I've worked very hard on is no different from legacy content I'm not a smart creator I should make 'legacy skybox gardens' to 'be smart' Maybe I can take you on in an advisary role, because after 100s of thousands of sales of plants and landscaping over the years perhaps you're the person to take my brand to the next level of being a smart creator making legacy sky boxes for forum trolls.
  4. OK well good for you. I'm not going to make two sets of textures. I'm going to make all my stuff PBR from now on out and not support legacy rendering system. Besides the bit where land doesn't have PBR fallback textures - that needs considering as to the direction SL is taking. Also I suspect gLTF scenes don't have an extention for packaging blinn phong textures and they're coming next. I'm not sure if you analogy is useful in this case.
  5. I'm not being mean here, but did you reall pay 1000 pounds for a 3rd gen i5 system or is that a typo?
  6. Hey sorry you misunderstood me, by 'they' I mean makers of viewers such as firestorm and linden lab. To reiterate there isn't going to be a system where content creators are expected to create for a 2 tier system, these are not my words, they're straight from the horses mouth. 'Torture','fanboyz','going deep'... The fangirlz need to chill out.
  7. Here's some plants I'm making/made
  8. Nobody is going to turn PBR off. What will the viewer display if this is done? Are you suggesting content creators should run two pipelines in parallel because if it's turned off, as PBR is adopted by more creators, the models will just appear white. Also PBR land doesn't have a fallback textures, there's no way to turn off the materials on land, so if people were able to 'turn off PBR' then the land would just be a grey pancake.
  9. The 1060 is almost a decade old, it will have a hard time with SL
  10. No they're not choose a doomed path. Yes, it's mean significant changes in my pipeline. I also, after 8 years upgraded my PC which made a huge difference. I'm switching entirely to PBR production now firestorm has updated and going forward will only use that material pipeline. Before I'd supply fall-back textures which was a load of extra work I can do without.
  11. I'm in two minds about this. I think that on one hand it's important as a business for them to remain relevent if they're to attract new users and not just be mothballed as an old metaverse. In order to do this it has to be attractive to consumers so they stay and also attractive to content creators using standard pipelines. So supporting hardware often over a decade old is going to be difficult to achieve among this, either they stay relevent or they fade into obscurity. It's hard to swallow for a lot of people because computer systems are exspensive, however they do have a shelf life and that is around 5-8 years unfortunately. As I get older I get more and more moody about buying PCs, because effectively nothing wares out and they cost the price of a holiday.
  12. My nine series i7 is using between 26-60% power across all 8 cores in a busy region and that peaks at 4.5Ghz so 2.4ghz is really going to be feeling the pinch I should think. I'm actually quite surprised to be honest that the new viewer is using so much processing, it's going to really effect those people on lower end hardware.
  13. The CPU is possibly getting a bit old now, the card should be fine, but the clock on the i5 is kind of slow.
  14. Yes I've been creating content in PBR for some months now and I much prefer it.
  15. Here's my contribution. I can't find an equivalent modifier in blender, however this is how I make my plant LODs which is more or less the same theory. I put the camera in orthographic mode and take a shot from the front and side. I will say I only do this for big plants because a small plant or flower would only be a blob of pixels from a distance anyway so I sometimes use that idea to my advantage in terms of making lower LODs. The empty is just for parenting the camera to make it easy to rotate. The shots are made into a cruciform mesh (like an old school plant) and used for lower LOD. You could do the same for a chair by taking the photos in blender and compositing the texture in your image editor of choice. There's probably a way to do it with nodes. The only projection modifier we have it like for casting meshes onto another. Onc caveat that Arton didn't mention is the meshes need to have the same size bounding boxes or you'll get weird popping behavior I shade the lower LOD in-world so it matches as well as it can. It's not the most elegant solution, but its all we've got and it's better than setting LODs to 0,0,0 then advising on debug settings. https://gyazo.com/0380629183d8b251466cc74834e60a64
  16. new status report https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/5z6vmpxr8k8j
  17. I'm in the same boat. SL is my income and I need to pay my visa card. I got an apology from support, I wonder if Visa will accept this? What about people who process credit to pay land tier, they'll be stuck too. What a cluster LL.
  18. I use 100m2 mega prims around my build platforms, I've not been having any issues and it makes everything look better. I think they can be nested too with a hierarchy, so you could in theory have a house inside that mega-priim volume. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can correct me if I'm wrong.
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